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program used was as follows: -5 min,95%-90% A;5-15 min,90% A;15—20 min 90%一80% A;20-25 min,80%-90% A:an d 25-30 min。90%一95% A.Th e results showed that t he developed ext ract ion technique t hat ensured that t he solvents of sta n da rd solution and samples were consistent allowed complete extraction of catechins,reducing errors arising from
(1.School of Food and Biological Engineering,Shaan xi University of Science a n d Technology,Xi’a n 710021,China;
2.Huan gshan Entry-Exit Inspection an d Quarant ine Bureau,Hua n gsha n 245000,China; 3.Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230000,China)
the ma nua l ha n dling a n d having good repeat ability.The relat ive sta nda rd deviat ions(RSDs)for 5 replicate determinations were in th e ran ge of 0.75%--4.50% .an d the degrees of sepa rat ion were 0.58-4.35.Recover ies of spiked sa m ple ra n ged from
Abstract:At present,the five catechins in tea are comm only sepa rated a n d determined according to the Chinese Nationa l Standard GB/T 83 1 3- 2008,but th e results of actual measurement show that the repeatability of this method is poor. M oreover,different solvents are used in blank,standard a n d sample solut ions,a n d sta n dard substance is not be completely
OptimizationofSamplePreparation andHPLC ChromatographicConditionsflormeDeterminationofCatechinsinTea
GUO Ying 一,HUANG Junrong 一,CHEN Qi ,W U Xueyuan ,CHENG Hao ,WU Qiong
dissolved in the solvent.In this study,an attempt was made to improve t hese drawbacks.Tea samples a re extracted three t imes at 70 ℃ with 10 mL of 70% preheated metha n ol solution,and then the extracts were combined an d brought up to the
final volume with water.The an alytes were determined using high performance liquid chromatograph(HPLC)with UV detect ion at 278 nln.M obile phase A was 1% acetic acid solut ion while mobile phase B was acetonitrile.T h e gradient elution
摘 要 : 目前对 茶叶中的5种儿茶 素进 行分离测 定一 般采用GB/T 8313-2008《茶 叶中茶多酚和儿茶素类含 量的检 测 方法 》中的方法 ,但 在实 际测 定过程 中,发现测定 结果 的重 复性较差 ,空 白、标准 溶液与样 品的溶剂不一致 , 标 准溶液配制过程 中标准品不能完全 溶解 ,对 国标 中儿茶素 的测 定方 法进行改进 ,用 10 mL预热过的体积分数70% 甲醇溶液在7O℃条件下重 复提 取3次 ,合 并提取液 ,用水定容 。利用高 效液 相色谱仪在 波长278 am处进行检 测。 流动相A为体 积分数0.1%乙酸溶液 ,流动相B为 乙腈 ,洗脱程序 为A的初始 比例 为95%,5 min ̄A的比例 降至90%, 保持至 15 min,15 ̄20 min ̄A的 比例 降至80%,20 ̄25 min ̄A的比例升至90%,25 ̄30 min ̄A的 比例 恢复至 95%。结果表 明:采 用本 方法测定茶 叶中5种 儿茶素含量可 以保证 标准溶液与样 品溶剂 的一致性,提取较完全 ,减 少 了因操作带来 的误差 ,重复性较 好 ,其相 对标准偏 差为0.75% ̄4.50%,分 离度为0.58~4.35,方法 的回收率为 81.4%~113.O%,其相对标准偏差均在 1.21% ̄7.71%之 间。 关键词 :茶 叶;儿茶素 ;测 定方法 ;改进
※成分Baidu Nhomakorabea析
食 品科 学
2016,VoL37,No.06 137
茶 叶 中儿茶 素类测定方法 的优化
郭 颖 一,黄 峻 榕 ,陈 琦 ,吴雪 原 ,程 浩 ,吴 琼
(1.陕西科 技大学食 品与生物工程学院 ,陕西 西安 710021;2.黄 山出入境检验检疫局 ,安徽 黄 山 245000; 3.合肥工业大学 ,安徽 合肥 230000)