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• Guided Conversation 对话练习 1 Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题
2 Ask questions about the text. 根据课文提问。

Example: Claire and Paul / in / front row? (Which ...?) A: Are Claire and Paul in the front row? B: Yes, they are. A: Which row are they in? B: The front row.
6.Then what does the flight attendant ask them?Why?(Begin with The flight attendant asks them,’…’ ,and use…,because) 7.What does Claire say?(Begin with And Claire says,’…’)
flight. (The flight was
last month.) What questions can you ask them?
假设你在与克莱尔和保罗谈论他们上个月乘飞 机的经历,你会问他们些什么问题?
snack点心,小吃 offer提供
She was lonely.
Daisy:…?(you/had/sandwich/yet) Annie:Yes,I’ve had some sandwiches,but I haven’t had a drink. Jack:…?(you/like/coffee) Karen:Yes,please.I’d like a cup of coffee. Daisy:…?(you/had/wine) William:Yes,I’ve just had a glass,thank you. Jack:…?(Why don’t/you/some/cake) Paul:I’ve already had some,thank you. Daisy:…?(Jenny/you/like/drink) Jenny:Yes,please.I’d like some orange juice.
4.Would you mind my smoking here?
5.Oh,good,we are in the front row.
Column B
A.No,Thanks.But I’d like some cakes. B.Go ahead. C.Yes,he has. D.That’s great. E.No,she has just had one
2.Do you sometimes travel by bus or by train? When did you last give your seat to another person? Why? •
4 Imagine you are talking to Claire and Paul about their
4.Would you mind __c__ your seats to this couple? (pic.5 )
b)to give
Word filling according to the Chinese or the first letter given. 1.——Would you like some water or orange j_u_ic_e___?
2.Sentence Structure句子结构 1.We’re…(front row/we/extra space) (pic.1) 2.Would you…?(water/orangejuice) (pic.3) 3.Have you…?(magazine/newspaper) (pic.4) 4.Would you…?(giving/seats/this couple) (pic.5) 3.Guided Summary总结 Write complete answers to these questions about text in Lesson3,to make one paragraph.完整回答一下 关于第3课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 1.Which row in the plane are Claire and Paul in?What have they got(Use…,so) 2.Are they both tall or short?Is it a short or a long flight?Can they stretch out or not(Use…,and and…,so) 3.What does the flight attendant offer them? 4.Has Claire just had a drink?What would Paul like?(Use…,but) 5.Would he like a newspaper,too.or not?
——Not now,thanks. 2.Tom likes to sit in the_f_r_o_n_t _row,as he can have a good sight.(前面的) 3.Your mother is brilliant!She can make very delicious_s_n_a_c_k_.(点心,小吃) 4.Sue feels better after a hot do_g__.(热狗) 5.Have you had a_m_a_g_a_z_in_e or a newspaper?(杂志) 6.They way Claire speaks s_o_u_n_d_s_just like her mother. 7.It is going to be a long flight.Peter needs extra space to stretch_o_u_t__.(伸展开) 8.The company_o_ff_e_r__me a very good job.(提供) 9.He likes to travel in B_u_s_in_e_s_sClass in flight. 10.E_x_c_u_s_eme,can you tell me the way to Renmin park?
Multiple Choice选择填空
Choose the correct to fill the blank—a,b,c or d. Then look at the text in Lesson3.从a,b,c 和 d中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第3课的课文。
1.We’re in the front row,so we’re got__b__extra space.(pic.1)
1.Paul / like / water / or orange juice? (What ...?)
2.Paul / have / a magazine / a newspaper? (Which one would ...?)
3.the couple / need / extra space? (Why ...?)
Notes on the Text课文注释
• 1.It’s great to stretch out 在it is + adj. + to do something 这个句型中,it 是形式主语, 真正的主语是动词不定式短语,这种结构可以避免句子“头重脚轻”。 2.Would you like …? 用于礼貌地提议或邀请。
Match the sentences in column A with the sentences in column B
Column A
1.Has Robert had a sandwich?
2.Would Nina like an apple?
3.Why don’t you have some salad?
• 3.I’ve just had a drink。had 是动词have 的过去分词形式。本句用了现在完成时,现在 完成时用于表示动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,或动作虽然已经结束但对现在仍然 产生影响。just 在句中表示“刚才,方才”,作时间状语,放在助动词have 后面,动 词have 的过去分词had 前面。
He hasn’t had any cake yet.
Written Exercises书面练习
1.Patterns句型 Refer to the Pattern Practice on page14,and write out in full numbers 2and5. 参照第14页的句型练习, 用图片中的信息套用句型2和5写出完整的对话。
4.Claire / sound like / mother? (Who ...?)
• 3 Ask each other these questions. 互相提问。
1.What time is it now? Have you had a drink or a meal in the last hour or two? What was it? What have you had to eat and drink today?
• front row 前排
Would you like…?请问您想…吗?
• Extra
Excuse me 劳驾
• Space
seat 座位
• Flight
couple 一对夫妇
• Brilliant
Business Class 商务舱
• stretch out 伸展开
• flight attendant 空中服务员
who is she ?
She is a ‘ flight attendant’.
Just like your mother
Listen to the recording,and then answer this question: Dose Claire want to get up her seat?听录音,然后回 答问题:克莱尔想让出座位吗?
Fra Baidu bibliotek
2.It’s great c .(pic.2 )
a)stretch out b) stretched out c) to stretch out d)stretching out
3.I’ve __d__had a drink. (pic.3 )
We’ve got some extra space.
She’s a fashion model.
1.A:Has Robert had a sandwich? B:Yes,he has. He’s just had one. A:Has he had any cake? B:No, he hasn’t.
• 4.Would you mind …? 用于礼貌地征求对方意见。mind 通常用于疑问句和否定句。
• 5.Why don’t you …? 用于礼貌地提建议。
front row
flight attendant
Business Class
stretch out
4.Guided Composition作文 Daisy and Jack are having a party at their house for some friends.Use the words in brackets to make suitable questions for Daisy and Jack,and write out the conversation.黛西和杰克在家里举行朋友聚会。用括号中的词完成黛西和杰克向朋友 们提出的问题。