第三章 社会事件的翻译(汉译英)孔明借箭

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四、孔明借箭(《三国演义》节选) 罗贯中 著 第四十六回 用奇谋孔明借箭 献密计黄盖受刑 次日,聚众将于帐下,教请孔明议事。孔明欣 然而至。坐定,瑜问孔明曰:“即日将与曹军交战, 水路交兵,当以何兵器为先?”孔明曰:“大江之 上,以弓箭为先。”瑜曰:“先生之言,甚合愚意。 但今军中正缺箭用,敢烦先生监造十万枝箭,以为 应敌之具。此系公事,先生幸勿推却。”孔明曰: “都督见委,自当效劳。敢问十万支箭,何时要 用?”
Zhou Yu was puzzled too but simply said, “Well, we’ll see what he has to say in three days’ time.” Lu Su quietly prepared twenty fast ships each manned by more than thirty men, as well as the curtains and straw. The first and second days, Zhuge Liang made no move. Before dawn on the third day at about the fourth watch, he secretly invited Lu Su to his boat. When asked the reason he said, “I want you to come with me to fetch those arrows.” “Where from?” “Don’t ask that. You will see.”
肃领命来见孔明。孔明曰:“吾曾告子敬,休 对公瑾说,他必要害我。不想子瑾不肯为我隐讳, 今日果然又弄出事来。三日内如何造得十万箭?子 敬只得救我!”肃曰:“公自取其祸,我如何救得 你?”孔明曰:“望子敬借我二十只船,每船要军 士三十人,船上皆用青布为幔,各束草千余个,分 布两边。吾别有妙用。第三日包管有十万枝箭。只 不可又教公瑾得知。若彼知之,吾计败矣。”肃允 诺,却不解其意。回报周瑜,果然不提起借船之事, 只言:“孔明并不用箭竹、翎毛、胶漆等物,自有 道理。”瑜大疑曰:“且看他三日后如何回复我!”
却说曹寨中,听得擂鼓呐喊,毛玠、于禁二人 慌忙飞报曹操。操传令曰:“重雾迷江,彼军忽至, 必有埋伏,切不可轻动。可拨水军弓弩手乱箭射 之。”又差人往旱寨内唤张辽、徐晃各带弓弩军三 千,火速到江边助射。比及号令到来,毛玠、于禁 怕南军抢入水寨,已差弓弩手在寨前放箭;少顷, 旱寨内弓弩手亦到,约一万余人,尽皆向江中放箭: 箭如雨发。孔明教把船吊回,头东尾西,逼近水寨 受箭,一面擂鼓呐喊。待至日高雾散,孔明令收船 急回。二十只船两边束草上,排满箭枝。孔明令各 船上军士齐声叫曰:“谢丞相箭!”比及曹军寨内 报知曹操时,这里船轻水急,已放回二十余里,追 之不及。曹操懊悔不已。
Then Zhuge Liang had the twenty ships fastened together with a long rope and made them row towards the north bank. The night was foggy and mist lay so thick on the river that men face to face could hardly see each other. He urged the ships forward till by the fifth watch they were close to Cao Cao’s camp, then they were ordered to form a line with their prows to the west, while the crows beat drums and raised a mighty clamor. Lu Su was alarmed and asked,“What if the enemy attacks?” Zhuge Liang said with a laugh, “I doubt if Cao Cao will come out in this heavy fog. Let us pass the time pleasantly drinking and go back when the fog lifts.”
“It is too late to start today. I will start tomorrow,” said Zhuge Liang.“Three days from tomorrow you can send five hundred men to the river bank to fetch the arrows.”After drinking a few more cups he took his leave. “Do you think he is up to some trick?”asked Lu Su. “I think he has signed his own death warrant,”said Zhou Yu.“I didn’t push him into this. He asked for that formal order before the whole council. Even if he sprouts wings he can hardly escape this time. I shall just tell the workmen to hold things up and not supply him with the material he needs, so that of course he can’t
“I want the loan of twenty boats, each manned by thirty men. All the boats should have black cloth curtains and a thousand bundles of straw lashed to both sides. I shall make good use of them. On the third day I promise to deliver the arrows. But on no account tell Zhou Yu, or my plan will fall through.” Although Lu Su was puzzled, when he went back to Zhou Yu he did not mention the boats. He said only that Zhuge Liang had not asked for bamboo, feathers, glue or varnish, but had some other way of producing arrows.
