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I Introduction
Definition of L2 Motivation
In second language learning, learning motivation is one of the motivations ofhuman behaviors, which intends to reflect the objective requirements of society andeducation on students’ learning in their minds. Learning motivation shows theintention of learning, desire, interest and other forms of learning, affecting thelearning. It is an internal motivation that promotes English learning (Deci & Ryan,1985), and it is a positive psychological state in the process of learning a secondlanguage. It is also thought that English learning motivation is an intrinsic need tolearn English well. Under the effects of self-control, it is a kind of mental state whichcoordinates with external incentives, so as it can be inspired to maintain and goforward to the active direction. Spolsky (1989) believes that in second languagelearning, learning motivation includes: the attitude of learning the target language; thedesire of learning language; the effects made to learn language. Gardner divided themotivation of second language learning into four aspects: objectives, learning efforts,desire of reaching the goal and learning attitudes.
Definition of L2 Demotivation
The past researches on learning motivation mainly regarded learning motivationas a positive factor to promote language learning. However, many students havelearning passion on English when entering the university, in the course of Englishlearning, their learning motivation is getting weaker and weaker. This phenomenonwhich generally appears in the process of language learning is called demotivationRecently, the definition of demotivation is mainly based on the concept proposedby D rnyei (1998): Demotivation refers to the environmental factors, classcancellations and other specific external forces which weaken or reduce the behaviorintention or
continuous actions of students. D rnyei (1998) pointed out in his bookthat the behavior of students was usually affected by two forces, one is positive force,and the other is negative force. Positive force is called “motive”, while the negativeforce is called “demotive”. Besides, demotivation is due to the negative impacts ofexternal and internal factors which directly lead to the decline of motivation, and it isthe bination of internal and external factors which lead to the motivation ofdescent 。
II Literature Review
Related Theories of L2 Motivation
A L2 motivation is very important to learners’ second language learning,scholars did some researches and put forward some theories about L2 motivation. Thefollows are several related theories of L2 motivation. The ones who initially started to have the most in-depth studies on secondlanguage learning motivation were from Canada (Gardner & Lambert, 1972). From50’s of the last century, they have carried out a study on second language learning ofsome second grade high school students from Canada. After multivariate analysis,they found that attitudes, motivations and proficiency of language aptitudes showedsome correlations with the proficiency of second languages. On this basis, they haveconstructed a theory called “social psychological theory on L2 learning”.Gardner and Lambert thought that motivation could b e basically divided into twotypes: type of fusion and instrumental ’s motivation theory mainly contributed in three aspects: a. Themotivation can be basically divided into two types: type of fusion and instrumentalmotivation, the construction of integrative motivation has internal relationship with itsponents. b. According to the design of motivation survey tools, the attitudemotivation scale AMT
B was designed based on the foreign language learningmotivation model. c. An overall patt
ern of foreign language learning was formed withthe foundation of learning Gardner was the first person to put forward the theory of L2
learningmotivation, there were also some shortings as follows: Firstly, the theory was notnecessarily suitable for foreign language learning environment, foreign languagelearners’ language learning was mainly in the classroom, there were hardly anychances for them to contact the society, so it generally did not produce a strong desireto integrate into the society of the target language. Secondly, in his theory, therelationship between motivation and achievement in the model was causalrelationship. However, many researchers believed that attitudes may be the resultsrather than causes. Thirdly, the theory was not tightly coupled with teaching.
Studies on L2 Demotivation Abroad and in China
Before 1990s, D rnyei (20XX) defined demotivation as specific external force ofreducing the intentions or motivating behaviors. He thought demotivation weakenedstudents’ motivation of learning second language. In D rnyei’s view, demotivationrelated to various negative influences, he defined learners who had the demotivationas those who had had motivations of learning but lost the motivation of learning forsome 1990s, Christophel and Gorham (1995: 292-306) did some qualitative andquantitative studies on students’ demotivation. The results showed that about twothirds of demotivation had relationship with Oxford (1998) did a tracking survey on demotivation of about 250 highschool students for 5 years, the conclusion is: if you want to take the lost motivationback, teachers must listen to the views of students, and have effective cooperationwith students. Ludwig (1983: 216-217) carried out a large-scale research on demotivation ofcollege students who were learning French in the USA. He thought that although thefactors that caused students’ demoti
vation were not often mentioned, they should alsobe paid attention to. The plexity of second language learning, another languagelearning interference, the influences of other learning attitudes of study groups andlack of interest in the content of the textbooks were all the factors that causeddemotivation.。