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Part 1


1. a fat pay rise 涨得很高的工资

2. vanish ?(消失,不复存在)即van=empty空+ish形容词后缀:倾向于。The wonderful vanished into thin air.美梦化作泡影

3. colleague (同事,同僚)即col=con共同+leag=leg选+ue→共同被选出的。 David is

a colleague of mine.戴维是我的同事[辨] companion (同伴,共事者)即com一起+pan面包+ion→一起吃面包→谋生的人。 A dog is a faithfull companyion. 狗是忠实的伙伴

4. reputation(名气,名声,名望)即re再一,重新+put思考+ation。Live up to one’s reputation.不负盛名文都教育在线:http:

5. slack (懈怠,懒散)[记:谐音]怪物“史莱克”是“懒散”的。 slack laws 不完善的法律Bussiness is slack at this season.这一季节生意萧条 The tennis net hung slack.网球的网松悬着

6. outrage (暴行,伤害,激怒)即out过度+rage动怒→“出离愤怒了”。 An outrage against justice.对正义的严重损害 Members of Parliament were outraged by the news of bomb outrages in the country.国内发生了炸弹暴力事件的消息引起了国会议员的义愤

7. all to human 人所特有的→人性

8. underling (潜在的,含蓄的) There are underlying similarities between all human beings.人与人之间有内在相似之处 The underlying theme of the novel is very serious.小说内在的主题很严肃

9. assumption(假定;承担;呈现) The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions.这一理论是以一系列错误的设想为根据的。名词:assume

10. grievance??(抱怨,不平,怨愤)????即griev=heavy沉重+ance。 He extravagantce give him a sense of grievance.他的挥霍使他感到不满

11. capuchin monkey 僧帽猴一种原产于美洲的卷尾猴(sapajou),头上有类似风帽的一镞头发

12. good-natured (和蔼的,和善的)又如:mean-natured 情绪性的 sweet-natured 性格温和的

13. tardily ?(缓慢)?形容词:??拖拉的。[记:谐音]邋“?遢地”?是由于“拖拉”造成的。

14. counterPart ?(对应的人或物)即counter相反+Part部分=“对应的部分”→对音的人或物。The Red Cross Society of China and its Icelandic counterPart. 中国红十字会和冰岛红十字会

Canada’s Prime Minister is the counterPart of the U.S. president. 加拿大总理相当于美国总统。参见2000年 Passage 4 。

15. candidate ?(候选人,求职者)即cand白,发光+id+ate→白色的人→候选人。 Masteral candidate 考研人

16. in exchange for (作为[对…的]交换[或替代])exchange=ex出+change换→换出

17. token ?? (象征的东西,代币) Tears are queer tokens of happiness. 眼泪是快乐的一种奇特的表示

18. slice ?(薄片,切片;一份,部分) a slice of good luck.一份好运 a book to amuse you, not to give you a slice of life. 一本供你消遣的书,并不是告诉你一段实际生活

19. adjoining (毗连的)即ad向+join加入,结合+ing行为结果。The twins have adjoining rooms. 双胞胎的房间是挨着的

20. chamber (房间,室) the chambers of the heart. 心腔

21. in return for (作为[对…的]交换[报答,回报]) He give her some roses in return for her kindnesss.他送她一些玫瑰以报答她的好意

22. markedly (显著的,明显的) a woman of marked intelligence 聪明过人的女子 Tuition at American universities varies markedly depending on the type of instituation and its endowment. 美国各大学的学费有显著差别,这取决于学校的类别和所得到的捐赠基金

23. luxury ? (奢侈品,华贵)即lux光亮→豪华+ury。Luxurious adj.豪华舒适的 luxuryiate v.纵情享受 to luxuryiate in the warm,spring sunshine.尽情享受春日温暖的阳光

24. reluctant???(不愿的,勉强的)即re反复+luct=lect拾,捡+ant形容词后缀→应为觉得“不称心”,所以“反复拾捡”→但最后还是“不情愿的,勉强的”。Suggestion systems can work — don't be reluctant to use them.建议制度是有效的——不要不愿使用它们 She was very reluctant to admit the truth. 她很不情愿地承认了这事实。

25. toss ? (扔,抛) He tossed off a few verses of poetry. 他轻而易举地写出了几行诗

26. induce ? (劝诱,促使)即in往内+duce=duct引导→“步步为营,诱敌深入”。 What induced you to do such a stupid thing? 是什么促使你作出这等蠢事来的人 One of these pills is guaranteed to induce sleep. 这些药丸只要一粒就能使人安眠

27. resentment (愤恨,怨恨)即re去掉,相反+sent感觉+ment→负面的感觉→怨恨。He was filled with resentment at the way one has been treated. 他因受到如此对待而满腔怨恨

28. emotions ? (激情,情绪,情感) The speaker appealed to our emotions rather to our minds. 演讲者激发了我们的情感而不是启发我们的思考
