ansys help流固耦合算例fluid_structure(内含解析)
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*SET,next , 30 ! Elements along flow - exit region
*SET,rext , 6 ! Size ratio in flow direction of outlet
*SET,rafls , 12 ! Initial element spacing ratio - morph.fluid
lesize,1,,,ngas,rgas !指定所选线上单元数 线1上划分10个单元 中间尺寸比两端尺寸=|-2|
lesize,3,,,ngas,rgas !指定所选线上单元数 线3上划分10个单元 中间尺寸比两端尺寸=|-2|
*SET,nfl11, nfl1*2+9
!! Morphing Fluid region is a user defined region around
!! the gasket. The fluid mesh here will deform and be
!! updated as the gasket deforms.
!!!!! 2. Create Physics Environment for the Fluid..................................................第二大步创建流体的物理环境
rect,x,piper,yent,ysf1 ! A3: Fluid region with static mesh
rect,x,piper,ysf2,ysf2+dyex ! A4: Fluid region with static mesh
*SET,nfl1 , 20 ! Elements along flow - first morph.fluid.
*SET,nthgas , 4 ! Elements in the gasket
*SET,nfl2 , 3 ! Elements along flow - second morph.fluid.
aatt,2,2,2 ! Gasket (material 2) 赋给选择的区域(点,面,线或体)2号材料属性,2号实常数,2号单元类型
asel,s,,,3 !选择面3
cm,area2,area !把选择的面名称定义为area2
alist ! List area selected for further morphing
*SET,raflu , -3 ! Space fluid elements near the walls and center
*SET,nenty ,8 ! Elements along flow - entrance
*SET,raent ,5 ! Size ratio in the inlet region
! |----------| Boundary of "morphing fluid"
! | ______
! | |______ gasket
! |
! |----------| Boundary of "morphing fluid" (sf)
/COM,ANSYS RELEASE 12.1 UP20091102 13:06:05 10/24/2010
! /Batch,list
asel,s,,,1,3 !选择面1,3
esla,s !选择被选面上的单元点
/Title, Initial mesh for gasket and neighborhood !命名标题
/ZOOM,1,RECT,0.3,-0.6,0.4,-0.5 !选择区域
ET,1,141 ! Fluid - static mesh
ET,2,182, ! Hyperelastic element
!!!!!!! Fluid Structure Interaction - Multiphysics
*SET,dg , 0.02 ! Thickness of the gasket
*SET,ytg , ygas+dg ! Y coordinate of the initial top of the gasket
*SET,dsf2 , 0.5 ! Thickness of downstream region
*SET,ngas , 10 ! Number of elements along the gasket
*SET,rgas , -2 ! Spacing ratio along gasket
*SET,nflu , ngap+ngas ! Number of elements across the fluid region
!!!!!!! Deformation of a gasket in a flow field.
!!!!!!! Element plots are written to the file gasket.grph.
! - Water flows in a vertical channel through a constriction
*SET,ysf1 , yent+dyen ! Y coordinate of entrance to the morphing fluid region
*SET,dsf1 , 0.5 ! Thickness of upstream
*SET,ygas , ysf1+dsf1 ! Y coordinate of the bottom of the gasket
lsel,s,,,2,4,2 ! (Modify lesize of line 8 if changing gasket mesh) 选择线从2号线递增到4号线 每次递增2
amesh,all !划分已选择的面
!!!!! Create element plot and write to the file gasket.grph
! formed by a rubber gasket.
! - Determine the equilibrium position of the gasket and
! the resulting flow field
! |
! |
adelete,7 !删除面7 adele,7
al,6,3,22,7,8,5,21,1 !定义一个由相关线围成的面
!!Mesh Division information
*SET,ngap , 10 ! Number elemeBiblioteka ts across the gap
!!! Create geometry
rect,xrgap,piper,ygas,ytg ! A1:Gasket (keypoints 1-4)
rect,x,piper,ysf1,ysf2 ! A2: Morphing fluid region
*SET,ysf2 , ytg + dsf2! Y of Top of the downstream morphing fluids region
*SET,dyex , 6.0 ! Exit fluid length
*SET,x , 0. ! Location of the centerline
*SET,dgasr ,.20 ! Initial span of gasket
*SET,piper , 0.3 ! Width of the analysis domain
*SET,xrgap , piper-dgasr!! Width of completely unobtructed flow passage
!!! AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE - Set the attributes for the areas
asel,s,,,1,2 !选择面 从1号面递增到2号面 每次递增1(默认)
k,22,xrgap+dg2,ygas+dg2 !定义一个关键点为22号,坐标是x,y
*SET,rarc , dg2*1.1
larc,1,4,22,rarc !定义一个通过1,4点半径为dg2*1.1,圆心在22点这边的圆弧
al,6,4 !定义一个由相关线围成的面
asel,a,,,5,6 !在原来的基础上添选面2,3
aatt,1,1,1 ! Fluid area (material 1)
/eshape,2 !
asel,u,,,2,3 !在当前已经选择的面中选面2,3
!! Parameterize Dimensions in the flow direction
*SET,yent , 0.0 ! Y coordinate of the entrance to the channel
*SET,dyen , 1.0 ! Undeformed geometry flow entrance length
! |
!! 1. Build the model of the entire domain:
!! Fluid region - static mesh
!! Gasket leaves a hole in the center of the channel
*SET,rext , 6 ! Size ratio in flow direction of outlet
*SET,rafls , 12 ! Initial element spacing ratio - morph.fluid
lesize,1,,,ngas,rgas !指定所选线上单元数 线1上划分10个单元 中间尺寸比两端尺寸=|-2|
lesize,3,,,ngas,rgas !指定所选线上单元数 线3上划分10个单元 中间尺寸比两端尺寸=|-2|
*SET,nfl11, nfl1*2+9
!! Morphing Fluid region is a user defined region around
!! the gasket. The fluid mesh here will deform and be
!! updated as the gasket deforms.
