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1. 引言 Introduction
背景 意义 进展 目的 范围 – – – – – 说明研究问题的现状或历史 说明研究的意义或必要性 说明以前的发现、报告或研究 说明本研究的目的 说明要研究问题的具体范围
Gannan Medical University
2. 材料与方法 Materials and Methods 研究设计 (study design)
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4) 对研究成果可能引起的利益冲突 (interest conflict) 或法律纠纷(legal liability) 问题,如 多中心研究的成果归属问题,与资助单位的利益 分配问题,加以说明
5)所有作者的签名 (signature),超过25个作者时, 签名到第25个作者
6)其他要说明的问题 7)写信人,即通讯作者(corresponding author) 的详细地址和联系方式,包括电话、传真和 Email
Gannan Medical University
复信示例 A cover letter(1)
Dear Editors: Would you please kindly accept our manuscript entitled Discrete effects of cardiac norepinephrine on post-ischemic myocardial dysfunction in hypertensive rats?【投稿愿望】 We think that the most interesting result of this study is that different degrees of cardiac norepienphrine reduction in hypertrophied hearts led to quite different patterns of recovery in posat-ischemic heart function. Since reduction of cardiac norephrine with reserpine did not result in depressed myocardial contractility, it is of potential importance when such interference is utilized to deter further dysfunction in hearts during ischemia.【本研究的意义】 Parts of the present results were presented at the 11th Japan-China Joint Meeting on Pharmacology held in China on 25-27 Aug. 2000 and will be published in the form of abstract in the journal Acta Pharmacologica Sinica by the end of this year. Here enclosed are three copies of the abstract submitted to Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. The present work is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.【对内容重复等问题加以说明】 Thank you very much Sincerely yours, CHEN Hong, MD, PhD (signature)
Gannan Medical University
8. 图表 Figures and Tables
• 插图要按杂志的版面大小比例进行压缩;不要把 插图拍成照片 Design your figures for the appropriate 100 reduction 100 Hz EA #
% change of TFL (during EA)
Gannan Medical University
Gannan Medical University
美国《科学文献索引》(SCI) 美国《工程索引》 (EI) 美国《国际科学技术会议》(ISTP) 美国《化学文摘》 (CA) 英国《科学文摘》 (SA) 日本科技文献速报 (CBST)
Gannan Medical University
6. 参考文献 References
• 按各杂志具体要求
• C. Huang, Y. Wang, J.K. Chang, J.S. Han, Endomorphin and μ-opioid receptors in mouse brain mediate the analgesia effect induced by 2 Hz but not 100 Hz electroacupuncture stimulation, Neurosci. Lett. 294 (2000) 159-162. • Huang C,Long H, Shi YS, Han JS, Wan Y (2005) Ketamine enhances the efficacy to and delays the development of tolerance to electroacupunctureinduced antinociception in rats. Neurosci Lett 375: 138–142.
Gannan Medical University
成功关键:Pathways to success
• 创新点originality • 语言Language
Gannan Medical University
1.标题 2.摘要 3.引言 4.材料与方法 5.结论 6.讨论 7.致谢 8.参考文献 Title Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References
Gannan Medical University
1. 附信 Cover letter / letter to the editors
1)投稿愿望 (greetings)
2)本研究或发现的意义 (significance of the new finding) 3)对内容重复问题(redundancy),病人隐私权 问题(privacy),知情同意问题(informed consent)及其他需要说明的问题加以说明
Gannan Medical University
7. 插图说明 Figure legends
• 插图另页双行打印 Type out legends for illustrations ▲using double spacing ▲ starting on a separate page
Fig. 1. The enhanced antinociceptive effect of 100 Hz EA in the CFAinflammatory pain rats. 20 CFA-injected rats were randomly divided into two groups of CFA and CFA plus EA. Another 20 normal rats were also divided randomly into two groups of normal and normal plus EA. 100 Hz EA were applied for 30 min, tail flick latency (TFL) was measured every 10 min during EA, data are expressed as means SEM. **P < 0.01, §§ P < 0.01 compared with the corresponding control group. # P < 0.05 compared with the normal plus EA group. n = 10.
Gannan Medical University
5. 致谢 Acknowledgements
• 致谢词和致谢方式必须征得受谢人或单位的同意 (包括项目资助来源、实验方法和技术提供帮助 的人、馈赠试剂和细胞株的人、帮助修改稿件的 人等)
• Acknowledgements • We thank Dr Jaw-Kang Chang for the donation of anti-serum against EM1 and EM2 used in the present study. This work was supported by the grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China (30560145) and the Scientific and Technological Program of the Department of Education, Jiangxi Province, China. The authors thank Dr. You Wan (Neuroscience Research Institute, Peking University, China) for his help in preparing the manuscript.
Gannan Medical University
3. 结果 Results
让研究的客观结果说话,不要添枝加叶(用叙事 方式来描述) Let your results speak for themselves and don’t embellish
• The localization of α7nAChR on macrophage in mice To observe whether α7nAChR could be localized on macrophage in mice, the abdominal solution was taken from mice, and then macrophages were isolated from abdominal solution and cultured for detection of the localization of α7nAChR. Immunofluorescence experiment was carried out as described in methods; the result is shown in Fig.2 that α7nAChR could be localized on the surface of macrophage in mice.
Female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200 – 250 g were provided by the Department of Animal Sciences of Peking University Health Science Center. They were housed 4 – 5 per cage under natural light-dark cycles with food pellets and water ad libitum according to the University Animal Care and Use Committee Guidelines adopted from NIH, USA. All measures were taken to minimize pain and/or discomfort.
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Gannan Medical University
投稿文件排列顺序: 1. 附信(给编辑部的信)Cover letter
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 标题页 Title page 摘要页 Abstract page 正文 (无姓名、单位、地址)Body 图表说明 Figure legends 图表 Figures and Tables
研究对象性质 (identity) 处理 / 干预方法 (intervention) 测定 / 观察手段 (measurement) 统计方法与分析(statistics)
Gannan Medical University
• • •

知情同意 Informed consent 伦理委员会 Ethics committee 动物保护 Animal protection
Gannan Medical University
4. 讨论 Discussion
• • • • 简要说明研究背景 background 简要介绍总的发现 general findings 介绍具体要点 introduction of points 与先有发现(若有)进行比较 comparison in the context of other studies • 意义 suggested meaning • 结论 conclusion • 前瞻研究 future studies
Gannan Medical University
9.插图说明 Figure legends 10.插图 Figures 11.表格 Tables 12.照片和说明 Plates and explanations
Gannan Medical University