英语周报高中英语 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Exercise One 牛津译林版选修10

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Unit3 Protecting ourselves Exercise One





1. Some boys think that Nike basketball shoes, though still _______ must-have item

for some students, are becoming out of ______ date.

A. a; 不填

B. a; the

C. 不填; the

D. the; a

2. —It’s no business of mine.

— How can you hope for love yourself when you show ______?

A. none

B. nothing

C. a little

D. no one

3. ________, and the problem would be straightened out.

A. A bit more effort

B. Having a little effort

C. If you have a bit more effort

D. There being a little effort

4. _______ in my present work, I would be quite willing to do what you ask me to.

A. If I am not engaged

B. If I don’t engage

C. Were I not engaged

D. Didn’t I engage

5. The soldiers soon reached ____ was once an old temple _____ the villagers used

as a school.

A. which; where

B. what; which

C. where; which

D. what; where

6. Will you see to _____ that my birds are looked after well while I’m away?

A. them

B. yourself

C. it

D. me

7. What is it about a treeless, grimy, old city like St. Samothene _______ makes

people love it so much?

A. that

B. it

C. where

D. this

8. My cousin doesn’t know what to ______ at the university; he can’t make up his

mind about his future.

A. take on

B. take away

C. take up

D. take after

9. Peter lost his job and was short of money, so _____ his flat and move in with

his brother.

A. that he did was to sell

B. what he did sell

C. what he did sold

D. what he did was sell

10. If you talk to these senior students, you will find that they have much greater

knowledge than commonly ________.

A. supposing

B. supposed

C. to suppose

D. suppose

11. — Peter, you ______ the window quickly, will you?

— OK! Oh! the window ______ broken.

A. will shut; has been

B. shut; is

C. are shutting; was

D. have shut; has

12. It was really a pity that the great writer died ______ his works unfinished two

months ago.

A. with

B. from

C. of

D. for

13. The students were standing by the West Lake, ______ swimming suits.

A. all of them wore

B. all were wearing

C. all of whom wearing

D. all wearing

14. ______ in 1963, and _____ in Philadelphia, Charles Pettigrew so impressed his

teachers that he was sent to Barklee School to study Jazz.

A. Being born; having raised

B. Born; raised

C. Was born; was raised

D. Born; raising

15. ______ Professor Hawking stepped into the office I knew that there was no hope.

A. Unless

B. Now that

C. Although

D. the moment



When John Weston awoke that morning, he remembered that his mother was going into hospital. He hadn’t worked 16 what was wrong with her. He knew, though, that she hadn’t been well for some time now, and it had become almost familiar to him to see her eyes 17 in a sudden attack of pain, and her hand 18 against her heart. Their own doctor, who she had 19 gone to for advice, had 20 her to a specialist who knew
