高考英语 介词及介词短语用法归纳

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介词及介词短语用法归纳 "

at first sight at one’s ease

a t one’s expense / at the expense of s

b at the sight of at the risk of at a loss at one’s service

1.______, I thought you were your brother.

2.We rescued more than 50 children __________________our lives.

3.A good salesman is never________ for words.

4. He went abroad___________________.

5.He is quite________________ in fashionable society.

6.Hisface brightened_______________her.

at a distance

at a great depth

at the bottom of

at the price of

at a low/high speed

at the top of the voice

at a time

at one time

at present

at that moment

at the beginning of

at the latest

at the same time

at least

at most

at the cost of

at the risk of

at the invitation of sb.

at the sight of

at the thought of

at the sound of


by and by

by chance

by degrees

by far

by means of

by ones and twos

by oneself

by the end

by the way

bythehour/day/week/minute/month/year by the kilogramme/ton

by weight/length/volume


for some reason

for a while

for ages

for example

for fear that

for free

for the sake of

for good

for instance

for one thing

for oneself

for sale

for the first time

for the sake of


on (the) television

on the radio

on arrival

on average

on condition that

On doing

on earth

on the earth

on one's arrival

on one's feet

on one's own

on one's way to sp.

on purpose

on sale

on the contrary

on the edge of

on the left

on the other side

on the sands

on the whole

on time


adjust to apply to

be similar to look forward to

contribute to devote…to

be used to lead to

refer to turn to

stick to pay attention to

object to

(1)The term ‘groupware’_______________ software designed to be used by several computer users

at once.

(2)I welcome any change that will ___________ something better.

(3)Davis didn’t really _____________ much______ the game in the second half.

(4)Few people are able to ____________ themselves fully _______ their career.

(5)Thechildren____________________________ the holidays in Hawaii.

(6)It took her two years to _______________ the life in Britain.

(7)In which way will a human trip to Mars _________________the trips of explorers in the past?

(8)In the course of his speech, the speaker __________several times _____ his notes.

(9)They always _____________ me when they are in trouble.

(10)If everyone _____________ the rules, we shouldn’t have any problems.

(11)What I am saying perhaps does not _____________ the students in your school.

(12)After many years’ practice, the seventy-year-old man ________________ swimming in the cold water in winter.


(1)As 在作介词

consider…as… treat…as…

regard … as… see … as…

look on/upon as……think of … as…

. (2)As作副词。


(4) as做连词

a. 表示时间,当……时候

b. 表示原因

c. 表示让步

d. 表示比较

As 构成的固定词组:
