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Based on the Android News to the Client


The rapid development of mobile Internet, the use of a large number of users Android gradually get news Android-based news client more portable, more substantial, more efficient for users to find news according to the classification developed news client demand is increasing. The classification of the project realization news show, and can comment on the news, improve user engagement, and can collection, so that users can view their favorite news in a timely manner, more efficient. This paper introduces the research background and purpose and meaning, and then introduce analysis needs analysis, the project is divided into category display news module, the module details show news, news commentary module, news collection module, the user login registration module displays the user's personal information module and displays the personal collection of modules, then introduces the outline design the overall structure and each module of the project, and a detailed description of the detailed design of each module as well as the use of key technologies, data transmission format of the project mainly uses JSON format that can be loaded asynchronously News and show test concluded..

Keywords: Internet, news client, portable, JSON


1 需求分析 (1)

1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.2 项目目的及意义 (1)

1.3 Android介绍 (2)

1.4 系统描述 (4)

1.5 功能性需求分析 (4)

1.5.1 新闻客户端的主要功能 (4)

1.5.2 新闻客户端的功能模块 (5)

1.5.3 后台管理功能模块 (5)

1.6 非功能性需求分析 (5)

1.6.1 响应时间需求 (6)

1.6.2 可扩展性需求 (6)

1.6.3 易用性需求 (6)

2 基于Android平台的新闻客户端的概要设计 (6)

2.1 系统架构设计 (7)

2.2 系统客户端实现总体架构 (7)

2.3 系统功能模块划分 (8)

2.4 系统功能模块的分析及设计 (9)

2.5 数据库设计 (10)

3 详细设计 (14)

3.1 显示新闻模块 (14)

3.2 显示新闻详细信息模块 (15)

3.3 新闻跟帖显示模块 (17)

3.4 后台管理功能模块的详细设计 (17)

3.4.1 用户登录模块 (17)

3.4.2 新闻管理模块 (17)

3.4.3 评论信息管理 (18)

3.5 新闻客户端所用技术 (18)

3.5.1 JSON数据传输格式 (18)

3.5.2 异步加载新闻信息 (18)

3.5.3 数据交互方式 (19)

3.5.4 SharedPreferences数据存储 (20)

4 测试 (21)

4.1 分类显示信息模块 (21)

4.2 新闻详细信息模块 (21)

4.3 显示新闻评论模块 (22)

4.4 个人信息模块 (23)

4.5 用户登录注册模块 (23)

4.6 后台管理测试 (25)

4.6.1 管理登录模块 (25)

4.6.2 新闻信息管理模块 (25)

4.6.3 评论信息管理模块 (28)

5 结论 (30)

参考文献 (31)

致谢 (32)
