2011年河北省专接本 数二答案




河北省2012年普通高校专科接本科教育选拔考试《数学(二)》(财经类、管理类)试卷 (考试时间60分钟)说明:请将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上,填在其它位置上无效。

一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分,在每小题给出的四个备选项中,选出一个正确的答案,并将所选项前面的字母填写在答题纸的相应位置上,填写在其它位置上无效) 1、函数)1ln(22-+-+=x e x x y 的定义域为( )A .[-1,2]B (0,2] C. (-1,2] D.],0(+∞2.极限=-→x xx x 3sin tan lim 0( ) A .-2 B.0 C.2 D.33.若函数00021)(1=⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥+<⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=x x ax x x x f x在出连续,则=a ( ) A .e B.e1 C.e D.e1 4.由方程1=-yxe y 所确定的隐函数)(x y y =的导数=dxdy( ). A.y y e xe 1- B.y y e xe -1 C.1-y y xe e D.yy xee -1 5.区间( )是函数22x ey -=单调递减的凸区间。

A .)1,(--∞ B.(-1,0) C.(0,1)D.(1,∞+)6.定积分dx x x ⎰-++112311=( ) A .0 B.2 C.2πD.π 7.函数22y y x z +=在点(2,1)处的全微分12==y x dz=( )A .dy y x xydx )2(22++ B.xydy dx y x 2)2(2++ C.dy dx 46+ D.dy dx 64+8.幂级数∑∞=⋅-12)2(n n nn x 在区间( )内是收敛的。

A .)21,21(- B.)25,23(- C.(0,4) D.(-2,2) 9.微分方程1-='y y 满足初始条件20==x y的特解是( )A .xce y +=1 B.xe y +=1 C. xe y 2= D.xey -+=110.行列式=4210003012302011( )A.-18B.-6C.6D.18二.填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分,将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上,填写在其它的位置上无效)11.若函数xxe x f 2)(=,则⎰=''dx x f x )( 。

2011年高考真题(河北省)——理科数学(河北省) Word版含答案

2011年高考真题(河北省)——理科数学(河北省) Word版含答案

绝密 ★ 启用前2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科数学(必修+选修II )本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分。

第I 卷1至2页。

第II 卷3至4页。


第I 卷注意事项:1、 答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码。


2、 每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔吧答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮 擦干净后,再选涂 其他答案标号。

3、 第I 卷红12小题,每小题5分,共60分。


一、 选择题(1)复数z =1+i ,z 为z 的共复数,则z z -z -1=(A )-2i (B )-I (C )I (D )2i(2) 函数)0(2y ≥=x x 的反函数为(A ))(42R x x y ∈= (B ))0(42≥=x x y (C ))(42R x x y ∈= (D ))0(42≥=x x y (3)下面四个条件中,使b a >成立的充分而不必要的条件是(A )1+>b a (B )1->b a(C )22b a > (D )33b a >(4)设πS 为等差数列}{πa 的前n 项和,若11=a ,公差2=d ,242=-+k k S S ,则k =(A )8 (B )7 (C )6 (D )5(5)设函数)0(cos )(>=ωωx x f ,将)(x f y =的图像向右平移3π个单位长度后 ,所得的图像与原图像重合,则ω的最小值等于(A )31 (B )3 (C )6 (D )9(6)已知直二面角,点βια--,ι⊥AC ,C 为垂足,β∈B ,ι⊥BD ,D 为垂足,若2=AB ,1==BD AC ,则D 到平面ABC 的距离等于()(A) 32 (B) 33 (C) 36(D) 1(7) 某同学有同样的画册2本,同样的集邮册3本,从中取出4本赠送给4位朋友,每位朋友1本,则不同的赠送方法共有()(A)4种 (B) 10种 (C) 18种 (D)20种(8)曲线12+=-x e y 在点(0,2)处的切线与直线0=y 和x y =围成的三角形的面积为 (A )31 (B )21 (C )32(D )1(9)设f(x)是周期为2的奇函数,当0≤x ≤1时,f(x)=2x(1-x),则(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )(10)已知抛物线C :的焦点为F ,直线y=2x-4与C 交与A ,B 两点,则cos ∠AFB=(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )(11)已知平面截一球面得圆M ,过圆心M 且与成二面角的平面截该球面得圆N.若该球面得半径为4,圆M 的面积为4π,则圆N 的面积为(A )7π (B )9π (C )11π (D )13π(12)设向量a ,b ,c 满足|a|=|b|=1,a b=,<a-c,b-c>=,则|c|的最大值等于 (A )2 (B )(C ) (D )1第II 卷注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先在答题卡上用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,然后贴好条形码,请认真核准条形码上的准考证号,姓名和科目。



河北专接本数学(级数)模拟试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题 4. 解答题选择题在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的。

1.下列各级数中绝对收敛的是[ ].A.B.C.D.正确答案:C 涉及知识点:级数2.下列各级数中发散的是[ ].A.B.C.D.正确答案:A 涉及知识点:级数3.对于任意常数a>0,则级数[ ].A.发散;B.绝对收敛:C.条件收敛;D.收敛性与a值有关.正确答案:C 涉及知识点:级数4.正项级数是[ ].A.收敛:B.发散:C.不能判定;D.敛散性与a有关.正确答案:D 涉及知识点:级数5.下列级数中为条件收敛的是[ ].A.B.C.D.正确答案:B 涉及知识点:级数6.下列级数中绝对收敛的是[ ].A.B.C.D.正确答案:A 涉及知识点:级数7.若幂级数的收敛半径为r,则该级数在x=±r处[ ].A.发散:B.条件收敛:C.绝对收敛:D.敛散性无法确定.正确答案:D 涉及知识点:级数8.若幂级数在x=-2处收敛,则该级数在x=1处[ ].A.发散;B.条件收敛:C.绝对收敛;D.敛散性无法确定.正确答案:C 涉及知识点:级数9.设幂级数在x=3处收敛,在x=-1处发散,则次幂级数的收敛半径R必然是[ ].A.等于2;B.小于2:C.大于2;D.小于1.正确答案:A 涉及知识点:级数10.幂级数的收敛半径R为[ ].A.4:B.2;C.:D..正确答案:B 涉及知识点:级数11.幂级数的收敛半径R为[ ].A.1B.C.2D.不能确定.正确答案:C 涉及知识点:级数12.幂级数(-3<x<3)的和函数是[ ].A.B.C.D.正确答案:B 涉及知识点:级数13.函数f(x)=ln(1+X)展成x的幂级数是[ ].A.B.C.D.正确答案:D 涉及知识点:级数填空题14.级数的和是________.正确答案:涉及知识点:级数15.对于________.正确答案:发散涉及知识点:级数16.若幂级数的收敛半径R=0,则此幂级数只在________收敛.正确答案:x=0 涉及知识点:级数17.若幂级数的收敛半径为R>0,则此幂级数必在区间________绝对收敛.正确答案:(-R,R) 涉及知识点:级数18.幂级数的收敛半径是________。



