英语五大基本句型 G

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从以上三个句子中找出英文与其汉语译文语序不一样 的句子。并说说对我们写作有什么启示。 注意点:第三句在翻译成汉语时,状语要提在谓语前才 符合汉语说话习惯。 启示:在汉语翻译成英文时,或写英语作文时,不能完 全按汉语习惯,要考虑到英语语序的差异。
练习:将下面句子中符合S+V(+Ad) 结构的句子挑出来 1.Everything goes well. 2. Everybody laughed happily 3. People are running in the rain. 4. We got up very early during the military training. 5. He stopped writing at once. 6. I like my new school very much.
10.We should keep the plants in th主e 谓sh宾a状de.
11.Many animals live in trees.
12.The workers are working 主h谓a状rd.
(二)并列句 由并列连词把两个或两个以上的互相关连而 又互相独立的独句(即简单句)连在一起而构成 的句子叫并列句。其结构是:简单句+并列连 词+简单句 常用的连词有and,but,or not only...but also,neither...nor,either...or
look forward to…
练习:朗读并翻译以下句子 1. He got up late and missed catching the train. 2. Luckily, the bird missed being shot. 3. The English teacher suggest us reading more. 4. Most people appreciate being loved. 5. The little baby didn’t see his mother and couldn’t
语与现在分词之间是主动关系; 过去分词为宾语补足语时,宾语
❖ 主谓宾、定状补, ❖ 主干枝叶分清楚, ❖ 主要成分主谓宾, ❖ 附加成分定状补, ❖ 定语必居主宾前, ❖ 谓前为状谓后补。
【巩固提高练习】 1.The train is com主in谓g
2. We all like Eng主lis谓h宾.
学习目标 (Goals): 1. 了解构成五大基本句型的句子成分及其使用的
2. 能够正确识别五大句型并以此帮助更好地理解 句子意义。
3. 通过熟悉五大基本句型的结构提升在书面表达 中正确使用简单句的能力。
4. 通过本节课的学习去体会英语学习中应遵循的 方法或规律,并树立英语学习的自信心。
She is heard to sing next door .
❖I saw him running off.
❖I smelt something burning.
❖You must get your hair cut.
❖She had a new cap made. 提示:现在分词为宾语补足语时,宾
练习:Many people wonder what____ in the future. A . will the world be like B. the world is like C. is the world like D. the world will be like
类型3: S + link V + P
Subject : 主语 Verb: 谓语(动词);Vt (及物); Vi(不及物)
Object: 宾语
linkV (LV) 系动词;
Attribute: 定语
Advervial: 状语 Object Complement: Predicative: 表语
Apposition: 同位语
❖ 基本句型一:(主S+谓Vi) ❖ 基本句型二:(主S+系LV+表P) ❖基本句型三: (主S+谓Vt+宾O) ❖基本句型四: (主S+谓Vt+
以上句型可以转换成另一种加介词的结构。关 键要记住哪些动词是加to。哪些家for
阅读以下句子,留意谓语动词的变化;并将动词 原形写出来
用to表动作的方向,“朝着,对着” 用for表动作的受益者,“为了,替” 常跟双宾语的Vt有: (to): bring, give, lend, offer, promise,
(1)并列连词的选用。 (2)并列连词与从属连词的区别。
句等来补充说明主语的是什么,怎么样,处于什么 状态。 自我检测:常见系动词有哪几类 1)1个be (能识别不同的时态形式) 2)2个似乎(seem, appear) 3)5个感官:feel, look, taste, swell, sound 4)5个状态延续→remain, stay, continue, stand, keep(仍然,保持) 5)状态变化→become, get, turn, grow, go bad, fall asleep, come true (变得)
6. We expect to see you again.
可以用于跟动名词(doing)作宾语的动词(短语) 还有 :miss(错过,未能), practice, finish, mind(介意), suggest(建议), advise(忠告), enjoy, appropriciate (喜欢,欣赏), avoid(避免), escape(逃脱,躲 避), consider(考虑),can’t help(情不自禁)等,
1. My sisterisvery outgoing and lovely. 2. Motherisoften at home in the evening. 3. My trip to Qingdaoisenjoyable.
有些Vt后必须跟两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。 故形成此类句型。通过例句记住哪些动词可以接 双宾语;并将谓语动词的原形写出来。
类型2: S + vt. + O
及物动词(vt.)不能表达完整的意思,必须跟一 个宾语才能使意思完整. 朗读下面句子,体会此结 构用法;并留意宾语所使用的词性或形式。
除了例1-2中的动词可以跟动词不定式(to do)作宾语,
intend, mean(打算), attempt(试图), help, want, agree, dare(敢), decide, need, desire(渴望), expect(期望), learn, offer(主动提出), promise…等
3. Danny looks hap主p系y.表
4. Mom gave me a prese双n宾t. 语 5. The story makes me laugh宾.补
6.They wo主rk谓h状ard.
7.The flower is d主e谓ad. 8.Plants need w主a谓te宾r. 9.He gave me some see双d宾s语.
1. All the students in Class 1, Senior 1 intend(打算 ) to study hard at English.
2. Li Shuangjiang attempted (试图) to defend(辩护 ) for his son.
I made him finish the job. You mustn’t let the matter rest here.
在let(让),make(使得),have(请,让,使 得),see(看),hear(听到),watch(观看), feel(感觉到),listen to (倾听),look at (看到), notice(注意到)等动词后的宾语补足语如果为 不定式, 则省掉”to”, 但变为被动语态 时, 则要带”to”. e.g. We hear her sing next door.
S; V; LinkV; Vt; Vi;
O; DO; IO;
P; At; Ad; Ap
2. 用汉语解释下面五组句型的句子成分 基本句型 1: S + Vi 基本句型2: S + Vt + P 基本句型3: S+ Vt + O 基本句型4: S + Vt + IO + DO 基本句型5: S + Vt + O + OC
3. -- Did you mean (意图) to hurt your friend?
-- Of course not. 4. Many students desire(渴望) to have more free
time. 5. My friends always offer(主动提供) to help me.
类型5:主语+谓语+宾语+宾 语补足语
及物动词本身需要一个宾语外, 还需要一个名词, 形容词,动词不定式或分词来补充说明宾语。 e.g. We elected Li Yang our monitor.
He got his shoes dirty. The news made us excited. I asked her to open the window. He wants me to come early. They believed him (to be) innocent. We consider her (to be) honest.
send, show, teach, tell, ask, sell, write, return, leave, hand … (for) : buy, call, find, get, make, choose, order, do,… eg. She bought me a beautiful skirt. → She bought a beautiful skirt for me.
将下面句子翻译成汉语;并留意是否所有系动词 都必须翻译成对应的汉字. 这对写作有何启示。
6. All the students and English teachers are in the classroom now.
第2,6题的be 动词并没有翻译成具体的汉语意思。
写英语作文时,如果用形容词或介词短语来说明主语的 身份,性质或特征时,一定要有系动词,因为无谓语 动词的句子是错的。
help crying. 6. Our school is considering holding a sports meet. 7. I am looking forward to seeing the improvement in
your English study.
间宾Baidu NhomakorabeaO+直宾DO) ❖基本句型五: (主S+谓Vt+
宾O+宾补OC) 基本句型六:There be
Step2: 学习-提问-讨论 类型1:主语+谓语(不及物vi.)
通过例句了解结构:不及物动词(vi)本身就可以 表达完整的意念, 不需要宾语及补语.
此结构有时可有副词, 介词短语,分词,状语从句等修 饰谓语动词,使句意更完整。它可以扩展成:。