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Answer: Temple in the woods of Shao Shi Mountain.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Shaolin Temple is probably the most famous temple in China, not only because of its long history and its role in Chinese Buddhism(佛教), also because of its fantastic Wushu. Shaolin Temple is situated in the beautiful Songshan Mountains, which is only eight miles of Dengfeng and about 50 miles southwest of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. Shaolin Temple was established(始建于) in 495 during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534). Batuo, an Indian monk(僧人), came to Luoyang, the ancient capital, for spreading Buddhism at that period. Emperor Xiaowen was a believer of Buddhism so he decided to build the temple in the Songshan Mountains to house Batuo, who translated many Buddhist works and had a few hundred followers there.
Shaolin Temple is situated(位于) at Shaoshi Mountain in the west of Songshan Mountain ranges, in Dengfeng City, Henan Province. Against the backdrop, it is surrounded(被 围绕) with forests and hills as its natural defense(防御). The “Shao” in “Shaolinsi” refers to “Shaoshi Mountain”; “lin” means “forest” and “si” means “temple”. The name of Shaolin Temple literally(字面上的) means "temple in the woods of Shaoshi Mountain".
中文翻译:少林寺也许是中国最著名的寺庙,不仅是因为它悠久的历史和在 佛教中的地位,还因为它博大精深的武术。少林寺坐落在美丽的嵩山上,距离登 封只有8英里,距离河南省的省会郑州西南大约50英里。 少林寺始建于北魏(386-534)的495年间。在这一期间,巴托,一个印度 僧人,来到古都洛阳传播佛教。孝文帝是一个佛教信徒,所以他决定在嵩山为翻 译了许多佛教作品的巴托建立寺庙,并赏赐了几百名随从。
中文翻译:少林寺位于河南省登封市嵩山山脉以西的 少室山上。在少室山山顶的大背景下,它的四周是森林和 丘陵的自然防御。 “少林寺”中的“少”是指“少室山”;林的意思是 “森林”,寺的意思是“寺庙”。少林寺名称的字面意思 是“少室山森林里的寺庙”。
Question:What does Shao Lin Temple mean?
Question:How long did Damo meditate in the Damo Cave?
Answer: Nine years
少林少林,有多少英雄豪杰都来把你敬仰 少林少林,有多少神奇故事到处把你传扬 精湛的武艺举世无双,少林寺威震四方 悠久的历史源远流长,少林寺美名辉煌 千年的古寺,神秘的地方,嵩山幽谷人人都向往 武术的故乡,迷人的地方,天下驰名万古流芳
Question:Who built Shaolin Temple?
Answer: Emperor Xiaowen
Damo (Bodhidharma), the legendary(传说中的) Indian monk, came to Shaolin in 517. There are many legendary stories about him. One of the well-known stories says he was meditating(打坐) in a cave for nine years. The cave is now called Damo Cave. Many people believe he wrote the famous „Yijinjing,‟ the base of Shaolin arts or Gongfu. But there is no record about the book before and during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) ,so experts think Damo has little to do with(和…没 有关系) Shaolin Gongfu. 中文翻译:达摩,传说中的印度 高僧,曾在517来到少林。这里有许 多关于他的传奇故事。其中一个著名 的故事说,他曾在一个山洞打坐9年。 洞穴现在被称为达摩洞。许多人认为 是他写了著名的易筋经,这是少林武 术或功夫的基础。但是这在唐代或之 前的史书中并没有记载,所以专家认 为 达摩与少林功夫没有太大的关系。