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- An anisotropic Phong BRDF model
- ANSYS中的24种材料属性
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- ANSYS中24种材料属性
- ansysworkbench设置材料属性
- ansysworkbench设置材料属性
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- 各向异性相干长度(anisotropiccoherencelength)百科小物理
- A plasticity and anisotropic damage model for plain concrete
- Anisotropic shrinkage induced by particle rearrangement in sintering
- ANSYS中24种材料属性
- ANSYS 二十多种材料特性
- FLAC3D5.0模型及输入参数说明电子教案
- Elasto-plastic statistical model of strongly anisotropic rough surfaces for finite element 3D-contac
- Surface reconstruction with anisotropic density-scaled alpha shapes
- ANSYS 结构分析材料模型库1
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