Review and Combined Method
英语学习三大方法及建议学习从来都不是一件痛苦的事情,只是很多人的学习方式不对导致学起来很吃力,那么关于英语学习三大方法及建议可以怎么做呢 ?以下是小编给大家整理的英语学习三大方法及建议,希望可以帮到大家第1部分整体建议1。
We'd better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study。
To develop interest in English study is not very hard。
We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others' interpreters。
Plans are always very essential, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before study。
And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter。
How to peer review?General ideas1.Don’t share the manuscript or to discuss it in detail with others. The reviewer shouldmaintain confidentiality.(对所评阅的文章必须保密)2.To provide an honest, critical assessment of the work.To analyze the strengths and weaknesses, provide suggestions for improvement, and clearly state what must be done to raise the level of enthusiasm for the work.(对文章的优缺点做出评论,并明确指出应该怎么修改才能提升现有的文章质量)3.The reviewer should write reviews in a collegial, constructive manner. A carefully wordedreview with appropriate suggestions for revision can be very helpful.(以建设性的、学术性的口吻对文章进行评价,并给出建设性的修改再投递的意见)4.Support your criticisms or praise with concrete reasons that are well laid out and logical.(给出的评价应该附加有支撑观点的具体原因)5.评阅步骤:(1)Read the manuscript carefully from beginning to end before considering the review.Get a complete sense of the scope and novelty.(2)Move to analyzing the paper in detail, providing a summary statement of yourfindings and detailed comments.(3)Use clear reasoning to justify each criticism and highlight good points and weakerpoints.(4)If there are positive aspects of a poor paper, try to find some way of encouraging theauthor while still being clear on the reasons for rejection.(如果被拒绝的文章中有部分闪光点,可以鼓励作者。
英汉国际会计准则词汇表 trados必备 翻译好帮手~~~~~~
Englisha group of enterprisesaccelerating dividendaccounting assumptionaccounting estimatesaccounting foraccounting incomeaccounting periodaccounting policiesaccounting profitaccounting treatmentaccrualaccrual basisaccrual for employeeaccrued liabilitiesaccumulated amortizationaccumulated exchange differenceaccumulated profits or lossesaccumulating compensated absencesacquireeacquireracquisitionacquisition feeactive marketactual rateactuarial assumptionsactuarial gains and lossesacruarial present value of promised benefitsactuarial present value of promised retirement benefit actuarial reportactuarial techniqueactuarial valuationactuaryadditionaladditional considerationadministrative expensesadvanceaggregateaggregate valueallocateallowanceallowed alternative treatmentamortizationamortization methodamortization periodamortized costamountamount recoverableancillary costsannual reportanticipated futuer transactionsanti-dilutiveappropriationarm's length transactionasking priceassessassetassignmentassociateattributableauthorised for issueavailable-for-saleaverage carrying amountaverage ratebalance between benefit and costbalance sheetbalance sheet ratebalance sheet liability methodbank overdraftsbasic earnings per sharebeginning of the periodbenchmark treatmentsbeneficiarybest estimatebid bondsbid pricebillsbinding sale agreementboard of directorsbonusbonus issuebonus planborrowing aggreementsborrowing costbottom-up testbranchbrokeragebusiness combinationbusiness combination which is an acquisition business segmentbuy backbuying segmentcall optioncallablecallable debtcapcapitalcapital approachcapital asset pricing modelcapital commitmentcapital contributionscapital gaincapital maintenancecapital trasactionscapitalisationcapitalization issuescapitalization ratecarry forwardcarry forward of unused tax creditcarry forward of unused tax lossescarrying amountcarrying back a tax losscashcash basiscash equivalentscash flowcash flow riskcash flow statementscash generating unitcash in bankscash inflowcash on handcash outflowcertificates of depositchanges in accounting policieschanges in financial positioncharge againstchief executive officerclass of assetsclassificationclearing houseclosing ratecollateralcollateralised borrowingcollectabilitycollection costcombination of sharescombinecombined entitycombined resultcombining and segmenting construction contract combining enterprisecommissioncommitmentcommitment feecommodity contractcommodity future contractcmmodity-based contractcommon sharecomparabilitycomparable unconrolled price method comparative periodcompensated absencescompensationcompound instrumentcomputer softwareconcentration of credit riskconsiderationconsistencyconsolidated balance sheetconsolidated financial statementsconsolidated groupconsolidated income statementconsolidationconsolidation of sharesconsolidation procedureconstant rate of returnconstruction contractconstruction overheadconstructive obligationconsumablecontingenciescontingent assetcontingent commitmentscontingent gainscontingent liabilitiescontingent lossescontingent rentalcontingently issuable sharescontractcontractorcontractual obligationcontractual provisioncontractual rightcontributecontributioncontrolconventionconversion optionconversion rightconvertconvertibleconvertible bondscopyrightcorporate assetscorridorcostcost methodcost of acquisitioncost of an investmentcost of conversioncost of disposalcost of goods soldcost of inventoriescost of laborcost of purchasecost of salescost of sales methodcost recovery approachcost savingcost-plus contractcost-plus methodcosts of acquisitioncosts of materialcosts of registeringcosts to completecounterpartycreditcredit facilitiescredit riskcredit termcreditorcreditworthinesscumulative preference dividends cunulative preferred sharecurrency riskcurrency swapcurrency traslation differences cunrrent and expected profitabilty current assetscurrent costcurrent cost approachcurrent cost financial statements current interest ratecurrent investmentscurrent liabilitiescurrent periodcurrent salary approchcurrent service costcurrent taxcurtailmentcustomer loyaltydate of acquisitiondate of contributiondate of the reportdate of the valuationday-to-day activitydealing securitiesdebt defaultdebt instrumentdebt securitydebt-equity ratiodeclinedeductible temporary differences defaultdeferral methoddeferred compensationdeferred compensation arrangement deferred foreign exchange gain or loss deferred incomedeferred paymentdeferred payment termsdeferred revenuedeferred tax assetdeferred tax liabilitiesdeferred taxesdefined benefit liabilitydefined benefit obligationdefined benefit plansdefined contribution plansdegree of comparabilitydeliverydemand depositsdemonstrably committeddeposit withdrawaldepreciable amountdepreciable assetdepreciationdepreciation methoddepreciation ratederecognise(a financial instrument) derecognitionderivate financial instruments derivativedevelopment costdevelopment expenditure development phrasediluted earnings per sharedilutivedilutive optiondilutive potential ordinary shares diminishing balance methoddirect effectdirect increment costdirect investmentdirect labordirector methoddirect relationshipdirectly attributable expenditure dischargedisclosedisosurediscontinued operations disecontinuing operationdiscountdiscount ratedisposaldisposal considerationdisposal of subsidiariesdisposalsdistress saledistributiondistribution costsdividend incomedividend receivabledividend yielddividendsdividends policydocumentary creditdownstream transactionsearningsearnings per shareearnings-generating capacity economic benefitseconomic lifeeconomic performanceeffective dateeffective intesest methodeffective yieldeliminateembedded derivativeemployee benefitemployee benefit costemployee share ownership plan employment termination indemnityend of the periodentityequityaquity capitalequity compensation benefitsequity compensation plansequity financial instrumentequity instrumentsequity issueequity methodequity securitiesestimated valueevalateevents after the balance sheet dateexchange rateexchange controlsexchange differencesexchange lossexchange of assetsexecutionexecutory contractexercise dateexercise priceexisting useexpected growth rateexpected valueexpenditures carried forwordexpensesexperience adjustmentsexpiryexpiry dateexplanatory notesexplorationexposureex-rightsextend the termexternal customerextinguishextinguishment of debtextractionextraordinary itemsface of the balance sheetface of the income statementfair presentationfair valuefaithful representationfeefellow subsidiaryFIFO formulafinance chargefinance costsfinance incomefinance leasefinancial asset or liability held for trading financial assetsfinancial budgetingfinancial guaranteefinancial institutionfinancial instrumentfinancial interestfinancial liabilityfinancial or fiscal aidsfinancial performancefinancial policyfinancial positionfinancial reportfinancial reportingfinancial reviewfinancial rightsfinancial statementsfinancial structurefinancial supportfinancial yearfinancial year-to date basisfinancing activitiesfinancing arrangementfinancing devicefinished goodsfirm commitmentfirm purchase contractfirm sales contractfiscal policyfixed price contractfixed production overheadsfixed redemption valuefloating ratefloorforced transactionforeign activityforeign currencyforeign currency borrowingforeign currency hedgingforeign currency translationforeign entityforeign exchange gains and lossesforeign operationforeseeable lifeforgivable loansforward contractframeworkfranchise feefranchiseefranchisesfranchisorfrequency of actuarial valustionfull paidfundamental errorsfunding policyfunding riskfunds held for customersfurther costsfuture economic benefitsfuture contractgainsgeneral administrative expensegeneral disclosures(in financial statements) general price levelgeneral purchasing power approachgeneral purpose financial statementsgeneral salarygeographical segmentsgoing concerngoodwillgovernment assistancegovernment grantsgovernment procurementgrants related to assertsgrants related to incomegross carrying amountgross investment in the leasegross margin on salegross profitgroup administration pland(employee benefit) guarateed residual valueheadingshead-office expenseshedge accountinghedge effectivenesshedge itemhedginghedging instrumentheld for tradingheld-to-maturity investmenthire-purchase contracthistorical costhistorical cost systemhold harmless agreementholding companyhost contracthyperinflationhyperinflationary economyidentifiabilityidentifiable assertidentification of asserts and liabilitiesidentifyimmaterialimpairmentimpairment lossimpair of assetsimputed costimputed rate of interestincentiveinception of a leaseincidenceincomeincome approachincome from associatesincome statementincome statement liability methodincome taxincome tax assetsincome tax lawincome tax liabilitiesincome-producing assetsincremental borrowing rate of interest(lessee's) incremental shareindemnity claueseindirect methodindividual assetindividual liabilityinitial carrying valueinitial disclosure event(for a discontinuing operation) initial measurementinitial recognitioninsurance conractinsurance premiuminsurerintangible assetsintest cost (for an employee benefit plan)interest in joint venturesinterest incomeinterest or non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions interest rate capsinterest rate callarsinterest rate floorsinterest rate implicit in a leaseinterest rate riskinterest rate swapinterest receivableinterest-bearing liabilityinterim financial reportinterim periodinternal management structureinternal organizational structureinternal profitinternally reported segmentinternally generated goodwilInternational Accounting Standard(IAS) International Accounting Standards Committee(IASC) intra-group transactioninventoriesinvesting activitiesinvesting enterpriseinvestmentinvestment earninginvestment performanceinvestment propertiesinvestment securitiesinvestment tax creditinvestor in a joint ventureinvoluntary liquidationissue of shareissued capitalitemjoint controljoint ownershipjoint productjoint venturejoint venture activitiesjoint venture agreementjointly controlled assetsjointly controlled entityjointly controlled operationjurisdictionlabourleaselease