Chap9 Boundary Spanning and Team Leadership跨边界领导及团队领导

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Resolving disputes among followers and subgroups
Obtaining resources Establishing influence networks Helping followers deal with the external environment
Definition of Boundary Spanning Leadership
Boundary spanning leadership is leader actions that establish and maintain a group's integrity through
Negotiating with nongroup members
P. 252
Skills, traits, and sources of power for effective boundary spanning
Storytelling and slogan-creation Political and negotiation skills
Conflict management skills
Protecting Representing thet group while resisting unreasonable
demands and responding to outside influence.
Managing interactions between leaders and followers, among followers
P. 249
Boundary spanning leadership behaviors
Define and manipulate unit boundaries Boundary -Spanning Leadership Behaviors Respond to external demands and influences Negotiate for resources and distribution of output
P. 251
Examples of Boundary Spanning Leadership Behaviors
Defining and modifying organizatinal or unit bpundaries so members
know who is and who is not a member.
Communicaiton skills
Resource/ connection power
Skills and Power Sources for Boundary Spanning Leadership Behaviors
Reward and coercive power
Expert power
Referent po源自文库er
Legitimate power
P. 256
Negotiation in Boundary Spanning
Negotiation is a series of communications between two parties who are trying to reach an agreement that satisfies their interests.
6. Do not state a range of values that are acceptable to you for a final settlement. This forfeits important barganing space
7. Make bilateral (not unilateral) concessions and expert a concession in return. Fewer small concessions are better than many larger ones. Do not offer more than one concession at a time
resourcesfor the unit and to arrange for distribution of the unit's output.
to in the environment and what they should ignore to help them make sense of developments that may affect them. own organization, and using these networks to describe its legitimacy, image, and power. environment, putting the information into a useful form, and disseminating it to unit members.
Identifying and describing for group members what they should attend
Developing and maintaining networks inside and outsidethe leader's
Obtaining, filtering, and storing valuable information from the unit's
Importance of Boundary Spanning
Boundary spanners play both representative and
linking-pin roles.
Representatives-speakespersons for their own
group and their loyalties were entirely to that group.
Reslove stalemate and conflicts
Sensitize unit members to environmental issues
Obtain, filter, store, and disseminate information
Develop and maintain networks
themselves, and among subgroups within the leader's unit, including helping to resolve stalemates and conflicts.
Negotiating with upper management and other outsiders to obtain
8. Use objective rationable to support your offers
9. Appeal to norms of fairness 10. Do not fall for the even split ploy. If you have made a generous offer and theirs is extreme, splitting the difference may result in an unfair settlement
Separate the people from the problem Focus on interests, no positions Invent options for mutual gain Insist on using objective criteria
Know your BATNA-best alternative to a negotiated
Disseninator-Passing other subunits'information Spokesperson-Transmitting information and express value
Disturbance handler-Dealing with conflicts and crisis Negotiator-bargaining and buffering
P. 252
Importance of Boundary Spanning-7 leadership roles
Figurehead-Peforming symbolic acts Liaison-Forming and maintaining networks
Monitoring-Obtaining information from outside
Linking-pin-members of two or more interacting
groups, with loyalties to both; they fulfill a liaison role, helping to coordinate and resolve conflicts among groups.
Chapter 9 Boundary Spanning and Team Leadership
Pp. 248-275
Learning Objectives

Describe boundary spnning leadership behaviors and provide specific examples of these behaviors Explain why boundary spanning leadership behaviors can have positive effects on followers Describe skills, abilities, and sources of power that leader need to be effective at boundary spanning Describe the individual and organizational benefits that can result from effective boundary spanning behaviors Describe an approach to negotiation that will maximize benefits for all parties Describe team leadership as an important role that requires effective boundary spanning and other leadership behaviors Identify follower, organizational, and task characteristics for which boundary spanning leadership behaviors would be highly effective and for which they would not be effective
Preparation is the key
P. 257
Guidelines for Negotiation
1. Know your BATNA, but do not reveal it during negotiation 2. Research the party's BATNA by putting yourself in their position and considering their alternatives 3. Set high aspirations, because they will usually result in a better agreement 4. If possible, make the first offer, because it is highly predictive of the final sttlement 5. Counteroffer soon after receiving an offer in order to show your willingness to negotiate