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v. (为...)作出安排

1.She has learned how to budget her time carefully. |她已学会了怎么精心安排自己的时间。

2.The government has budgeted 10 million dollars for education spending. |政府在预算中拨款一千万美元作为教育经费。


As a student, you have to learn how to budget. |作为学生,你得学会如何制定开支计划。

n. |[C]预算

1.It is important to balance one's budget. |使收支平衡十分重要。

2.They are preparing the company's advertising budget for 2007. |他们正在制定公司2007年的广告预算。


v. 向...收费,要价

1.We do not charge for delivery. |我们免费送货上门。

2.The doctor charged us 400 dollars for a five-minute examination. 医生做一次5分钟的检查要了我们400美元。


a. 敏感的;敏锐的

1.Dogs have an acute sense of smell. |狗有灵敏的嗅觉。

2.The critical professional requires unusually acute observation. |评论家需要非常敏锐的观察力。


1.The president suffered acute embarrassment from this news. |这一新闻使总统十分难堪。

2.He felt acute pain on his back. |他感到背部很疼。


n. |[C] |(计时用的)沙漏

The use of the hourglass dates back to almost two thousand years ago in China. 沙漏的使用在中国可追溯到差不多2千年前。


a. 烦躁的;不安静的

1.After one month in the job, he felt restless and decided to leave. |这工作他干了一个月就感到厌倦,于是决定不干了。

2.The children grew restless with the long wait. |等的时间一长,孩子们就逐渐躁动不安起来。


ad. 烦躁地;不安静地

1.She walked back and forth restlessly in her room. |她焦躁不安地在房间里走来走去。

2.He moved about restlessly, lighting a cigarette. |他焦躁不安地走来走去,点燃了一支烟。



1.He elbowed me out of the way. |他用肘把我推开了。

2.She elbowed her way forward. |她用胳膊肘推挤着向前走。

n. 肘

1.He sat with his elbows on the table. |他坐着,双肘架在桌上。

2.His arm was wrapped from the elbow to the fingers. |他的胳膊从肘部一直包扎到手指。



1.The manager was offended by his abrupt reply. |经理被他的粗鲁的回答激怒了。

2.The head teacher is very abrupt with parents. |主任老师对家长们的态



1.The road is full of many abrupt turns. |这条路有许多急转弯。

2.His abrupt departure surprised everyone. |他突然离去,使大家都很吃惊。


a. 开始的

1.He left after the opening speech of the debate. |辩论会的开场白之后他就走了。

2.The queen attended the opening night of the theatre. |女王观看了这家剧院的首夜演出。

n. 1. [C]开业典礼;落成典礼

1.the opening of a new highway |一条新公路的通车典礼

2.Many attended the opening of the new sports center. |很多人参加了新体育中心的落成典礼。

[C] 空缺职位

1.There are few openings in publishing for new graduates. |出版行业能为新毕业的大学生提供的空缺职位极少。

2.I'm trying to apply for an opening in an advertising firm. |我正在申请广告公司的一个空缺职位。