termlegal adviserlegal costslegal entitylegal mergerlegal obligationlegally enforceable rightlenderlender's returnlesseelessorletter of creditlevel yieldleveraged leaseliabilityliability methodlicenselicense feelicenseelicensing agreementlicensorlife insurance enterpriseLIFO formulaline-by-line reporting formatline-itemsliquidationliquidityliquidity riskloan syndication feeloan and receivables originated by the enterpriselong-term assetlong-term investmentlong-term loanlong-term receivableslosseslower of cost and market value maintenancemajority interestmanagementmandatory redemptionmanufacturing licencesmarginmarket interest ratemarket riskmarket valuemarketablemarketable securitiesmarketing rightmaster netting arrangement mastheadsmatchmatching conceptmatching of cost with revenues materalitymatrix appraochmatrix presentationmaturitymeasurementmeaurementmeasurement basesmedical costmergermineral extraction industries mineral rightminimum componentsminimum lease paymentsminority interestsmonetary assetsmonetary financial assetmonetary itemsmore likely than notmortgage servicing rightsmulti-employer(benefit) plans mutual fundsnature of expense methodnegative goodwillnegotiable papernet assets available for benefits net basisnet incomenet investmentnet investment in a foreign entity net investment in a leasenet lossnet monetery positionnet profitnet realisable valuenet result of operationnet selling priceneutralitynominal amountnominal considerationnon-cancellable leasenon-cash transactionnon-current assetsnon-marketable securitynon-monetary assetsnon-monetary benefitnon-monetary itemsnon-recoursenon-regencrative resourcesnormal capacity of production facilities note issuance facilitiesnotesnotes payablenotional amountobligating eventobligationoff-balance-sheet itemsoffer priceoffsettingon-balance-sheet itemsonerous contractoperating activitiesoperating assertsoperating costsoperating cycleoperating efficiencyoperating expensesoperating incomesoperating leaseoperating liabilitiesoperating policyoperating profitoperating segmentoptionoption contractoption pricing model valuationordinary activitiesordinary course of businessordinary itemordinary shareorganizational componentorganizational unitsoriginated loans and receivablesother claims payableother long-term employee benefitsother non-trade payablesoutright saleoutstandingoutstanding itemoutstanding sharesover the counter marketoverheadowener's equityownershippaid in capitalpar valueparent enterpriseparticipantspartly paidpartnershippast eventspast expensespast service costpatentpayablepayroll taxpensionpension planpercentage-of-completion methodperpetual debt instrumentsphysical wear and tearplan assets(for an employee benefit plan) pledgepoolpooling of interest methodportfoliopost-employment benefit planspost-employment benefitspotential benefitpotential ordinary sharepracticepredictabilitypreference sharepreferred capitalpremiumpre-opening costsprepaid expensepreparationprepaymentspresent obligationpresent valuepresent value of a defined benefit obligation presentationpresentation of financial statementprevious periodprice earings ratioprice quotationsprice riskpricingpricing modelprimary financial instrumentsprimary reporting formatprinciple-onlyprinciplepro forma informationpro rata basisprobable future economic benefitsprocessprocess of aggregationproduct life cycleprofit after taxprofit before taxprofit for the periodprofit sharingprofit sharing planprogress billingsprogress paymentproject managerprojected salary approchprojected unit credit methodpromissory notepronouncementproperty,plant and equipmentproportionate consolidationprospective applicationprovisonprovison for lossesprovision for taxes payableprovision for restructuringprudencepublic documentpublicly tradedpublishing titlepurchasepurchase methodpurchase priceput optionqualified actuaryqualifying assetsquotaquotationquoted market pricerates of returnraw materialsreal estaterealisable valuerealized profit and loss reasonable approximation reasonable profit allowance rebatesrebuttable presumption receiptsreceivablerecognitionrecognition criteria reconciliationrecoverrecoverabilityrecoverable amountredeemrediscountreductionrefinancingrefinancing agreementrefundregular way contract regulatorsreguilatory authorities reimbursementrelated partiesrelated partiy disclosures related partiy relationship related partiy transaction relevancereliabilityreliability of measurement reliable estimateremaining useful life remeasurerenewablerentalsreorganisation of the group repaymentrepayment of share capital replacement cost of an asset reportable segmentreporting currencyreporting datereporting enterprisereporting on a net basis reporting periodreporting practicerepricing daterepurchase agreementresale price method reschedule paymentsresearchresearch and development cost research phaseresidual valuationresidual valueresource embodying economic benefitsrestatementrestructure of the grouprestructuringresult of operationresults of operating activitiesretail methodretained earningsretentionretirementretirement benefitretirement benefit costsretirement benefit planretrospective applicationreturn of investmentreturn on capitalreturn on investmentreturn on plan assets(of an employee benefit plan) return on turnoverrevaluationrevaluation surplusrevalued amount of an assetrevenuereversalreverse acquisitionreverse purchase agreementreverse share splitreverse stock splitreversedreviewrewardrewards associated with a leased assetright issuerisk diversificationrisk exposurerisk poolingrisks associated with a leased assetroyaltysale and leaseback transactionsalessales revenuesecondary segment reporting formatsecured liabilitiessecuritisationsecuritized assetssegmentsegment accounting pilicessegment assetssegment disclouresegment expensesegment liabilitysegment reportingsegment resultsegment revenuesegmentalselling costsselling priceselling segmentsensitivityseparabilityseparate acquisitionseparate financial