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·形容词 9.certain→ certainly(adv.)当然 10.crazy→ crazily (adv.)疯狂地
9. run out of 用光;用完
1.as a result 结果
10. make a list 列清单
2. at the end of… 在……的末端 短 3.by the way 顺便说/问一下
第 12 课时
Modules 6-7(八下)
·名词 1.shelf→ shelves (复数) 2.value→valuable(adj.)有 词 价值的 汇 3.activity→activities(复数) 拓 4.culture→cultural (adj.) 展 文化的;与文化有关的 ·动词 5.weigh→ weight (n.)重量
6.sail→ sailing (n.)航海;航行 → sailor (n.)水手 7.depend→dependen(t adj.)依赖的 →dependence(n.)依靠;依赖;信任 →independent(adj.)自主的;独立的 → independence (n.)独立;自主 8.prefer→ preferred(过去式)
5.I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. 我花一部分业余时间为校队打排球。 ·语言学习 6.As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the 金 US. 除了学英语外, 我们还希望你体验美国生活。 句 7.You are certain to get the best possible experience of English 诵 learning and life in the US. 读 你一定会拥有一段最好的英语学习和美国生活的体验。 8.You can stay as a guest with an American family and take part in their daily life. 你可以作为客人和一个美国家庭待在一起, 并参加他们的日常家庭活动。


He often makes his sister cry.他经常把他妹妹弄哭。

堂 达
by his funny way of speaking.
标 小
(2)We should try our best to make our country stronger(strong)

than before.
核 心
考 点
1.make是使役动词,后常接省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,即make sb. do sth.,
堂 达
某事做准备,以在需要时提供所需 或provide sth. for sb.
标 小

常用结构: offer sb. sth.=offer 人提供可接受也可拒绝的某物,如
sth. to sb. 或offer to do sth.,其 帮助、服务或物品。这可能是对
后不接宾语从句 方要求也可能是自己主动提出的

聚 焦
【词义辨析】 意义
(续表) 用法

堂 达
supply supply还可作名词,意为“供给
常用结构:supply sb. with

sth.=supply sth. to sb.


意为“供给;给出”。多指一般 常用结构:give sb. sth.=give
11. depend on 取决于;决定于 12.come out 出版;问世
语 4. at least 至少
13. pay for… 为……付款
归 5. at the same time 同时
14. stay in touch (with sb.) (与
纳 6. in total 总计

(1)Ella asked her friends to provide money for the sick boy.

(2)Welcome to our restaurant. We'll provide you with delicious

堂 达
(3)My parents gave (give) me a new bicycle as a reward for
·爱好 1.Hobbies can make you grow as a person. 爱好可以使你成长。 2.Then she encouraged us to write about our experiences at the 金 camp. 然后她鼓励我们就野营的经历写一些东西。 句 3.My hobby doesn't cost as much as yours—I collect tickets, bus 诵 tickets and train tickets. 读 我的爱好不像你的那么费钱——我收集门票、公交车票和火车票。 4.People also collect things just to remember something important in their lives. 人们也收集东西仅仅是为了记住他们生活中一些重要的事情。
小 测
come on 快点儿;加油 come back 回来
come round 拜访(某人的家)
核 心
❷ success n.成功;成就
考 点
聚 焦
(1)Don't give it up even though you fail to do it. Because failure is
gets dark.
核 心
考 点
1.come out是不及物动词短语,无被动语态,其还可意为“(日、月、星)出现;
聚 焦

come up with 提出来;想出 come over 走过来

come true 实现 come in 进来

(3)Life is filled (充满)with the unexpected. Whatever we do, try
our best.

聚 焦
【词义辨析】 意义及用法

fill…with… 意为“用……把……装满”,强调动作的过程,主语为人

be filled with 意为“充满”,侧重于动作和装的东西,主语为物
堂 达
will come true .

(2)The book won't come out until next year.

(3)I hope you can come up with a better plan than that.
(4) Come on ! If we go across the field, we'll get there before it

children with a clean and comfortable environment at home.
堂 达
(2)We offer (提供) books, and we set tests every week to
标 小
check your progress.


小 测
be full of 意为“充满”,侧重于状态,主语为物,可与“be filled with”

心 考
❺ provide/offer/supply/give
点 聚

(1)Some people think it's the parents' job to provide(提供) their

(2)I'm sleepy. I prefer sleeping(sleep) at home to going out for a


(3)My nephew prefers meat to vegetables.
核 心

随 堂 达 标 小 测

心 考
❹ fill…with/be filled with/be full of

The first flight of C919 was a great success and we were proud of
达 标
小 测
He succeeded in breaking the world record.
核 心
the mother of success .

(2)The twenty-year-old writer is very successful . Her tenth book

will come out next week.

(3)We should encourage him to solve his problems by himself. I'm
15. fill out 填写;填充
7. take up 占据(空间或时间) 16. tidy up 使整齐;使整洁
8.have a look 看一看
17. make progress 取得进步
·其他短语 18. daily life 日常生活 19. such as 比如 短 20. all the time 总是;一直 语 归 纳
❸ prefer v.更喜爱;钟爱

聚 焦
(1)—Do you prefer to play (play) basketball with me?
—No, I'd rather stay (stay) at home watching TV.
性给出或因别人需要而“给” sth. to sb.
核 心
❻ Hobbies can make you grow as a person.

点 爱好可以使你成长。


(1)The man is really humorous. Everyone is made to laugh(laugh)
点 聚

(1)The man took the cork(瓶塞) out and happily found the bottle

was full (装满了) of water.

(2)First, we must fill (用……把……装满)the

bottle with some water.
语 1.简单句。[详见P117,专题(八)] 法 2.并列复合句。 链 接

心 ❶ come out 出版, 问世


come up with come out come true come on

(1)As long as all the Chinese people pull together, our China Dream
sure he will succeedone day.
核 心
考 点

其动词形式为succeed,意为“成功”,succeed in doing sth.意为“成功做某

标 小
my good grades last weekend.

(4)The government needs to supply (supply) food and clothes
to these old people.




provide 见性,并通过储存或准备的方式为 常用结构:provide sb. with sth.