河北省教育厅关于做好2011年河北省普通高校专科接本科教育考试选拔工作的通知时间:2011-03-16 17:14:24冀教学…2011‟8号各有关普通高校:为做好2011年普通高校专科接本科教育选拔工作,现将有关事宜通知如下:一、报名(一)报名条件1、河北省内按国家招生计划招收入学的普通高等学校2011年应届专科(高职)毕业生;2、拥护中国共产党的领导,政治上积极进步,德、智、体、美全面发展,思想健康,品行端正;3、专科就读期间无违纪违法经历,无考试不及格课程(补考后),综合测评在全年级前70%(实行学分制管理的高校,可根据上述原则,自行提出相应的学分要求);4、确有其他专业特长者,须征得拟报考本科院校同意后,可跨科类或跨专业报名。




















在每小题所给出的四个选项中,只有一个符合题目要求)1. A {a,b,c}满足ABA的集合B的个数是----------------------------------------------()集合A.5b,c B.6 C.7 D.8如果a d,那么一定有()2.------------------------------------------------------------------------A.abcd B.acdb C.abcd D.ba cd3.已知偶函数f(x)在[0,π]上是增函数,令a f(π),bπ1),则a,b,f( ),cf(log22 4c之间的大小关系是-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------()A.acb B.abc C.cab D.bac4.“b2ac”是“a,b,c成等比数列”的--------------------------------------------------------()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件5.当0 a 1时,在同一坐标系中函数y a x与ylog a x的图像大致是()y y y yOAxO BxOCxODx2011年XX对口招生高考数学试卷第1页试卷共4页XX青县职教中心吴志合重新整理hbqxwuzhihe2008@1636.函数y sin2xcos2x是-------------------------------------------------------------------------------()A.周期为π的奇函数B.周期为π的偶函数2 2C.周期为π的偶函数D.周期为π的奇函数7.把函数y sinx的图像向左或向右平移π个单位,得到的函数是---------------------------- ()2A.ycosx B.C.y|cosx|D.ycosxy cosx或ycosx8.等比数列{a n}中,a7a116,a4a145,则a20的值为------------------------------------()a10A.2或3B.2C.3D.1或13 2 3 2 3 29.已知向量a(1,x),向量b(8,1),且(a b) (a b),则x--------------------------------()A.8B.8 C.8 D.不存在10.设πy 1 sin30,直线l2:x y1sin 3 0,( ,π),已知直线l1:xcos2则直线l1与l2的位置关系是-----------------------------------------------------------------------------()A.平行B.相交且垂直C.相交但不垂直D.与的取值有关11.圆x2y24y0关于直线xy 0的对称圆的方程是--------------------------------------()A.x2y24x0 B.x2y22x0 C.x2y22x0 D.x2y24x012.若抛物线方程是x4y2,则其准线方程是---------------------------------------------------------()A.x1B.x1C.x 1D.y 1 16 813.在一个45 的二面角的一个面内,有一条直线与另一个平面所成的角为30,则此直线与二面角的棱所成的角为----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------()A.90 B.45 C.60 D.302011年XX对口招生高考数学试卷第2页试卷共4页XX 青县职教中心 吴志合重新整理hbqxwuzhihe2008@163 14.有5名学生、2名老师站成一行照相, 2名老师不能相邻的排法有-------------------------- ( ) A .P 52P 22 B .P 77 P 22P 66C .P 77 P 66D .P 55C 72在相同环境下,某人投篮的命中率都是 0.8,则其投篮10 次恰有 8 次命中的概率是---- ( ) 15.A .C 1020.820.28B .C 1020.880.22C .C 1080.820.22D .C 1080.820.28二、填空题(本大题共 15 空,每空 2分,共30 分)已知 f(x) x 25, x 0,则 f[f(2)] ________________. 16. x 2, x 0317.计算 22( 3)2(π3.14)01sin45 ________________.8命题“x 1 0或 x 2 2”的非命题是 ____________________________. 18.1x 2)的定义域为_________________(用区间表示)19.函数y (2x 1)2log 2(x若函数y ax 1的反函数是它本身,则 a 的值为_________________. 20.x3tan15 1 _________________.21.1 tan1522.已知一元二次不等式 x 2axb 0的解集是( 2,7),则a_______,b_______,在 ABC 中,已知 sinAcosB 1 cosAsinB ,则___________.23.224.直线x 2y20与直线3x y 70的夹角为____________.25.若等差数列{a n }的公差为2 ,且a 1a 4 a 7 9,则a 2a 5a 8__________.26.过圆x 2y 24上一点P(0,2)的切线方程为_____________________________.抛物线 y 216x 上的一点M 到焦点F 的距离为 6,则M 的坐标为 _____________. 27. 28.ABCD1 11 1AC 111在正方体 ABCD 中,异面直线 与BC 所成的角为______________. 甲、乙两人各进行一次射击,甲击中目标的概率为0.7,乙击中目标的概率为0.2,那么两个 29.人都没有击中目标的概率为______________.2011年XX对口招生高考数学试卷第3页试卷共4页XX青县职教中心吴志合重新整理hbqxwuzhihe2008@163三、解答题(本大题共7个小题,共45分。