statementset-offsettlement valueshareshare capitalshare optionshare option planshare premiumshare splitshare warrantshareholder's equityshareholder's interestsshort sellershort-term employee benefitssick paysignificant influencesignificant transactionsinking fund arrangementsite labor costsite supervisionsocial security arrangementsocial security contributionsolvencyspecial participation rightspin-offspot ratestaff coststages of vertically integranted operations stamp dutystandard cost methodstandard letters of creditstanding interpretation committeestart-up coststate (employee benefit ) planstated interest ratestated valuestatement of accounting policystatement of changes in equitystock dividendstock optionstock purchase planstock aplitstraight-line methodstrategic investmentsubleasesubsequent changesubsequent costsubsequent expendituresubsequent measurementsubsidiariessubstance over formsubventionsucessive share purchasessum-of-the-units methodsupervisory non-management directorssuretysurplussurplus fundswapswap contractsynergysynthetic instrumentsystematic methodtangible assetstax assetstax basetax benefittax liabilitytax losstax loss for carry backtax loss for carry forwardtax payabletax planning opportunitiestaxable entitytaxable incometaxable profittaxable temporary differencetaxationtaxes on incometemporary investment termtermterminationterminationg benefitstermination indemnitiesthresholdtimelinesstime-weighted factortiming differencestitle to assetstop-down testtotal carrying amounttotal return swaptrade and other payablestrade and other receivablestrade discounttrade discount and rebatetrade investmenttrade liabilitiestrademarktransaction costs (financial instruments) transanction in foreign currencytransfertransfer pricetransitional liability ( defined benefit plans) transitional provisiontreasury sharestrue and fair viewtrust activitiestrust fundtrusteesultimate redemption valueunderlyingunderlying financial instrumentunderlying primary financial instrument understandabilityunearned finance incomeunguaranteed residual valueunit of production methoduniting of interestsunquotesunrealized gainunrealized lossunrealized profitunused tax creditunusual itemupstream activitesupstream productupstream transactionsuseful lifevacation payvalid expectationvaluationvariable production overheadsventurervested employee benefitsvoting rightwarrantwarrantywarranty costswarranty provisionsweighted average cost formulasweighted average cost methodwelfare planwholly-owned subsidiarywithholding taxwork in progresswork performed by the enterprises and capitalised working capitalwrite backwrite downwrite offwrite-down investories on an item by item basis writeryield企业集团加速股利会计假设会计估计会计处理,会计核算会计收益会计期间会计政策会计利润会计处理应计权责发生制,应计制应计雇员费用应计负债累计摊销额累计汇兑差额累计损益累计带薪缺勤被购方购买方购买,收买,购并购买费用活跃市场实际汇率精算假设精算损益承诺福利的精算现值承诺退休福利的精算现值精算报告精算技术精算估价精算师追加的,额外的额外对价行政费用预收款,预付款加总,汇总,总计加总价值分配,分摊备抵,折让允许选用的处理方法摊销摊销方法摊销期摊余成本金额可收回金额,可补偿金额辅助费用年度报告,年报预期未来交易反稀释分配,分拨正常交易,公平交易要价评价,评估资产产权转让联营企业归属于批准报出可供出售的平均账面金额平均汇率收益与成本的平衡资产负债表负债法银行透支基本每股收益期初基准处理方法受益方最佳估计投标保函出价票据约束性销售协议董事会奖金,红利红股奖金计划借款协议借款费用自下而上测试分支机构经纪人佣金,经纪人业务企业合并购买式企业合并业务分部回购采购分部看涨期权,买入期权可赎回的可赎回债券(利率)上限资本资本法资本资产定价模型资本承诺资本投入资本利得资本保全资本交易资本化资本化发行资本化比率结转后期未利用的税款抵扣结转后期未利用的可抵扣(应税利润额的)亏损结转后期账面金额可抵扣(应税利润额的)亏损抵前现金收付实现制现金等价物现金流量现金流量风险现金流量表现金产出单元银行存款现金流入库存现金现金流出存单会计政策变更财务状况变动借记,计入首席执行官,行政总裁,总经理资产类别归类,分类清算所期末汇率可回收性收账费用并股合并合并实体合并经营成果合并和分立的建造合同参与合并的企业佣金承诺承诺费,承约费商品合同商品期货合同以商品为基础的合同普通股可比性不加控制的可比价格法比较期间带薪缺勤补偿,报酬复合金融工具计算机软件信用风险集中对价一致性合并资产负债表合并财务报表合并集团合并收益表合并并股合并程序固定回报率建造合同施工间接费用推定义务易耗品或有事项或有资产或有承诺或有利得或有负债或有损失或有租金或有可发行股合同,合约承包商合同义务合同条款合同权利注资,出资出资,提存金控制惯例转换期权转换权转换可转换可转换债券版权总部资产区间成本成本法购买成本,收买成本,购并成本处置成本销售成本存货成本人工成本采购成本销售成本销售成本法成本回收法成本节省成本加成合同成本加成法购买成本材料成本注册费用完工尚未发生的成本对应方贷记,贷项信用便利信用风险赊销期限债权人信用可靠度累积优先股股利累积优先股货币风险货币互换货币折算差额当期和预期获利能力流动资产现行成本现行成本法现行成本财务报表现行利率短期投资流动负债当期当期工资法当期服务成本当期税金缩减顾客信赖,顾客忠诚购买日,收买日,购并日出资日报告日评估日日常活动交易性证券债务拖欠债务性工具债务性证券债务-权益比率下跌可抵扣暂时性差异违约递延法递延酬劳递延酬劳安排递延汇兑损益递延收益递延付款递延付款条件递延收入递延所得税资产递延所得税负债递延所得税设定受益计划设定提存计划可比程度交付,交割,交货;送达活期存款明确承诺提取存款应折旧金额应折旧资产折旧折旧方法折旧率终止确认(某一金融工具)终止确认(某一金融工具)衍生金融工具衍生工具开发费用开发支出开发阶段稀释每股收益稀释稀释选择权稀释性潜在普通股余额递减折旧法直接影响直接增量费用直接投资直接人工直接发直接关系可直接归属的支出解脱,解除披露披露已终止经营终止经营折价,折扣,贴水折现率处置处置收入子公司的处置处置亏本销售分派,分配销售费用,分销费用股利收益应收股利股利率股利股利政策跟单信贷下游交易,下销交易收益每股收益,每股盈利获利能力经济利益经济寿命经济业绩生效日期实际利率法实际收益率消除嵌入衍生工具雇员福利雇员福利费用期末实体权益权益资本权益计酬福利权益计酬计划权益性金融工具权益性工具股份发行权益法权益性证券估计价值评价,估价资产负债表日后事项汇率外汇管制汇兑差额汇兑损失资产交换执行待执行合同行使日行使价格现有用途,现行用途预期增长率预期价值,预期价值法结转后期的支出费用经验调整失效,满期,终止满期日,终止日说明性注释勘探风险敞口除权展期外部客户消除消除债务采掘非常项目资产负债表表内收益表表内公允表述,公允列报公允价值真实反映费,手续费伙伴子公司先进先出法筹资费用筹资成本融资收益融资租赁为交易而持有的金融资产或负债金融资产财务预算财务担保金融机构金融工具财务权益金融负债财务或财政援助财务业绩财务政策财务状况财务审阅,财务审核财务权利财务报表财务结构财务支持财务年度财务年度年初至今基础筹资活动筹资安排筹资手段产成品确定承诺确定购买合同确定销售合同财政政策固定造价合同固定制造费用固定赎回价值浮动利率,浮动汇率(利率)下限强制性交易国外业务外币外币借款外币套期外币交易国外实体汇兑损益国外经营预计寿命饶让贷款远期合同框架特许权费受让人(接受特许权人)特许权费特许人(授出特许权人)精算估价周期全额支付重大差错注资政策注资风险代客持有资金追加费用未来经济利益期货合同利得一般行政费用(财务报表中)一般披露要求一般物价水平一般购买力法通用财务报表一般工资水平地区分部持续经营商誉政府援助政府补助政府采购与资产相关的政府补助与收益相关的政府补助账面总金额融资租赁投资总额销售毛利毛利指南标题总部的费用套期会计套期有效性被套期项目套期套期工具为交易而持有持有至到期的投资租购合同历史成本历史成本制度损坏责任转移协议控股公司主合同恶性通货膨胀恶性通货膨胀经济可辨认性可辨认资产资产和负债的认定认定,辨认不重要减值减值损失资产减值推算成本,假计成本估算利率奖励租赁起始日发生率收益收益法来自联营企业的收益收益表收益表负债法所得税所得税资产所得税法所得税负债产生收益的资产(承租人)增量借款利率增量股份豁免条款间接法单个资产,个别资产单个负债,个别负债初始账面价值(终止经营的)初始披露事项初始计量初始确认保险合同保险费承保人无形资产(雇员福利计划的)利息成本合营企业中的权益利息收益附息或不附息的负债与准备利率上限利率上下限组合利率下限租约中的内含利率利率风险利率互换本金剥离中期财务报告中期内部管理结构内部组织结构内部利润内部报告分部自创商誉国际会计准则国际会计准则委员会集团内部交易存货投资活动投资企业投资投资收益投资业绩投资性房地产投资性证券投资税款抵减合营中的投资者非自愿清算股票发行已发行股本项目共同控制共同拥有合营产品合营企业合营活动合营协议共同控制资产共同控制实体共同控制景扬管辖区域,管辖范围人工租赁租赁期法律顾问律师费用法律实体法定兼并法定义务法定执行权贷款人出借方回报承租人出租人信用证平均收益率杠杆租赁负债负债法许可证许可证费,执照费许可证受让人许可协议许可证让予人人寿保险企业后进先出法逐项报告格式单列项目清算流动性流动性风险。
新驾考科目一试题答案及解析1.驾驶机动车遇到这种信号灯不断闪烁时怎样行驶, 注意瞭望安全通过路口只有一个黄灯,并持续闪烁,警示驾驶人要注意瞭望,确认安全通过。
2.路中心黄色虚实线是何含义, 实线一侧禁止越线虚线可压,实线不可压,黄色是引起你注意,如图就是实线一侧禁止越线 3.路中白色虚线是什么标线, 可跨越同向车道中心线同向两车道之间的标线,没线怕乱开4.这是什么交通标志, 反向弯路反向弯路:用以警告车辆驾驶人减速慢行。
5. 机动车登记证书、号牌、行驶证灭失、丢失或者损毁的,机动车所有人应当向哪个部门申请补领、换领。
6. 在标志、标线齐全的高速公路上行车,应当按照什么规定的车道和车速行驶, 标志或标线题目这么强调“标志、标线”,你再不选B,你让B情何以堪。
7. 机动车在高速公路上发生故障时错误的做法是什么, 车上人员不能下车车上的人员应该立即撤到安全栏外。
