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United States

The United States to ban guns, in fact, do not do, is not feasible. America's gun problems are deeply stirred by economic interests. The United States has the right to give the citizen the right to hold a gun in the constitution, and that the citizen can use the gun to defend himself when he is attacked. The United States is advocating "gun gun": 1 gun smuggling 2 high crime rate (robbery, murder, etc.)
2015.5.13 South Korean military camp massacre casualties 2 people dying
Asia's gun control
In China
China does not allow private ownership of guns
(1) the shooting unit, the operating range can be configured to shoot a gun; (2) the hunting field can configure the shotgun; (3) wild animal protection, breeding, scientific research units may be equipped with shotguns, narcotic injection guns. According to statistics, in 2011 there were 1560 cases of shootings, in 2012, a total of 1633, an increase of over the previous year 9 - 6 shooting in Suning The morning of June 9, 2015, Suning County occurred serious shooting, as of 9 days morning 10 when the Yanzhao Metropolis Daily reporter get the latest news, the case has caused four dead and five injured, including the expense of Suning County Public Security Bureau, political commissar, two police officers. In October 23, 2015, Henan Luohe sudden shootings killed 1 people in 5 hours the police capture

允许持枪固然会造成很多刑事案件,但是和刑事凶杀案相比,暴政更让人 恐怖
The American gun control
The contrast of China and the United States
The contrast of China and the United States

美国要禁枪,实际上是做不到的,是不可行的。 美国的枪支问题深深地同经济利益搅在一起。 美国在宪法中赋予公民持有枪支的权利。在自己的人身和生命遭遇侵犯时,公民可以使用枪支维护自己的权 利。 美国提倡的是“以枪制枪”。但: 1.枪支走私泛滥 2.犯罪率高(抢劫,杀人等)

The contrast of China and the United States
In August 14, 2015, the shooting happened in Guangxi Fangchenggang a case of 2 dead and 4 injured assailant shot
European gun control

Europe's current management of firearms Switzerland is the most open countries in holding firearms in Europe. Because of it's especial service system,the most of switzer were hold the firearms. However, the other countries in Europe are ban the firearms,but not too strict. They are allow the people who have the related documents to buy the firearms in weapon store. But it is difficult to get the documents, so illegal traffic firearms is serious in Europe, such as England and France.
Asia's gun controltr
In Asia, Japan and South Korea and other East Asian c oun t r ie s to b a n p ri v a te ownership of firearms, and India, the Philippines and other countries in South and Southeast Asia can not help but gun; in the middle of a few tr iba l areas a n d the acquiescence of the government local tribal leaders, religious elders armed legitimate possession of firearms
The American gun control
The American gun control
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
First lady Michelle Obama gave a personal and emotional speech Wednesday in Chicago as she stepped into the debate over gun control. 美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马周三在芝加哥举行了一场 动情的演讲,呼吁美国加强枪支管理。

In 1981, the Chinese government issued a "gun control", to a certain extent, to a certain extent, to strengthen the management of firearms: 1 loss of firearms is common 2 some of the poor quality of law enforcement officers, abuse of firearms 3 lack of publicity, lack of awareness of the citizens. All in all, the gun in essence, after all, is dangerous, with two sides. States should be combined with their national conditions, the gun management should be attached, take appropriate measures to strictly control, strengthen legislation, increase publicity.

1981年,中国政府颁布《枪支管理办法》,一定程度上加强了对枪支的管理。但: 1.丢失枪支现象常见 2.一些执法人员素质较差,滥用枪支 3.宣传力度不足,公民意识缺乏。 …… 总而言之,枪在本质上毕竟是危险物,具备两面性。各国应结合本国国情,对枪支管理予以重视,采取相应 措施严格控制,加强立法,加大宣传……

The American gun control

Citizens of America is the first who have gun rightsin the world. 美国是世界上第一个公民有持枪权力的国家。 “The right of the people to keep and carry guns should not be infringed.”——《Bill of rights》 “人民持有和携带枪支的权力不容侵犯。”—《权力法案》 It's a fact that permitting to own guns can cause a lot of criminal cases,but compared with the criminal homicides,tyranny is more horrible.