却说鲁肃私自拨轻快船二十只,各船三十余人, 并布幔束草等物,尽皆齐备,候孔明调用。第一日 却不见孔明动静;第二日亦只不动。至第三日四更 时分,孔明密请鲁肃到船中。肃问曰:“公召我来 何意?”孔明曰:“特请子敬同往取箭。”肃曰: “何处去取?”孔明曰:“子敬休问,前去便见。” 遂命将二十只船,用长索相连,径望北岸进发。是 夜大雾漫天,长江之中,雾气更甚,对面不相见。 孔明促舟前进,果然是好大雾。当夜五更时候,船 已近曹操水寨。孔明教把船只头西尾东,一带摆开, 就船上擂鼓呐喊。鲁肃惊曰:“倘曹兵齐出,如之 奈何?”孔明笑曰:“吾料曹操于重雾中必不敢出。 吾等只顾酌酒取乐,待雾散便回。”
杨宪益、戴乃迭(Gladys Yang)译文: The Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong
An Excerpt from Chapter 46
By a Ruse Zhuge Liang Borrows Arrows Huang Gai Proposes a Stratagem and Is Beaten The next day Zhou Yu assembled his officers and summoned Zhuge Liang to a council. The latter went there cheerfully, and after they had taken seats Zhou Yu asked,“What arms are most important in naval fighting? We shall be engaging the forces of Cao Cao soon.”
“In three days I can give you a hundred thousand arrows.” “We don’t appreciate jokes in the army!”said Zhou Yu. “How dare I joke with you , commander?” protested Zhuge Liang. “Give me a written order. If I haven’t done the job in three days, I’m willing to accept any punishment.” In high good humor Zhou Yu ordered his adjutant to draw up an order forthwith. Then he drank to Zhuge Liang’s success and said,“When this task is completed, you will be rewarded.”
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
produce the arrows. Then, when I condemn him, no one can protest. Go and see what he’s doing now and keep me informed.” So off went Lu Su to see Zhuge Liang, who said,“I asked you not to let Zhou Yu know or he would kill me. But you couldn’t hold your tongue, and now I’m in trouble. How am I to make a hundred thousand arrows in three days? You must come to my rescue.” “You brought this on yourself,”replied Lu Su.“How can I help you?”
“On the river , arrows are best ,”said Zhuge Liang. “I agree with you. But we are rather short of arrows. Would you undertake to supply a hundred thousand for our next fight? Since this is for the common good, I am sure you won’t refuse!” “I shall certainly do my best to carry out your orders,”said Zhuge Liang.“May I ask when you want the arrows?” “Could you have them ready in ten days?” “The enemy may be here any time. Ten days would be too late.” “In that case how long do you think you will need?”
瑜曰:“十日之内,可完办否?”孔明曰:“操军 即日将至,若候十日,必误大事。”瑜曰:“先生 料几日可完办?”孔明曰:“只消三日,便可拜纳 十万枝箭。”瑜曰:“军中无戏言。”孔明曰: “怎敢戏都督!愿纳军令状:三日不办,甘当重 罚。”瑜大喜,唤军政司当面取了文书,置酒相待 曰:“待军事毕后,自有酬劳。”孔明曰:“今日 已不及,来日造起。至第三日,可差五百小军到江 边搬箭。”饮了数杯,辞去。鲁肃曰:“此人莫非 诈乎?”瑜曰:“他自送死,非我逼他。今明白对 众要了文书,他便两胁生翅,也飞不去。我只分付 军匠人等,教他故意迟延,凡应用物件,都不与齐 备。如此,必然误了日期。那时定罪,有何理说? 公今可去探他虚实,却来回报。”