section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance;Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how hisother responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements.3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of itsquality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager,functional departments and heads of specialized8.驾驶机动车驶离高速公路时,在这个位置怎样行驶, 驶入减速车道下一步肯定是驶入减速车道,在减速,再驶离高速。
妊娠、分娩及其并发症知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新浙江大学绪论单元测试1.The motto of Zhejiang University is Seeking Truth, Pursuing Innovation. ()参考答案:对第一章测试1.There is persistent elevation of basal body temperature over a 2 weeksperiod.()参考答案:错2.Prenatal Care is an important measure to reduce the incidence and mortalityof maternal and perinatal complications and reduce birth defects. ()参考答案:对3.Which one is the most popular fetal lie?()参考答案:Longitudinal4.What’s recommended maternal weigh t gain during pregnancy is incorrect:()参考答案:0.35 kg/week in mid pregnancy5.Pregnancy is confirmed by:()参考答案:Fetal sac in USG;Fetal movement by examiner;Fetal heart activity第二章测试1.Identifying and terminating affected pregnancies is Secondary prevention.()参考答案:对2.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified drugs into sixcategories based on their potential adverse effect on the fetus and safety oftheir use in pregnancy. ()参考答案:错3.Role of preconceptional counseling?()参考答案:Identification,assessment and possible alteration of risk factors;Timingof pregnancy in women with special risk factors;Preconceptionalcounseling is a good occasion to assess and reinforce folic acidsupplementation and to review the importance of seeking early andregular prenatal care;Decrease birth defect4.Which of the following situation patient need going straight for invasivetesting is incorrect: ()参考答案:Women over the age of 405.Which of the following expression about prenatal diagnosis is incorrect: ()参考答案:The First Trimester Combined Test, around weeks 12–16, nuchaltranslucency scan (NT) may be offered;第三章测试1.Sagittal suture cross the vault of skull in middle line, in an anteroposteriordirection between two parietal bones.()参考答案:对2.Abdominal examination should be suspended during the uterine contraction.()参考答案:对3.Signs of placenta separation in stage 3 of parturition is: ()参考答案:Gushing of blood;Lengthening of cord4.True labor differs from false labor by all, except: ()参考答案:Absence of bag of water5.Cardinal movement of labor are:()参考答案:Engagement -Descent - Flexion-Internal rotation- Extension -Restitution - External rotation - Expulsion.第四章测试1.When the occipital presentation occurs, the occipital bone of the fetal head islocated in the left front of the maternal pelvis, which should be in the leftanterior occipital position. ()参考答案:对2.In frank breech,the fetus’s thigh is extended, leg is extended.()参考答案:错3.Fetal and neonatal effects of shoulder dystocia ()参考答案:Fetal distress;Neonatal asphyxia;Fracture of clavicle;Brachial plexus nerve injury4.One of the following features can be used to define contracted pelvis:()参考答案:Transverse diameter of inlet is 10 cm5.Incidence of cord prolapse is least in:()参考答案:Frank breech第五章测试1.TOX is transmitted by ingestion of undercooked meat or consumption ofunpasteurized goat milk or exposure to infected dog's feces.()参考答案:错2.Is the following definition of scar uterus correct? (Scar uterus refers to theuterus by cesarean section, uterine myomectomy, uterine malformationcorrection, abortion surgery and other uterine scar.) ()参考答案:对3.Features of HELLP syndrome ()参考答案:Hemolytic anemia;Raised liver enzyme;Thrombocytopenia4.Which is not a feature of postdated pregnancy:()参考答案:Polyhydramnios5.Fetal abnormality in pregnancy with diabetes is: ()参考答案:Sacral agenesis第六章测试1.Clinical signs of hydramnios can be demonstrated when fluid collection ismore than 3 liter.()参考答案:错2.The PH of amniotic fluid is higher than 7.0. ()参考答案:对3.The classification of placenta previa includes which of the following:()参考答案:Partial placenta previa;Marginal placenta previa;Complete placentaprevia4.Classical presentation of placenta previa:()参考答案:Posterior5.Best parameter for ultrasound evaluation of IUGR is: ()参考答案:Abdominal circumference第七章测试te postpartum hemorrhage usually occurs with 72 hours after delivery.()参考答案:对2.The most common cause of postpartum fever is endometritis?()参考答案:对mon methods to estimate the amount of blood loss are: ()Shock index method;Hemoglobinometry;Weighing or volumetricmethod;Monitor vital signs, urine output, and mental status4.Classical presentation of uterine rupture:()参考答案:Severe pain5.What is the most common clinical manifestation of Uterine inversion?()参考答案:postpartum hemorrhage第八章测试1.About one-third of all infants between 2nd and 5th day of life developsphysiological jaundice. ()参考答案:对2.Ten percent of newborn require some assistance to begin breathing at birth.()参考答案:对3.APGAR is consist of ().Respiration;Grimace;Pulse;Activity;Appearance4.___ is given to prevent hemorrhagic disease. ()参考答案:Vitamin K5.Chest compression to ventilation rate in neonatal resuscitation is ___ . ()参考答案:3:2。
经管实证英文文献常用的缺失值处理方法全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Common Methods for Handling Missing Values in Empirical Economic and Management ResearchAbstract: Missing data is a common issue in empirical research in economics and management, and handling missing values appropriately is crucial to ensure the validity and reliability of the analysis. This paper reviews the common methods for handling missing values in empirical economic and management research, including listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, mean imputation, and multiple imputation. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each method and provides guidelines for researchers to choose the most suitable method based on their research context. Overall, researchers should carefully consider the potential implications of missing data on their analysis and choose the most appropriate method for handling missing values to ensure the robustness of their findings.IntroductionMissing data is a common issue in empirical research in economics and management. Incomplete data can arise due to various reasons, such as non-response from survey respondents, data entry errors, or measurement issues. Handling missing values appropriately is crucial to ensure the validity and reliability of the analysis. In this paper, we review the common methods for handling missing values in empirical economic and management research and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.Listwise DeletionListwise deletion, also known as complete case analysis, is the simplest method for handling missing values. In this method, observations with missing values on any variable are excluded from the analysis. While listwise deletion is straightforward to implement, it may lead to biased results if the missing data are not missing completely at random (MCAR). This method can also reduce the sample size and statistical power of the analysis.Pairwise DeletionPairwise deletion, also known as available case analysis, is another simple method for handling missing values. In this method, observations with missing values on a particular variable are excluded only from the analysis involving that variable. Pairwise deletion allows researchers to retain allavailable data for each analysis, but it may lead to biased results if the data are not missing completely at random. This method can also result in different sample sizes for different analyses, making it difficult to compare results across models.Mean ImputationMean imputation is a common method for handling missing values, in which missing values are replaced with the mean value of the observed data for that variable. Mean imputation can be simple to implement and does not reduce the sample size. However, this method can introduce bias in the analysis by underestimating the variability of the data and inflating correlations between variables. Mean imputation also assumes that the data are missing at random, which may not always be the case.Multiple ImputationMultiple imputation is a more advanced method for handling missing values, in which missing values are imputed multiple times based on the observed data and the uncertainty associated with the imputation process. Multiple imputation involves creating multiple complete datasets with imputed values, conducting the analysis on each dataset, and combining the results using appropriate statistical techniques. Multipleimputation provides unbiased estimates and valid standard errors, even if the missing data are not missing at random. However, this method can be computationally intensive and may require specialized software.Guidelines for Choosing a MethodWhen handling missing values in empirical economic and management research, researchers should carefully consider the potential implications of missing data on their analysis and choose the most appropriate method based on the research context. Some guidelines for choosing a method include:1. Assess the nature of missing data: Determine whether the missing data are missing completely at random, missing at random, or missing not at random, as this will influence the choice of method.2. Consider the mechanism of missing data: Understand the reasons for missing data and consider how they may impact the analysis, such as whether missing values are related to the outcome variable.3. Evaluate the impact of missing data: Assess the potential bias and variability introduced by missing values and consider how different methods may affect the robustness of the findings.4. Choose a method based on the research context: Select the most suitable method for handling missing values based on the research design, objectives, and data structure.ConclusionIn conclusion, handling missing values appropriately is crucial for ensuring the validity and reliability of empirical economic and management research. Researchers should carefully consider the potential implications of missing data on their analysis and choose the most appropriate method for handling missing values. Common methods for handling missing values in empirical research include listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, mean imputation, and multiple imputation. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and researchers should select the method that best suits their research context to ensure the robustness of their findings.篇2Title: Common Missing Value Handling Methods in Empirical Economic and Management ResearchAbstract: Missing values are a common issue in empirical economic and management research, and the improper handling of missing data can lead to biased results and incorrectconclusions. In this paper, we review the various methods commonly used to handle missing values in empirical studies, including listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, mean substitution, multiple imputation, and k-nearest neighbor imputation. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method and provide recommendations for researchers on the appropriate use of these methods in their research.Introduction:Missing values are a common problem in empirical economic and management research. This can occur due to various reasons such as non-response from survey respondents, data entry errors, or other data collection issues. The presence of missing data can lead to biased results and incorrect conclusions if not handled properly. Therefore, researchers need to carefully consider how to handle missing values in their analyses to ensure the integrity and validity of their results.Common Missing Value Handling Methods:1. Listwise Deletion: Listwise deletion, also known as complete case analysis, involves removing any observation with missing values from the dataset before analysis. While this method is simple to implement, it can lead to biased results if the missing values are not missing completely at random (MCAR).2. Pairwise Deletion: Pairwise deletion involves including all available data for each analysis, thereby retaining as much information as