模拟IP Phone




ip电话工作原理IP电话(Internet Protocol telephony)是一种利用互联网协议进行语音通信的技术。




















voip 原理

voip 原理

voip 原理
VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol), 或称为IP电话,是一种


1. 音频转换:将通话中的声音信号通过麦克风转换为模拟电信号。

2. 数字编码:将模拟电信号转换为数字数据,通常是使用数字信号处理算法将音频信号进行压缩和编码。

3. 封包:将数字数据进行分段,每个分段称为一个数据包(packet),并为每个数据包添加必要的控制信息,如源地址、目标地址等。

4. 路由选择:通过使用路由协议,选择一个最佳的路径将数据包从发送方传递到接收方。

5. 数据传输:将数据包通过互联网传输到目标地址。

在传输过程中,可能会使用协议如TCP / IP进行分组传输,确保数据的顺序和完整性。

6. 数字解码:接收方接收到数据包后,将数据包进行解码,还原为原始的数字数据。

7. 数字信号转换:将数字数据转换为模拟电信号。

8. 音频还原:将模拟电信号转换为声音信号,以供接收方听到。














具体来说,fakeip模式的原理如下:1. 连接到虚拟私人网络:用户首先需要选择一个可信赖的虚拟私人网络服务提供商,并下载并安装其提供的客户端软件。


2. 选择服务器位置:一旦连接到虚拟私人网络,用户可以选择一个服务器位置来改变自己的IP地址。


3. 改变IP地址:一旦用户选择了服务器位置,虚拟私人网络会自动为用户分配一个新的IP地址。










IP电话解决方案概述IP电话(Internet Protocol Telephone)是一种通过互联网协议传输语音的通信方式。















IP电话终端一般支持各种通信协议,如SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)、H.323等。



AVAYA phone

AVAYA phone

5402 数字话机•10个固定功能键:会议、转移、挂机、重拨、扬声、信息、保留、静音、音量增大和减小,还有功能键(用于使用12个附加在键盘上的功能)•降低安装和移动成本—无纸质标签•可活动的桌面支架—同时用于桌面和挂墙•全球销售(用图形标识固定按键功能)•只听扬声器•禁用扬声器功能(通过系统管理工具)•分组监听•消息等待指示•兼容助听设备5402 数字话机5410 数字话机• 10个固定功能键:会议、转移、挂机、保持、重拨、静音、音量增大和减小、扬声器、语音留言。

• 12个可编程线路键/功能键 (通过 2个不同页面上对应每页6个功能)• 高端的功能设置,具有提高效率的呼叫记录和快速拨号目录• 高级用户界面• 减少了安装和移动的成本—没有纸制标签• 投资保护,基于可下载的固件• 可活动的桌面支架—同时用于桌面和挂墙• 全球销售 (用图形标识固定按键功能)• 5 x 29 显示• 全双工免提电话• 禁用扬声器功能(通过系统管理工具)• 分组监听• 14个固定功能键,4个软键• 大型消息等待指示灯• 专用语音留言键• 头戴式耳机接口• 自定义使用语言 (在话机菜单中选择)5410 数字话机介绍5420 数字话机•10个固定功能键:会议、转移、挂机、保持、重拨、静音、音量增大和减小、扬声器、语音留言•24个可编程线路键/功能键 (分三页显示,每页对应8个物理显示按键)•高端功能设置,包括有助于提高效率的本地呼叫记录和快速拨号目录•高级用户界面•降低安装和移动成本—无纸质标签•通过可下载固件保护投资•可活动的桌面支架—可用于桌面和挂墙•全球销售 (用图形标识固定按键功能)•7x29 字符显示屏•全双工免提电话•禁用扬声器功能(通过系统管理工具)•分组监听•显示屏下方9个固定功能键•7个显示导航键 (4个软键,3个固定按键)•大型消息等待指示灯•专用语音留言键•头戴式耳机接口•自定义使用语言 (在话机菜单中选择)•EU24 24按键扩展模块接口。

华为eSpace IPT 解决方案部署 IP电话调测

华为eSpace IPT 解决方案部署 IP电话调测

Page 8
1.3 产品功能(续)

全网信令及媒体安全 • 信令加密:TLS • 媒体加密:使用AES算法的SRTP 加密
WEB配置界面 访问安全
• 话机通过HTTPS保证对WEB配置界面 访问的安全
• 提供基于802.1x的以太网端口接入安 全机制
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
5”彩色LCD 800x480 像素 1600万色
最大6线路/最大5个可编程键 红绿双色指示灯
软键 (4个)
主页 联系人 通话记录(带LED灯) 消息(语音邮箱)
固定功能键: (带LED灯)

Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 3
1.2 产品全景
应 用 管理
通讯录 话务台 话单台 VMS UMS 会议桥
U1910 (100 SIP用户)
U1911 (100 SIP用户)
Page 5
1.3 产品功能


利用工位已有网线即可,无需单独部署模拟线路 即插即用,无需配置 统一网管可进行集中配置、软件升级和设备管理


多种语音编码,在各种网络环境下提供高质量语音 采用数字技术,避免模拟线路因干扰产生的串扰和杂音 高保真的话筒和免提,可直接进行电话会议

CityU IP Phone使用手册说明书

CityU IP Phone使用手册说明书

Cisco Unified CallManager User Options GuideOne of the advance features of IP Phone System is allowing user to define and administrate his/her phone data such as Personal Directory, Speed Dials, etc. via a Web browser (Chrome; Firefox, EDGE on Windows and even with Safari on Apple.).You may use the “CityU IP Phone Maintenance - Cisco Unified CM User Options” in the Work Desk to change/create/edit the followings:1. Change the Portal Password and Phone PINThe Portal Password is used whenever you access the Unified CallManager to change your IP phone settings via a web browser.The Phone PIN is used when you try to access the Personal Directory through an IP phone set.2.Create/Edit the Personal DirectoryYou may create your own Personal Directory so that you can retrieve any phone number quickly and easily in the IP phone set via the “Personal Directory”service.3.Create/Edit Speed (Abbreviated) Dials NumbersSpeed (Abbreviated) dial provides a short cut to dial the most frequentlynumbers by pressing at most 3 keys. You can at most define 99 speed dialnumbers in your IP phone.To place a speed dial call, you can key-in the predefined speed dial number, press th e “AbbrDial” soft key and then lift the handset.4. Modify Call ForwardingYou can modify your line settings such as forwarding internal or external calls to another phone number.The following procedures show how you can access the Cisco Unified CM User Options to change your IP Phone settings via a web interface.1.Select the “CityU IP Phone Maintenance - Cisco Unified CM User Options” in theWorkDesk (for off-campus access, you may establish the CityU VPN connection first and then visit the link https://.hk/ucmuser).The logon screen of the “Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal” isshown on the screen. Enter your EID and the portal password to login. Theportal password has been sent to you by e-mail when the phone set wasdelivered. You may raise a CSC Work Request to reset the password if you have forgotten it.2.Change your Portal Password and Phone PINSelect “General Settings” and then enter your new Portal Password/PIN.Press the “Save” button to save the new password/PIN.3.Create/Edit your Personal Directory3.1Create Personal Directory3.1.1Select “Phones”, “Phone Settings” and then “Phone Contacts”3.1.2Press the “Create New Contact” button to add new entry. Fill in theform and then press “Save” to save the entry in your PersonalDirectory.3.1.3 Press “Create New Contact” button again if you want to add moreentries.3.2 Edit Personal Directory3.2.1 You can edit the contents of a particular entry by clicking on theicon or delete any unwanted entry by clicking theicon.4. Create/Edit Speed (Abbreviated) Dial Numbers 4.1 Create Speed Dial4.1.1Select “Phones”, “Phone Settings” and then expand the “Speed DialNumbers”.4.1.2Click on the “Add New Speed Dial” link to add new entry and fill in theform.4.1.3Press “Save” button to save the entry.Press “Add New Speed Dial” button again if you want to create moreentries.4.2Edit Speed Dial entry or delete unwanted entryYou can edit the contents of a particular entry by clicking on the icon or delete an unwanted entry by clicking on the icon.5.Modify Call Forwarding5.1Select “Phones”, “Call Forwarding” and then click on the extension you wantto modify. E xpand the “Advanced calling rules” option, change the desiredoptions you want and then press the “Save” button to save the settings.5.2To forward all calls to an external number (e.g. your mobile phone or home),you can check the check box of “Forward all calls to:”, select “Add a newnumber”.button to save the settings.。



网内, 且 都有 各 自的防 火墙 , 所 以还会 涉及 到 E . 1 6 4
号 码 转换 、 E N UM ( 电话 号码 映射 ) 服务 ( D NS查询 )
和 防火 墙穿 越 ( NAT与 S T U N 服务 ) 。 下面 对涉 及 的
流 程进 行详 细分 析 。

性码 编 码 成 指定 的编码 格 式 后 发送 至 S I P半 呼 叫 。
送至 哪里 ( 一般 为对 端 的外 出代理 服务 器 ) 进 行进 一
步处 理 。
数 。S I P服 务 器采 用这 种 方法 来 实现 各半 呼 叫信 令
之 间的互联 互通
采 用 第 二 种 方 法 能 够 避 免 当某 些 消 息 ( 如 C S T A 消息 )与 S I P消 息 中不 存在 直 接 的映 射关 系
2 . 2 号 码 分 析 流 程
信 令 网关 的 功能 与 媒体 网关 相 比较 为 复 杂 , 其
实 现方 式 有 两 种 : a ) P S T N 信令 与 S I P信 令 间 的 直 接映射 关 系 。b ) 在 S I P信令 中内嵌 P S T N 信令 。
号码 分析流程涉 及 E NU M 服务 . E N UM 服 务
2 0 1 3年 第 7期
媒体 网关 功能 比较 简 单 ,主要完 成 传统 P s 1 2 q
网络 中 T D M( 时分 复 用 ) 与I P网络 中各 种编 码格 式 的 RT P( 实时传输协议 ) 流 之 间 的转 换 , 该功 能 由
找 到其 外 出代 理 服务器 , 并 向其 中的 注册 服务 器 ( 位
R T P/ A u d i o . V i d e o P r o i f l e 0 ( AV P ) 来 传输 。

