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❖ Few of us but admire his courage.
❖ 数词分为两大类:基数词和序数词,前者表示事物 的数目,后者表示序列中的事物。在此,主要复习 以下2个知识点。
❖ 倍数的表示法 (multiple) ❖ 不定数目的表示法
1. …times + noun / pronoun
❖ ③ 双重属格。
❖ 兼有两种属格结构的后置修饰语叫双重属格。双重属格 的特点有:
❖ A. of后面的名词必须指人,而且是特指的。
❖ I met a friend of my doctor’s.
❖ B. of 前面不能是专有名词,只能是由a, any, some 等词 修饰的。
❖ a daughter/ some daughters of Mrs. Smith’s.
❖ The distance light travels in one second is somewhere about 300,000 kilometers.
❖ 试用不同短语翻译:大约有7000名学生参加了会议。
2. 用and 或or 连接两个相邻的并列数词。如: ❖ The students came into the classroom by twos
❖ C. of前面的名词可以和等形容词性指示代词连用,表示 一些感情色彩。
❖ That silly Uncle of yours has told me the same joke
five times.
❖ 代词属于封闭词类,通常用来指代名词或名词词 组,有时还可指代更深一层的语法结构。在此, 主要复习以下3种代词的用法。
that代替,特指时仍用who;在非限制性定语从句中, 不能用that,只能用who 或whom代表人,用which 代表事物。
❖ The uncle who came to see us last week lives in the country.
❖ My sister, who is a nurse, came home for a few days.
oneself, absent oneself (from), avail oneself of (利用), pride oneself on(使得意)…
❖ 关系代词具有代词和连词双重功能:既可以指 代提到的人或物,又可连接主句和从句。
❖ ① 指人时,在从句中作主语多用who,作宾语 时多用whom。注:先行词是泛指时,who 可用
❖ 反身代词说明动词的宾语或间接宾语与其主 语所指人或物相同,它一般不单独作主语。
❖ ① 反身代词的强调用法 ❖ The engine itself is all right, but the light are
badly damaged. ❖ ② 常接反身代词的动词 ❖ behave oneself, blame oneself, defend
❖ Dozens of reference books are to be used in the research.
❖ Their friendship stretched over scores of years. ❖ There are tens/ hundreds/ thousands/ millions
❖ Everything that can be done has been done. ❖ ③ 其他关系代词:as可用作关系代词,但它主要用于
such…as…, the same…as…, so/ as…as…结构; but也可用作关系代词,意思接近that(who)…not.
❖ Such people as you describe is rare nowadays.
❖ Personal pronouns 人称代词 ❖ Reflexive pronouns 反身代词 ❖ Relative pronouns 关系代词
人称代词(Personal pronouns)在指称 上的特殊性:
it 指代婴儿;she, her常指称轮船、汽车和国家;we, you 有时可泛指一般人;one 有时做单数人称代词, 有时可泛指人们。如:
and threes(三三两两、零星地). ❖ This problem can be solved by the computer in
five or six minutes(很短时间内). 又如: in threes and fours 三五成群
3. 用dozen, score, thousand等数词的复数形 式表示不定数目,后常接of短语。如:
❖ Criterion—criteria
❖ stimulus—stimuli
❖ index—indices (indexes)
❖ ② 单数和复数形式各具不同意义的名词。如:
❖ air/ airs 空气/ 神气
❖ content/ contents 含量/ 目录
❖ custom/ customs 习惯/ 关税
以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词
加-s 加-es
以辅音+y结尾的词 去y加-ies
以辅音+o 结尾的词 多数加-es
brothers;schools buses;watches;dishes*1 ladies; countries*2 heroes;tomatoes*3
把f/fe改成ves halves; leaves*4
• When the repairs had been done, she was a fine and beautiful ship. • We eat to live, not live to eat. • One has to think of the practical side of things.
❖ ② 指物时,可使用which 或that。注:当介词放在关系 代词的前面时只能用which;当anything, all, much, any, everything, a few 及the only one等词在句子中 作先行词时,多用that。如:
❖ The house in which we live is not large.
