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第一组hope, wish

1. I _______she will recover quickly from her illness.

2. I _______she were here with us.

第二组amount, number

1. A large _______ of cement was used for this project.

2. A large _______ of people volunteered to do this difficult job.

第三组environment, circumstances

1. Whether or not you qualify for a loan will depend on your financial ______________.

2. Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the ____________.

第四组suspect, doubt

1. I ________ whether this plan will work.

2. I __________ that he is not telling the truth.

第五组contrast, compare

1. When the two plans are _______ carefully, some key differences will be shown up.

2. Robert Burns _______ his love to a red rose in one of his poems.

第六组proud, arrogant

1. I found him ___________ and rude.

2. He was ________ of himself for not giving up.

第七组typical, representative

1. The day was _______ of deep winter here: it was snowing heavily and a north wind was blowing.

2. This may be considered his _______ novel.

第八组adore, respect

1. I deeply _______ David for what he has achieved.

2. She _______her parents and would do anything to please them.

第九组injure, wound

1. During the fighting a few soldiers were _______.

2. In the accident his right leg was _______.

第十组besides, but, except for

1. Nobody_________ you could be so selfish.

2. Many people here have got other income _______ their wages.

3. Your composition is good,_________ some spelling mistakes.

第十一组principal principle

1. One of her ___________ in that honesty is the best policy.

2. The ________ of the school will resign because of poor health.

3. Rice is the_______ food of the inhabitants of this area.

第十二组proceed, precede

1. The speaker drank a glass of water and then _______ with his speech.

2. Do you know who _______ Winston Churchill as Prime Minister?

第十三组statue, status, statute

1. Churchill's ________stands outside the parliament building.

2. Protection for the consumer is laid down by ________.

3. Doctors have traditionally enjoyed high social ______.

第十四组eminent, imminent

1. She is an _______ artist in this city.

2. As a result of overproduction, a depression seems _______ in this rich country.

第十五组violate, violet

1. Questions of this kind _________ my privacy and I am not willing to answer them.

2. A _______ is a small plant that has purple or white flowers in the spring.


1. The BBC is a ________ body.

2. The two universities are to __________ in the development of a new industrial process. 第十七组stationery, stationary

1. __________ is paper, envelopes, and other materials or equipment used for writing.

2. The rate of inflation has been __________ for several months.

第十八组neutral, natural

1. It is difficult to be __________when one is tense.

2. During World War II, Sweden was __________.

第十九组complementary, complimentary

1. The chairman made some ___________ remarks about the speakers.

2. His strong points and hers are _____________.

第二十组terrible, terrific

1. There was a _____ accident on this road yesterday.

2.The dinner she served was ______ —we enjoyed it greatly.