计算机网络 网络电话

计算机网络  网络电话



网络电话又称为IP Phone、Internet Telephone、宽带电话或VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)。

它是建立在Internet的基础上发展的新型数字化传输技术,在IP网上通过TCP/IP 协议实现的一种电话应用。

IP Phone最早的产品源于1995年,当时开发商们推出了一些基于计算机平台的软件产品。

如Vocaltec的IP Phone、Netspeak公司的Web Phone及后来的Cooltalk等。

IP Phone可以在Internet上实现实时的语音传输服务,和传统电话业务相比,它具有更大的优势和更广阔的市场前景。

现在,IP Phone不仅可以提供PC-to-PC的实时语音通话,而且可以提供PC-to-Phone、Phone-to-Phone的实时语音通信。




图9-8 IP Phone工作过程。



总部在运行一套SIPSP-PBX软件,只需要Pentium III以上的普通PC,操作系统为Windows 2000/XP/2003,安装支持SIP协议的IP电话或运行于PC上的IP电话软件。


被叫方经过数据解压,D/A (数字/模拟)变换恢复成语音信号,从而实现语音的通信的目的。



一种IP电话切换装置,其特征在于,包括用于连接PSTN的外线连接接口(1)、用于连接普通电话的普通电话接口(2)、用来切换IP电话和普通PSTN 电话通路的切换恢复线路(3)、用于实现二四线转换的隔离线路(4)、用于和电脑声卡连接的音频接口(5),所述外线连接接口(1)、普通电话接口(2) 和隔离线路(4)与所述切换恢复线路(3)相连,所述音频接口(5)和所述隔离线路(4)相连。

华为IP Phone(IP电话机)7820

华为IP Phone(IP电话机)7820
华为IP Phone(IP电话机)7820
y 三线路,功能丰富,使用方便
y 高保真音质: HD编码,HD手柄,HD免提
y 带背光132x64像素液晶显示屏
y 双网口,网线供电(PoE),耳麦接口,支持壁挂
e S p a c e 7 8 2 0 是一款拥有3 线通话、功能丰富、使用方便
的下一代S I P 电话,友好的LC D 人机界面、多线路通话以
e S p a c e 7 8 2 0 通过先进T I 语音引擎技术以及高清手柄、 扬声器、耳麦提供来自保真的语音质量,自动部署技术极




























Installation the device
Bracket desktop installation
Wall mount
Configuration via Phone 1. Press Phone Settings icon . 2. Select Ethernet Settings: To configure the Network Settings (DHCP/Static) 3. Select Line: To configure enable the account, fill the SIP server address, port, user name, password etc.
1.Press Phone Settings icon > Line > Select the line > Forward Settings. 2. Enter the destination number and the type of forward
and press OK icon.
Call Mute
TF Card ②

⑥ ⑧
Language setting
1. Press Settings icon > System > Language & Input > Languages. 2. Select the desired language.
Making a call
Call transfer
Attended transfer: 1. Press Xfer icon during the active conversation, the call is put on hold. 2. Dial the second phone number. 3. When the call is answered, then press Xfer icon to complete the operation.

