









































模块比例题型语言知识与能力27% 单项选择题

语言教学知识27% 单项选择题简答题

教学设计27% 教学设计题

教学实施与评价19% 教学情境分析题

合计100% 单项选择题:约40%非选择题:约60%




(1)Thousands of ex-army officers have found _________ jobs in private security firms in the US.

A.lucrative B.ludicrous

C.longish D.lucky

(2)The manager persuaded the team to play the game. What actually happened according to this statement?

A.The manager played hard.

B.The team played hard.

C.The team actually did not play.

D.The manager actually did not play.


Human beings are an irritant to Mother Nature, and in spite of the fact that it took their brains five million years to evolve, She can rid Herself of them in an instant. This, however, may not be necessary, since humans seem to be racing to see if they can save Her the trouble. They behave so arrogantly, contending they are superior to Nature. Rain forests are being cut down or burned—not only polluting the air but also causing a drop in oxygen levels. The love affair people have with their automobiles, especially “gas hog” SUV’s, adds to the pollutants in the air and is, yet, another nail in their coffins. Since prehistoric times, humans have been stalking and killing animals, causing many, beginning with the mastodon and saber-toothed tiger, to become extinct. Modern civilization is rushing headlong to slaughter animals in wholesale lots, all the while trying to prove its superiority to Mother Nature, usually with disastrous results.

For thousands of years, humans also have been defacing the earth, making scars upon the land. The throngs of people who responded to the lure of gold in the Yukon

totally stripped mountainsides of trees above the Yukon River to make rafts in order to sail 500 miles to Dawson. Forty percent never made it! In the populated areas of the Himalayas very few trees remain since the citizens have cut them down for cooking and heating fires. With most of the trees gone, erosion occurs on a large scale, washing away most of the topsoil, making food production difficult. Even more disturbing is the fact that, due to large-scale cutting, the famous cedars of Lebanon, mentioned in the Bible, no longer exist. Along the same lines, so much of the rain forest in Panama is being destroyed that scientists are predicting the Panama Canal could fill with silt, thus prohibiting ships from crossing the isthmus, due to the effects of deforestation.

Deforestation and erosion, along with changing weather patterns, have led to the fastest-growing regions on this planet—deserts. All the while, populations are exploding worldwide and the proliferation of deserts means there is less arable land to feed the increasing number of people. Starvation on a massive scale will run rampant, and whenever a noted ecologist or environmentalist sends out warnings about such dangers to human life, very few consider giving up any of their conveniences. For instance, they insist on using aerosols and traveling one-to-a-car, thus adding to the emissions, which cause the ozone holes to expand, leading to more cases of skin cancer—a vicious cycle, indeed.

To make matters even more critical, global warming is becoming an ever-increasing threat to the existence of humans and animals. Polar icecaps are melting, and sections, the size of the state of Rhode Island, are breaking off. Traveling toward the Temperate Zones, they begin to melt, placing an inordinate amount of fresh water into the oceans and causing an imbalance.

Humans further complicate their lives by allowing businesses to release pollutants in urban areas, in the nam e of profit. “Accidents” often take place at refineries where toxic fumes are released into the air that people and animals breathe. Pesticides are so widely used and pose such a threat that it is amazing all of them haven’t been banned.

Governments, anxious to appease money-hungry corporations and their stockholders, have allowed timber companies into National Forests to cut virgin-growth trees. Most of these businesses clear cut vast areas and often wait an inordinate amount of time to replant.

Burning questions never cease: When will governments—local, state, and federal—corporations, and the rest of the human race realize what is happening to this planet? When will the race for profit cease to consume them? Perhaps it will come about when there is no land left to farm and feed the burgeoning population, or there is no clean water left to drink, or wildlife to balance the ecosystem, or, more importantly, when their children start dying. By that time, however, it probably will be too late.

1.In Paragraph 1, “another nail in their coffin” is similar in meaning to______.

A.a bad luck B.going dead

C.a blessing in disguise D.going from bad to worse

2.The author purposefully capitalizes the initial letters of Mother Nature because ______.

A.the author is clearly being sarcastic and suggesting that human beings show no respect for the nature

B.the author wants to emphasize the point that nature, like our mother, provides us with nourishment

C.they are used here as a proper noun personifying the might power of nature D.they are words of very special importance

3.The author implies that travelling one-to-a-car______.

A.is an environmentally-friendly travel option

B.should be discouraged

C.should be encouraged

D.should be punished



Which of the following activities belongs in communicative practice?

A.Repeating sentences that the teacher says.

B.Doing oral grammar drills.

C.Reading aloud passages from the textbook.

D.Giving instructions so that someone can use a new machine.



Did you eat something this evening?

Did you eat anything this evening?


















The Road to Modern English

At the end of the 16th century, above five to seven million people spoke English. Nearly all of them lived in England. Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries. Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.

Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. Look at this example:

British Betty: Would you like to see my flat?

American Amy: Yes, I’d like to come up to your apartment.

So why has English changed over time? Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. At first, the English language spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became less like German because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. These new settlers enriched the English language and especially its vocabulary. So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. In 1620 some British settlers moved to America. Later in the 18th century some British people were taken to Australia too. English began to speak in both countries.

Finally by the 19th century the language was settled. At that time two big changes in English spelling happened: first Samuel Johnson wrote his dictionary and later Noah Webster wrote The American Dictionary of English Language. The latter gave a separate identity to American English Spelling.

English now is also spoken as a foreign or second language in South Asia. For example, India has a very large number of fluent English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947. During that time English became the language for government and education. English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. In fact, China may have the largest number of English learners. Will Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell.








T: What did your mum do yesterday, Wang Lin?

S: My mum buyed the dress for me.

T: Oh, that is nice, your mum bought it for you, did she?

S: Yes.

T: Where did she buy it?

S: She buyed it in town.

T: Oh, she bought it in town for you. Well, it is very nice.


2016 年上半年中小学教师资格考试真题试卷 《英语学科知识与教学能力》 (高级中学) (满分 150 分) —、单项选择题 (本大题共 30小题,每小题 2分,共 60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。 1. Excellent novels are those which ___ national and cultural barriers. A. transcend B. traverse C. suppress D. surpass 2. As Alice believed him to be a man of integrity, she refused to consider the possibility that his stateme nt was _ . A. irrelevant B. facetious C. fictitious D. illogical 3. The girls are afraid that being friendly to strangers could be misinterpreted by their n eighbours. A. ever-present B. ever-presented C. ever-presenting D. ever-presently 4. His presentation will show you ___ can be used in other contexts. A. that you have observed B. that how you have observed C. how that you have observed D. how what you have observed 5. Many students start each term with an award check, but by the time books are bought, food is paid for, and a bit of social life ____________________ , it looks rather emaciated. A. lives B. lived C. was lived D. has lived 6. Which of the following is correct in its use of punctuation? Who said, ‘Give me liberty or give me death '? Who said, ‘Give me liberty or give me death? '” Who said ‘Give me liberty or give me death '”? 7. The pair of English phonemes _ differ in the place of articulation. A. /?/ and /?/ A. The teacher asked, B. The teacher asked, C. The teacher asked, D. The teacher asked, Who said ‘Give me liberty or give me death


第二章数学教学的测量与评价 一、目的 (1)鉴定和诊断数学教学的效果 (2)调节学生的学习与教师的教学 (3)督促和激励师生继续努力 二:一般程序 (1)测量与评价数学教学的准备阶段 ①数学教学评价的指标体系 (数学教学是一个复杂的活动,所以常用一个指标体系来评价它) ②数学教学评价指标体系的建立 各评价指标的目的性,要求指标体系中的各指标能够作为标准的尺度,如评价学生的数学学习时,评价指标体系要能反映数学教学目标的要求。 各指标之间的独立性,要求尽可能得保持指标体系中诸指标的独立性,减少指标间的彼此相关或部分包含关系 整个指标体系的完备性,要求整个指标体系对于评价标准来说,具有全面评价的意义 可测性,说明诸指标是可以直接测量的 确定指标体系的权值也是建立指标体系的一项重要工作 ③测量数学教学的方法(测验法、观察法、谈话法(又称访谈法)、问卷法等) (2)数学教学测量和评价实施阶段 分两步:预测与正式施测 (3)整理与分析测量的结果 (4)对数学教学进行评价 ①形成性评价与终结性评价 ②绝对评价与相对评价 ③教师对学生的评价与学生的自我评价 ④成长记录袋评价(档案袋评价) 三、关于数学测验的基本理论 (1)什么是数学测验 三个特征:一个测验是一个行为样本; 这个样本是在标准化条件下获得的; 在记分或从行为样本中获得数量化信息方面有已有的规则 ①行为样本 ②标准化 ③效度(描述数学测验有效性的指标,说明该测验的准确性程度) ④信度(描述数学测验可靠性的指标,对测量结果一致性程度的估计) ⑤项目分析⑥ (2)编制数学测验的一般过程 ①测验目的的确立和材料的选择 ②选择与编制数学测验题目的原则 (测题的取样应有代表性;难度要有一定的分布范围;文字简练,不重不漏; 各测题要尽量彼此独立;答案的正确性是没有争议的;知识的记忆、原理 的应用要有恰当的比例;形式应根据测验的目的、材料的性质、学生的年 级而确定;测题的数目至少要比最后所需的数目多一倍,以备日后删除淘 汰,也可编制备份,交替使用) ③常用的数学测验题型(选择题、填空题、计算题、证明题、综合题)


高中英语教师资格证面 试经验分享 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

高中英语教师资格证面试经验分享有一句话是这么说的:“人有多大胆,复习拖多晚。死猪不怕开水烫,越到考试我越浪。” 我是今年一月份参加面试的,一月十号面试我一月七号才开始做准备,表示自己也是心大。有时间还是多准备准备,12月份应该有新一轮的教师资格证的面试吧,所以在此po上我自己的经历,希望对你有那么一点点作用。 相信对教师资格证面试做过一点了解的人都知道流程是什么样的,放一张流程图以防有人不知道 教资面试整体流程 因为我面试的是高中英语,因此我聊的都是和高中英语有关的,但其实所有的都大同小异。有一点要特别注意:面试英语学科全程英文面试!!不允许说中文!!! 面试前三天我做了哪些准备呢?和班上要一起参加面试的同学约个时间去练习,包括写教案,讲各种课型,虽然这三天只去练了几次,但在互相听课中都能发现一些问题,也能借鉴一些别人好的地方。 1. 正装可穿可不穿(根据你那边的要求来觉得),我当时面试的时候是冬天比较冷所以比较随意,但我个人建议不是非常冷的情况下最好穿一下,毕竟就只是冷一会儿就行; 2. 教资面试是靠演技的,你需要和学生互动,所以你可以提一个问题,假装有人回答了你,然后说:非常好!记住,自导自演。

3. 听说在面试过程中最好不要暴露自己的学校??这个我不确定,因为在后来答辩的过程中老师问了我是不是xx师大的,我就说是,总不能不回答老师吧。如果老师不问你你就不要主动跟老师说“老师我是xx大学的”。A. 候考 我是1.10中午12:45候场的那场面试,和朋友先签到进入候场室,等时间差不多了就会有老师开始念名字,一组20人,等一组都到齐之后就会有工作人员带领去存东西的教室。 B. 抽题 在存东西的教室存放好随身物品之后,老师会让你去抽题目的另一个教室,我们抽题目的时候是有七台电脑然后随便去任何一台电脑前,每台电脑前都有一位老师坐着,你填好你的相关信息电脑就会自动开始抽题目,是随机的。高中英语面试的课型有:词汇课、语法课(最难)、口语课、写作课、听力课、阅读课,听说读写嘛,英语所有的内容都在这儿了。 C. 备课 全组人员抽完题目之后就会有工作人员带你去写教案的教室,桌上会给大家准备好写教案的纸,然后就可以开始20分钟的写教案时间了。面试英语要用英文写教案,相信大家准备过教资的人都知道的! 面试完出来后朋友之间互相了解到,确实每一个部分都有人抽到,语法也很多。 抽题之前我一直希望God bless me,结果我抽到了语法讲解,讲定语从句!!!我完全不知道用英语怎么讲定语从句QAQ 题目是这样的,一篇文章里面有两句话画了线(划线的句子一个是限制性定语从句一个是非限制性定语从


2019年下半年中小学教师资格考试 化学学科知识与教学能力试题(高级中学) 注意事项: 1.考试时间为120分钟,满分为150分。 2.请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答。在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.在普通高中化学课程标准中,“知道氢键的存在对物质性质的影响”内容标准对应的课程模块是 A.化学2 B.化学与技术 C.物质结构与性质 D.化学反应原理 2.下列关于普通高中化学课程的有关描述正确的是 A.普通高中化学课程由2个必修模块和4个选修模块构成 B.高中化学课程标准是普通高校招生化学考试的命题依据 C.科学探究能力目标在选修模块的教学中可不作学习要求 D.化学新课程教科书在编排上主要采用社会中心编排模式 3.《普通高中化学课程标准(实验)》对目标要求的描述所用的词语分别指向不同的学习目标。下列行为动词的描述属于“技能性学习目标水平”的是 A.合作B.识别C.解决 D.模仿 4.下列化学课型中,属于以巩固知识、技能为主的课型是 A.化学理论课B.化学复习课 C.化学实验课 D.元素化合物课 5.某老师在讲授“乙醛”的教学过程中,先向学生展示纯净的乙醛样品,然后又展示了乙醛的比例模型,引导学生通过观察增强对乙醛物理性质和结构的感性认识。该过程主要运用的教学方法是 A.实验法B.参观法C.演示法D.练习法 6.下列是某学生对一些化学实验仪器名称的书写,正确的是 A.石绵网 B.锥型瓶C.三脚架 D.坩锅钳 7.类比图像是以日常事物和生活情境(类比物)中学习者所熟悉的内容为依托来实现类比作用的图像,教科书的类比图像本身的有效性可有效降低学习者对科学概念的认知难度。下列前面所述的图像内容与联系内容不符合类比图像的是 A.光线透过树叶缝隙射入密林——丁达尔效应 B.汽车穿越大山隧道——催化剂对活化能影响 C.孩子进行拔河比赛——共用电子对的偏移 D.从山下翻山越岭攀登至山峰——盖斯定律 8.关于化学教学媒体选择应遵循的原则,下列描述错误的是 A.方便原则B.经济原则C.美观原则 D.有效原则 9.不同类型的习题对巩固知识、发展学生创造力有不同的作用。在化学习题选择时应注重 ①选择真实情景作为素材②贴近学生的生活实际 ③增加习题训练数量④增加开放题和实践题比例 A.①③ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④ 10.在化学探究活动中,除了要考虑知识值不值得探究以外,还要考虑这个知识能不能 够探究。下列适宜在中学化学中作为探究问题的是 A.食盐能否溶解于水中B.什么样的溶液能够导电


2015年下半年中小学教师资格考试 英语学科知识与教学能力试题(高级中学) 1.考试时间120分钟,满分150分。 2.请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答,在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选选项中选择一个最佳答案,请用2B结笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母 按要求涂黑,错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. In English, the aspirated [p h] and the unaspirated [p] are____ . A. minimal pairs B. in phonemic contrast C. two distinctive phonemes D. in complementary distribution can be distinguished by_____. 2. /s/ and/θ/ A. manner of articulation B. place of articulation C. vibration of the vocal cords D. aspiration of articulation 3. You' II find this Travel Guide to be of great ___ in helping you and your children to get around Malaysia. A. cost B. price C. value D. expenditure 4. When the train_____, all the school students were surprised to see that the Carlisle team had one man only. A. pulled down B. pulled on C. pulledof D. pulled in 5. Which of the following words contains an inflectional morpheme? A. Disappear. B. Blacken. C. Oxen. D. Anti-pollution. 6. Reading is to the mind____ food is to the body. A. that B. which C. as D. what 7. He had no time and energy to play with his children or shop with his wife, but he __ home a regular salary. A. did bring B. does bring C. did get D. does get 8.In fact, they would rather have left for London_____ in Birmingham. A. to stay B. in order to stay C. than have stayed D. instead of having stayed 9.____ makes it possible for language users to overcome the limitations of time and space in communication. A. Arbitrariness B. Duality C. Productivity D. Displacement 10. The sense relation of the following pair of sentences is that_____. X: Mary's pet cat was stolen. Y: Marry has a pet cat. A. X entails Y B. X presupposes Y C. X is inconsistent with Y D. X is synonymous with Y 11. Which of the following statements about a lesson plan is inappropriate? A. It is a teaching guide. B. It is a blueprint to be strictly followed. C. It takes into account syllabus and students. D. It describes in advance what and how to teach. 12. Skill- integrated activities allow teachers to build in more____ into a lesson, for the range of activities will be wider. A. certainty B. simplicity C. variety D. accuracy 13. A language proficiency test that only consists of multiple-choice questions lacks_____. A. construct validity B. content validity C. test reliability D. scorereliability ,he/she is trying to 14. When a teacher asks students to rearrange a set of sentences into a logical paragraph


考生们正在紧张的备考教师资格证考试呢还是掐着手指算日子呢?距离下半年教师资格考试还剩3个月的时间,中华考试网小编整理了2019上半年教师资格考试试题及答案! 中学教师资格证《教育知识与能力》考试试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共21小题每小题2分,共42分) 1. 传统教育派代表人物赫尔巴特主张的“三中心”是指( ) A.教师中心,教材中心和课堂中心 B.儿童中心、经验中心和活动中心 C.管理中心、活动中心和教学中心 D.管理中心、服务中心和教学中心 2. 苏联教育家赞可夫倡导的是( ) A.发现学习理论 B.教学过程最优化理论 C.教学与发张理论 D.范例教学理论 3.18世纪法国思想家卢梭认为,“儿童的自然”决定教育目的。这种教育目的价值取向属于()。 A.个人本位论 B.社会本位论 C.国家本位论 D.生活本位论 4.教育具有自身发展的规律,在某些方面不一-定会随着社会的改变而改变,这反映了教育的哪一-特征( ) 。 A.阶级性 B. 生产性

C.目的性 D.相对独立性 5.人的发展既体现出里的积累,又体现出质的飞跃。当某代表新质要素的里积累到一定程度时,就会导致质的飞跃,出现新的年龄特征。这表明人的发展具有( )。 A.顺序性 B.不平衡性 C.阶段性 D.个别差异性 6.在现代学制的发展过程中,西欧19世纪形成了“双轨”的学制,这里的“双轨” A.衔接且对应 B. 衔接但不对应 C.不衔接也不对应 D.不衔接但对应 7.有人认为教育投资是有效的生产性投资,这种观点主要反映了教育的哪种功能? A.政治功能 B.经济功能 C.文化功能 D.生态功能 8.当前我国中学开设的数学、语文、英语等课程属于 A.学科课程 B. 活动课程 C.经验课程性 D.社会课程



学习策略 " 简答题: 一.简述高中英语课程基本理念 1.重视共同基础,构建发展平台 2.提供多种选择,适应个性需求 3.优化学习方式,提高自主学习 4.关注学生情感,提高人文素养 二.… 三.简述教师如何提高专业水平,与新课程同步发展 1)转变教学观念,不仅看学习,整体素质也发展,把全面发展作为教学基本出发点 2)改变教学角色,不仅是(知识)传授者,还是(学习)促进者、指导者、组织者、帮助者、参与者、合作者。 3)能开发课程资源,创造性教学。 4)开放的工作方式,教师间合作研究,共同反思,相互支持,提高素质。

5)终身学习 语音教学 高中生应掌握的英语基础知识:语音、词汇。语法、功能、话题 } 教学原则: 1.面向全体学生,为学生终身发展奠定共同基础 共同基础--持续的学习动机,初步的自主学习能力,综合的语言运用能力 2.鼓励学生选修,加强选修课的指导 1)提供多样化选择,发展个性 2)设计以课程目标和学生需求为依据,充分调查学生学习兴趣、水平、需求3)教学内容多样性、目的性、拓展性、可行性、地方特色、跨文化特性 & 3.关注学生情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围 4.加强对学生学习策略的指导,形成自主学习 5.树立符合新课程要求的教学观念,优化教育教学方式 英语教学中的任务设计原则: 1)明确目的 2)) 3)真实意义

4)涉及接收、处理、传递等过程 5)过程中使用英语 6)通过做事情完成任务 7)任务结束有具体成果 6.利用现代教育技术,拓宽和运用英语的渠道 7.教师要不断提高专业化水平,与新课程同步发展 , 教学活动类型: 1.调查和采访活动 2.探究活动 3.合作学习 4.即兴发言与讨论 5.反思活动 6.思维训练活动: ~ 2)》 3)网络关系,表达主次从属关系 4)分析异同 5)流程图 6)树形图 (对学生)评价原则 1.体现学生在评价中的主体地位 2.建立多元化和多样性的评价体系 1)% 2)开放宽松的氛围,鼓励学生、同伴、教师、家长共同参与,实现多元化 3)形成性评价(主)与终结性评价相结合,既关注结果,又关注过程;定性(主)、定量评价相结合;他评自评相结合;综合性(主)、单项评价相结合 3.主张形成性评价对学生发展的作用 1)评价符合学生年龄和认知水平 2)综合评价,而不是单方面评价 4.终结性评价要注重考察学生综合语言运用能力 5.注重评价结果对教学效果的反馈 6.评价应体现必修课和选修课的不同特点 7.* 8.注重实效,合理评价


国家教师资格考试专用教材 北京·广州·上海·西安

国家教师资格考试专用教材· 化学学科知识与教学能力(高级中学)编 著:中公教育教师资格考试研究院责任编辑:夏丹张会装帧设计:中公教育图书设计中心出版:世界图书出版公司北京公司出版人:张跃明 发行:世界图书出版公司北京公司(地址:北京朝内大街137号邮编:100010 电话:64077922) 销售:各地新华书店印刷:大厂回族自治县彩虹印刷有限公司开本:889mm ×1194mm 1/16印张:21字数:504千 版 次:2012年6月第1版2014年12月第4次印刷 ISBN 978-7-5100-4699-5 定 价:39.00元 版权所有翻印必究 图书在版编目(CIP)数据 化学学科知识与教学能力.高级中学/中公教育教师资格考试研究院编著.—北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司,2012.6(2014.12重印)国家教师资格考试专用教材ISBN 978-7-5100-4699-5Ⅰ.①化…Ⅱ.①中…Ⅲ.①中学化学课-教学法-中学教师-聘用-资格考试-自学参考资料 Ⅳ.①G633.82 中国版本图书馆CIP 数据核字(2012)第091406号

中国第一套具有实战意义的教师资格考试辅导图书 全面提升教学能力掌握考试技巧实现一次通过 自教育部2011年在浙江、湖北率先开展教师资格“国考”改革试点工作,四年来,先后已有15个省份进入“国考”。按照教育部要求,2015年起全国将全面实行教师资格统一考试。从改革试点省市的考试情况来看,教师资格考试通过率不足三成。这一方面显示了教师资格“国考”对中小学、幼儿园教师职业的准入标准越来越严格,另一方面显示了广大考生没有真正转变观念积极备考,未能掌握通过考试所必须具备的基本能力。 从考试大纲来看,改革后的教师资格考试,分幼儿园、小学、中学三个学段,笔试科目及面试内容如下表所示: 中公教育教师资格考试研究院组织数百位教育理论专家和一线优秀教师,在教师资格考试培训课程的基础上,于2012年推出了业界第一套具有实战意义的“国家教师资格考试专用教材”。此后,丛书编写专家组不断研究考试,紧扣考试大纲和最新真题考点,分析命题规律与趋势,不断优化图书内容,提高课程质量,提升应试者教育教学理论知识和实践能力,帮助越来越多的考生顺利通过了考试。2015最新版国家教师资格考试专用教材共172本图书,包括笔试教材系列35本,标准预测试卷系列32本,高频考点速记系列32本,真题大全系列3本,题库系列32本,考前命题预测试卷系列32本, 面试系列6本。该笔试教材系列图书有以下几个显著特点: 权威编著汇聚名师专家智慧 中公教育教师资格考试研究院在各级教育行政部门的大力支持和协助下,组织数百位教育理论专家和具有实践经验的一线教师,在深入研究教师资格历年统考真题及命题趋势的基础上精心编写,倾力打造出本套教师资格专用教材系列,领跑教师资格考试辅导行业。这是多年辅导经验与智慧的结晶,做到了理论与实践的完美结合,为考生指明正确的方向,为考生的教师征途保驾护航。


2015 下半年 Class Type: Reading class Teaching Topic: Skiing Teaching Contents: This lesson is from senior high school, and it is a narrative story of writer’s first skiing experience on Christmas vacation. This lesson will enlarge students’ vocabulary of natural phenomenon and skiing and help students learn the structural organization of narrative and how to express the past actions. Teaching objectives: Knowledge objectives: 1.After learning this passage, Ss can understand the following words and expressions and apply them in suitable context. Scramble out of… Overlook Slope Floodlight: illuminate (a building or outdoor area) with such lights Ski suit, boots and skis Sideways Point In case( that) Fall over Nevertheless


2018上教师资格证《综合素质》(中学) 完整真题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题,每小题2分,共58分) 1、在全县校长经验交流会上,某校校长介绍完教育改革的情况后,强调素质教育就是减负和增加课外活动,该校长认识(A) A、是对素质教育的片面理解 B、体现素质教育与学科的结合 C、符合提升学校实力的需要 D、符合凝练学校办学特色的需要 2、刚开学,班主任言辞恳切地对学生讲:“迎接中考是一年的重中之重,关系到你们的人生发展,大家不要把时间浪费在课外活动上”,周老师的说法(C) A、合理有利于学生复习应考 B、合理体现了强烈的责任性 C、不合理不利于学生全面发展 D、不合理不利于学会主动发展 3、张老师在班上鼓励学生进行课外阅读,开展“分享知识”的活动,引导学生在班上分享收货,并及时加以点评。张老师做法(B)A、减轻了教师教学负担B、拓展了学生学习资源 C、加重了学生学习负担 D、促进了教师专业发展

4、某班主任制定的班干部竞选条件中规定,成绩在后10名的不能参选,理由是“连自己都管不好,怎么能管好别人”。这种做法( D) A、正确有利于学困生安心学习B、正确有利于刺激学困生上进 C、不正确不能促进学生个性发展 D、不正确未能平等对待所有学生 5、《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》提出了教育战略目标。下列关于教育战略目标的选项中不正确的是( C) A、到2020年,进入人力资源强国行列 B、到2020年,基本形成学习型社会 C、到2020年,终身教育体系全面形成 D、到2020年,基本实现教育现代化 6、某中学违规向学生收取补课费。依据《中华人民共和国教育法》,责令该校退还所收费用的机关是( A) A、教育行政部门 B、工商管理部门 C、纪检部门 D、公安部门 7、中学教师黄某认为当地教育行政部门侵犯其权利而提出申诉。依据《中华人民共和国教师法》,受理其申诉的机关是( B)


