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1. accompany sb while ...当...陪伴某人

2. account for 解释

3. a fraction of 一小部分

4. all ears 全神贯注

5. appeal to 吸引

6. as adj. as n. eg:as different as day and night

7. beyond larse 总的来讲

8. at a loss 不知所措

9. beside oneself 疯狂eg:he must be beside himself

10. break out in a rash(突然大量出现的事务) 过敏

11. for the time being 暂时的

12. be fed up with 厌烦厌倦

13. beat around the bush 兜圈子

14. bend on doing sth 下定决心做某事

15. bring about 带头,引起

16. chase the rainbows 做白日梦

17. come in contact with 接触字串4

18. be concerned with (concerning prep.) 关心...

19. cut down on sth. 减少

20. die out 灭绝

21. drop: drop in on sb. 拜访某人

drop by with sth. 研究某事

drop at someplace

drop out school 辍学

drop sb of 用汽车把某人送到

22. fall flat 完了

23. go about sth.开始从事

24. have the final say 有决定权

25.hold out for sth. 坚持某事

26. in the heat of the day 正午(high noon 正午high seas 公海)

27. be in the mood to do sth.想做某事

28. lay off 下岗=unemplayment =sack 解雇= (i’m fired) 字串3

29. take sb for sb 将某人误认为某人

30. regardess of 不顾,不管

31. remove sth. from 除去,去掉

32. rule out 排除

33. set one’s mind on doing sth. 下定决心做某事

34. slip one’s mind on doing sth. 完全忘记做某事

35. somewhere around=about 大约

36. take one’s place

37. the reverse is also true 反之亦然

38. be under the weather 偶感风寒

39. without fail 无一例外

40. good for nothing 一无是处

41. have done with sth 完成某事

42. in part 部分on one’s part 站在某人一边

43. in .... respect 在某方面

44. it’s all very well to say,but.. 说起来容易,但...

45. let alone 更不用说,更别提了字串1

46. burn the mid-night oil 熬夜

burn a hole in his pocket 有钱烧的

47. a phone call away 随叫随到

48. cost me an arm and a leg 非常珍贵,价值连城

49. take the count (在拳击比赛中)输了

50. anything but... 否定but后的

51. pat sb. on the back 表扬

52. see eye-to-eye with sb. 完全同意某人观点

keep an eye on sb. 监视

53. fall back on sb 转而求助某人

54. fool around =kill time 消磨时光

55. on air 播音put on air 摆架子

56. serve sb right 活该

sb deserve it 罪有应得

57. take after 从长相上非常相似

58. in shape 有形

59. take one’s chance 听天由命

60. make a difference draw to close 使分歧渐进结


1. You said it! 你说对了!

2. It's up to you. 你决定好了。

3. It sure is. 那当然是。

4. As for as I know. 据我所知。

5. Well, you can make it up. 你可以补上。

6. It is no big deal. 这不是什么大事。

7. I think it is good buy. 我认为值得买。

8. I can't bear the air pollution in the city anymore. 我忍受不了这个城市的污染了。

9. I am completely exhausted. 我实在是累坏了。

10. That's a good idea. That's not a bad idea. 那是个好主意。

11. You've been working like a horse. 看你忙得不可开交的。

12. Haven't seen you for ages. 好长时间都没看见你了。

13. How are you doing with your new job? 你的新工作怎么样。

14. You look wonderful posing like that. 你这个姿势看起来好极了。

15. Wait a moment. wait a minute.等一等。

16. Why bother her? 干嘛打扰她?

17. Thank you for your helpful assistance. 谢谢你的帮助。

18. We are already running in the red. 我们已经有赤字了。

19. Jack, late again? What is the excuse this time? 杰克又迟到了这一次是什么理由。
