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1. When will Tom finish the meeting?

A. At 1:00.

B. At 3:00.

C. At 5:00.

2. What does the man mean?

A. He left his dictionary at home.

B. He lent his dictionary to someone else.

C. He wouldn’t like to lend his dictionary to the woman.

3. What does Lisa look like?

A. She is tall with fair hair.

B. She is short with blonde hair.

C. He wouldn’t like to lend his dictionary to the woman.

4. Which game will the two speakers watch this evening?

A. A table tennis game.

B. A tennis game.

C. A football game.

5. What is wrong with the watch?

A. It has stopped.

B. It won’t start.

C. It can’t keep correct time.



6. When is the party to be held ?

A. On Sunday afternoon.

B. On Saturday evening.

C. On Sunday evening.

7. Where does the man plan to hold the party at last?

A. In Gillis’ flat.

B. In his flat.

C. In the woman’s flat.


8. How much is the highest value coin in England worth?

A. Five pounds.

B. Two pounds.

C. One pound.

9. How much is the highest value coin in America worth?

A. Two dollars.

B. One dollar.

C. 50 cents.


10. Where does the man live?

A. In a small town.

B. In a big city.

C. In a village.

11. What has the man done for celebrating Christmas?

A. He has bought a tree and decorations.

B. He has prepared gifts for his family.

C. He has decorated his house.

12. What will the woman do next?

A. Buy Christmas decorations.

B. Go to see the man’s C hristmas tree.

C. Buy a gift for her mother.


13. What was the weather like that day?

A. Cloudy.

B. Fine.

C. Rainy.

14. What did Professor Bumble hit the first time?

A. A cow.

B. A lady.

C. A tree.

15. What can we learn from the text?

A. Professor Bumble likes to play tricks on women.

B. Professor Bumble wears a pair of glasses.

C. The fat lady loves Professor Bumble.




21. —Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?


A. It’s your opinion

B. I don’t mind

C. I t’s all up to you

D. That’s your decision

22 —If you like I can do some shopping for you?

—That’s a very kind________.

A. offer

B. service

C. point

D. suggestion

23. Look,dark clouds are gathering. It ________ soon.

A. will rain

B. is going to rain

C. is to rain

D. is raining

24. In the last 30 years, the Internet _______ fast.
