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随着经济建设的迅速发展,我国的基础建设力度正逐渐加大,道路交通,机场,港口,水利水电,市政建设等基础设施的建设规模也越来越大,市场汽车起重机的需求也随之增加。本文通过对徐工50吨汽车起重机主臂进行研究,进一步进行主臂设计,通过计算对主臂的三铰点、主臂的长度、及每节臂的长度、液压缸尺寸进行确定,选择零部件,确定主臂伸缩方式及主臂内钢丝绳的缠绕方法,通过SOLID WORKS软件对主臂进行三维建模。



With the rapid development of economic construction,Chin a’s infrastructure is gradually increase the intensity, road traffic, airports,ports,water conservancy and hydropower, municipal construction of infrastructure such as the scale of construction is also growing, crane truck crane market demand with the increase. Based on the Xu Gong 50 tons of truck crane boom study, further boom design,by calculating the main arm of the three hinges, the main arm length,and the length of each arm, hydraulic cylinder size identify,select Parts and components, identify the main telescopic arm and the boom in the way of winding rope method,SOLID WORKS software on the main arm for three-dimensional modeling.

Keywords:50-ton truck crane,the boom design,the three hinge points ,stretching,three-dimensional modeling
