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小说以珍妮的悲惨遭遇为主要线索,描写了 美国大城市中日趋严重的失业和贫困现象, 着务刻画了资产阶级上流社会奢侈无度、荒 淫糜烂的生活,昭示给人贫富之间不可逾超 的鸿沟。一方面,歌颁了劳动人民勤劳、正 直和勇于自我牺牲的优秀品质;另一方面, 鞭答了物欲横流、金钱万能的社会中的种种 罪恶现实。
Two Roads Diverged Before Her
Went back?
A wealthy life Abundant money
No rent ! Dinners in hotel No worry!
Two Roads Diverged Before Her
A Simple Choice
Plot summary
• 主人公克莱德(Clyde)生活在一个穷牧师家庭,但家 里并没有因为信仰而获得幸福,相反却过得十分糟 糕。为了追求幸福,克莱德离家独自闯荡世界。贪 慕虚荣的他虽然凭着聪明机灵在伯父的工厂里找到 了稳定的工作,还遇着了爱恋自己的美丽女孩 (Roberta Alden),但他并不满足,为了追求富家 女(Sondra Finchley),他竟然狠心的把自己已经怀 孕的女友害死。最终,没有实现自己的淘金梦,克 莱德受到了法律的制裁。
Urban life Earning wage A lot of opportunities…
Factory Work Money Rent
Hurting hands
Life was not as easy as expected! Indeed, it was hard! HARD!!! Carrie fell ill! ILL!!!
Quick Review of the Film
Another Point of View
Two Roads Diverged Before Her
Different roads
Different lives!
Rural life
A limited world
Laborious farm work A rough farmer husband Home town in Wisconsin Chicago
On December 28 Dreiser was died.
He married again with his cousin Helen Richardson on June 13, 1944.
In 1945, he joined the Communist Party of America
Part Two
Literature Works
1) Sister Carrie «嘉莉妹妹» (1900) 2) Jennie Gerhardt «珍妮姑娘» (1911)
Jennie Gerhardt
George Brander Lester Kane
德裔贫民戈哈特的大女儿珍妮为人帮佣,与参议员白郎特相爱。不久, 白朗特不期病故,留下一遗腹女,。之后富家子瑞斯特爱上珍妮并与 之同居,但在婚事上一直下不了决心,其后因兄弟姐妹的阻拦和反对 而苦恼,并在家族的压力下与珍妮分手,重归上流社会,最后和洛蒂 贝丝结婚。两情缱绻而劳燕分飞,珍妮孤独的过完了中年,瑞斯临终 前对她亲吐心腹之言后,痛苦的死在了她的怀中。
In 1910, he resigned to write Jannie Gerharat
In 1904, he was on the way to several successful years as an editor.
Life Experience
In 1927, he visited theቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱSoviet Union and published Dreiser Looks at Russia
《自然和超自然的戏剧》( Plays of the Natural and Supernatural ,1916)
《得心应手》(The Hand of the Potter,1918 )
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Part Three
Theodore Dreiser
Sister Carrie
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1) Free and Other Stories,1918 《自由》 2)Chains: Lesser Novels and Stories,1927《锁链》 3) A Gallery of Women,1929 《妇女群像》
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德莱塞在《美国的悲剧》中描写了主人公克莱德·格里菲思受到社会上邪恶影响, 逐渐蜕变、堕落为凶杀犯、最后自我毁灭的全过程。小说共分三卷。 第一卷描写克莱德这个天真幼稚的青年人怎样受到外部世界腐蚀与毒害,逐渐 演变成为一个玩世不恭、怙恶不悛的人,一直到汽车碾死女孩,逃离堪萨斯城 为止,这是小说故事的准备阶段。 第二卷描写克莱德与富商伯父萨缪尔·格里菲思邂逅后,以穷亲戚的关系来到莱 柯格斯厂内充当工头助手,随后陷入与穷女工罗伯达、阔小姐桑德拉的三角恋 情。为了高攀桑德拉,克莱德甘愿违悖自幼接受的基本道德准则,牺牲罗伯达, 于是,他就通过翻船阴谋干掉了这个被他诱奸而怀孕的年轻的女工。事后,克 莱德却落荒出逃,逍遥法外。 第三卷主要描写案发之后,克莱德如何被捕入狱,受审和定罪,其间还穿插着 美国两党和司法机构利用克莱德一案大搞政治投机的丑闻。最后经过终审判决, 克莱德被送上了电椅。小说结尾处,还描写牧师出场,为临终 之前克莱德寻求灵魂拯救的故事。小说内容并不新颖,但在一个象 德莱塞那样具有同情心和悲剧感的作家手中却成为杰作了。
