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1. In this case the current(电流)exists for only half the cycle(周期).

3. Sensitivity(灵敏度)is a measure of how small a signal(信号)a receiver(接收机)can pick up and amplify(放大)to a level useful for communications.

5. Even so fundamental a dimension(量纲)as time was measured extremely crudely with sand and water clocks hundreds of years ago.

1、[译文] 在这种情况下,电流只存在半个周期。

[注释] 定冠词处于“half”后。

3、[译文] 灵敏度是接收机所能接收并把它放大到适用于通讯程度的最小信号的一种度量。

[注释] 不定冠词处于“small”之后,由于“how”修饰了“small”的缘故。

5、[译文] 几百年前,甚至像时间这样一种基本的量纲,是用沙钟和水钟极其粗略地进行测


[注释] 不定冠词处于“fundamental”之后,由于“so”修饰了“fundamental”的缘故。


7.Some physical quantities require only a magnitude and a unit to be completely specified. Thus it is sufficient to say that the mass of a man is 85 kg, that the area of a farm is 160 acres, that the frequency of a sound wave is 660 cycles/sec, and that a light bulb consumes electric energy at the rate of 100 watts.

7、[译文] 有些物理量只需要大小和单位就可完全说明了。所以只要说出以下内容就足够了:



[注释] 在第二个长句中,“and”连接了“to say”后面的四个由“that”引导的宾语从句,它处于第三个和第四个“that”从句之间。


1. By varying V BE only a few hundredths of a volt, the base current(基极电流)can be changed significantly.

6.The wavelength of this musical note(音符)is

7.8 ft, over three times longer than the wavelength of the same note in air (2.5 ft).

1、只要使V BE变化零点零几伏,就可使基极电流产生明显的变化。(a few hundredths of)6、这一音符的波长为7.8英尺,比在空气中同一音符的波长(2.5英尺)长两倍多。(over three

times [longer])



7. Typical noise margins(噪声裕度)are usually better than the guaranteed value by about 75 mV.

12. The history of two-way radfio communications in some ways parallels the development of commercial radio broadcasting.

7、[译文] 典型的噪声裕度通常比保证值要好大约75毫伏。


12、[译文] 双向无线电通讯的历史在某些方面是与商用无线电广播的发展同步进行的。

[注释]“in some ways”表示“在某些方面”,在此作状语。


4. It takes a body(物体)precisely as long to fall from a height h as it does to rise that high.



4. The temperatures on Jupiter(木星)and the planets beyond are extremely low.


7. The force between two charges(电荷)of 1 coul(库仑)each a distance of 1 m apart is 9×109N(牛顿).

带电量各为1库仑、相隔距离为1米的两个电荷之间的作用力为9×109牛顿。(“a distance of 1 m apart”为后置定语)

练习 3


5. Even if a student can follow every line of example in this book, that doesn’t mean that he or she can solve problems unaided.

[译文] 即使学生能看懂本书中每一个例题的每一句话,这并不能说明他就能独立地解题了。


8. A method of timing(定时)accurate to millionths of a second is necessary.

[译文] 必须使用精确到百万分子几秒的定时方法。

[注释]“accurate to millionths of a second”作后置定语。注意:在“millionths”之前省去了“a few”,由于它本身是复数形式,所以包含了“a few”的意思。

12. A surface so smooth that any irregularities(不平度)in it are small relative to the wavelength of the light falling upon it behaves differently.

[译文] 如果一表面十分光滑而使得其内部的不平度与照在它上面的光的波长相比很小的话,那么该表面所起的作用就不同了.

15. Yet there are connections, neither series(串联的)nor parallel, for which the

above-mentioned phenomenon occurs.[译文] 然而还有一些连接方式也会出现上述现象的,它们既不是串联连接,也不是并联连接。

18. Analogous to the eyelid, the camera shutter(快门)opens for a predetermined length of time to allow the rays to enter through the lens and expose the film.

[译文] 照相机的快门类似于眼睑,它开启预定的一段时间让光线进入镜头而使胶片曝光。



1. Each structure of the body(人体)is in direct communication with the brain by means of its own set of telephone wires, called nerves.

[译文] 人体的每一个结构都通过其自己的一套称为神经的电话线直接与大脑进行联系。

5. Physics is the most quantitative of the sciences, and we must become accustomed to its insistence upon accurate measurements and precise relationships if we are to appreciate its results. [译文] 物理学是各种学科中最具定量性的,所以我们如果想要透彻理解其各种结果的话,我们必须习惯于它坚持要有准确的测量和精确的关系式。
