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1、你正在做什么?我正在写作业。What are you doing? I am doing my


2、他们正在做什么?他们正在踢足球。What are they doing? They are playing


3、露西正在清扫地板。Lucy is cleaning the floor

4、琳达正在看电视吗?是的,他正在看。Is Linda watching TV? Yes, she is

5、我妈妈没有在做晚饭。My mother isn’t cooking supper.

6、他的哥哥正在等公共汽车。His brother is waiting for the bus

7、那个男人正在听收音机。That man is listening to the recorder

8、他的姐姐正在厨房刷碟子。His sister is washing dishes in the kitchen

9、你在卧室里看电视了吗?Are you watching TV in the bedroom

10、玛丽正在客厅里读杂志Mary is reading the magazine in the living


11、我的爸爸正在打字。My father is typing

12、那个孩子正在花园里哭That kid is crying in the garden

13、他正在做饭吗?是的Is he cooking? Yes, he is

14、这些孩子正在睡觉These children are sleeping

15、琳达的妈妈正在给琳达铺床。Linda’s mother is making the bed for


16、他们正在马路上散步They are walking on the road

17、飞机正在天上飞The plane is flying in the sky

18、我没有在看书I am not reading books

19、猫在沿着墙跑The cat is running along the wall

20、我们正在教室里学英语We are learning English in the classroom

21、贝蒂正在给他的朋友沏茶Betty is making tea for her friends

22、琳达的猫正在喝牛奶Linda’s cat is drinking milk

23、他的姐姐正在掸掉梳妆台上的灰尘his sister is whisking away the dusk

on the dresser

24、杰克在做什么What is jack doing

25、你妹妹在做什么?她正在打开窗户What is your sister doing? She is

opening the window

26、在上午9点钟的时候,我们正在看电影We are seeing a film at nine

o’clock in the morning.

27、我们正在帮助老师擦黑板。We are helping teacher clean the


28、你们正在画画吗?Are you drawing?

29、谁正在教室里唱歌?who is singing in the classroom?

30、他们正在哪里打篮球?Where are they playing basketball?

1、你妈妈正在做什么?What is your mother doing?

2、他们正在花园里浇花They are watering flowers in the garden.

3你正在哪读书呢?在教室里Where are you reading? I am reading in the classroom

4汤姆正在爬树,玛丽正在玩Tom is climbing the tree and Mary is playing

5我妈妈正在卧室里整理床My mother is making the bed in the bedroom

6他们没有在打扫They aren’t cleaning

7你们正在操场上踢足球吗?是的Are you playing football in the playground? Yes, we are.

8那只狗正在跑着穿过草地That dog is running across the grass

9他们正在做什么?他们正在睡觉What are they doing? They are sleeping

9那些孩子们正从树上跳下来Those children are jumping from the tree

10他爸爸正在厨房里做晚饭His father is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 11那只小鸟正在树上唱歌That bird is singing in the tree.

12她正在等公共汽车吗Is she waiting for the bus?

13我们没有在学英语We aren’t learning English.

14一些孩子正从教师里面走出来Some children are coming out of the classroom

15那个男孩正游过那条河That boy is swimming across that river

16飞机正从河上飞过The plane is flying over the river

17他们正在客厅里写作业They are doing homework in the living room

18他的妈妈正在厨房里刷盘子His mother is washing dishes in the kitchen 19那只狗没在吃骨头That dog isn’t eating the bone

20你妈妈正在打扫房间吗?不,他没有Is your mother cleaning the room? No, she isn’t.

21谁正在教室里唱歌Who is singing in the classroom?

22他们正沿着大街走They are walking along the street
