module3 music

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莫扎特是一位杰出的奥地利作曲家, 出生于萨尔兹堡一个宫廷乐师家里。 他从少年时代就展现出杰出的音乐 才能,一生作品极其丰富。他创作的 最重要领域是歌剧,共22部,另一重 要创作部分是交响乐,共45部。他的 音乐创作即继承和发展了海顿等前辈的成果,又 对后来的贝多芬等人的创作产生了重要影响。 1756 年,沃尔夫冈· 莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)出生于萨尔兹堡,自幼他便展现出那无 与伦比的音乐天赋:3岁开始弹琴,6岁开始作曲, 8 岁写下了第一部交响乐,11岁便完成了他的第一 部歌剧,14岁是指挥乐队演出了该歌剧。
1. How did Haydn change the form of symphonies?
He made them longer and for a larger orchestra.
2. How long did he work in eastern Austria?
He worked in eastern Austria for 30 years.
music songs instrument
More Instruments……
筝 箫 口琴 手风琴 小号 电子琴
zheng xiao mouth organ accordion trumpet electronic organ
Culture corner
Say something about Ye Xiaogang.
Answer these questions: 1. Are there any similarities between Ye Xiaogang and the European composers you have read about in this module? 2. Do you think it is a good idea to mix Chinese and western music?
Another Austrian composer, Mozart, was born in Salzburg. Though he only _______ more than lived 35 years, he composed _________ 600 pieces of music, Mozart had musical talent from a very early age. By the time _____ _________ he was 14, he had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. ________
singer band choir
composer conductor
music songs
Types of music and songs
我爱你塞北的雪 北国之春 莫斯科郊外的晚上
folk songs
老鼠爱大米 Super Star 最浪漫的事
pop songs
He was beautiful Summer time Autumn leaves
In 1791, Beethoven met Haydn, who encouraged Beethoven to move to __________ Vienna. Beethoven became very popular in Austria, and stayed there _______ for the rest of his life. Even after he ___ became completely deaf, he continued _________ ________ composing.
Module Three
How much do you know about the world of
Module Three
one who sings songs
Module Three
a group of people who sing together
Jazz music
Types of music and songs
回到拉萨 一无所有 梦回唐朝
rock’ n’ roll
春江花月夜 classical music 高山流水 十面埋伏
Module Three
singer band choir
composer conductor
one who directs an orchestra or other such group
A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments
Module Three
Joseph Haydn, an Austrian composer ________, was born in a village and is known as _________ the father of the symphony. He changed _______ the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. After________ music studying in Vienna, he went to work at the _____ of a prince in eastern Austria. court later Thirty years _____, he moved to London, where he was very successful. _____
贝多芬的主要作品有交响乐九 部,其中第三、第五、第六部 又称作英雄交响曲、命运交响 曲和田园交响曲,再加上第九 部合唱交响曲,都是享有盛名 的交响乐作品。除此而外,他 还有《悲怆》等32部奏鸣曲, 5部钢琴协奏曲,一部小提琴协奏曲,6部弦 乐四重奏曲及《庄严的弥撒曲》 等众多作品。
Fast reading (I)
birthplac e
family background
Austria Austria
peasant musician orchestra conductor
Beethov Germany en
Read the whole text very carefully again, and fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases.
an organized company of singers
Module Three
singer band choir
a person who composes music
Module Three
Music singer band choir
贝多芬(1770-1827) 德国著名 作曲家,其父为德国宫廷歌手,他 从小随父亲接受了严格的音乐训练, 学会了弹琴与作曲。自1792年起, 他一直定居维也纳,以教学、演出 和创作乐曲为生。后来因为创作上 的成就而成为德国维也纳古典乐派 的代表人之一。他的作品,在欧洲 音乐史上起到了继往开来的作用,对近代西洋音乐 的发展产生了深远影响。自28岁起,贝多芬听力逐 渐减退,至50岁时双耳完全失聪,但他却一直隐忍 着这种致命的打击,坚持指挥、作曲,与命运进行 了不屈的抗争。
His father taught him.
2. Did he stop composing when he became deaf?
No, he continued composing when he became deaf.
Read quickly and fill in the table
name Haydn
Biblioteka Baidu
Fast reading (II)
1. How many pieces of music did Mozart compose?
He composed over 600 pieces of music.
2. How old was he when he played for the Empress of Austria?
He was six years old.
3. How long were Mozart and Haydn friends?
They were friends for ten years.
Fast reading (III)
1. Who taught Beethoven how to play the piano?
可以这么说,莫扎特是为音乐而生的,从他出生的那 一刻开始,他就和音乐熔为一体了。 莫扎特16岁时被任命为萨尔兹堡宫廷的管风琴师。 1781年,莫扎特脱离了对大主教的依附,成为了历史 上第一位自由作曲家,并来到了维也纳发展。在维也 纳,莫扎特靠教私人学生,举行音乐会演出和出版作 品为生。在这段时间,莫扎特接触到了巴赫、亨得尔 的作品,并结识了海顿,从而丰富了他的音乐理念。 可怜就是这样一位天才,在他正当壮年的时候却 因为感染风寒而去世了,死时年仅35岁。在他生命的 最后一天(1871年12月9日),他仍在创作,可惜天 嫉英才,莫扎特留下了他那未完成的《安魂曲》,而 撒手人间,成为了音乐史上最大的遗憾之一。
约瑟夫· 海顿(1732——1809), 奥地利著名作曲家,维也纳古典 乐派的最早期代表,被称为“交 响乐之父”。在一生中共完成了 107首交响曲,68首弦乐四重 奏,62首钢琴奏鸣曲,和45首 钢琴三重奏,14部弥撒,24出 歌剧,以及两部神剧等作品。 海顿家境贫困,父亲是车轮匠,母亲当过厨娘,但都 酷爱音乐。小海顿自幼就在家庭中接受音乐教育,6 岁时成为海茵堡教会合唱团的歌童,并开始学习钢琴 和小提琴。可是直到29岁才被艾斯德哈济亲王聘为 乐长。后来,海顿两次去英国伦敦旅行,演出了他专 门创作的十二首交响乐(后人称它《伦敦交响乐》), 获得牛津大学音乐博士称号,从此名震全欧洲。
In 1781 Haydn met Mozart and was very _________ with him. They were impressed until friends ______ Mozart’s death. Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. When he was very young, he learned to play the violin and the from piano _____ his father.

叶小钢 作曲家,男,汉族,1955年9月出生,广东 南雄人,无党派,1972年9月参加工作。美国罗切斯 特大学伊斯曼音乐学院作曲专业毕业,研究生学历。 现任中央音乐学院教授、博士生导师、作曲系副主任, 中国音乐家协会副主席,第十届全国政协委员。 他创作了大量的作品并在世界范围内演出,其中: 1990年,《悲歌》获美国伊斯曼“路易斯.兰”奖; 1991年《冬》获美国“哈沃德.汉森”奖;1993年 《地平线》被选入中华民族文化促进会的“二十世纪 华人音乐经典”,获美国“李氏基金会”颁发的“学 术杰出成就奖”;2001年交响乐《春天的故事》、 《深圳故事》第一组曲、歌曲《花季雨季》获中国音 乐”金钟奖”;电影音乐《刮痧》获第21届“金鸡奖” 最佳音乐奖等。其主要影视作品有《湘女潇潇》、 《洗澡》、《玉观音》、《惊涛骇浪》、《芬妮的微 笑》等。他的教学成就显著,其学生的作品多次在国 内外重大比赛中获奖。他还在“中央电视台第11届全 国青年歌手大奖赛”、“中国音乐金钟奖”等重大比 赛中担任评委。