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Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or the simple past: 1. I’ll make sure that everything __i_s__ (be) in order. 2. I hope (that) I __s_e_e__/ _w_il_l_s_e_e__ (see) you there. 3. See that you __a_r_e__ (be) ready at 8 o’clock. 4. I’m getting tired --- it’s time we __w_e_n__t _ (go)
3. 表现时状态和现在瞬间动作,只适用于 静态动词或表示短暂动作的动态动词
动态动词: 表运动状态的动词 jump, hit, open, close (表短暂动作)
静态动词:表相对静止状态的动词 如be动词,表感 觉的动词 feel, 表心理状态的动词think( 表示的 意义具有持续性)
4. 表将来时间 (三种句型) 1)I hope/ I bet + that 分句中, 可用一般现在
时表将来 I hope he likes my gift. (will like) I bet it rains tomorrow. (will rain)
2)see ( to it)/ make sure/ make certain + that 分句中
__d_id__ (do) some work? 8. It’s high time we _h_a_d__ (have) a rest. 9. He acts as if he __k_n_e_w__ (know) English
perfectly. 10. I wish I _k_n_e_w__ (know) his name. 11. I’d rather you _l_iv_e_d__ (live) closer to us. 12. I _w_o_n__d_e_re_d__ (wonder) if you were free this
home. 5. I’d rather you _b_o_u_g_h_t_ (buy) a car.
6. I feel as if my head _w_a_s___ (be) on fire. 7. Isn’t it about time you ___s_e_t_t_o__ (set to) and
accident last night. 16. I _h_e_a_r_ (hear) old Mrs Smith has lost her cat. 17. I __w_a_n_t_e_d_ (want) to ask if I could borrow
your ladder. 18. The ten o’clock news _s_a_y_s__ (say) it’s going
Key Points: 1. Uses of simple present; 2. Uses of simple past; 3. Uses of present progressive; 4. Uses of past progressive.
Brief Introduction
英语动词有两种时(一般现在时,一般过去时),六 种体(现在进行体,过去进行体,现在完成体,过去 完成体,现在完成进行体,过去完成进行体),两种 态(主动态,被动态),三种式(陈述式,祈使式, 虚拟式)
13. I hope you _s_le_e_p__/_w_i_ll_s_l_e_e_p_ (sleep) well. 14. I _s_a_y__ (say) you are wrong. 15. John __te_l_ls__ (tell) me that there was a car
或称作:历史性现在时 (Historic Present)
II Uses of Simple Past 1. 表过去时间
We had a meeting yesterday afternoon. 一般过去时表示的时间与现在不发生关系, 已成为过去/不复存在,比较:
I studied in Canada for 7 years. ( 现已不在加拿大) I have studied in Canada for 7 years. (可能在加拿大也可能在别地)
Байду номын сангаас
I. Uses of Simple Present 1. 表不受时限的客观存在,包括客观真理、
格言事实等 2. 表现在习惯动作,现在习惯性经常性发生
的动作,常与频度副词连用( always, hardly ever= almost never) 我们常10点钟上床睡觉. We are usually in bed by 10.
2. 表现在时间和将来时间 1)I wondered if you could help me.
( want, wonder, think, hope) 表现在时间,相当于I wonder…,
2)表与现在事实相反的主观设想或对将来的主观设想, 不能换为一般现在时
We are really tired. It’s time we had a rest. If I had money, I’ d buy a big house. I’d rather you went now. ( wish)
I’ ll see that nobody disturbs you ( will disturb).
3)if/ when 引导的条件分句或时间分句中 - 注:1)和2)中的分句可换成将来时,3)不能
5. 表过去时间 I hear you have got a part-time job.
= I heard you got/ had got a part-time job. 能用一般现在时表示过去时间的动词: tell, say, hear, learn, gather(了解,推测, 得知) 等