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文艺复兴时期的西方翻译 Translation in Renaissance and Reformation • At the time of the Renaissance (14th-16th century), there was a flood of translations largely from Greek. The spirit of Renaissance inspired and gave rise to numerous translation of scientific and religious texts in England and elsewhere. During the 16th century, in the field of religion, church authorities forbade the lay(世俗的;外行的) people to read the Bible in their native language.
Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.
国 翻 译 史 简 介

of studies by Bacon
• 1) rapid development of structural linguistics. (semantics, grammatical analysis) • 2) the United Bible societies, which conducted international conference of translation and began publishing a quarterly journal (Bible translation), for which they were in close contact with linguists. • 3) publication of “Babel”, which helps translator get to know about new tools and aids and become aware of the changing conditions. • 4) the development of machine translation.
The Tower of Babel
• According to the biblical account, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar, where they resolved to build a city with a tower "with its top in the heavens...lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the Earth." Yahweh came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So Yahweh said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so Yahweh scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because Yahweh there confounded the language of all the Earth."(Genesis 11:5-8).
• Cicero is often considered the founder of Western translation theory, and the first to comment on the process of translation and offer advice on how best to undertake the task. • Cicero’s approach to translation is “sense-forsense”, and not “word-for-word”. • Jerome, a biblical scholar, translated the New Testament from Hebrew into the popular, non literary Latin. He criticizes the word-for-word approach and emphasizes the sense-for-sense approach which allows the sense or content of the ST to be translated.
• 陈原评价: • “人们一讲翻译,通常着重必须学好外 文,而往往忽略学好自己的语言即母语。 不懂外文,当然不能从事翻译,像林纾 那样不懂外文的翻译家,现在不会有, 将来也不会有。他是特殊条件下产生的 翻译家。即使如此,如果林纾不精通本 国文字,他也绝对‘翻译’不出那一百 几十部小说。”
四、“五四”~ 中华人民共和国成立 May4th ~ foundation of P.R.C. • 胡适、刘半农(博士)、罗家伦、傅斯 年、郑振铎、矛盾、郭沫若(日、德、 英)、成仿吾(德、英、日、法、俄)、 闻一多、曾虚白、陈西滢(博士)、林 语堂、朱生豪、艾思奇、陈康(博士)、 朱光潜、金岳霖(博士)
当代西方翻译研究 Western Translation Studies in Modern Times
• After the 2nd world war, with the reviving of the economy and the development of the science and technology, the translation activities are expanded to other fields esp. the fields of science and business. • The 20th century witnessed a radical change in Western translation studies. Four developments have had a significant effect on the theory and practice of translation during the 20th century.
• 根据《旧约.创世记》,人 类本有着共同的言语,他们 汇聚在巴比伦平原 (Babylon ),决心建成通 天的塔。感受到威胁的耶和 华变乱了人们的口音,使他 们的言语彼此不通,并分散 到世界的各个地方。巴别塔 ( The Tower of Babel)虽 然倒塌,人类的梦想和追求 却不会停止,翻译作为文化 传播的载体应运而生。
• •
• • • •
三、鸦片战争后~ “五四运动”前 Opium war~ May4th Movement 严复:长于论理 林纾(1852-1924):"译界之王"、“译才并世数严 林”。 不懂外文,由别人在旁边口译,他边听边以古文写作; 30多人协助他口译,译出包括英、美、法等十多国家 的作品近200部。 《巴黎茶花女遗事》—— La Dame aux Camelias(王寿 昌口述) “可怜一卷《茶花女》,断尽支那荡子肠!”— 严复 语 《黑奴呼天录》—— Uncle Tom’s Cabin “且泣且译,且译且泣”,感情冲动得暂停那支落纸如 飞的笔,腾出工夫来擦眼泪。
• 许钧— “严格说来,拿今天的一般标准 来衡量,林纾进行的有的不是真正的翻 译,而是编译,是在所谓的‘文化移植’ 中的一种特殊的翻译形式。对于自己的 翻译,他自己似乎也不太看重,比如他 就不喜欢别人赞许他的译才。” • “惜余年已五十有四,不能从学生之后, 请业于西师之门。凡诸译著,均恃耳而 屏目,则真吾生之大不幸矣!……”— —林纾
• Martin Luther, the dominant figure in the field of translation and “father of the modern German language”, translated the Bible into High German(标准德语/高地德语) and used it as an ideological weapon of the Protestant movement(基督教新教) against the Roman church. He carefully and systematically worked out his principles of meaning-oriented translation.
• 主要体现在三个方面: • (一)兴办高等翻译教育,如法国、瑞士、比利时设有翻译学校 或学府,英、美、苏等国在大学高年级开设翻译班 (Translation Workshop),以培养翻译人员; • (二)成立翻译组织以聚集翻译力量,最大的国际性组织有国际 翻译工作者联合会(简称“国际译联”)以及国际笔译、口译协 会和各国的译协; • (三)打破传统方式,发展机器翻译。这第三点实际上是新时期 发展的一个重要标志。自1946年英美学者首次讨论用计算机做翻 译的可能性以来,翻译机器的研制和运用经过近四十年的曲折历 程,已日益显示出生命力,是翻译史上一次具有深远意义的革命。
一、东汉~ 唐宋的佛经翻译
Translation on Buddhism Scripture • 三国: 支谦,佛经翻译家,30年间,翻 译佛经88部,118卷 • 东晋:道安 • 六朝:鸠摩罗什(主张意译第一人) • 隋朝:彦宗 • 唐代:玄奘 • 合格译者的八项条件
– “淡于名利,不求哗众取宠”
Baidu Nhomakorabea
二、明末清初的科技翻译 translation on science and technology • 徐光启(1562-1633)(与利玛窦): 《几何原本》 • 李之藻(1565-1630):“晓畅兵法,精 于泰西之学”,与徐光启齐名。 • 杨廷筠(1557—1627)与徐 、李 被称为 中国天主教“三大柱石”
History of Western Translation and Approaches
• 古代翻译
• The first traces of translation date from 3000 BC. • In the broad sense, the first translation work is “The Old Testament ” translated by 72 Jewish scholars during 3000 BC. • Strictly speaking, the first translation work in the western world is the translation of the Greek epic poems “Odyssey” from Greek to Latin. • Two theorists to mention in this period: