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关于昆虫的资料世界上最长的昆虫——新加坡竹节虫是世界上最长的昆虫,其细长的身体长达27厘米,倘若在安静的状态下充分舒展身体的话,身长可超过40厘米。竹节虫所具有的保护形和保护色,使它在灌林丛中栖息时以假乱真。世界上最长的甲虫——亚马逊巨天牛和大牙天牛是世界上最长的甲虫。它们身长18厘米。大牙天牛的角(长颚)是专为切割树枝所设计的,当它用锐利的角钩住枝条后就绕着树枝作360°的旋转,直至把树枝锯断为止。世界上最大的蝶蛾——生长在南美洲的大灰夜蛾身长9厘米,展开双翼有27厘米宽,体色为灰色带有深色斑点,它们都是世界上蝶蛾类中最大的昆虫。最小的蝴蝶——在已知的14万多种鳞翅目昆虫中,最小的蝴蝶是发现于南非的一种微型小蝶,两个翅尖之间的长度仅有 1.4厘米。最凶猛的昆虫——螳螂。对人类健康危害最大的昆虫——蚊子。对建筑物危害最大的昆虫——白蚁。对农业危害最大的昆虫——蝗虫。最重的昆虫——非洲赤道地区金龟子科的一种甲虫,成年雄性个体的重量可达99.33克。最小的昆虫——并列冠军的是膜翅目的一种寄生蜂和缨甲科的一种甲虫,体长都仅有0.02厘米,而该寄生蜂的翅展只有0.1厘米,比某些单细胞原生动物还要小。最轻的昆虫——并列第一的是一种雄性的吸血虱和一种寄生蜂,个体都只有0.005毫克重,每盎司(约合28.35克)中大约有570万头虫体之多。该寄生蜂的卵每个重量仅有0.0002毫克,每盎司大约含1亿5千万个卵。分布最广的昆虫——弹尾目的弹尾虫,据计算每23厘米深的土壤中有这种跳虫2亿3千万个,合每929平方厘米中至少有5千个。飞得最快的昆虫——有一种苍蝇的最高飞行速度可达每小时38.6公里,其瞬间速度竟高达每小时41.8公里。鸣声最大的昆虫——雄性的蝉(知了),它的发生器每分钟可震动 7千4百次,远在400米之外都能听见。最大的蜻蜓——南美洲中部的一种蜻蜓,体长达12厘米,翅展达到19厘米之多。跳得最高的跳蚤——现在已知的跳蚤种类约为1830种,其中的跳高冠军是人蚤,它在1910年创造的记录是:跳远33厘米,跳高19.7厘米。


China is a large country, complicated natural conditions, it is the only animal across two geographical regions in the world, so it is one of the country with the largest number of insect species in the world. In general, different kinds of insects in China accounts for 1/10 of the world species. The world for 1 million kinds of insect species has been named China's name should be around 100000 species of insects, but China has now found that name only more than 50000 kinds of insects, to catch up with the world's current level is still a long way to go. Moreover, different kinds of insects in the world should be in 300 ~ 10 million, so China should have 30 ~ 1 million species of insects. Thus, there are too many insects species waiting for friends who are interested studying insects to discovery, naming, describe them.


水面呼吸。蚊只利用呼吸管末端的最后一对腹气孔吸气。龙虱在鞘翅与腹部之间有一贮气室。呼吸空气的昆虫在体表的毛间形成空气层,作用如鳃,使它能从水中取得气,延长潜水的时间。水中的昆虫幼虫直接从水中得气。摇蚊幼虫整个表皮层有丰富的气管。毛翅目(Trichoptera)和蜉蝣目(Ephemeroptera)幼虫有气管鳃。大型的蜻蜓幼虫鳃在直肠内,水从肛门进出提供氧气。Terrestrial insects in the environment is too hot when looking for a cool and humid place. Such as exposure to the sun, it makes himself in the position of the minimum surface heated area. If too cold, insects to stay in the sun for warmth. Many butterfly wings before flying the collected heat. Moth before flying wing vibration or shaking the body, and by MAO or flake form a layer of air insulation around the body keep body heat. The most suitable for flight muscles is 38 ~ 40 ℃temperature (100 ~ 104 ℉). When cold, frozen body is the biggest danger for insects. Can winter species called hardy insects in cold areas. A handful of insects can stand the ice crystals appear in the body fluids, but in this case the cells inclusions may not freeze. But most insects hardy means to prevent freezing. Antifreeze effect is partly due to gather a lot of glycerol as antifreeze; Is partly due to the physical changes in the blood, the temperature is far below freezing point and is not frozen. Drought resistance including rigid waterproof wax and expansion of water storage mechanism. Aquatic insects a marked change in addition to step foot and is suitable for swimming, main adaptation is breathing. Some rose to the surface to breathe. Mosquitoes using only last a pair of stomatal suction abdominal breathing tube end. Screen has a storage chamber between the namib and the abdomen. Insects breathe air on the surface of the air layer is formed between MAO, act as gills, make it can be obtained from the water gas, extend the time of diving. The insect larvae in the water directly from the water gas. Shake mosquito larvae the epidermal layer is rich in the trachea. MAO spectacle (Trichoptera) and Ephemeroptera (Ephemeroptera) branchial larvae. Large dragonfly larvae gills in rectum, from the anus in and out of the water supply oxygen.





damage to the human production of aphids and so on

2. Harm to people's life of cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, etc

Beneficial insects that are beneficial to the production and life of bees, mantis, dragonflies, etc Aphids are a kind of insect pests, most harm crops and ornamental plants.



