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J. Syllignakis, C. Adamakis, T.M. Papazoglou

The Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEIC), Greece


Geographical Information System (GIS) applications are very helpful tools for displaying and analyzing informationfor several technological fields. The research group of Electrical Power System Lab (EPSL) of TEIC is developing aGIS software application for displaying the operational conditions of the power system of Crete, presenting alsocritical information and statistical data for system‟s characteristics. This tool is intended to help training of engineersin the Electrical Department of TEIC to simulate and visualize power system operation and characteristics. Besides,this tool is very helpful for a power system engineer in observing the whole system operations and system‟s data. Alldata used are derived from a database developed by EPSL. Digitalized maps of Crete Island use this database anddisplay them optionally according to user‟s demand or choice. So, an authorized user can decide which data will bedisplayed on the map, and with a simple mouse click on a selected element of the map he can b informed about its characteristics. Furthermore, this application is being uploaded on web. This means that this application runson aserver of EPSL, which can serve distant users after authorization procedure. That distance user could be a trainee inhis desk, or an engineer, or a researcher in the lab. One of the services that application provides is the load flow calculation on a specific part of the system, or for a specific scenario of system‟s operation.

Key-Words:-GIS applications, Power Systems observation, power systems web-applications


Crete‟s electrica l power system is a large autonomous system with large wind power penetration. The customer‟s power & energy demand is increasing with high rates. The operation of the whole system is in charge of the Greek PPC (public power corporation)control center, located in Iraklion, where a SCADA system has been

installed. In terms of integration of dispersed generation new methods and computer applications are adopted toward adaptation of the critical information of system‟s operational conditions.Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)are key to a utility's business. These software applications store and map a vast amount of information about the utility's electric system and other outside plants. People and applications across theorganization typically require information from the GIS.The benefits of adaptation of a GIS for a power system are many. Descriptive presentation of data (graphics,maps, tables etc) and presentation of data in real space are offered. They offer, also,convenience concerning data processing since, as wellas to examine them in different layers. It analyzes and presents information related to spatial places. It can combine elements – data from digital database, GPS for concerning the specific definition of places,sampling and distant measurements. The relation between the data basis and the maps give the chance to the user to interact with the system of an interactivecommunication between the user and the system.Moreover many data basis can be connected andcombined improving the flexibility of the ing specific tools of software design (like map objects) we can display the results of a load flow test on the digital map of Crete.It‟s possible to use GIS to define the number of people as well as forecast of load demand. Further more if we know the density (people, space) we can rate the placesper load demand.The amount of data can be presented on maps for a quick estimation of the network-system operational condition.The GIS can observe external factors such as weather conditions. For example if we know the temperature of an area, we‟re able to predict the load demand there,for the next hours.GIS is a helpful tool for new types of energymanagement.


2.1 Power Production

The power system of the island of Crete is the largest autonomous power system in Greece with the highest rate of increase nation-wide in energy and power demand. The conventional generation system consists of three major power plants one in Linoperamata, one in Chania and one in Atherinolakos (the latest). The first two power plants are located near the major load points of the island. There are 20 thermal, oil-fired generating units with a total installed capacity of about 742MW. The percentage of the participation of each generator type in the total electrical power production and the annual fuel consumption are depicted in figures1 and 2(These two figures correspond to the system in 2001, before atherinolakos installation.

The power system comprises the following power stations:

S ix steam turbines in Linoperamata

F our diesel engines in Linoperamata

F our gas turbines in Linoperamata & five gas turbines in Chania.

O ne combined cycle in Chania of 133.4 MW (2gas turbines and 1 steam turbine)

T wo diesel engines in Atherin olakos