一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分,在每小题给出的四个备选项中,选出一个正确的答案,并将所选项前面的字母填写在答题纸的相应位置上,填写在其它位置上无效)1.函数 91)1ln(2-++=x x y 定义域为( )A. (-1,+∞)B. (-1,3)C. (3,+∞)D. (-3,3)2.极限)(x 1x 2xx lim =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-∞→A.e 2B. 1C. 2D. e 2-3.已知函数⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧>+=<=021cos 00sin )(x x x x b x xaxx f 在定义域内连续,则)(=+b aA. 4B. 2C. 1D. 04.由方程3+=xy e y 所确定的隐函数)(x y y =的导数)(=dxdy-A. x e y y -B.yx e y - C.x e y y + D. x e y y --5.曲线1322+-=x x y 的凹区间为( )A. (]0,∞-B.[)+∞,0C.(]1,∞-D.[)+∞,16.已知某产品的总收益函数与销售量x 的关系为210)(2x x x R -=,则销售量x=12时的边际收益为( )A. 2B.2-C.1D.1-7.设)(x F 是)(x f 的一个原函数,则⎰=--)()(dx e f e xxA.C e F x +-)(B.C eF x+--)( C. C e F x +)( D. C e F x +-)(8.微分方程xe y y =-'满足初始条件00==x y的特解为( )A. )(c x e x+ B. )1(+x e xC.1-x eD. xxe9. 当( )时,齐次线性方程组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=++=++=++000321321321x x x x x x x x x λλλ 有非零解-A.1≠λB.2-≠λC.12=-=λλ或 D. 12≠-≠λλ且10.下列级数发散的是( )A. ∑∞=-11)1(n nn B.∑∞=-152)1(n n n C.∑∞=11n n D.∑∞=-121)1(n n n 二.填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分,将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上,填写在其它位置上无效)11.已知2xe 为)(x f 的一个原函数,则⎰________)('dx x xf12.幂级数∑∞=--113)1(n n nn x 的收敛半径为_____________ 13.已知二元函数________________),ln(22=∂∂+=xzy x x z 则14.二阶方阵A 满足⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡10122111A ,则_____________=A 15.微分方程y y xy ln '=的通解为_____________________=y三.计算题(本大题共4小题,每小题10分,共40分,将解答的主要过程、步骤和答案填写在答题的相应位置上,填写在其它位置上无效) 16. 求极限⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--→1e 1x 1lim x 0x 17.求由曲线2e y =与其在点)e ,1(处的切线及主轴所围成平面图形的面积。









2011年河北省专接本(政治)真题试卷2011年河北省专接本(政治)真题试卷一、单项选择题(总题数:35,分数:70.00)1.根据思维与存在是否具有同一性的认识,可以将哲学划分为( )A.唯物主义和唯心主义B.形而上学和辩证法C.可知论和不可知论√D.相对主义和绝对主义易混,思维与存在谁为第一性与是否具有同一性是哲学的两大基本问题。

A选项中,物质和意识何为第一性可将哲学划分为唯物主义和唯心主义,而对于同一性认识为将哲学划分为可知论和不可知论,故C选项当选2.“存在即被感知”命题属于( )A.辩证唯物主义B.机械唯物主义C.客观唯心主义D.主观唯心主义√“存在即被感知”的意思是,只有你感知到才知道是存在的,但是不被感知到就不一定不存在,属于主观唯心主义的观点。


故D选项当选3.世界是物质的观点要求我们( )A.一切从实际出发√B.一切从理论出发C.一切从物质出发D.一切从实用出发世界是物质的,物质决定意识。


故A选项当选4.“人猿相揖别,只几个石头磨过”,这句诗说明( )A.人类意识是先天就有的B.社会劳动对人类意识的产生具有决定作用√C.人脑是意识的物质器官D.意识具有主观能动性这句话的意思是人类和猿类的分别就是从开始磨石头(制造工具,进行劳动)开始的,题意更强调社会劳动的作用,故B选项当选。

5.“抽刀断水水更流”蕴含的哲理是( )A.事物的联系是普遍的B.事物的联系是客观的√C.事物的联系是多样的D.事物的联系是偶然的“抽刀断水水更流”的意思是即使用刀去砍,水依然会流,不会因为用刀砍就会断折,不以人的意志为改变,依然客观存在,继续流动,体现事物联系的客观性,故B选项当选。

6.“是即是,否即否,除此之外全是鬼话”,这是( )A.形而上学观点√B.辩证法观点C.折衷主义观点D.相对主义观点此观点过于强调绝对性,认为除了“是”与“否”其他全是“鬼话”,过于片面,是形而上学的观点,故A选项当选。



河北省2011年普通高校专科接本科教育选拔考试《数学(一)》(理工类)试卷(考试时间60分钟) (总分100分)说明:请将答案填写答题纸的相应位置上,填在其它位置上无效.一、 单项选择题 (本大题共10小题, 每小题3分, 共30分. 在每小题给出的四个备选项中, 选出一个正确的答案, 并将所选项前面的字母填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效)1.设函数()1x f x e =-,则[(0)]f f =().A.0 B .1 C.1- D.e2.设210()2030x x x f x x x ⎧-<⎪==⎨⎪>⎩,则下列等式正确的是( ).A. 0lim ()2x f x →= B. 0lim ()1x f x -→=- C. 0lim ()3x f x +→= D. 0lim ()3x x f x →=3.设1234,,,αααα是4个三维向量,则下列说法正确的是( ). A. 1234,,,αααα中任一个向量均能由其余向量线性表示 B. 1234,,,αααα的秩≤3 C. 1234,,,αααα的秩=3D. 1234,,,αααα中恰有3个向量能由其余向量线性表示 4.曲线3(2)2y x =++的拐点是( ).A. (0,2)-B. (2,2)-C. (2,2)-D. (0,10)5.已知2sin 0x y y -+=,则00x y dydx==的值为( ).A. 1-B. 0C. 1D. 126.下列级数发散的是( ).A. 2323888-999+-+ B. 2233111111()()()232323++++++C.1113+++ D.111133557+++⨯⨯⨯7.微分方程x ydy edx+=的通解为( ).A.x y C -=B. x y e e C +=C. x y e e C -+=D. x ye e C -+=8.若'()()F x f x =,则(ln )(0)f x dx x x>⎰为( ).A.()F x C +B. (ln )F x C +C. (ln )f x C +D.1()f C x+ 9.若A 为n 阶方阵,则kA =( ),其中k 为常数.A. kAB. k AC. 2k AD. n k A10.3000100010⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭=( ).A. 000000100⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ B. 000100000⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ C. 000000010⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ D. 000000000⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭二、 填空题 (本大题共5小题, 每小题4分, 共20分. 将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效)11.设1sin 0()00(1)1x xe x xf x k x x x ⎧+⎪<⎪==⎨⎪>⎪++⎩在0x =处连续,则k = . 12.经过点(2,5,1)- 且与平面4230x y z -+-=垂直的直线方程为 . 13.由s i n y x =,直线2x π=及x轴所围成的图形绕x轴旋转所形成的旋转体的体积是 .14.幂级数21(2)!(!)nn n x n ∞=∑的收敛半径为 .15.二重积分1130dx xy dy ⎰⎰= .三、计算题(本大题共4小题, 每小题10分, 共40分. 将解答的主要过程、步骤和答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效)16.设0()01xx e f x x x-≥⎧=⎨<-⎩, 求02(1)f x dx-+⎰.17.已知3(,)z f x y y =, 求2z x y∂∂∂.18.求函数2cos 23yz u x y y =++的全微分.19.λ为何值时, 线性方程组123412341234320253132x x x x x x x x x x x x λ-++=⎧⎪-+-=⎨⎪-++=⎩有解,有解时求出其全部解.四、证明题(本题10分. 将解答的主要过程、步骤和答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 写在其它位置上无效) 20.证明:32410x x -+=在区间(0,1)内至少有一个根.河北省2011年普通高校专科接本科教育选拔考试《数学(二)》(财经类)试卷(考试时间60分钟)(总分100分)说明:请将答案填写答题纸的相应位置上,填在其它位置上无效.一、 单项选择题 (本大题共10小题, 每小题3分, 共30分. 在每小题给出的四个备选项中, 选出一个正确的答案, 并将所选项前面的字母填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效)1.函数ln(1)y x =++的定义域为( ).A .(1,)-+∞B .(1,3)-C.(3,)+∞ D.()3,3-2.极限21lim ()xx x x →+∞-=( ).A. 2eB. 1C. 2 D. 2e -3.已知函数sin 0()01cos 0axx xf x b x x x x ⎧<⎪⎪==⎨⎪⎪>⎩在定义域内连续,则a b +=( ). A. 4 B. 1 C.2 D.0 4.由方程e 3yxy =+所确定的隐函数()y y x =的导数d d y x=( ).A. yy e x- B.ye xy- C.yye x+ D. yy e x--5.曲线3231y x x =-+的凹区间为( ).A. (,0]-∞B. [0,)+∞C. (,1]-∞D.[1,)+∞6.已知某产品的总收益函数与销售量x 的关系为2()1012xR x x =--(千元),则销售量30x =时的边际收益为( ).A. 20B. 2-0C. 10D. 1-0 7.设()F x 是()f x 的一个原函数,则()d xxef ex --=⎰( ).A.()x F e C -+B. ()x F e C --+C. ()xF e C + D. ()x F e C -+8.微分方程'xy y e -=满足初始条件00x y==的特解为( ).A.()x e x C +B. (1)x e x +C. 1xe - D.xxe9.当λ为( )时,齐次线性方程组123123123000x x x x x x x x x λλλ++=⎧⎪++=⎨⎪++=⎩有非零解.A. 1λ≠B. 2λ≠-C. 2λ=-或1λ=D. 2λ≠-且1λ≠10.下列级数发散的是( ).A.11(1)nn n∞=-∑B.12(1)5nnn ∞=-∑C.1n ∞=∑D.211(1)nn n∞=-∑二、 填空题 (本大题共5小题, 每小题4分, 共20分. 将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效)11.已知x xe 为()f x 的一个原函数,则1'()d xf x x =⎰ .12.幂级数()1113n n nn x -∞=-∑ 的收敛半径为 .13.已知二元函数22ln()z x x y =+,则z x∂=∂ .14.二阶方阵A 满足11201211A ⎡⎤⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦,则A = .15.微分方程'ln xy y y =的通解为 y == .三、计算题(本大题共4小题, 每小题10分, 共40分. 将解答的主要过程、步骤和答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效) 16.求极限011lim 1xx xe →⎛⎫-⎪-⎝⎭. 17.求由曲线2y x =与2y x =+所围成的平面图形的面积.18.设方程sin(235)235x y z x y z +-=+-确定二元隐函数(,)z z x y =,证明1z z xy∂∂+=∂∂.19.已知线性方程组1234123412342232243x x x x x x x x x x x x +++=⎧⎪++-=⎨⎪+++=⎩,求(1)方程组的通解和一个特解;(2)对应齐次线性方程组的一个基础解系.四、应用题(本题10分. 将解答的主要过程、步骤和答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 写在其它位置上无效)20.某工厂生产某产品时,日总成本为C 元,其中固定成本为50元,每多生产一单位产品,成本增加2元,该产品的需求函数为505Q p =-,求Q 为多少时,工厂日总利润L 最大?最大利润是多少?河北省2011年普通高校专科接本科教育选拔考试《数学(三)》(管理、农学类)试卷(考试时间60分钟)(总分100分)说明:请将答案填写答题纸的相应位置上,填在其它位置上无效.一、 单项选择题 (本大题共10小题, 每小题3分, 共30分. 在每小题给出的四个备选项中, 选出一个正确的答案, 并将所选项前面的字母填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效)1.下列函数哪些是同一函数( ).A.()2233x x f x x +-=+ 与 ()1y x x =-B .()3lg fx x = 与 ()3lg g x x =C.()10lg f x x = 与 ()10lg g x x = D.()()1221cos f x x =- 与 ()sin g x x = 2.下列各式中正确的是( ).A. 1lim(1)x x x e →∞+= B. 10lim (1)x x x e →-= C. 1lim (1)xx x e →+= D. 01lim (1)xx e x→+=3.若)(x f 在0x 处不连续,则( ).A. f (x)在0x 处无定义B. )(x f 在0x 处不可导C.)(lim 0x f x x →不存在 D. )(x f 在0x 处不一定可导4.当x →0时,x1cos是( ).A. 无穷小量B. 无穷大量C. 有界函数D. 无界函数 5.下列四式中正确的是( ). A. (())()f x dx f x '=⎰ B. (())()f x dx f x C'=+⎰C.()()f x dx f x '=⎰D. 以上答案都不对6.定积分dx xx ⎰+11的值是( ).A. 12ln2B. ln 21-C.1ln 22D. 1ln 2-7.曲线tan y x π=在点(,1)4处切线的斜率k =().A.1B.2D.28.下列无穷级数中,条件收敛的是( ).A.n=11(-1)n∞∑B.n n 112∞=⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∑ C. ()n2n 111n∞=-∑ D.n 1+1n n ∞=∑9.微分方程0'+=x y y的通解为( ). A. 22+=y x C B. 221y x += C. 22y x C -= D. 221y x -= 10.设矩阵12A34⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭, 则A 的伴随矩阵*A=( ).A. 1234⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭B. 4231⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭C. 1234-⎛⎫ ⎪-⎝⎭D. 4231-⎛⎫⎪-⎝⎭二、 填空题 (本大题共5小题, 每小题4分, 共20分. 将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效) 11.3sin limx x x x→-= .12.幂级数()111n nn xn-∞=-∑ 的收敛半径为 .13.已知二元函数3232y xy x z +-=,则2z x y∂=∂∂ .14.曲线1y x =与直线1,2x x ==所围成的平面图形的面积为 .15.行列式 579123456= .三、计算题(本大题共4小题, 每小题10分, 共40分. 将解答的主要过程、步骤和答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其它位置上无效)16.设函数()00x e x f x a x x ⎧<=⎨+≥⎩,,,a 为何值时,()fx 在0x =点连续.17.计算定积分21arctan1-+⎰x dxx.18.求由方程x yxy e e=-所确定的函数y在0x=处的导数.19.已知线性方程组123412342341323263x x x xx x x xx x xλ+++=⎧⎪++-=⎨⎪++=⎩,求λ为何值时,方程组有解,并求出它的解.四、应用题(本题10分. 将解答的主要过程、步骤和答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 写在其它位置上无效)20.用32cm长的一根铁丝围成一个矩形小框,试问:当矩形的长和宽各为多少时,围成的矩形面积最大?。



2011年河北省专接本数学二(财经类)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题 4. 解答题 5. 综合题选择题在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的。

1.函数的定义域为( ).A.(-1,+∞)B.(-1,3)C.(3,+∞)D.(-3,3)正确答案:C解析:2.极限=( ).A.e2B.1C.2D.e-2正确答案:D解析:3.已知函数在定义域内连续,则a+b=( ).A.4B.1C.2D.0正确答案:A解析:f(0)=6a=2=B4.由方程ey=xy+3所确定的隐函数y=y(x)的导数=( ).A.B.C.D.正确答案:A解析:两边对x求导得:eu.y’=y+xy’5.曲线y=x3一3x2+1的凹区间为( ).A.(一∞,0]B.[0,+∞)C.(-∞,1]D.[1,+∞)正确答案:D解析:y’=3x2-6x,y’’=6x一6,y’’≥0=>x≥1.6.己知某产品的总收益函数与销售量x的关系为则销售量x=12时的边际收益为( ).A.2B.-2C.1D.-1正确答案:B解析:R’(x)=10一x,R’(12)=一2.7.设F(x)是f(x)的一个原函数,则∫e-xf(e-x)dx=( ).A.一F(ex)+CB.-F(e-x)+CC.F(ex)+CD.F(e-x)+C正确答案:B解析:∫e-xf(e-x)dx=-∫f(e-x)de-x=-F(e-x)+8.微分方程y’-y=ex满足初始条件y|x=0=0的特解为( ).A.ex(x+C)B.ex(x+1)C.ex一1D.xex正确答案:C解析:y=e∫dx(∫exe-∫dx+c)=ex(x+c),由y|x=0得c=0.∴y=xex.9.当λ为( )时,齐次线性方程组有非零解.A.λ≠1B.λ≠一2C.λ=一2或λ=1D.λ≠一2且λ≠1正确答案:C解析:系数行列当D=0时,即λ=1或λ=一2时,方程组有非零解.10.下列级数发散的是( ).A.B.C.D.正确答案:C解析:p级数,时发散.填空题11.已知xex为f(x)的一个原函数,则=_________.正确答案:x2ex+C解析:∫xf’(x)dx=∫xdf(x)=xf(x)一∫f(x)dx=xf(x)一xex+C,f’(x)=(xex)’=(x+1)ex代入上式可得.12.幂级数的收敛半径为__________.正确答案:3解析:13.已知二元函数z=xln(x2+y2),则=_________.正确答案:解析:14.二阶方阵A满足则|A|=____________.正确答案:2解析:15.微分方程xy’=ylny的通解为y=________.正确答案:e2x解析:分离变量得:,lnlny=lnx+lnc∴y=ecx解答题解答时应写出推理、演算步骤。


[专升本(地方)考试密押题库与答案解析]河北省专升本高等数学(二)模拟 15
A.F(x)≡G(x),x∈I B.dF(x)=dG(x)+C,x∈I C.∫f(x)dx=F(x) D.F(b)-F(a)=G(b)-G(a),a,b∈I 答案:D[解析] 根据原函数的性质知,一个函数的两个原函数相差一个常数 C,即有 F(x)=G(x)+C,x∈I,从而有 F(b)-F(a)=G(b)-G(a),a,b∈I,故选 D. 问题:4. 已知函数 f(x)可导,且则曲线 y=f(x)在点(1,f(1))处的切线斜率为______
[专升本(地方)考试密押题库与答案解析]河北省专升本高等数学(二)模拟 15
[专升本(地方)考试密押题库与答案解析]河北省专升本高等数学(二) 模拟 15
河北省专升本高等数学(二)模拟 15
一、单项选择题 (在每小题给出的四个备选项中,选出一个正确的答案) 问题:1. 设函数 f(x-1)的定义域为[0,a],则 f(x)的定义域是______ A.[1,a+1] B.[-1,a-1] C.[1-a,a-1] D.[a-1,a+1] 答案:B[解析] f(x-1)的定义域为[0,a],则-1≤x-1≤a-1,即 f(x)的定义域为[-1,a-1]. 问题:2. 下列函数在给定区间上满足罗尔中值定理的是______
[专升本(地方)考试密押题库与答案解析]河北省专升本高等数学(二)模拟 15
B.同阶非等价无穷小 C.高阶无穷小 D.低阶无穷小 答案:B[解析] 故选 B. 问题:7. 设函数 f(xy,x+y)=x2+y2+xy,则分别为______ A.-1,2y B.2y,-1 C.2x+2y,2y+x D.2y,2x 答案:A[解析] f(xy,x+y)=x2+y2+xy=-xy+(x+y)2,则有 f(x,y)=-x+y2,故选 A. 问题:8. 函数在定义域(-∞,0)∪(0,+∞)上______ A.有极值有拐点 B.有极值无拐点 C.无极值有拐点 D.无极值无拐点 答案:C[解析]



x 0
B.e 1
4.已知 y f ( x) 在 x 0 处可导且 f (0) 0 ,则当 t 0 时,有 lim
f (tx) x

A. f (t )
5.空间直线 L :
B. f '(0)
C.tf '(0)
2 x 3 y 0 与平面 : 3 x 2 y 7 z 8 的位置关系是 7 y 2 z 0 B.斜交 C.直线在平面上 D.平行
F ( x) f (t )dt
dt , x [ a, b] f (t )
证明: (1) F '( x) 2 ; (2)方程 F ( x) 0 在区间 ( a, b) 内有且仅有一个根. 21.求内接于半径为 a 的球的长方体体积的最大值.

C.6 D.18
B. 6
二、填空题(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 4 分,共 20 分.将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置上, 填写在其他位置无效) 11.若函数 f ( x) xe ,则 xf "( x) dx ___________ .

12.设某产品的需求函数为 Q e 数为 ___________

P 4
,其中 P 为价格,Q 为需求量,则该产品的需求弹性函
13 . 设 函 数 z f ( x, y ) 在 点 ( x0 , y0 ) 的 某 邻 域 内 连 续 且 有 一 、 二 阶 连 续 偏 导 数 , 又
f x '( x0 , y0 ) 0 , f y '( x0 , y0 ) 0 , 若 令 m f "xx ( x0 , y0 ) , n f "xy ( x0 , y0 ) , p f "yy ( x0 , y0 ) , 当 m, n, p 满 足 条 件 mp n 2 0且m 0 时 , 函 数 z f ( x, y ) 在 点 ( x0 , y0 ) 处取得极 ___________ 值. 3 0 0 14 . 已 知 A 1 4 0 , E 为 三 阶 单 位 方 阵 , 则 A 2 E 的 逆 矩 阵 0 0 3 ( A 2 E ) 1 ___________ .