以一个名叫法兰克· 阿吉龙· 柯帕乌的垄断资本 家的一生经历为主线,集中地写出了他如何从一 个初出茅庐的青年暴发成为拥有上千万财富的铁 路、金融资本家的过程。 《欲望三部曲》为人们提供了一部卓越的垄断 资产阶级发家史,柯帕乌的一生代表了垄断资产 阶级的兴亡。作者以深刻细腻的艺术手段,真实 地、令人信服地写出了柯帕乌不可避免的毁灭命 运,它象征着整个资本主义制度必将在腐朽没落 中最后毁灭。
• Dreiser based the book on a notorious criminal case. On July 11, 1906, resort owners found an overturned boat and the body of 20-year-old Grace Brown at Big Moose Lake in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. Chester Gillette was put on trial and convicted of killing Brown, though he claimed that her death was an accident. Gillette was executed by electric chair on March 30, 1908. The murder trial drew international attention when Brown's love letters to Gillette were read in court. Dreiser saved newspaper clippings about the case for several years before writing his novel, during which he studied the case closely. He based Clyde Griffiths on Chester Gillette, deliberately giving him the same initials.
尤金是一位热爱艺术、不安于现状的青年。他经过不懈的 努力,终于在艺术界一举成名,并和心爱的安琪拉结婚。 后又在商界成为名噪一时的商业巨子。随着地位的升迁, 尤今的思想发生了变化。尤金在拜金主义、享乐主义思想 腐蚀下,屈服于生活压力和物质引诱,为迎合资产阶级而 去创作庸俗的商品画之类.他爱上了富家小姐苏珊,抛弃了 贤惠的妻子和理想的工作,在上流社会声名狼藉,只好重 操旧业,苟且偷生。安琪拉为尤金生下女儿后病故,尤金 直到这时才悔悟。故事情节十分曲折,充满了戏剧性的人 生变化.尤金有钱了,灵魂却堕落了,成了市侩和淫棍,终 至身败名裂、精神崩溃。他的天才终于被埋葬了。
In 1889, a year study at Indiana University
Life Experience
From 1892 to 1902, he worked as an itinerant journalist. After proposing in 1893, he married Sara White on December 28, 1898
An American Tragedy
An American Tragedy (1925) is a novel by the American writer Theodore Dreiser. In 2005, the book was placed on Time Magazine's list of the top 100 novels written in English since 1923.
A Place in the Sun (film)
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4) The Genius (1915) «天才» an autobiographical work 5) An American Tragedy «美国悲剧» (1925) 6)The Bulwark《堡垒》(1946)
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New York
Be an actress Earn a lot of money
Famous and popular
Two Roads Diverged Before Her
The silent way to the end!
Part Four
An American Tragedy
Theodore Dreiser
西奥多莱赛 德
小组成员:汪红红 上官芸
宋洁 任文盼 宋蔚风
Part one Part one
西奥多· 德莱塞 (Theodore Dreiser,1871—1945)
以资本主义社会的彻 底批判者的姿态登上 美国文坛,成为美国 现实主义传统文学的 一种标识。
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3) The Trilogy of Desire «欲望三步曲»
(1) The Financier «金融家»(1912) (2) The Titan «巨人»(1914) (3) The Stoic «斯尔葛»(1947)
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Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)
• • • • • 1.Life Experience 2.Dreiser’s major works 3.Analysis of Sister Carrie ments on Theodore Dreiser’s style 5.Dreiser’s literary naturalism
Life Experience
Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, on August 27, 1871
From the age of fifteen, he earned meager support from a variety of menial jobs.