Poly Edge E300系列IP桌面电话说明书

Poly Edge E300系列IP桌面电话说明书

DATA SHEET POLY EDGE E300 SERIES IP DESK PHONESIt’s time for a desk phone that makes hybrid work easy. The Poly Edge E300 Series with eight-line keys offers more ways to connect, plus unbelievable audio, in a seriously sharp package. Built for hot-desking or the home office, these phones provide simple mobile phone pairing, plus bring together Poly’s famous noise reduction technology and a cutting-edge design for the perfect user experience. Our most versatile phones to date, the Poly Edge E300 Series is packed with features you didn’t even know you needed, like text-to-speech and antimicrobial protection. No matter what size your business, this is the phone that upgrades your office with style, bringing your organization into the future. • 8-line keys supporting up to 32 lines, features and contacts.• Integrated Bluetooth® 5.0 for mobile phone or headset pairing (E320,E350).• Poly NoiseBlockAI and Poly Acoustic Fence technologies.• Bright 3.5” color IPS LCD display.• Text-to-speech and new accessibility options.CUTTING-EDGE EXPERIENCEBENEFITS• Stay informed with style with the surround light status indicator with RGB mixing.• Easy to install in home offices orhard to cable locations with included Wi-Fi (E350).• Designed for the hybrid office with NFC technology for advanced integrations. • Your phones stay cleaner for longer with integrated Microban®antimicrobial protection.POLY EDGE E300 SERIESPOLY EDGE E300POLY EDGE E320POLY EDGE E350IDEAL FOR Cubicle workers, call centersand small businesses Cubicle workers, hybrid officeworkers, call centers andsmall businessesRemote call center workers,hybrid office workers and smallbusinesses needing phones in hardto cable locations or home officesLINE KEYS888LINES, CONTACTS8 displayed / 32 supported8 displayed / 32 supported8 displayed / 32 supported PAIRING BLUETOOTH® HEADSETAND MOBILE PHONENo Yes YesWI-FI No No Yes SPECIFICATIONSLINES / FEATURE KEYS• 8-line keys supporting up to 32-line key assignments for lines, contacts, and features supported with pagination • 4 context-sensitive “soft” keys• 4-way navigation key cluster with center “Select” key• Home and back feature keys• Pagination key for additional lines/ contacts• Volume + / - control keys• Hold and Transfer keys• Headset select key• Speakerphone select key• Mute key (illuminated when muted)• Voicemail keyUSER INTERFACE FEATURES• Color 3.5” IPS LCD display (320x240 pixel resolution)• Voicemail support1• WebKit-based browser• Two position desk stand (an optional wall mount kit can be ordered separately)• Unicode UTF-8 character support• One USB Type-C ports (2.0 compliant) for media, storage applications and headset connectivity• Surround Lighting for the status indicator (RGB with color mixing) and future applications • Integrated Bluetooth 5.0 (Edge E320,Edge E350)• NFC Support• Multilingual user interface including2Arabic (UAE), Chinese (Traditional/Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch,English (Canada/ US/UK), French(France/Canadian), German, Hungarian,Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian,Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,Slovenian, Spanish, and Swedish AUDIO FEATURES• Poly HD Voice technology deliverslifelike voice quality for each audio path:handset, hands-free speakerphone, andoptional headset• Poly Acoustic Clarity technologyprovides full duplex conversations,acoustic echo cancellation, andbackground noise suppression• Poly Acoustic Fence technologyeliminates background noise when usinga handset or wired headset• Poly NoiseBlockAI technology removesmost background noise when using thespeakerphone• Poly Computer Audio Connector appinstalled on your PC (Windows only)enables selecting your phone for PCaudio in/out to use the phones handset,optional headset and handsfreespeakerphone with PC applications• Frequency response—150 Hz-14 kHz forhandset, optional headset and handsfreespeakerphone modes• Codecs: G.711 (A-law and μ-law),G.729AB, G.722 (HD Voice), G.722.1,iLBC, OPUS• TIA-920 wideband audio, type 1compliant (IEEE 1329 full duplex)• Individual volume settings with visualfeedback for each audio path• Voice activity detection• Comfort noise generation• DTMF tone generation (RFC 2833 andin-band)• Low delay audio packet transmission• Adaptive jitter buffers• Packet loss concealmentHEADSET AND HANDSET COMPATIBILITY• Dedicated RJ-9 headset port• Hearing aid compatibility to ITU-T P.370and TIA 504A standards• Compliant with ADA Section 508Subpart B 1194.23 (all)• Hearing aid compatible (HAC) handsetfor magnetic coupling to hearing aids• Compatible with commercially availableTTY adapter equipment• USB headset support (USB Type-C)• Bluetooth headset support (Edge E320,Edge E350)CALL HANDLING FEATURES¹• Enhanced Feature Keys makepowerful feature shortcuts online keyappearances or soft keys• Shared call/bridged line appearance • Busy Lamp Field (BLF)• Flexible line appearance (1 or more-line keys can be assigned for each line extension)• Distinctive incoming call treatment/ call waiting• Call timer and call waiting• Call transfer, hold, divert (forward), park, pickup• Called, calling, connected party information• Local 3-way audio conferencing• 1-touch speed dial, redial• Remote missed call notification• Do not disturb function• Reverse Number Lookup via LDAP• Calling Party Identification (RFC8225 classifications—Trusted, Unknown, SPAM)• Electronic hook switch capable• Local configurable digit map/dial plan OPEN APPLICATION PLATFORM• WebKit-enabled full browser that supports HTML5, CSS, SSL security, and JavaScript• Supports Polycom Apps SDK and