问题:3. 已知,则|2A|=______ A.16 B.8
[专升本(地方)考试密押题库与答案解析]河北省专升本高等数学(二)真题汇编 3
C.4 D.2 答案:A[解析] 问题:4. 已知函数 f(x)=x8+3x6-2x5-5x3+x2-1,则 f(7)(2)=______ A.27 B.28 C.2·7! D.2·8! 答案:D[解析] f(7)(x)=x·8!,故 f(7)(2)=2·8!. 问题:5. 一阶微分方程 2xydx+x2dy=0 的通解为______
得切线方程为,即 所围图形面积为
求导,得:S'=6x0-27,令 S'=0,得唯一驻点,故在处取得极小值,又由于驻点唯一, 则面积函数 S 在处取得最小值.
故 P0 点坐标为时所求面积最小,最小面积是.
四、应用题 (本题 10 分,将解答的主要过程、步骤和答案填写在相应位置上,写在其他位置上无效) 问题:1. 假设某企业在两个互相分割的市场上出售同一种产品,两个市场的销售量分别是, Q2=12-x,其中 x 为该产品在两个市场的价格(万元/吨).该企业生产这种产品的总成本函 数是 C=2(Q1+Q2)+5.试确定 x 的值,使企业获得最大利润,并求出最大利润. 答案:由已知条件得利润函数为
A. B. C.x2y=C D.xy2=C 答案:C[解析] 问题:6. 曲线的凸区间是______ A.(2,3) B.(-3,-2) C(-∞,-2) D.(3,+∞) 答案:A[解析] y'=2x3-15x2+36x+2,y"=6x2-30x+36=6(x-2)(x-3),当 y"<0 时,曲线 y 是凸的,即(x-2)(x-3)<0,则 2<x<3. 问题:7. ______ A. B.




I.Phonetics (5 points)Directions:In each of the following groups words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C and D.Conpare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1.A.cost B.host C.joke D.social2.A.glass st C.basic D.task3.A.charm B.check C.character D.chair4.A.confuse B.brush C.contribute D.attitude5.A.blow B.allow C.follow D.sorrowII.Situational Dialogues(15 points)Section ADirections:In this section there are 5 short dialogues.For each dialogue,there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Y ou are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the dialogue.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6 .Student A:Iwonder why the letter was retumed to me.Student B:A:Y es.It needs more stamps.B:Y ou didn’t write the address properly.C:Y ou must ask for help.D:I work in a post office.7 .Interviewer:What kind of job do you apply for?A.I am a manager.B.Thank you very mach.C.If possible,I’d like to be a saleman.D.I’m good at spoken English.8 .Host:Which would you prefer,tea or coffee?Guest:A.Y ou are welcome.B.Y es,please.C.He prefers a glass of water.D.Coffee.please.9 .Doctor:How was the operation?Patient: Thank you ,doctor.A.It was very successfulB.Y ou are the best.C.It doesn't matter.D.That’s very interesting.10 .T om:Congratulations on your passing the exam,Cathy.Cathy:A.It doesn’t matter.B.Don’t mention it.C.Thank you very much.D.It’s very kind of you.Section BDirections:In this section there is a long conversation with 5 missing sentences:At then end of the conversation,there is a list of given choices.Y ou are required to select the appropriate answer and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center:Note that there are two additional choices and you may not use any of the choices in the list more than once._ _ _What’s wrong with you?_ _ _11 My arms and legs feel weak.And I have a fever._ _ _Let me take a look at your throat. 12_ _ _Ah-ah. 13_ _ _Well,there’s nothing to worry about.Y ou’re got the flu.I think you need a shot._ _ _ 14 I hate shots._ _ _But I advise you to take a shot first.Itis more effiective._ _ _Will I be able to work tomorrow?_ _ _No, 15 Keep yourself warm and drink plenty of water._ _ _Thanks, doctor.A.Open your mouth and say “Ah”.B.Can you give me some pills?C.I don’t feel well, doctor.D.May I help you ?E.Is that serious,doctor?F.I think it necessary for you.G.Just stay in bed for a couple of days.III.Vocabulary and Struture(20 points)Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.Y ou are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D given in your test paper and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.16 .We must keep our _____;otherwise,no one will trust us.A.promiseB.rewardC.goalD.dream17 .The scientists had to wait _____for a few years.A.rudelyB.patientlyC.subtlyD.quickly18 .Man must stop_____the earth’s atmosphere.A.fillingB.watingC.pollutingD.giving off19 .I’m sorry I’m late. I was held up in a traffic_____.A.blockB.crushC.groupD.jam20 .Animals that could not _____themselves to the changed environment perished and those that could survived.A.changeB.conformC.modifyD.adapt21.After entering the university,you should ____a clear goal for your study.A.setB.challengeC.causeD.do22.To her____,she couldn’t remember his name.A.argumentB.embarrassmentC.requirementD.relationship23.I only know the man by _____ but I have never spoken to him.A.sightB.heartC.chanceD.experience24.It is suggested by the author that we should be _____ to those who are in need.A.fairB.generousC.meanD.harsh25.Y ou shouldn’t judge people by their ______ appearances.A.externalB.responsiblefortableD.numerous26.The museum ____ a huge boat.A.results inB.looks likeC.hunts forD.moves on27.The two sisters have got a lot _____.A.all overB.for allC.in commonD.in all28.Y ou won’t pass your examination______ you study hard.A.afterB.whenC.unlessD.if29.He finds the children ______.A.difficult to treatB.it is difficult to treatC.it difficult to treatD.to be difficult to treat30.The students are busy _____ their lessons.A. to reviewB.reviewingC.reviewD.reviewed31.I will take advantage ______ my business trip to Beijing to see the beautiful sights.A.ofB.withC.atD.for32.All _____she likes to do now is driving her car on the highway.A.thisB.thatC.whatD.which33.____is no good ______ without doing anything.A.It;talkingB.This;talkingC.It;be talkingD.That;to talk34._____ the airport, they waved again and again to me.A.When leftB.When leaveC.When to leaveD.When leaving35.They were surprised to see her come in ______.A.with a baby in her armsB.through a baby on her armsC.about a baby of her armsD.to a baby under her armsIV.Reading Comprehension(40points)Directions:There are four passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Y ou should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage 1Questions 36-40 are based on the following passageResearches show that many people do not leave an organization but leave a boss.So it is vital that when you apply for a position,you not only look at the organization and the role,but also interview your future boss.Applying for a new job is a two-way street—they select you and you select ehem.Before you go to the interview,write down what your selection standards are for an effective boss.Y ou can make a list of selection criteria,such as:What made your last boss”good” for you? How do you like to be trained? How do you like your boss to communicate with you?Then you place them in order of importance.The most important should be on top of the list..Once you are clear on your standards,you may get some idea of how your future boss operates by the way the interview is conducted.For example, did it start and finish on time?How formal or informal was the room?When the interview gets to the “Do you have any questions?”stage,you might like to ask some questions.With well-prepared questions,you can develp a very good idea of your future boss’management style.36.Many people leave an organization because________.A.the boss doesn’t like the employeesB.they don’t like the bossC.the organization is not goodD.the organization is not important37.If you place your questions in order of importance,you________.A.put the least important first .B.put the longest question firstC.put the most important lastD.put the most important first38.Y ou can judge your future boss by the following EXCEPT________.A.whether the interview started on timeB.whether the interview room was formalC.whether the boss played funny jokesD.whether the interview finished on time39.From this passage we get to know ________.A.the interviewee can ask any question to the interviewerB.the interviewer asks many difficult questions to the intervieweeC.the interviewer asks questions firstD.the interviewee asks questions first40.The best title for this passage might be________.A.How to Get Along with Y our New BossB.How to Ask Y our New Boss QuestionsC.How to Select Y our New BossD.How to Prepare for InterviewPassage 2Questions 41-45 are based on the following passageImagine the most famous person you know,Michael Jourdan,Britney Spear,Prince William.Now think of this:Not one of them is as famous as Helen Keller was in her day.Back in the late 1800s,nobody believed that blind or deaf people could lead normal lives.Most were sent away from their homes.They lived in schools that were more like prison than places to learn and grow.Few people believed that a person who was both blind and deaf could ever learn to communicate.But Annie Sullivan belicved she could teach 7-year-old Helen Keller language.When Annie first met Helen in 1887,Helen was wild and angry.She spoke by grunting(咕哝) and screaming.Nobody,not even Helen’s parents,belived Annie would succeed.And when she did succeed,news of this miracle(奇迹) spread far.Helen often said that she had spent her early childhood in a “dungeon(地牢)of silence”and loneliness.Freed from this dungeon by Annie,Helen bloosomed.By the age of 10,Helen was able to write and read Braille.In addition to English,Helen also learned French and Greek.She even learned to talk clearly enough so that Annie could understand her.She became an author,writing 13 books and hundres of articles.She and Annie traveled around the world.She learned to ride a horse and a bike.When she died, just before her 88th birthday,she had become one of America’s great heroes.“Life,”Helen once said,”is either a daring adventure or nothing.”41.Who is considered the most famous person according to the above passage?A.Michael JordanB.Prince Willia…C.Helen KellerD.britney Spears42.Which of the following is NOT true about blind or deaf people in the late 1800s?A.They couldn’t learn to communicate.B.They couldn’t go to school.C.They couldn’t lead normal lives.D.Most were sent away from their homes.43.Nobody believed that Helen Keller would succeed except________A. her parentsB.BrailleC.her neighborsD. Annie Sullivan44.How many languages did Helen learn?A.3B.2C.6D.545.The sentence”Life is either a daring adventure or nothing”means” ________”.A.Life is meaningful only if you dare to take adventuresB.There is nothing good in lifeC.Nothing is important in a daring adventureD.People like to take adventures in their livesPassage 3Questions 46-50 are based on the following passageDoctors have known for a long time that extremely loud noises can cause hearing damage or loss.This noise can be the sound of a plane or machines in factories or loud music or other common sounds found at home or at work.. A person only needs to hear the noise for little more that one second to be affected.An American scientist has found that using aspirin can increase the temporary(暂时的) hearing loss or damage from loud noise.He did an experiment,using a number of students at a university,whoi all had normal hearing.He gave them different amounts of aspirin for different periods of time.He found that students who were given four grams of aspirin a day for two days suffered much greater temporary hearing loss than those who did not use aspirin.The hearing loss was about twice as great.The scientist said that millions of persous in the United States use much greater amounts of aspirin that were used in the study.He said these persons face a serious danger of suffering hearing loss from loud noise.46.Doctors have long known that hearing damage or loss can be caused by________.A.loud noisesB.sounds of all kindsmon sounds at homeD.terribly loud noises47.By conducting an experiment,the American scientist tried to find out________.A.whether using aspirin would affect a person’s hearing abilityB.whether university students’ hearing ability is better than othersC.how many Americans take great amounts of aspirin every dayD.why people face a serious danger of suffering hearing loss from loud noises48.According to this passage,the findings of the experiment is that using aspirin can________.A.improve one’s hearing abilityB.increase hearing loss by 50 percentC.increase temporary hearing loss from loud noisesD.protect persons from losing their hearing abilitylions of Americans are in danger of suffering hearing loss because they________.A.take too much aspirin every dayB.often take planes on tripsC.are surrounded by loud noises at home or at workD.like listening to loud music50.The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to ________.A.explain how extremely loud noises affect person’s hearing abilityB.make people aware of the consequences of using aspirinC.test how good a person’s hearing ability isD.illustrate how hearing loss is related to very loud noisesPassage 4Questions 51-55 are based on the following passageV ideo or computer games have the power to attract children.Most children do not feel they have much control over their world.In a video game, the child is in control.,whether they’re driving arace car or attacking the enemy.Then, there are the excitement and sense of achievement. A good game will get your heart racing.Most games have skill levels from simple to difficult. Reading a higher level, the player will have a sense of achievement.Many perants don’t view gaming as a very harmful havit when compared to the dangers of the real world. When they’re home,we know what they’re doing. Butvideo game habit can ruin lives.children playing four to five houlrs per day have little time for social communsication, homework, or sports.Children can’t just avoid computers, and they use them for homework and communication with friends. Parents need to set strict limits on usage. They should help their kids to do sports or just play outside with the neighbors.51.The sentence “in a video game ,the child is in control” in the first paragraph means_____.A.the child is under control in a video gameB.the child can control the gameC.the child has control ove what he is doingD.the child can control a racing car or n army52.The author gives ____ reasons for children’s dependence on computer games.A.threeB.twoC.more than threeD.more than four53.Many parents do not thinktaht video game is a serious problem for ____.A.their childern are staying homeB.their childern are doing what they likeC.the dangers of the real world are much more harmfulD.their homes are safe54.Parents _____ to help their children get rid of video games.A.can do nothingB.can paly an important roleC.can ask for expert’s adviceD.can spend much time55.According to this passage children should _____.A.be far away from computerB.do homework first and then play gamesC.spend ess than three hours playingvideo gamesD.make good use of computerV.Close(20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Y ou are required to choose the ONE that best first into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Body language is an easier way of expressing feelings than spoken__56__.For example,you do not say to someone easily that you do not like him or her, __57__ through body language you can __58__them clearly. Sothe spoken language is limited,__59__ is why we need the __60__language so much in our communication. Spoken language and body language go mostly__61__. When someone says something, information is __62__through body language at the same time .This extra non-verbal information can __63__ the content of the message or may contradict it. An example of the __64__: a patient in the dentist’s waiting room is rocking on his__65__,but says he’s not nervous. What do you__66__? When someonecontradicts his words like this__67__ his body language, his non-verbal message is almost always __68__ as the most the because it is very difficult__69__ through body language.Most people are not very aware __70__their body language. When someone is lying, we get the feeling __71__ something is not right through his __72__. __73__the most part we are inclined to rely__74__ this feeling and not to believe him.56.A.So nguage C.gesture D.symbol57.A.so B.and C.then D.but58.A.recognize B.show C.emphasize D.talk59.A.which B.who C.it D.that60.A.spoken B.visual C.body D.foreign61.A.ahead B.hand in hand C.on D.beyond62.A.proposed B.confused C.conveyed D.summoned63.A.support B.disagree C.agree D.deny64.A.previous B.former C.reversed tter65.A.seat B.bench C.table D.chair66.A.propose B.request C.believe D.note67.A.in B.through C.from D.on68.A.proposed B.regarded C.greeted D.conveyed69.A.being lying B.lie C.to lie D.lying70.A.that B.of C.on D.about71.A.which B.that C.what D.while72.A.words B.fists C.behavior D.personnel73.A.For B.At C.In D.From74.A.at B.on C.in D.from75.A.spoken B.body C.visual D.speakingVI.Writing(20 points)Directions:In this part you are required to write a composition entitled My View on Food Quality in no less than 100 words according to the following Chinese outline.Please remember to write it on the Answer Sheet.1、目前食品质量安全问题日益成为人们关注的焦点。


