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Injuries can result from:以下工作会带来伤害 • Work near excavations在挖掘现场工作 • Work near unstable structures在不稳定的构 架附近工作 • Work near or on fragile/brittle surfaces •在易碎或脆弱的表面工作
Roaring 40s Height Safety 登高作业安全知识
What is Height Safety all about? 什么是高空作业安全?
Working at heights can be hazardous. 高空作业有风险 • Superman does not wear safety equipment….but he can fly. •超人不需要安全设备,但他能飞。 • There’s only 1 superman.只有一 个超人。
• Potential for objects to fall物体坠落的隐患
• Other risks to workers and visitors其他工 人和访问者的风险
• Turbine entry requirements风机进入许可
• Overall risk of the task任务的总体风险
• We want you to work safely all the time. •我们希望你处在一个安全的工作环 境
This presentation will show you the important elements of height safety including identifying risks and hazards, managing and reducing risks and the types of equipment used when climbing and working at heights.
• Control measures to reduce each risk风 险点控制
• Emer8gency response应急预案
Sample Risk Assessment风险评估案例
这个幻灯片将向你介绍高空作业 的重要因素,包括确认风险和危 险,管理和降低风险以及高空作 业的安全设备
What is Height Safety all about? 什么是高空作业安全?
If there is a possibility you or a college can fall and be injured, it is essential to identify the risks and implement control measures to reduce the possibility of that happening. 如 果 有 任 何 你 或 者 你 的同事有跌落伤害的危险,必须 确认风险并控制各个要素,减少 事情发生的可能性。 Many years ago it was acceptable not to wear safety equipment on work sites. 很多年以前,不穿安全服工作是 能够接受的。 Roaring 40s require everyone to wear safety equipment on our work sites. 瑞丰要求每个人在工作场所必须 穿安全设备。
• Using safety equipment; and /or • 使用安全设备,或 • Properly erected scaffolding
with barriers to stop you falling • 适当的脚手架及护栏
Who is at Risk?谁处于风险?
Everyone at a worksite can be at risk, whether they are: 任何在工作场所的人都有风险: • a worker 工人 • a visitor to the site访问者 • a supervisor 主管 • or even an architect 甚至一个建筑师
How to manage the risks of falls from heights?怎样管理高空跌落的风险?
Before you start any work at heights, like all other work tasks, you need to do a
RISK ASSESSMENT. For working at heights the risk assessment should cover
and evaluate:在高空作业之前,必须进行“风险评估”。“风险评估要包含以下
• Equipment requirements必须的设备
• Training requirements培训需求
• Job tasks工作单
• Potential for someone to fall – into, over人坠落的隐患
Who is at Risk?谁处于风险?
Injuries can result from: 以下工作会带来伤害 • Any elevated work such as with cranes 任何高空作业,例如吊装 • People working above you在你头顶上工 作的人
Who is at Risk?谁处于风险?
What is Height Safety all about? 什么是高空作业安全?
It is not permissible to work at heights or within 2 metres to the edge of a fall point without: 高空作业或者在超出跌落点2米的地方,没 有一下装备是不允许的: