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Journal of So il and W ater Conservati on

V o l.22N o.2

A p r.,2008


万晓红1,周怀东1,刘玲花1,王雨春1,袁 浩1,2





于小杨家淀和小鸭淀;沉积物在6c m深处,小杨家淀和小鸭淀沉积物中全氮出现一次低值,而所有采样点孔隙水

中N H+4-N浓度都在此处出现一个峰值,表明6c m深度可能是白洋淀湖泊湿地微生物降解有机氮的一个活跃

区;芦苇湿地上覆水中N H+4-N和NO-3-N含量都高于宽阔湖面水体,说明植被的生长不仅会促进底质有机氮



关键词:白洋淀; 湿地; 沉积物; 孔隙水; 氮素分布

中图分类号:S153;X131.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100922242(2008)022*******

Research of N itrogen D istr ibution i n Ba iyangd i an W etland W AN X iao2hong1,ZHOU H uai2dong1,L I U L ing2hua1,W AN G Yu2chun1,YUAN H ao1,2

(1.Ch ina Institu te of W ater R esou rces and H y d rop o w er R esearch,B eij ing100038;

2.Colleg e of R esou rces and E nv ironm ental E ng ineering,Gu iz hou U niversity,Gu iy ang550003)

Abstract:T he sp atial distribu ti on of the n itrogen cou ld reflect the cou rse of the environm en tal change in the w etland to a certain ex ten t.T he con ten t of the o rgan ic m atter and the to tal n itrogen in the sedi m en t,po re w ater and overlying w ater w ere analyzed fo r the th ree typ ical areas in B aiyangdian w etland.R esu lts show ed that the vertical distribu ti on of the o rgan ic m atter and the to tal n itrogen in sedi m en t w ere all gradually decreases from upp er to the low er,and the ho rizon tal distribu ti on of them in su rface so il w ere distinctly differen t.T here w as a low er con ten t of the to tal n itrogen and a h igher con ten t of the N H+4-N at6c m in sedi m en t.It show ed that6c m in sedi m en t w as an activity area of degradati on o rgan ic n itrogen in B aiyangdian w etland.T he con ten t of N H+4-N and NO-3-N in upper w ater of bu lru sh area w as h igher than openness lakeland.T he resu lts i m p lied that the hydrophyte in w etland cou ld accelerate n itrogen liberati on and increase n itrogen settling.A t the sam e ti m e,the m etabo lite and relict from hydrophyte cou ld increase the n itrogenou s concen trati on in w ater.So,the harvesting and refloatati on w as a necessary m easu re to reduce the n itrogen inp u t.

Key words:B aiyangdian; w etland; sedi m en t; po re w ater; n itrogen distribu ti on




作者简介:万晓红(1978-),女,博士研究生,主要从事环境工程和环境水化学研究。Em ail:w anxh@i w h