!!!!! 2. Create Physics Environment for the Fluid..................................................第二大步创建流体的物理环境
rect,x,piper,yent,ysf1 ! A3: Fluid region with static mesh
rect,x,piper,ysf2,ysf2+dyex ! A4: Fluid region with static mesh
*SET,nfl1 , 20 ! Elements along flow - first morph.fluid.
*SET,nthgas , 4 ! Elements in the gasket
*SET,nfl2 , 3 ! Elements along flow - second morph.fluid.
aatt,2,2,2 ! Gasket (material 2) 赋给选择的区域(点,面,线或体)2号材料属性,2号实常数,2号单元类型
asel,s,,,3 !选择面3
cm,area2,area !把选择的面名称定义为area2
alist ! List area selected for further morphing
*SET,raflu , -3 ! Space fluid elements near the walls and center
*SET,nenty ,8 ! Elements along flow - entrance
*SET,raent ,5 ! Size ratio in the inlet region
! |----------| Boundary of "morphing fluid"
! | ______
! | |______ gasket
! |
! |----------| Boundary of "morphing fluid" (sf)
/COM,ANSYS RELEASE 12.1 UP20091102 13:06:05 10/24/2010
! /Batch,list
asel,s,,,1,3 !选择面1,3
esla,s !选择被选面上的单元点
/Title, Initial mesh for gasket and neighborhood !命名标题
/ZOOM,1,RECT,0.3,-0.6,0.4,-0.5 !选择区域
ET,1,141 ! Fluid - static mesh
ET,2,182, ! Hyperelastic element
!!!!!!! Fluid Structure Interaction - Multiphysics
*SET,dg , 0.02 ! Thickness of the gasket
*SET,ytg , ygas+dg ! Y coordinate of the initial top of the gasket
*SET,dsf2 , 0.5 ! Thickness of downstream region
*SET,ngas , 10 ! Number of elements along the gasket
*SET,rgas , -2 ! Spacing ratio along gasket
*SET,nflu , ngap+ngas ! Number of elements across the fluid region
!!!!!!! Deformation of a gasket in a flow field.
!!!!!!! Element plots are written to the file gasket.grph.
! - Water flows in a vertical channel through a constriction
*SET,ysf1 , yent+dyen ! Y coordinate of entrance to the morphing fluid region
*SET,dsf1 , 0.5 ! Thickness of upstream
*SET,ygas , ysf1+dsf1 ! Y coordinate of the bottom of the gasket
lsel,s,,,2,4,2 ! (Modify lesize of line 8 if changing gasket mesh) 选择线从2号线递增到4号线 每次递增2
amesh,all !划分已选择的面
!!!!! Create element plot and write to the file gasket.grph
! formed by a rubber gasket.
! - Determine the equilibrium position of the gasket and
! the resulting flow field
! |
! |
adelete,7 !删除面7 adele,7
al,6,3,22,7,8,5,21,1 !定义一个由相关线围成的面
!!Mesh Division information
*SET,ngap , 10 ! Number elemeBiblioteka ts across the gap
!!! Create geometry
rect,xrgap,piper,ygas,ytg ! A1:Gasket (keypoints 1-4)
rect,x,piper,ysf1,ysf2 ! A2: Morphing fluid region
*SET,ysf2 , ytg + dsf2! Y of Top of the downstream morphing fluids region
*SET,dyex , 6.0 ! Exit fluid length
*SET,x , 0. ! Location of the centerline
*SET,dgasr ,.20 ! Initial span of gasket
*SET,piper , 0.3 ! Width of the analysis domain
*SET,xrgap , piper-dgasr!! Width of completely unobtructed flow passage
!!! AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE - Set the attributes for the areas
asel,s,,,1,2 !选择面 从1号面递增到2号面 每次递增1(默认)
k,22,xrgap+dg2,ygas+dg2 !定义一个关键点为22号,坐标是x,y
*SET,rarc , dg2*1.1
larc,1,4,22,rarc !定义一个通过1,4点半径为dg2*1.1,圆心在22点这边的圆弧
al,6,4 !定义一个由相关线围成的面
asel,a,,,5,6 !在原来的基础上添选面2,3
aatt,1,1,1 ! Fluid area (material 1)
/eshape,2 !
asel,u,,,2,3 !在当前已经选择的面中选面2,3
!! Parameterize Dimensions in the flow direction
*SET,yent , 0.0 ! Y coordinate of the entrance to the channel
*SET,dyen , 1.0 ! Undeformed geometry flow entrance length
! |
!! 1. Build the model of the entire domain:
!! Fluid region - static mesh
!! Gasket leaves a hole in the center of the channel