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The appendix J engineering geology classification of surrounding rock

J.0.1The engineering geologic classification of surrounding rock can be divided into preliminary classification and detailed classification. The classification results can be used to evaluate the stability of surrounding rock and as the basis of support type. Classification of surrounding rock shall conform to table 0.1.J

J.0.2 A preliminary classification of surrounding rock is mainly on the basis of rock type and rock mass structure type or the integrite degree, rock mass is suitable for the planning and preliminary feasibility study phase, and should be in accordance with the table below.

J.0.3 The determination of rock types, should comply with the table J.0.3.

J.0.4 The determination of rockmass integral degree, should comply with the table J.0.4

J.0.5 The determination of rock mass structural type should comply with appendix N.

J.0.6 Detailed classification of surrounding rock should be to control the rock strength, rock mass integrity of the surrounding rock, structure state, groundwater, and main structural plane occurrence overall rating of the sum of the five factors are divided into basic criterion, it is mainly used for feasibility study, detail design stage, bidding and construction and shall comply with the provisions of the table .

Note:For Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ types, when the stress ratio is less than the above, then the rock type corresponding lower level .

J.0.7 The strength-stress ratio, S, may be obtained by the following equation (J.0.7):


Where: R b—Saturated uniaxial compression strength of rock (MPa);

K v—Integrity coefficient of rock mass, i.e.: square of ratio of longitudinal wave velocity of rock mass to that of rock therein;

σm—max. principle stress of surrounding rock (MPa), if there is no measured data available , it may be replaced by self-weight stress.

J.0.8The ratings of five factors in the detailed classification shall comply with the following stipulations.

1. The ratings of rock strength shall comply with Table J.0.8-1.

Rock strength type

Hard rock Soft Rock

Stiff Moderately stiff Moderately weak Weak

Saturated uniaxial compression

strength R b (MPa)

R b > 60 60≥R b>30 30≥R b>15 15≥R b>5 Rating (A) 30~20 20~10 10~5 5~0 Notes: (1) For rock with saturated uniaxial compression strength of greater than 100MPa, the rating of strength shall be 30.

(2) When the sum of the ratings of rock integrity and structural plane conditions is less than 5, the rating of rock strength shall be taken as 20 in the case that it is greater than 20.

2. The rating of rock mass integrity shall comply with Table J.0.8-2.

Rock mass integrity Integral Relatively


Poorly integral




Integrity coefficient of rock mass K V K V>0.75

0.75≥K V >0.5


0.55≥K V >0.35

0.35≥K V >0.1


K V≤0.15

Rating (B) Hard rock 40~30 30~22 22~14 14~6 <6 Soft rock 25~19 19~14 14~9 9~4 <4 b

>30MPa, and the sum of ratings of integrity and structural plane

conditions is greater than 65, the rating shall be taken as 65;

(2) If 30MPa≥R b>15MPa, and the sum of ratings of integrity and structural plane conditions is greater than 55, the rating shall be taken as 55;

(3) If 15MPa≥R b>5MPa, and the sum of ratings of integrity and structural plane conditions is greater than 40, the rating shall be taken as 40;

(4) For very soft rock with R b≤5MPa, integrity of rock mass and structural plane