possible. However, this method can lead to biased estimates if the missing values are not MCAR.3. Mean Substitution: Mean substitution involves replacing missing values with the mean of the observed values for that variable. While this method is easy to implement, it can artificially inflate correlations and standard errors if the missing values are not MCAR.4. Multiple Imputation: Multiple imputation involves generating multiple plausible values for each missing value based on the observed data and then analyzing each imputed dataset separately. The results are then combined to produce more accurate estimates and standard errors. Multiple imputation is considered the gold standard for handling missing values in empirical research.5. K-Nearest Neighbor Imputation: K-nearest neighbor imputation involves estimating missing values based on the values of the nearest neighbors in the dataset. This method is useful when the missing values have a pattern or structure that can be predicted based on other variables in the dataset.Conclusion:In conclusion, missing values are a common issue in empirical economic and management research, and researchers need to carefully consider how to handle missing data to ensure the validity of their results. The methods discussed in this paper, including listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, mean substitution, multiple imputation, and k-nearest neighbor imputation, each have their advantages and disadvantages. Researchers should choose the most appropriate method based on the nature of their data and research question. Multiple imputation is considered the gold standard for handling missing values, but researchers should be aware of its limitations and assumptions. By following best practices for handling missing values, researchers can produce more reliable and valid results in their empirical studies.篇3Methods for Handling Missing Values in Empirical Economic and Management ResearchMissing values are a common issue in empirical research, including studies in economics and management. When dealing with missing data, researchers must use appropriate methods to ensure that their analysis is accurate and reliable. In this article,we discuss some commonly used methods for handling missing values in empirical economic and management research.1. Complete Case Analysis (CCA)In complete case analysis, observations with missing values on any variable of interest are simply excluded from the analysis. While this method is straightforward, it may lead to biased results if the missingness is not completely random. CCA is most appropriate when the missing data are minimal and can be assumed to be missing completely at random.2. Mean/Median/Mode ImputationIn this approach, missing values are replaced by the mean, median, or mode of the observed values for that variable. While simple and easy to implement, imputation with summary statistics can lead to biased results and underestimate variability in the data. This method should be used cautiously, especially when missing values are not missing at random.3. Multiple Imputation (MI)Multiple imputation involves creating multiple plausible values for each missing value based on the relationships between variables in the data set. The imputed values are then used to generate multiple complete data sets, which areanalyzed separately before combining the results to obtain valid inferences. MI is considered a more robust method for handling missing data compared to single imputation methods.4. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)Maximum likelihood estimation is a statistical method that estimates the parameters of a model by maximizing the likelihood function. When dealing with missing data, MLE can be used to estimate model parameters while accounting for the uncertainty introduced by the missing values. MLE is a powerful method but may require complex model specifications and assumptions.5. Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF)LOCF is a simple imputation method that replaces missing values with the last observed value for that variable. While LOCF is easy to implement, it may not accurately reflect the true underlying data patterns and can lead to biased results, especially when the missingness is related to the outcome variable.6. Pattern-Mixture ModelsPattern-mixture models are a class of statistical models that account for different missing data mechanisms in the analysis. Byincorporating patterns of missingness into the modeling framework, researchers can assess the impact of missing data on their results and make more reliable inferences. Pattern-mixture models are a flexible approach for handling missing data but may require advanced statistical knowledge.In conclusion, handling missing values is a crucial step in empirical economic and management research. Researchers should carefully consider the nature of the missing data and choose appropriate methods to address the missingness in their analysis. By using robust and reliable techniques for handling missing values, researchers can ensure the validity and accuracy of their findings.。
与量化研究相 比,质 性 研 究 显 然 更 擅 长 于 发 掘 和 描 述 政 策 变 化 过 程 的 因 果 机 制①( 朱天飚,2017) 。“一个完整的解释,必须规定一种机制来描述一个变量影响另 一个变量的过程,换句话说,X 是如何产生 Y 的”( Kiser and Hechter,1991) 。质性方 法论体系利用个案分析方法研究社会现实案例,是国内外公共管理以及公共政策研 究的重要载体( Sigelman and Gadbois,1983; 马骏,2012) 。个案分析方法通过对公共 政策过程的全景式描述,多角度地把握研究对象的特征,可以探索揭示公共政策实 施过 程 的 因 果 机 制,但 其 方 法 论 瓶 颈 在 于 从 个 别 到 一 般 的 因 果 推 论 解 释 力 弱 ( Eisenhardt,1989; Yin,1994; Goodin,2009) 。为提高因果推论能力,公共政策的质 性研究方法论 体 系 需 要 进 一 步 突 破。近 年 来 兴 起 的 因 果 过 程 追 踪 方 法 ( Causal Process Tracing) 具有识别并纠正虚假因果关联以及遗漏变量偏误等内生性问题的方 法论优势( Falleti,2016; 张长东,2018) ,成为公共政策学者可以使用的重要方法论 工具。
Key vocabulary analysis and example senses
High frequency vocabulary
Positions At, in, on, under, over, above, below, by, near, beside
Example: "She is sitting * at * the table."
High frequency vocabulary
Conjunctions And, but, or, so, because, if, when
Example: "I want to go out, * but * it's training."
