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1. 学生从10个与视听说单元主题相关的口语题目中选取一个参加口语考试(见附件),做为时1分钟左右的主题演讲或陈述。

2. 任课教师评分:根据上述表格中的评分细则,先整体上确定相应的口语档次,然后从语法词汇、语音语调、话题相关度及流利度三个方面在每个档次的分值区间内加以调整,最后确定和每个学生口语水平相对应的口语分数。



1.What is your life plan for the next ten years?

2.Which categories of book do you enjoy reading? Why?

3.Which is more important to you, fashion or comfort?

4.What are advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards?

5.What are the differences between men and women? Please give some examples.

6.Which historical figure do you most admire? Why?

7.Should parents continue to support their children after they have finished their studies? Why or why not?

8. Which modern buildings in China do you consider to be masterpieces? Why?

9. What are advantages and disadvantages to learn English in foreign countries?

10. Why do more and more people realize the importance of doing exercises?

Personal credit cards are becoming more common in China. Banks and other financial institutions are encouraging their customers to change the way they buy things. Credit cards, known as “plastic money”, are being offered on very good terms to en courage the change. Consumers will be able to “buy now, pay later”, and many see this as an advantage.


But people need to be careful. There are dangers associated with credit cards. Some people find it very easy to exceed their budget. They are tempted to purchase goods that they do not really need, and can become quickly overburdened by debt. The credit cards often charge a high rate of interest, which exacerbates the problems for these people.


However, used wisely credit cards can improve the quality of people’s lives. They can give people access to money to meet sudden unplanned expenses. Properly handled, they can let people control their expenditure and the monthly statements provide a record of where their money has gone.


What can we learn from history ?

sometimes people or countries make some mistakes, they do some bad things, and we can learn from them to not do the same things.

people have good ideas, they do good things, and we can learn from them how to meet a challenge or face a problem there are people who had a very difficult life, but never gave up, they always tried to do something better. there are people who had very strong beliefs and tried to change the world with their beliefs (and they did! just like gandhi or martin luther king, jr.) For almost two centuries, American historians have been studying communication; and all signs indicate that, rather than declining, the interest in communication history is on the rise. That interest raises the question of why study history, and, more specifically, communication history.

Besides the simple enjoyment they derive from studying history, historians, and students as well, give various answers to such questions. Coming from professional backgrounds in such areas as journalism and advertising, some want to learn from the past so that they may be better practitioners in their professions. Oriented primarily toward the present rather than the past, some examine the past to help them find the roots of present practices. Others pragmatically believe they can learn mistakes of the past so that they can avoid repeating the errors, while others think they can use the past to help prepare for the future.

All these views may have some validity - some, more than others - but the serious historian finds that the study of history is valuable primarily in other ways. First, it helps us to understand the past. Although historians may first approach the past for some other reason, with continued study they find that it has intrinsic value in itself. They wish to study the past for its own sake. Second, the study of history can help us understand people. Conditions and times may change, communication technologies and publishing and broadcasting enterprises come and go, but human nature, the human character, human relationships, and the human spirit endure. Third, it can help us understand the present. Its value, however, is not simply in helping discover the paths by which the present emerged, but in revealing particulars from the past that may serve as comparisons with the present, as lenses through which to consider our own times. Fourth, the study of history is valuable for the intellectual stimulation it provides. Professional communication schools today emphasize courses of study to prepare students for careers, but the true value of education lies in developing a critical intellect in the student. The study of history, requiring as it does rigorous and mature thinking, helps nurture the intellect as few other disciplines can do.
