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雅思写作 教育类
在最近的九年里,Education一直都是雅思写 作考试中出现频率最高的话题。甚至还出现过 两个月内连考6次教育题的情况,把那些坚信 “同一话题肯定不会连续出现”的“烤鸭”们 雷得外焦里嫩。 好在多数雅思考生是在校学生,或者已经工 作了但时间也还不算很长,总体而言教育类是 官方题库中最接近考生真实生活的一类话题, 思路也比较好想,所以每次考到教育类题时通 常是波澜不惊的。
展方向存在着类似的 性别差距(A similar gender gap can be found in adults’ career paths)。例如 女性当中选择科学或 工程相关事业的比例 远远低于男性(The proportion of women choosing to pursue science or engineering careers is much lower than that of men)。这对 孩子们选择学习科目 同样会有影响。
本题所给现象的产生原因有 a.很多家长和教师都持有 不同性别擅长不同学科的 思维定势(Many parents and teachers hold the gender stereotype that girls are naturally better at arts while boys excel at science); b.学生们在选课 时也很容易受到 来自于同辈的压 力影响(Peer pressure is also likely to influence children’s course selection);
剑桥在本题中设置的陷阱:D & G 雅思作文的准确定位:
它要考查的不是才华,而是基本功; 不是文采或者艺术性,而是考生在 40分钟左右的时间里有没有能力写 出一篇言之成理的短文,而且错误 不要太多而已。
The amount of money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people think that financial support from the government should only be provided for postgraduate scientific research rather than postgraduate research on less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?
University students should pay all the costs of their studies because university education benefits individuals more than society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Young people are important resources for their country. However, the government may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. What are these problems and what should the government do to help young people?
Exercise: The qualities that a person needs to become successful cannot be learned at university or in a similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
这种情况可能带来的问题有: a. 学校里选择艺术课程和科学课程的学生性别失衡 (cause gender imbalance in art classes and science classes);
b.儿童们可能会错过充分地实现自己潜力的机会 (miss the opportunity to achieve their full potential). 因此,家长和教师应该努力改变这种情况,鼓励孩子们更加广泛地尝试 不同课程(encourage children to explore a wider range of courses).
这种现象并不只限于中国,在英语国家同样有很多家长和 老师认为由于生理差异(the biological differences between boys and girls),女孩儿更擅长学艺术(girls are stronger at art subjects),而男孩儿天生就适合学科学(science is the natural domain for boys)。
在剑桥官方评分标准里对于以这种提问形式结尾的考题同样 是允许考生根据考题实际情况选择写一边倒或者写折中式的, 确保紧扣题中的观点展开论证并且言之有据即可。
Baidu Nhomakorabea
本题的“题眼”是only. 7分范文
Some teachers think that students should be organized into groups to study. Other teachers argue that students should study alone. What is your opinion?
In many schools, girls tend to choose art subjects while boys tend to choose science subjects. What are the causes of this situation? Do you think it should be changed?
Team activities can teach children more life skills than activities that are done alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people think schools should select students according to their academic ability while others believe that pupils with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
The best way for society to prepare for the future is to invest more resources in its young people. What is your opinion?
Although life has become richer, safer and healthier today, young people feel less happy than in the past. What are the causes of this situation? What do you think are the solutions to it?