2019年上半年教师资格考试(高中英语)学科知识与教学能力试题 1、The main difference between /f/ and /v/ lies in ( ). A、the manner of articulation B、the place of articulation C、voicing D、sound duration 2、Which of the following involves a sound deletion? A、Bean. B、Design. C、Sport. D、Big. 3、In the economic ( )established recently, more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries. A、regulation B、climate C、circumstance D、requirement 4、Smoking heavily at home will expose children to ( )their health. A、multiple

B、surplus C、durable D、excessive 5、Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms? A、Buy and sell. B、Big and small. C、Male and female. D、Red and green. 6、Naturally, she ( )that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go and see it. A、had assumed B、assumed C、has assumed D、was assuming 7、If he had fought in the First World War, he might have returned ( ). A、a different man B、with a different man C、as a different man D、to be a different man


2015年上半年教师资格考试《中学综合素质》真题及答案 一、单项选择题(共29题,每题2分,共58分) 1、班主任马老师常对学生说:“先学做人,后学做事,社会需要的是身体健康、和谐发展的建设者和接班人,而不是只会死读书的呆子。”这表明马老师具有()。 A.开拓创新的理念 B.素质教育的理念 C.自主发展的意识 D.因材施教的意识 2、以下是钟老师班主任日志的一段话,这表明钟老师()。 “一个月了,尽管我对某某给予了更多的关心与鼓励。但依然看不到好转的迹象,是方法不对还是……?看来,我得再找他的父母和原班主任交流,再深入一点,再调整策略。” A.善于自我反思 B.缺乏探索精神 C.善于引导学生 D.缺乏问题意识 3、某中学根据学生的学习成绩发不同颜色的校服。年级前60名学生是红色衣服,其他学生穿蓝色校服,这种做法()。 A.正确,便于分清教学 B.正确,利于激励学生 C.不正确,不能促进学生个性发展 D.不正确,不能平等对待所有学生 4、物理教师李强结合课程教学内容,查阅资料,利用现有资源自制实验器材,开设了不少探究性物理实验,这表明李老师具有()。 A.全面发展理念 B.和谐发展理念 C.长善救失意识 D.课程开发意识 5、教师王某认为自己是师范毕业生,而且获得了教师资格证书,就能终身从教了,王某的想法()。 A.不符合统一城乡教师编制的准备要求 B.不符合教师资格证定期登记制度的规定 C.不符合统一中小学教师职称条例的规定 D.不符合严格实施教师准入制度的要求 6、被学校行政处分后,张老师认为学校对自己很不公平,依据《中华人民共和国教师法》张老师可以()。 A.向当地党委提出申诉 B.向当地纪检部门提出申诉 C.向当地法院提出诉讼

高中英语 教师资格证考题

2017年下半年教师资格考试 英语学科知识与教学能力试题(高级中学) 注意事项: 1.考试时间120分钟,满分150分。 2.请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答。在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. The sound of “th” in “thin” is . A. voiceless, dental, and fricative B. voiced, dental, and fricative C. voiceless, dental, and affricative D. voiced, dental, and affricative 2. Of all the following pairs of words, is a minimal pair. A. boot and bought B. deep and dog C. either and neither D. ghost and best 3. can fly very high in sky. A. The birds ... the B. The birds ... / C. Birds ... the D. Birds ... / 4. In my opinion she is kind and polite, so I put her rudeness today down as . A. ordinary B. untimely C. progressive D. accidental 5. With spring approaching, the pink of the apple-blossom is beginning to . A. show B. grow C. rise D. ascend 6. Mr. Woods, I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary . A. happens B. happen C. would happen D. will happen 7. I look back on this pleasant holiday in Beijing with pleasure. A. anything but B. all but C. everything but D. nothing but 8. Tom, take this baggage and put it you can find enough space. A. which B. in which C. wherever D. whereas 9. What is the main rhetoric device used in “The Pentagon was divided on the air strike.”? A. Synecdoche. B. Metonymy. C. Metaphor. D. Oxymoron. 10. Which inference in the brackets of the following sentences is a presupposition? A. Ede caught a trout. (Ede caught a fish.) B. Don’t sit on Carol’s bed. (Carol has a bed.) C. This blimp is over the house. (The house is under the blimp.) D. Coffee would keep me awake all night. (I don’t want coffee.) 11. Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students’ ability to make inferences? A. Listen to a story and write a summary.


2015下半年教师资格证报名考试《综合素质》(中学)真题与答案一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题。每小题2分,共58分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个符合题目要求。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1、历史课上,教师讲到“楚汉战中”中的项羽自杀时,一个学生突然说道:“项羽真是个大傻瓜”,此时教师恰当的处理方式是() A. 批评学生扰乱秩序 B. 视而不见,继续上课 C. 引导学生展开讨论 D.要求学生不乱说话 [答案]:C 2、“道而弗牵,强而弗抑,开而弗达。”(《学记》)下列对这句话的理解不正确的是() A. 体现主体教育思想 B. 强调学生自主发展 C. 鼓励学生自学成才 D.注重对学生的引导 [答案]:C 3、青年教师小王每次课后都认真回顾整个教学过程,把失败之处记录下来,教学水平不断提高。这体现了小王老师注重() A. 教学反馈 B. 教学反思 C. 教学创新 D.情境创设 [答案]:B 4、于老师总是根据学生不同的学习基础设计课堂提问和练习。这表明于老师() A. 遵循教学规律,实现学生全面发展 B. 关注学生差异,促进全体学生发展 C. 注重分层教学,促进学生均衡发展 D.注重循序渐进,实现师生教学相长 [答案]:B 5、《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》关于加强教师队伍建设提出下列一系列政策措施,其中不包括() A. 提高教师地位待遇 B. 提高教师业务水平 C. 健全教师管理制度 D.大力推进依法治校 [答案]:D 6、关于图1种教师的做法,下列说法正确的是() A. 有利于行使教师的权利 B. 有利于学生的进步成长 C. 侵犯了学生的人格尊严 D.侵犯了学生的受教育权 [答案]:C


Good morning, everyone. Today I`m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. The content of my lesson is I`ll be ready to begin this lesson from four parts. They are 1 Analyzing teaching Material 2.the teaching methods 3.the studying methods 4.the teaching procedures, and while presenting these parts I will do the blackboard design properly. Ok now I am going to start from the first part Part 1 Analyzing teaching Material: This lesson is about .By studying of this lesson, we`ll enable the students to know the serious attitude towards and develop the interest in At the same time, let the students learn how to give instructions. This lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit. As it is the main passage in this unit which outlines the theme of this unit .If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make Ss learn the rest of this unit. And as we all know , reading belongs to the input during the process of language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing. Then according to the new standard curriculum and syllabus(新课程标准和教学大纲), I think the teaching aims of this lesson are the following:


化学学科知识与教学能力(高级中学) 标准预测试卷(四) 一、单项选择题 1.不久前,我国科学家在世界上首次合成3种新核素,其中一种新核素的名称是铪--185 ()。关于铪-)的说法中,正确的是( )。 A.是一种新元素B.原子核有185个质子 C.原子核有185个中子D.是铪-180()的一种新的同位素 2.用惰性电极电解一段时间后,pH增大的是( )。 A.Hcl B. C. D. 3.浓度均为0.1 的三种溶液等体积混合,充分反应后没有沉淀的一组溶液是( )。 A. B. C. D. 4.制印刷电路时常用氯化铁溶液作为“腐蚀液”,发生的反应为 向盛有氯化铁溶液的烧杯中同时加入铁粉和铜粉,反应结束后,下列结果不可能出现的是( )。 A.烧杯中有铜无铁B.烧杯中有铁无铜 C.烧杯中铁、铜都有D.烧杯中铁、铜都无 5.下列事实一定能说明HF是弱酸的是( )。 ①常湿下NaF溶液的pH大于7;②用HF溶液做导电性实验,灯泡很暗: ③HF与NaCl不能发生反应;④常温下O.lmol/L的HF溶液的pH为2.3 ⑤HF能与Na2C03溶液反应,产生C02气体⑥HF与水能以任意比混溶 ⑦Imol/L的HF水溶液能使紫色石蕊试液变红 A.①②⑦B.①④ c.③④⑥D.①②③④ 6.下列化合物中可发生银镜反应的是( )。 A.丙烷B.丙醇C丙醛D丙酮 7.下列各组化合物中,用煤气灯加热,分解产物类型不同的一组是( )。 8.铝分别与足量的稀盐酸和氢氧化钠溶液反应,当两个反应放出的气体在相同状况下体积相等时,反应中消耗的HC1和NaOH物质的量之比为( )。 A.1:1 B.2:1 C.3:1 D.1:3 9为了使变暗的古代油画恢复原来的白色,则需要( )。 A用气体漂白B.用稀擦洗C.使用漂白D使用氯水擦洗 10下列气体可用PdCl2溶液检出的是( )。 11下列说法中正确的是( )。 A苯环骨架振动的红外吸收峰大约出现于处 B.物理干扰是原子吸收光谱分析中的主要干扰 C.紫外光谱中若在220—280 nm围无吸收,则该化合物必然不含醛基 D液一固分配色谱适用于生物大分子的分离 12教师素质的核心是( )。
