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Daniel: Wow! His music for the Beijing Olympics must be very special!
Sandy: Yes. It uses (8)_t_r_a_d_i_t_io_n_a_l_ Chinese music and an (9)__a_n_c_i_e_n_t___ Chinese bell, but it’s in a (10)__W__e_st_e_r_n___ style.
6. 用普通的东西创作 make music with common
7. 继续学习
go on to study
8. 渐渐知道
• get to know
9. 来自全世界
• from around the world
10. 因……最出名
• be best known for …
11. 通过控制水流的 • by controlling the speed of
Para 5-6: Read and discuss
What does Tan Dun mean by saying “My music is to dream without boundaries”? Give examples if necessary.
He mixes different types of music together: 1.The past and the present 2.Common objects and musical instruments 3.Traditional Chinese music and modern Western music
Para.5-6 d. Tan Dun’s introduction
Para 1: Read and answer
1. When was the award music played at Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?
Each time a medal was presented to a winner, the award music was played. 2. Is Tan Dun a world-famous actor? No, he is a world-famous composer.
his works, Water, he doesn’t use any musical
Daniel: Really? How does he make music, then?
Sandy: He makes over 50 sounds from water by
2. 给某人颁发某物 present sth. to sb.
3. 对……显现出兴趣 show an interest in …
4. 淙淙的水声和飒飒 the sounds of the rushing
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
water and the blowing wind
5. 乐器
musical instruments
When he was very young, Tan showed an interest in music.
show an interest in … 对……感兴趣 = be interested in …
e.g. 你何时对网球感兴趣的? When did you show an interest in tennis?
About his education
studied at Central conservatory of
music in Beijing.
East and west music.
went on to study in the USA
Won an Oscar. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
He does not use any musical instruments. 3. How does Tan make music in Water?
He makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow.
• in his works
17. 混合在一起
• mix together
18. 一条分界线
• a dividing line
Translate the following sentences.
1.虽然这是个传统的中国派对,但他穿得很西式。 T_h_o_u_g_h_i_t_w_a_s__a_t_r_a_d_it_io_n_a_l _C_h_in_e_s_e_p_a_r_t_y, he was dressed _in__a_W__e_s_te_r_n_s_t_y_le__.
studying life
show an interest in(para.3)
make music with
when he was young (para.2)
the way to music
It’s you who shape your life and your future!
music without boundaries
water flow
12. 在不同人的脑海里 • in different minds
13. 中国传统音乐
• traditional Chinese music
14. 一口中国古钟
• an ancient Chinese bell
15. 以一种西方风格 • in a Western style
16. 在他的作品里
modern Western music
Music without boundaries
About his way to music
at present (para.6)
at university in the USA get to know
later (para.3,4,5)
grow up near
Sandy: Sure. He wrote the (2)__a_w__a_r_d____ music for the
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Daniel: I know he loves the sound of (3)__n_a_t_u_r_e___. Have
they influenced his works? Sandy: Yes. He uses them a lot in his music, and in one of
make music
at present
musical studying
when he was young
Dreams without
Useful phrases
1. 无国界音乐
music without boundaries
2. 飒飒的风声在不同人的脑海里会产生不一样的 画面吗?
Can the sounds of t_h_e__bl_o_w_in_g__w_in_d__cr_e_a_t_e _d_if_f_e_re_n_t__pi_c_t_ur_e_s_i_n_d_i_f_fe_r_e_n_t_m_i_n_d_s___?
e.g. 南希赠送给我们一些花。 Nancy presented us with some flowers.
Para 2-3:
1958 central Hunan, China music composer The central conservatory of music
Beijing/1978 the USA Oscar the sounds of nature between the East and the West
Para 4: Read and answer 1. What does Tan Dun use a lot in his music?
He uses the sounds of nature a lot in his music. 2. What kind of musical instruments are used in the piece of music Water?
Match the words with their meanings:
f d e
b c a
Complete the conversation below.
Daniel: Tan Dun is one of the greatest (1)__c_o_m__p_o_s_e_r_s_ in
the world. Could you tell me more about him?
(5)_c_o_n__tr_o_l_li_n_g__ the speed of water (6)__f_lo_w_____.
Daniel: That’s really amazing! Sandy: Yes. When he was young, he used to make music
with (7)__c_o_m_m__o_n__ objects like stones and paper.
Go through the article quickly and match the main idea of each part.
Para.2 a. Tan’s role and achievements.
Para.3 b. Tan’s education.
c. Tan’s music Water--without musical instruments.
Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played. present sth. to sb. present sb. with sth. “将某物颁发给/赠予某人”
Each time a medal was presented to a winner, the award music was played.
use traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell in a western style
make sound by controlling the speed of water flow
make music with common objects instead of musical instruments
Can you list Tan Dun’s music works?
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Music called Water Award music
creates different pictures in different minds.
About Tan’s role and achievements.
musical instruments
traditional Chinese music
common objects
Tan Dun
a world-famous composer/musician
As a composer, what is Tan Dun best known for?
be known for winning an Oscar
The award music Olympic Games, Beijing, 2008
How amazing Tan Dun’s music is.
Tan’s music--- Without musical instruments
doesn’t use any musical instruments. is made by over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow.