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亳州学院附属学校2017 -2018学年度第一学期期中考试试卷



()1.After dinner, he stayed at home and played violin.

A. the, /, the

B. /, /, the

C. /, the, /

D. a, the, the

()2. He likes to do the same things _______ me.

A. in

B. on

C. like

D. as

()3.Where your uncle ten years ago?

A. is; working

B. does; work

C. did; work

D. do; work ()4. My little girl saw outside. Shall we go and have a look?

A. strange something

B. something strange

C. anything strange

D. strange nothing

()5. There are fifty students in our class. 30% of them are girls. _____ of them are boys.

A. Few

B. A few

C. Any

D. Most

()6. One of his friends ______ from the United Kingdom.

A. come

B. comes

C. coming

D. to come

()7.--- Didn't I tell you my new address?


A. Yes, you didn't.

B. No, you didn't.

C. No, you did.

D. Yes, you told.

()8. They were all very tired, but____ of them took a rest.

A. none


C. both


()9.The girl is to go to school.

A. enough young

B. enough old

C. old enough

D. young enough

()10.--- You'd better keep the secret to , Millie and Lily.

--- OK, Amy. You should keep it for , too?

A. yourself; you

B. myself; yourself

C. you; ourselves

D. yourselves; us

()11. When I swim in the river, I _____ I’m a fish.

A. look like

B. sound like

C. feel like

D. am like

()12. ---Do you enjoy traveling by air?

--- No, it’s expensive.

A. too much

B. more much

C. much

D. much too ()13.Paul looks than Mike, but they are of the same age.

A. young

B. younger

C. youngest

D. the younger ()14. he is only 12, he often goes to the old people’s home to perform plays for the old people as a volunteer.




D. But

()15. Liu Ling is____ than me. She likes talking to others, singing and

dancing , but I like staying at home.

A. quieter

B. funnier


D. more outgoing

()16. We have worked for three hours. Now let’s stop a rest.

A. had

B. have

C. to have

D. having

()17. Near here is a beautiful park _____ a big lake in it.

A. of

B. with

C. on

D. from

()18.—Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Kitty?

—. I cleaned it all by myself.

A. Nobody

B. Everybody

C. Somebody

D. Anybody

()19. The Greens arrived New York a sunny day.

A. in; in

B. at; in

C. at; on

D. in; on

()20. The Great Wall is famous lots of visitors all over the world come to visit it every year.

A. so; that

B. such; that

C. enough; that

D. very; that

()21. Is this kind of pet a pet dog these days?

A. as trendy as

B. more trendier than

C. much trendy than

D. not so trendier as

()22.--- Is chemistry more difficult than physics?

--- No, chemistry isn't as as physics.

A. easy

B. difficult

C. easier

D. more difficult

()23.--- Health is money.

--- But I think it is money.

A. as important as

B. more important than

C. so important than

D. the same as

()24. Jim is tall, but his sisters, Mary and Kathy, ______short.

A. are both

B. all are

C. are all

D. both are

()25.When autumn comes,the days get______.

A.long and long B.longer and longer

C.short and short D.shorter and shorter


This week, I asked my classmates about their vacations.

Here are some of their answers.

Linda1to Sydney, Australia. The2was sunny

and the people3friendly to her. She went there by4

and the air trip was relaxing. She went to Sydney Opera House. It’s wonderful. She had a5vacation.

Alice went6her aunt. At first the weather was7

and wet, she had to stay at the house. She watched TV8

the TV shows were boring. Later on the weather got better.

So she went shopping with her aunt. The shop assistants were

all9and kind. She bought something nice for herself.

Peter stayed at home. First he did his homework. It was

a little difficult. Then he10computer games. They were interesting. He thought his vacation was OK.

()1. A. go B. goes C. went D. going ()2. A. place B. weather C. museum D. beach ()3. A. were B. was C. is D. are ()4. A. bike B. train C. bus

D. plane