10096 保定学院 化学 联合命题 理工 校本部 10
10101 衡水学院 化学 联合命题 理工 校本部 40
10103 邯郸学院 化学 联合命题 理工 校本部 30
10104 邢台学院 化学 联合命题 理工 校本部 30
10082 河北科技大学 化学工程与工艺 联合命题 理工 校本部 35
10086 河北农业大学 计算机科学与技术 联合命题 理工 校本部 30
10092 河北北方学院 计算机科学与技术 联合命题 பைடு நூலகம்工 校本部 50
10099 唐山师范学院 计算机科学与技术 联合命题 理工 校本部 40
10100 廊坊师范学院 计算机科学与技术 联合命题 理工 校本部 20
10101 衡水学院 计算机科学与技术 联合命题 理工 校本部 70
12784 河北传媒学院 动画 艺术 校本部 40
10086 河北农业大学 动物科学 联合命题(动物医学) 农学 校本部 30
10076 河北工程大学 动物医学 联合命题 农学 校本部 30
10092 河北北方学院 动物医学 联合命题 农学 校本部 40
10798 河北科技师范学院 动物医学 联合命题 农学 校本部 30
10104 邢台学院 财务管理 联合命题 管理 校本部 30
10798 河北科技师范学院 财务会计教育 联合命题(会计学) 管理 校本部 40
10096 保定学院 地理科学 联合命题 理工 校本部 20
10102 石家庄学院 地理科学 联合命题 理工 校本部 5
10104 邢台学院 地理科学 联合命题 理工 校本部 20
11775 防灾科技学院 会计学 联合命题 管理 校本部 30
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一、 单项选择题 (本大题共10小题, 每小题3分, 共30分. 选对得3分。

1.C 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C
二、填空题 (本大题共5小题, 每小题4分, 共20分. 填对得4分,未填或错填得0分)
11. 2e x x C + 12. 3 13. 222
222ln()x x y x y +++ 14. 2 15. e Cx 三、计算题(本大题共4小题, 每小题10分, 共40分. 解答过程、步骤和答案必须完整正确)
16. 解:原式()01lim 1x x x e x x e →--=- ……………………………..4分
0e 1lim x x x x →--= ……………………. …………… 6分 0e 1lim 2x x x
→-= ………………………………………8分 12
= ………………………………………10分 17. 解: 曲线e x y =在点(1,e)处切线的斜率1d e d x y
k x ===
切线方程为e e(1)y x -=-,即e y x = ………………………3分 所求面积()10e e d x S x x =-⎰ ……….……………………6分
1201e e 2x x ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭ ……….……………………8分
e 12
=- …………………………………10分 18. 证明: 构造辅助函数()(),,sin(235)235F x y z x y z x y z =+--+-
2cos(235)2x F x y z =+--,3cos(235)3y F x y z =+--
5cos(235)5z F x y z =-+-+ ………………………………………...4分 当5cos(235)50x y z -+-+≠时,
x z F z x y z x F x y z ∂+--=-=-=∂-+-+ ………………………...6分 3cos(235)335cos(235)55
y z F z x y z y F x y z ∂+--=-=-=∂-+-+ ………………………...8分 23155
z z x y ∂∂+=+=∂∂,证毕. ……………………………………...10分 19.解:111121121322143⎛⎫ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭110310012100000⎛⎫ ⎪→- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭
……………………………4分 原方程组的同解方程组124343121x x x x x =--+⎧⎨=
+⎩ ………..…….6分
(1) 方程组的通解为 121234131100021010x x c c x x --⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥

(其中12,c c 为任意实数)…….8分
…………………….. …….9分 (2)对应齐次线性方程组的一个基础解系为1310,0201--⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥
⎦⎣⎦. ……………..10分 四、应用题(本题10分. 解答过程、步骤和答案必须完整、正确)
20.解: 日总成本函数()502C Q Q =+ 日总收益函数()(10)5
Q R Q PQ Q ==-, 日总利润函数2
Q L Q R Q C Q Q =-=-- …………………3分 (1)2()105Q R Q '=-
,当10Q =时的边际收益为(10)6R '=(元) ……5分 (2)2()85
Q L Q '=-,令()0L Q '=,20Q = …………………8分 2()05
L Q ''=-<,则当20Q =时的日总利润最大, 且最大利润max (20)30L =(元) …………………10分。