API for third-party business and personal applications• NFC-enabled Edge E series phones allow third-party applications to read serial number and other device information that can be useful in application development such as guest login for phone hoteling or Bluetooth pairing1• Corporate directory access using LDAP • Visual Conference Management NETWORK AND PROVISIONING• SIP Protocol Support• SDP• IETF SIP (RFC 3261 and companion RFCs)• Two-port gigabit Ethernet switch10/100/1000Base-TX across LAN and PC ports-Conforms to IEEE802.3-2005 (Clause40) for Physical media attachment-Conforms to IEEE802.3-2002 (Clause28) for link partner auto-negotiation • Manual or dynamic host configurationprotocol (DHCP) network setup• Time and date synchronization usingSNTP• FTP/FTPS/TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS serverbased central provisioning for massdeployments• Provisioning and call server redundancysupported1• QoS Support–IEEE 802.1p/Q tagging(VLAN), Layer 3 TOS, and DHCP• VLAN—CDP, DHCP VLAN discovery,LLDP-MED for VLAN discovery• Network Address Translation (NAT) —support for static configuration and• “Keep-Alive” SIP signaling• RTCP and RTP support• Event logging• Syslog• Hardware diagnostics• Status and statistics reporting• IPv4, IPv6, dual stack (IPv4/IPv6) mode• TCP• UDP• DNS-SRV• Wi-Fi network connectivity (EDGEE350)4- 2.4-2.4835 GHz (802.11b, 802.11g,802.11n HT-20)- 5.15-5.825 GHz (802.11a, 802.11,HT-20,802.11n HT-40, 802.11ac)SECURITY• 802.1X authentication• SRTP media encryption using AES-256• Transport Layer Security (TLS)• Encrypted configuration files• Digest authentication• Password login• Support for URL syntax with passwordfor boot server address• HTTPS secure provisioning• Support for signed software executables• Wi-Fi encryption: WEP, WPA-Personal,WPA2-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise with802.1X (EAP-TLS, PEAP-MSCHAPv2)POWER• Built-in auto sensing IEEE 802.3afPower over Ethernet (Class 3) 13 W(Max)• External Universal AC/DC Adapter(optional) 5VDC @ 3A (15W) -power supply unit (PSU) soldseparately4• ENERGY STAR® ratedSAFETY• UL62368-1• CAN/CSA C22.2 No 62368-1-14• EN 60950-1/62368-1• IEC 60950-1/62368-1• AS/NZS 60950.1/62368.1REGULATORY APPROVALS(POLY EDGE E300)³• FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B• ICES-003 Class B• EN55032 Class B• CISPR32 Class B• VCCI Class B• EN55024• EN61000-3-2; EN61000-3-3• UK - UKCA• NZ Telepermit• UAE TRA• Eurasian Customs Union EAC• Brazil ANATEL• Australia RCM• South Africa ICASA• Saudi Arabia CITC• Indonesia SDPPI• S.Korea KC• Mexico NOM ANCE• RoHS Compliant• CE Mark• TAAREGULATORY APPROVALS(POLY EDGE E320)³• Argentina ENACOM• Australia RCM• Brazil ANATEL• Canada ICES• China SRRCDATA SHEETLEARN MOREFor more information on Poly Edge E300 Series visit /edge-e300DATA SHEET• China RoHS 2.0• EEA CE Mark• Eurasian Customs Union EAC • India WPC • Indonesia SDPPI • Israel MOC• Japan MIC and VCCI • Malaysia SIRIM• Mexico IFETEL and NYCE • NZ Telepermit • Saudi Arabia CITC • Singapore IMDA • South Africa ICASA • South Korea KC • Taiwan NCC • UAE TRA • UK - UKCA • USA FCCEMC (POLY EDGE E320)• FCC Part 15 Class B • ICES-003 Class B • EN 55032 Class B • EN 55024• EN 301 489-1 and EN 301 489-17• CISPR32 Class B • VCCI Class BREGULATORY APPROVALS (POLY EDGE E350)³• Argentina ENACOM • Australia RCM • Brazil ANATEL • Canada ICES • China SRRC • China RoHS 2.0• EEA CE Mark• Eurasian Customs Union EAC • India WPC • Indonesia SDPPI • Israel MOC• Japan MIC and VCCI• Malaysia SIRIM• Mexico IFETEL and NYCE • NZ Telepermit • Saudi Arabia CITC • Singapore IMDA • South Africa ICASA • South Korea KC • Taiwan NCC • UAE TRA • UK - UKCA • USA FCCRADIO (POLY EDGE E350)• USA–FCC Part 15.247 & FCC Part 15.407 • Canada–RSS 247 Issue2• EU–ETSI EN 300 328 & ETSI EN 301 893 • Japan–Article 2.1 Item 19-2 and 19-3 • Australia - AS/NZS 4268EMC (POLY EDGE E350)• FCC Part 15 Class B • ICES-003 Class B • EN 55032 Class B • EN 55024• EN 301 489-1 and EN 301 489-3 and EN 301 489-17• CISPR32 Class B • VCCI Class BOPERATING CONDITIONS• Temperature: 0 to 40°C (+32 to 104° F)• Relative humidity: 5% to 95%, noncondensing STORAGE TEMPERATURE • -40 to +70° C (-40 to +160° F)POLY EDGE PHONE COMES WITH • Console with Microban ® Antimicrobial protection • Handset with Microban ® Antimicrobial protection • Handset cord• Network (LAN) cable—CAT-5E• Desk Stand• Wall mount hardware included (Edge E100, E220)• Setup SheetPOLY EDGE E300, E320, E350 UNIT BOX DIMENSIONS (L X W X D) / WEIGHT • Box dimension : 22.3 x 27.8 x 8.8 (cm) ; 8.8 x 11 x 3.5 (inches)• Box weight: 0.96kg/2.1lbs (with product, accessories, and documents)MASTER CARTON QUANTITY • 10PART NUMBERS - PHONES • 2200-87815-025POLY EDGE E300 IP PHONE • 2200-87000-025 POLY EDGE E320 IP PHONE • 2200-87010-025 POLY EDGE E350 IP PHONE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN • ChinaPART NUMBERS - ACCESSORIES • 2200-49925-001EDGE E, CCX350, PSU, 5V/3A, NA/JP • 2200-49926-015EDGE E, CCX350, PSU, 5V/3A, BZ/KR/CN/AR • 2200-49926-125EDGE E, CCX350, PSU, 5V/3A, EU/ANZ/UK/IN WARRANTY• 1-year limited warranty1 M ost software-enabled features andcapabilities must be supported by the server. Please contact your IP PBX/Softswitch vendor or service provider for a list of supported features.2 Planned localizations 3 Planned compliances4 O rdering an optional power supply unit will be necessary if not powered over Ethernet with PoE (i.e. Using Wi-Fi for network)©2023 Poly. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The Bluetooth trademark is owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of the mark by Poly is under license. 4.23 1835654。



随着光网络的飞速发展和数字传输技术的应用,原来在数据通信网中被视为应用“瓶颈”的带宽和服务质量等问题一一得到解决,推动了IP技术的飞速发展,带动各种应用向IP靠拢,IP电话(又称IP PHONE或VoIP)业务就是其中一个典型的应用。










二、IP电话的基本原理IP电话(又称IP PHONE或VoIP)是建立在IP技术上的分组化、数字化传输技术,其基本原理是:通过语音压缩算法对语音数据进行压缩编码处理,然后把这些语音数据按IP等相关协议进行打包,经过IP网络把数据包传输到接收地,再把这些语音数据包串起来,经过解码解压处理后,恢复成原来的语音信号,从而达到由IP网络传送语音的目的。





1. 语音采集:使用麦克风将人的声音转换为模拟电信号。

2. 模数转换:将模拟电信号转换为数字信号,通常使用模数转换器(ADC)来完成。

3. 数据压缩:为了减少网络传输中的带宽占用,可以使用音频编码算法对数字信号进行压缩。


4. 封装和传输:将压缩后的数字信号封装成IP数据包,添加

5. 解封装和解压缩:接收方收到IP数据包后,根据头部信息

6. 数字转模拟:将解压缩后的数字信号转换为模拟电信号,通常使用数字模拟转换器(DAC)来完成。

7. 语音输出:使用扬声器将模拟电信号转换为可听见的声音。





Poly Rove DECT IP Phone 产品参考指南说明书

Poly Rove DECT IP Phone 产品参考指南说明书

ENCRYPTION REFERENCE GUIDE March 2021 | 3725-34016-001A Poly Rove DECT IP PhoneThe following table presents product capabilities which are supported, but not necessarily required. Requirements will vary based on each unique customer environment.802.1X Supplicant AuthenticationConfidentialityIntegrity Allows product to authenticate to aLayer 2 switch that is using 802.1Xfor authenticationEAP-MD5 (RFC 3748)TLS 1.2,1.1,1.0Encrypted 802.1X MD5 password Confidentiality The 802.1X MD5 password isencryptedPassword is stored encrypted in non-volatile memory (NVS)SIP Authentication Authentication Provides authentication of theproduct’s SIP user agent credentialsto the SIP Proxy/Registrar Basic and Digest authentication (RFC 2617)SIP TLS AuthenticationConfidentialityIntegrity Allows encrypted connection withPBX (2-way authentication).TLS 1.2, 1.1, 1.0LDAP Directory Client AuthenticationConfidentialityIntegrityProvides enterprise directoryinformation allowing product toadd participants to conferences byname from an enterprise directoryserver.TLS 1.2, 1.1, 1.0Code signing AuthenticationConfidentialityIntegrity Only allows firmware update withan image, which has been signedby a trusted source.Part of firmware update process.HTTPS client used for firmware update AuthenticationConfidentialityIntegrityRTX HTTPS client is only used forfirmware update. For all otherapplications, Poly HTTPS client isusedTLS 1.2, 1.1, 1.0Base web Server/Client implemented by Poly AuthenticationConfidentialityIntegrityHTTPS TLS 1.2, 1.1, 1.0Provisioning implemented by Poly AuthenticationConfidentialityIntegrityRetrieve configuration from remoteserverTLS 1.2, 1.1, 1.0Syslog TLS AuthenticationConfidentialityIntegrityEncrypted syslog Poly does not enable featurePLANTRONICS + POLYCOMSRTP AuthenticationConfidentiality Secure RTP-Master key identification of lengthup to 16 bytes-CRC check on master key and salt-SRTP session instantiation.-SRTP relay streams betweenbases in a chainInternal Secure storage Confidentiality The following data in non-volatilememory (NVS) is encrypted:-Production device certificate andprivate key-SIP authentication passwords-XSI authentication passwords-LDAP passwordEncoded data is written to NVS.Data is read from NVS andsubsequently decoded.Internal TREL Confidentiality “Tcp RTX Encapsulation Link”.Encryption of communicationbetween bases. RTX proprietary communication between bases in chainInternal Sync Manager Confidentiality Encryption of exchanged databetween bases.RTX proprietary datasynchronization between bases inchainDECT Authentication Used when registering wirelessDECT handsets and connectionsetup to the device.ETSI EN 300 175-7 - DSAA2DECT Data Integrity Used for data traffic encryptionsbetween handset and access pointDECT Standard Cipher (DSC)Get HelpFor more information about installing, configuring, and administering Poly/Polycom products or services, go to the Poly Online Support Center.Related Poly and Partner ResourcesSee the following sites for information related to this product.●The Poly Online Support Center is the entry point to online product, service, and solution supportinformation including Video Tutorials, Documents & Software, Knowledge Base, CommunityDiscussions, Poly University, and additional services.●The Polycom Document Library provides support documentation for active products, services, andsolutions. The documentation displays in responsive HTML5 format so that you can easily access and view installation, configuration, or administration content from any online device.●The Poly Community provides access to the latest developer and support information. Create anaccount to access Poly support personnel and participate in developer and support forums. You can find the latest information on hardware, software, and partner solutions topics, share ideas, and solve problems with your colleagues.●The Poly Partner Network are industry leaders who natively integrate the Poly standards-basedRealPresence Platform with their customers' current UC infrastructures, making it easy for you to communicate face-to-face with the applications and devices you use every day.●The Poly Services help your business succeed and get the most out of your investment through thebenefits of collaboration.Privacy PolicyPoly products and services process customer data in a manner consistent with the Poly Privacy Policy. Please direct comments or questions to ****************.Copyright and Trademark Information© 2021 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, translated into another language or format, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Plantronics, Inc.Plantronics, Inc. (Plantronics + Polycom, Now together as Poly)345 Encinal StreetPLANTRONICS + POLYCOMSanta Cruz, California95060Poly and the propeller design are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。

思科Cisco IP Phone 7811 7821产品手册

思科Cisco IP Phone 7811 7821产品手册

Cisco IP Phone硬件•Cisco IP Phone硬件概述,第1页•Cisco IP Phone7811,第2页•Cisco IP Phone7821,第3页•Cisco IP Phone7841,第4页•Cisco IP Phone7861,第5页•按键和硬件,第6页•术语差异,第9页Cisco IP Phone硬件概述Cisco IP Phone提供基于Internet协议(IP)网络的语音通信。

Cisco IP Phone的功能与数字业务电话十分相似,并允许您拨打和接收电话呼叫以及访问各种功能,例如静音、保留、转接、快速拨号和呼叫前转等。


Cisco IP Phone7841支持千兆位以太网连接。



表1:Cisco IP Phone7800系列和支持的线路键支持的线路键电话Cisco IP Phone78112Cisco IP Phone7821Cisco IP Phone78414Cisco IP Phone786116与其他网路设备类似,Cisco IP Phone 也必须进行配置和管理。

这些电话可编码G.711a-law 、G.711mu-law 、G.722、G.722.2/AMR-WB 、G.729a 、G.729ab 以及iLBC 编解码器;并解码G.711a-law 、G.711mu-law 、G.722、G.722.2/AMR-WB 、G.729a 、G.729ab 以及iLBC编解码器。

如果在Cisco IP Phone 附近使用蜂窝电话、移动电话、GSM 电话或双向无线电,则可能会产生干扰。


Cisco IP Phone 提供传统电话功能,例如呼叫前转和转移、重新拨号、快速拨号、电话会议以及语音留言系统访问。





IP是英文Internet Protocol的缩写,其中文名为“网络协议”,它是因特网上不同计算机进行数据交流的基本协议,换句话说,它是因特网中不同计算机进行“沟通”的主桥梁。






网络电话的三种模式和使用方法讲到这里,我想大家都该明白IP电话其实就是通信网络通过TCP/IP协议实现的一种电话应用而已,而这种应用主要包括PC to PC、PC to Phone和Phone to Phone三种实现方式,下面我们分别来谈谈。

