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拥有健康的身体才能更好地学习。现在,你们学校正在举行以Keeping healthy为题的主题班会,你要在班会上发言,请以此为题写一篇不少于80词的发言稿。要求包含以下要点:开头、结尾已给出。

1. 你认为健康有何重要性?(至少两条)

2. 你是如何保持健康的?


3. 号召大家一起来保持健康。

Hello everybody!

Today we’re going to talk about health. In my opinion, ___________________________

That’s all I want to say. Thanks for listening!



其次,谋篇布局和遣词造句。根据审题的结果同学们可以确定文体为夹叙夹议的发言稿,因此写作时应以第一人称为主。文章结构可以根据题目要求的三个要点分成三段来写,这样层次比较清晰。时态以一般现在时为主,如需举例,则根据例子具体情况确定时态。例如:谈论自己如何保持健康的时候可以用过去和现在进行对比。I used to sleep late but now I get up early and exercise every day.



1. Being healthy can reduce the risk of getting sick.

2. Good health can help save money.

3. Without health, we couldn’t study or work well.

4. A strong body helps us live a happy life.



1. exercise / do sports every day

2. jog or walk after dinner

3. eat less junk food, more fruit and vegetables

4. drink milk every day

5. stay happy and optimistic when in trouble

6. get enough sleep

7. don’t stay up and sleep late




Hello everybody!

Today we’re going to talk about health. In my opinion, keeping healthy is very important for everyone because good health helps us study and work well. It can also reduce the risk of getting sick. If we are not healthy, our families will worry about us and feel sad.

But how can we keep healthy? We can exercise about an hour every day and eat less junk food. The more fruit and vegetables we eat, the healthier we will be. Just as an English saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Also, don’t forget to get enough sleep. That will keep you healthy, and make you look young too!

All in all, health is the most important thing for a person. Without health, we can’t live a happy life. So start living healthy as soon as possible!

That’s all I want to say. Thanks for listening!

这篇习作结构清晰,语言准确。在论述健康的重要性时从健康对学习、工作地影响,减少生病几率和对家人的感受这三个方面进行论述。首位呼应,观点明确、句式丰富。介绍保持健康的方法时运用了一个the more…, the more…的句式,是一个亮点。结尾段重申观点,号召有力。


Hello everybody!

Today we’re going to talk about health. In my opinion, there is nothing more important than good health. First of all, good health provides us with more chances to succeed. If we are not fit, we can’t concentrate on our studies or work. As a result, we can’t achieve our dreams to become successful. Also, if we want to live a happy life, health is something necessary to keep us and our families happy. Besides, we need health to reduce the risk of

getting sick.

But how can we keep healthy? I have some suggestions. We should exercise for about an hour every day. For example, I used to hate sports. As a result, I always caught colds. But now I play basketball after class and seldom get colds. But sports alone are not enough. We also need to eat a balanced diet. Less junk food, more vegetables and milk are necessary. Also, don’t forget to stay optimistic when you’re in trouble. A good attitude is good for your health too. As you can see, health is important for us and is not hard to achieve. So don’t hesitate! Try to keep healthy from now on!

That’s all I want to say. Thanks for listening!



