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( 1)

It was Children's Day yesterday. We (go) to the park. Our teacher was . There

(be) many people there. Some Young (Pioneer)were near the river.(their)sang and (dance). There were some boats 7. _________ the river.There was hill near the river. Some boys (swim) in the river. We sat apple tree with our (teach).

( 2)

In America , Christmas is a great day for all people. day,shops and schools are not (open). Almost every family (have) a Christmas tree in the house. People make

their Christmas (tree) very (beauty). They put many colored bulbs( 彩灯 )in the trees ,so the trees are more beautiful night.They also put some dolls ,balls and (others) small things in the trees. On Christmas Day, almost everyone (give) presents to the others and also _________(got) presents ___________the others.


Li Mei is a Chinese student. She gets an e-mail Smith. Ben is a student in

Australia. He wants to (China.)

Dear Li Mei ,

My name is Ben Smith. I (be)from Sydney , Australia. I am 13 years old I am a scholboy. My favorite subject is PE , I like playing sports very much. There are

twenty (student) in our class. My classmates are from six countries ,but (them) are kind to each other. My parents are from France. They speak (France) , so I can speak English and French. I know China is a great country. I want to make friends Chinese student and I want to learn Chinese, don't have any Chinsese books. Could you (I)? Please write back soon.

Thank you. Ben Smith

( 4)

Everyone should be 1 (friend)with others. Whenyou want to get 2 (help) from others, you should say“3(pleasure)”and“thank you”. And please 4 ___(not) talk or laugh loudly in public (公共场所) If you happen to stand on someone’s leg or get him or her way, you should say,“Excuse5(mine), or I ’m 6. ”Don’t7 (are) angry with each other, of course, it is even 8(bad)

to swear (吵架) or fight with others. Perhaps everyone may meet people in trouble

(困难) . 9 this time, it is polite to help 10 (they), you shouldn ’t laugh

at them.


Some people go to bed late at night and get up late the morning.

This is not good for (they). Morning is the time for exercise. Exercise (mean)

doing things with the body. Walking, (run), jumping and playing (be) all exercise. Exercise keeps us (health). Exercise helps the blood to (move) around the body. Blood takes food to all (part) of the body. This is very (importance) . So get up early and have exercise every morning can help (we) to keep healthy.


Mark Twain was famous as a public speaker. In his speeches he always liked to tell

1._______ (fun) stories. He also liked ( learn) to funny stories and play 3. (joke)

on his friends. One day, one of his friends 4. (lose) his wallet and asked him

to 5. (buy) a railway ticket for him. Mark Twain told his friend that he didn ’t have enough money (pay) both tickets. He asked his friend to hide 7. his seat.

(late), when the conductor ( 售票员 ) came to check the tickets, Mark Twain gave him

two-one for 9. (he) and one for his friend. Then he said in a loud voice, “My friend is a strange man, when he travels on a train, he doesn ’t like to sit on the (sit), but he likes to lie on the floor under the seat. ”


Uncle Zhang is engineer of a factory.He is fifty(year) old . He (like)making things. He makes many different (thing). Then he wants to make a plane.

" do you want to fly to?" asks (he) wife. "Do you want to fly to (American)?" "America? Who (want) to fly to America? No, I want to fly to Beijing.I want to show

this plane the Chinese people. I want to see how (height) I can fly."


The Holidays are (come). Many students are

planning( Kate's father is (get) back to London on May (one).

做计划) for the holiday.

Kate is going to the airport( 飞