PC to PC这种方式适合那些拥有多媒体电脑(声卡须为全双工的,配有麦克风)并且可以连上互联网的用户,通话的前提是双方电脑中必须安装有同套网络电话软件。

Cisco IP Phone Manual Phone Registration说明书

Cisco IP Phone Manual Phone Registration说明书

Manual Phone Registration•Manual Phone Registration Overview,on page 1•Manual Device Registration Task Flow,on page 1Manual Phone Registration OverviewTo manually register a new Cisco IP Phone,you must add the phone to the Unified Communications Manager node using Unified Communications Manager,then configure the directory number for the phone.You should have already set up the new phone with the proxy TFTP server IP address so that the new phone knows how to locate the Unified Communications Manager node.See the Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide for your phone series.Manual Device Registration Task Flow ProcedurePurpose Command or ActionSet up the new phone with the proxy TFTPserver IP address so that the new phone knows See the Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide for your phone seriesStep 1how to locate the Unified CommunicationsManager node.Add the phone to the Unified Communications Manager node.Add a Phone to the System Manually,on page 1Step 2Add a directory number for the phone and configure some basic settings for the directorynumber.Configure a Directory Number Manually for a Phone,on page 2Step 3Add a Phone to the System ManuallyManually add a new phone to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager node.ProcedureStep 1In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration,select Device >Phone ,then click Add New .Step 2In the Add a New Phone window,select your phone model in the Phone Type field,then click Next .Step 3In the Phone Configuration window,select the protocol type for your device in the Select the device protocol field,then click Next .Step 4In the Device Information area,perform the following actions.a)Enter a name in the Device Name field.The name entered here must match the Device Name that is configured on your phone.See thedocumentation that supports your endpoint device for more information.b)Select a device pool for the phone from the list of device pools.c)Select the phone button template to use from the list of phone button templates.Step 5In the Protocol Specific Information area,select the non-secure profile for your type of phone in the Device Security Profile field.Step 6Click Save .What to do nextConfigure a Directory Number Manually for a Phone,on page 2Configure a Directory Number Manually for a PhoneThere are multiple ways to manually add and configure a directory number (DN)using Cisco UnifiedCommunications Manager Administration.•From the Directory Number Configuration window using Call Routing >Directory Number .•From the Phone Configuration window using Device >Phone when you select either Line [1]-Adda new DN or Line [2]-Add a new DN link in the Association Information area.•From the Phone Configuration window using Call Routing >Phone after you add the phone undercall routing.•From the CTI Route Point Configuration window when you configure a CTI route point using Device >CTI Route Point .This procedure assumes that you are configuring a DN for a new phone using the Phone Configurationwindow that appeared after you added the new phone to the Unified Communications Manager node.Only the settings that apply to your phone model display using thismethod.You can configure phone features at the same time that you add the new DN for the phone.To see all availableDN settings,you must access the Directory Number Configuration window from call routing in the user interface.Tip Manual Phone RegistrationConfigure a Directory Number Manually for a PhoneBefore you beginThe phone is added to the node.The Phone Configuration window should still be visible for the new phone that you are registering.If your system uses partitions,collect the route partition and calling search space information to use for the new phone.ProcedureStep 1Click Line [1]-Add a new DN in the Association area of the Phone Configuration window.If the Phone Configuration window is not already visible,select Device >Phone ,then click Findand select the phone from the list of phones.Tip Step 2In the Directory Number Configuration window,enter a dialable phone number in the Directory Number field.Step 3(Optional)Select a partition in the Route Partition field.Step 4(Optional)Select a calling search space in the Calling Search Space field in the Directory Number Settings area.Step 5(Optional)Configure other directory number features as applicable for the new phone,then click Save .For example,if you already know the user name for the new phone,you can enter that in the Display (Caller ID)field.See the online help for field descriptions.Manual Phone RegistrationConfigure a Directory Number Manually for a PhoneManual Phone Registration Configure a Directory Number Manually for a Phone。

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Packet Tracer5.3模拟IP Phone
用思科的模拟器Packet Tracer5.3模拟了IP电话的通信,在实验过程中遇到了点小麻烦,现在总结一下:
@1:Packet Tracer模拟的是Cisco 7960 IP Phone
1.将交换机所连接IP Phone的接口加入vioce vlan中
Switch#conf t
Switch(config)#interface range f0/1 – 3
Switch(config-if-range)#switchport voice vlan 1
2.配置DHCP,为IP Phone动态分配地址
Router(config)#ip dhcp pool
Router(dhcp-config)#option 150 ip
Router(config-telephony)#auto assign 1 to 5
Router(config-telephony)#max-ephones 5
Router(config-telephony)#max-dn 5
Router(config-telephony)#ip source-address port 2000
Router(config)#ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)#number 5201314
Router(config)#ephone-dn 2
Router(config-ephone-dn)#number 5201315

6.IP Phone已从路由器上获取到IP地址和电话号码
%IPPHONE-6-REGISTER: ephone-1 IP: Socket:2 DeviceType:Phone has registered.
%IPPHONE-6-REGISTER: ephone-2 IP: Socket:2 DeviceType:Phone has registered.
IP Phone1获得5201314,IP Phone2获得5201315
这时我们在IP Phone1上拨打5201315,单击IP Phone1的听筒,输入要拨打的号码5201315,然后Phone2上会有来电的声音(如果没有声音,可能是因为你没有开启PacketTracer的声音,单击Options—Preferences,选中Play Sound),单击听筒就可以建立通话连接了。

