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题目: 基于模糊综合评判的中国移动顾客满意度研究 -以河南移动郑州分公司为例








Title The research Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the China Mobile Customer Satisfaction S(Zhengzhou company,Henan Mobile Branch as an example)


In recent years, China's rapid economic development, people's living standard continuously improve on the quality of life demands more and more people want to buy products and services can be delivered more value, at the same time, China Mobile Communications Industry wireless communications technology, the rapid development of mobile communication networks, the rapid popularization of mobile devices for mobile development in China has created favorable conditions, but more hot industry of the competition, the mobile has become the focal point of the customer. How to improve the quality of services enterprises to improve customer satisfaction, has become the most urgent task of China Mobile. How to build science and complete customer satisfaction evaluation system and further applied to the mobile communications business strategy is essential for the mobile communications industry. In this paper, the theory of customer satisfaction research based on the use of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, through market research to determine the impact of mobile communications customer satisfaction factors, to determine the impact of the level of customer satisfaction, two indicators, as well as weights, to build fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, the final evaluation of customer satisfaction, this paper Henan Mobile for example, concluded that the final response to the impact of Henan Mobile customer satisfaction factors, pointed out that the way to improve customer satisfaction.

Keywords Customer satisfaction Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Mobile communication


1 引言 (1)

1.1 选题背景 (1)

1.2 研究的目的和意义 (1)

1.3 文献综述 (2)

1.4 研究的内容和方法 (5)

2 模糊综合评判法的应用 (5)

2.1 模糊综合评判模型的建立 (5)

3 河南移动郑州分公司顾客满意的现状分析 (7)

3.1 河南移动的发展概况 (7)

3.2 河南移动顾客满意度的背景 (8)

4 河南移动郑州分公司顾客满意度测评实例分析 (9)

4.1 移动通信行业顾客满意评价指标的确定 (9)

4.2调查问卷设计原则与方法 (12)

4.3 问卷的数据统计 (13)

4.4 移动通讯行业顾客满意相对权重的确定 (14)

5 河南移动郑州分公司顾客满意的模糊综合评价 (15)

5.1 河南移动顾客满意度的计算 (15)

5.2 提高河南移动郑州分公司顾客满意度的方法 (17)

结论: (18)

致谢 (20)

参考文献 (21)

附录1 (22)

附录2 (23)