❖ China has a population of approximately 1.3 billion.
❖ An estimated 50,000 books are kept in our library.
❖ She looks to be in the neighborhood of 50.
❖ 名词属格又称所有格,是英语名词表示“所有”等意 义而采取的一种语法形式。可表示所有、主谓、动宾 关系,也可表示事物的来源、类别等。
❖ ① ’s 属格的使用。 ❖ A. 主要用于表示有生命的名词 (children’s toys) ❖ B. 国家机关、社团及一些地理名称 (Hong Kong’s
tourism) ❖ C. 用于船只、飞机等 (the ship’s propeller 螺旋桨) ❖ D. 常用的一些习语 (arm's reach, at one’s wit’s end,
E.g. the sun, the moon, the earth, the universe
❖ 3) 表方位的名词和形容词最高级前;
E.g. the first, the best , in the south
❖ 4)在复数姓氏前加the,表示××一家人,常看成复 数;
❖ ③ 单复数同行的名词,需根据上下文意义判 断它们是单数还是复数概念。如:
❖ Chinese, sheep ----单复数词形完全一样
❖ fish, crab ---- 在指不同个体或种类时,又有单复数 之分
❖ works, means, species ---- 本身以s、es结尾的名

1.3 Genitive/ Possessive Case
The time we have spent on Project A is 3 times longer than that on Project B.
1. 使用about, approximately, around, estimated, roughly, some 等词和in the neighborhood of, in the rough, more or less, or so, or thereabout, somewhere about 等短语. 如:

图英 语 语 法 构 成 示 意
❖ Countable and uncountable 可数与不可数 ❖ Plural 复数 ❖ Genitive 名词属格
1.1 Countable and uncountable
❖ 名词根据其语法特征可分为可数名词与不可 数名词。需注意的是,一些名词既可以看作 是可数的“个体”,又可以看作是不可数的 物质或材料。如:
The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 2. …times + as + adj./ adv. + as
We have spent 3 times as much time on Project A as on Project B.
3. …times + comparative + (than)
1.2 Plural
❖ 英语的可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。主要需注意以下4点。
❖ ①以元音+o eg: videos; studios
❖ 以oo结尾
eg: zoos; bamboos;kangaroos
❖ 一些外来词(特别是音乐方面的词) eg: pianos
❖ 一些缩写词 eg: kilos; photos; memos
❖ 一些专有名词 eg: Eskimos; Filipinos
❖ ②以f/fe结尾只加-s的词:
❖ proofs;gulfs; cliffs; roofs; beliefs; chiefs
❖ ③一些希腊或拉丁外来语的复数。如:
❖ analysis—analyses
❖ basis—bases
❖ mediumBaidu Nhomakorabeamedia
E.g. a book; a bike; a dog
❖ an:用于元音发音开头的词前
E.g. an apple; an owl.
❖ 比较:a useful machine, an umbrella
a horse, an hour
4.3 定冠词the的用法
❖ 1) 指上文提到过的人或物; ❖ 2) 在世界上独一无二的事物前;
of students who are interested in this subject.
❖ 4.1 概念 ❖ 冠词是一个虚词,它置于名词之前,限定名词
的意义.冠词可分为定冠词,不定冠词和零冠 词三类.
定冠词:the 不定冠词:a/an
4.2 不定冠词a/an的用法:
❖ a :用于辅音发音开头的词前,
to one’s heart’s content)
❖ ② of 属格的使用
❖ A.主要用于表示无生命的名词 (the shade of the tree) ❖ B.表示东西的一部分和抽象概念 (the bottom of the
box, the cost of living) ❖ C. “名词+ of ”有时可以代替动词不定式. ❖ The removal of books from this library is forbidden. It’s forbidden to remove books from this library.
❖ He ate a whole chicken ! ❖ Would you like some chicken ? ❖ 又如:a glass玻璃杯/ glass玻璃 ❖ a wood 一片树林 / wood 木头、木材
可数名词有单、复数之分。可数名词的复数形 式有以下几种: