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Chapter 6 Decision Making: The Essence of the Manager’s Job

1Decision(决策: A choice from two or more alternatives.

2Decision-making process(决策制定过程: A set of eight steps that include identifying a

problem, selecting an alternative, and evaluating the decisio n’s effectiveness.(包括八个基本步骤。整个过程开始于识别决策问题和确定决策标准,以及为每个决策标准分配权重;


3Problem(问题: A discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.(现状和


4Decision criteria(决策标准: Criteria that define what’s relevant in a decision.(管理者必


5Rational decision making(理性决策: Decision-making behavior where choices are

consistent and value-maximizing within specified constraints.(管理者所制定的决策时前后一致的,是追求特定条件下价值最大化的。

6Bounded rationality(有限理性: Decision-making behavior that’s rational, but

limited(bounded by an individual’s ability to process information.(管理者理性地作出决策,但同时也受到自身信息处理能力的限制。

7Satisficing: Accepting solutions that are “good enough”.(由于管理者不可能分析所有决策


8Escalation of commitment(承诺升级: An increased commitment to a previous decision

despite evidence that it may have been wrong.(这是一种在过去决策的基础上不断增加承诺的现象,尽管有证据表明,已经作出的决策是错误的。

9Intuitive decision making(直觉决策: Making decisions on the basis of experience, feelings,

and accumulated judgment.(它是一种潜意识的决策过程,基于决策者的经验以及积累的判断。

10Structured problems(结构良好问题: Straightforward, familiar, and easily defined problems.


11Programmed decision(程序化决策: A repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine


12Procedure(程序: A series of interrelated sequential steps that can be used to respond to a

well-structured problem.(指相互关联的一系列顺序的步骤,管理者遵循这些步骤对结构良好问题做出回应。

13Rule(规则: An explicit statement that tells managers what they can or cannot do.(明确


14Policy(政策: A guideline for making decisions.(知道程序化的指南。

15Unstructured problems(结构不良问题: Problems that are new or unusual and for which

information is ambiguous or incomplete.(新颖的、不经常发生的、信息模糊和不完整的问题。

16Nonprogrammed decisions(非程序化决策: A unique decision that requires a custom-made


17Certainty(确定性: A situation in which a manager can make accurate decisions because all

outcomes are known.(在这种情况下,管理者可以制定出精确地决策。

18Risk(风险性: A situation in which the decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of

certain outcomes.(决策者在这种条件下能够估计出每一种备择方案的可能性。在风险性条件下,管理者所具有的历史数据能使他们给不同的决策方案分配概率。

19Uncertainty(不确定性: A situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor
