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A young man and an old man sat next to each other, waiting for a bus at a station. “What’s that in your bag?” asked the young man, pointing to a big bag beside the old man.
学生答:(Jack’s aunt and uncle.)
Part C Retelling
梗概:小伙子为了偷到老人袋子里的黄金,不 惜脱掉自己的皮大衣,最后发现袋子里装的是 石头。 关键词:station n. 车站 gold n. 黄金 coat n. 大衣 run away v. 逃离 stone n. 石头
1) 录音问:Where do the speakers live? 学生答:(In New York.)
2) 录音问:Why does Jack hate ice on the sidewalk? 学生答:(Because he hates falling down on the ice. / It makes him fall over/down. It makes the sidewalk slippery.) 3) 录音问:What will Jack’s mother do next week? 学生答:(She will give a lecture to her students.) 4) 录音问:How much does a surfing course for beginners cost? 学生答:(60 dollars per hour.) 5) 录音问:Who will pick up Jack and his mother at the airport?
3) 中文呈现:我们到达之后需要租一辆车吗? Do we need to rent a car after we get there?
W: I don’t think so. Your aunt andBaidu Nhomakorabeauncle can pick us up at the airport and drive us around. They would love to see you again and take you anywhere you want.
Part B Role Play 情景介绍角色:你是Jack任务:
1)与妈妈商量寒假出游计划; 2)根据谈话内容回答问题。
M: The temperature is already below zero now. When the winter break comes, it’ll be worse. W: Are you thinking about going somewhere warm for the holiday, son? M: I really am. How about Hawaii? So many great beaches and warm weather! W: I’d love to go to Hawaii, too, although I’ll miss the snow here in New York. It’s so beautiful. M: The snow is great, but the sidewalks will be covered with ice soon. I hate that. I hate falling down on the ice. W: Yes, I know. The winter is hard to take sometimes. M: Right. And just think about all that Hawaii has to offer. Clear blue skies; warm weather and yellow beaches; plenty of time for sunbathing. You could be surfing again like you used to. W: Okay. It does sound amazing. Let’s start planning the trip.
1) 中文呈现:你打算什么时候买飞机票? When will you buy our/ the plane tickets?
W:Well, there’s no hurry, son. I have to give a lecture to my students next week. I will buy the tickets after that. I hear that plane tickets will be cheaper next month too.
2) 中文呈现:你最想在夏威夷做什么? What do you want to do most in Hawaii?
W:Definitely surfing. And I want you to learn too. It says on this website that they offer a surfing course for beginners. It’s 60 dollars per hour, but I think it’s worth it.
Worried but delighted, the young man ran out of the station as quickly as his legs could carry him. He reached a place where he thought the old man couldn’t find him. He stopped and quickly opened the bag. To his shock he found that it was full of small stones.
1. 一年轻人和一老人在车站坐在一起等车; 2. 年轻人问老人的包里装的是什么,老人说是金子; 3. 年轻人想点子如何拿到金子; 4. 老人很累,很快在椅子上睡着了; 5. 年轻人轻轻地拿走老人的包,想逃走; 6. 他的皮大衣的一角被老人压着; 7. 年轻人试图扯出皮大衣,但不成功; 8. 年轻人脱下自己的皮大衣,认为金子更值钱; 9. 年轻人快速跑开; 10. 年轻人打开包,发现里面是一些小石头。
“Gold, nothing but gold,” answered the old man. The young man could not believe his ears. Then he began to think about how to get the fortune.
The old man was very tired and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open. After a while, the old man lay down on the chair and fell asleep. The young man took the bag gently and quietly. But when he was just about to run away, he found a
Part A Reading Aloud
The River Thames is the longest and most important river in Great Britain. The name of the river is probably a Scottish word which means “broad river”. The Thames rises in southwest England and flows east for a distance of 338 kilometres to London. On the north bank stands the Tower of London, which was once home to the royal family and later served as a prison. The Thames River is crowded at its mouth with the busy ships of England’s commerce, but the upper course of the river is known for its quiet beauty. Someone once said the Thames was the finest river in the world “because it runs liquid history”.
corner of his fur coat was under the old man’s body. Several times he tried to pull it out, but each time he failed. At last he took off his coat, thinking that the gold in the bag must be worth much more than his coat.