2018-2019年人教版九年级英语全册Unit 12单元测试卷(附答案)

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Unit12 单元测试卷


( )1. —Everyone wants to make money. But _______ me, the most important thing is to be happy.

—I agree with you.

A. such as

B. thanks to

C. instead of

D. as for

( )2. _______ the time I got outside, the bus had already left.


B. For

C. In

D. On

( )3. —Germany ended Brazil’s FIFA World Cup dream with a 7-1 semi-final (半决赛) victory.

—The result was really ________.

A. normal

B. general

C. unexpected

D. impossible

( )4. —When Miss Wang got to the station, the train had left. She ________ the train.

—What a bad luck she had!

A. picked

B. missed

C. caught

D. lost

( )5. _______ I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.

A. Before

B. After

C. As soon as

D. Since

( )6. —Are you going to Sydney by ______ train?

—No, I am going to take ________ plane there.

A. a; /

B. / ; a

C. a; the

D. the; a

( )7. —Mom, shall we have lunch now?

—We won’t have lunch _______ your dad comes back.

A. until

B. since

C. while

D. when

( )8. —What’s the result of the examination?

—The teacher said that ________ of the students had passed the exam.

A. four five

B. fourth fives

C. fourth fifths

D. four fifths

( )9. —How is the apple on the table?

—It looks really nice, but it ________ sour.

A. sounds

B. feels

C. tastes

D. looks

( )10. —It’s time for class. Please stop ________. —Yes, sir.

A. talking

B. to talking

C. to talk

D. talk

( )11. —Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave.


A. Yes, I do

B. No, thanks

C. OK, I will

D. Sorry, I won’t ( )12. —Did you see the two boys on the playground?

—Yes. But I saw one leave with a bike, and _______ playing basketball alone.

A. another

B. others

C. other

D. the other

( )13. —Did you see the basketball star yesterday when he came to visit our school yesterday?

—No, when I _____to school, he had already left.

A. got

B. get

C. had got

D. have got

( )14. They were doing homework when the telephone _______.


B. was ringing

C. rang

D. has rang


B.have gone


D.had gone


It was time for a holiday! Dalia wanted to go to the beach, 1 her mum, dad and brother had other ideas. Where would Dalia’s family go on holiday?

Suddenly, a golden envelope fell through the letter box. On the front it said “You’ve won!”“ 2 it!”shouted Mum, Dalia and Ahmed. Dad opened it. They had 3 a free holiday.

“I hope it’s to the seaside,”said Dalia. “I can swim in the sea and make sand castles.”

“No, I hope it’s a camping holiday,”said Dad. “I can sleep in a tent and get lots of 4 .”

“No, I’d like to go on a cruise (乘船游览),”said Ahmed. “I can watch the dolphins and eat lots of nice food.”

“Well, I’d like to go to a big city,”said Mum. “I can go shopping in the shopping mall and go to the theatre.”

Then they started to argue. They couldn’t decide. Beach! Camping! Cruise! City! They argued 5 it was dark outside. Then the phone rang. Dalia answered it. “Hello, this is Lucky Holidays. You’ve won a holiday to sunny Alexandria. ”“That is 6 my grandmother lives.”

“This is your grandma!”said Dalia’s grandma.

“Oh my dear grandma, you 7 us!”replied Dalia. “You are all invited to spend your summer holiday with 8 ,”said her grandma.

They packed their suitcases and spent two 9 weeks at the grandma’s home. Ahmed got his nice 10 . Dad got his fresh air. Mum went shopping and Dalia swam in