High frequency vocabulary
Positions and connections
express relationships between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sense, indicating direction, location, or time (e.g., "in," "on," "before")
The practical application of vocabulary in senses
Using vocabulary in context
"The * beautiful * sunshine made everyone stop and start."
"After a long day at work, she just wants to * relax * and watch TV."
江苏长建的工程质量通过近几年来加大力度管理,不断的规模整顿,工程实体质量取得了明显的提 高,但目前的工程质量总体水平与国外先进水平比较,还存在一定的差距。由于建筑市场不规范,人 员整体素质不高,管理力量不强。有些项目重经营、轻管理、重效益、轻质量,部分工程存在少许的 质量通病,个别工程质量的粗糙甚至存有质量隐患,精品工程特色不突出,数量还不多。为了迅步消 灭问题,不断推进公司的质量水平的提高,以创优质精品工程为龙头,公司质量管理部组织有关人员 研究工作,开拓思路,收集了大量的资料,图片,结合公司当前的实际情况,编制了《工程细部做法 图集》,根据江苏长建的质量管理手册编写以实施与保持质量体系有效运行的纲领性文件和企业法规, 图集覆盖了本集团公司涉及贯标的工程项目,通过图集的贯彻对照,以确保集团公司质量方针、质量 目标的实现,增强全员质量意识,提高质量管理水平,进一步促进公司的全面发展。经审核,质量图 集完全符合所选用质量保证模式的要求,力求继续通过这种方式,演示对此,客观分析,找出差距, 寻求办法,针对性地指定措施,真正精细化管理,带动我公司工程质量管理整体水平提高,实现江苏 长建的质量工作目标。
the group company involved in mark of be linked together, through the "Construction standard booklet" to control, to
ensure that the quality policy, group company quality objectives, enhance the quality of full consciousness, improve
management department organized relevant personnel to research, explore new ideas, collect a lot of data, pictures,
ARI standard 260-2001_sound
2001S TANDARD forSOUND RATING OF DUCTED AIR MOVING AND CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT Standard 260IMPORTANTSAFETY RECOMMENDATIONSIt is strongly recommended that the product be designed, constructed, assembled and installed in accordance with nationally recognized safety requirements appropriate for products covered by this standard.ARI, as a manufacturers' trade association, uses its best efforts to develop standards employing state-of-the-art and accepted industry practices. However, ARI does not certify or guarantee safety of any products or systems designed, tested, rated, installed or operated in accordance with these standards or that any tests conducted under its standards will be non-hazardous or free from risk.Note:This is a new standard.Foreword:Ducted Equipment must be sound rated in relation to its various individual Sound Components to describe it acoustically and to provide the necessary information for predicting application sound levels. This standard addresses the sound rating of these various Sound Components. Ducted air-conditioning equipment can have ducted discharge, ducted inlet, free inlet (or free discharge) combined with casing radiated, or casing radiated Sound Components depending on its specific manufactured configuration.All Sound Components are acoustically described/rated by utilizing a "Mapped" Sound Rating approach that is typically referenced to the product's supply fan operating map. The supply fan is contained in the Base Unit of the product. In addition, this standard defines an approach to account for and add the acoustical effects of product Appurtenances (such as modulation devices or inlet/discharge plenums) and Other Sound Sources (such as the refrigeration circuit, exhaust fans, etc.) to the Base Unit Mapped Sound Rating. Thus, Mapped Sound Ratings can be developed for a given product configuration and each of its various Sound Components.All ducted product Sound Components are rated utilizing a Reverberation Room Technique, modeled after AMCA Standard 300. Reverberation room tests are conducted using a Comparison Method and a Reference Sound Source calibrated in accordance with ARI Standard 250.Sound ratings are in the form of Octave Band Sound Power Levels (dB) from 125 to 8,000 Hz derived from One-Third Octave Band (dB) measurements for the various product Sound Components. Sound ratings may be provided for the 63 Hz Octave Band if the reverberation room has been qualified in accordance with ARI Standard 280.A listing of current ARI Sound Standards is located in Appendix C.TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE Section 1. Purpose (1)Section 2. Scope (1)Section 3. Definitions (1)Section 4. Requirements for Acquiring Mapped Sound Data (3)Section 5. Sound Power Level Calculations and Ratings (7)Section 6. Minimum Data Requirements for Published Sound Ratings (9)Section 7. Conformance Conditions (10)FIGURESFigure 1. Typical Ducted Discharge Test Setup (5)Figure 2. Typical Ducted Inlet Test Setup (5)Figure 3. Typical Free Inlet Combined with Casing Radiated Test Setup (5)Figure 4. Typical Casing Radiated Test Setup (6)Figure 5. Typical Free Inlet Test Setup (6)APPENDICESAppendix A. References - Normative (11)Appendix B. References - Informative (12)Appendix C. ARI Standards on Sound - Informative (13)Appendix D. Atkins Sound Attenuation Adjustments for Acoustic Test DuctElbows - Normative (14)Appendix E. Effects of Other Sources - Normative (15)Appendix F. Supply Fan Modulation Device Effects - Normative (16)Appendix G. Method of Processing Acquired Data - Normative (17)TABLES FOR APPENDICESTable C1. ARI Standards on Sound - Informative (13)SOUND RATING OF DUCTED AIR MOVING AND CONDITIONING EQUIPMENTSection 1. Purpose1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to establish a method of sound rating the indoor portions of ducted air moving and conditioning equipment and to provide definitions; requirements for acquiring mapped sound data; Sound Power Level calculations and ratings; minimum data requirements for published sound ratings; and conformance conditions.1.1.1 Intent. This standard is intended for theguidance of the industry, including manufacturers,engineers, installers, contractors and users.1.1.2 Review and Amendment.This standard issubject to review and amendment as technologyadvances.Section 2. Scope2.1Scope. This standard applies to all ducted air moving and conditioning equipment containing fans as defined in Section 3 of this standard.Examples of such equipment when ducted are:a. Unitary Air-Conditioners, as defined in ARIStandard 210/240and ARI Standard 340/360b. ARI-Source Unitary Heat Pumps, as defined inARI Standard 340/360c. Water-Source Heat Pumps, as defined in ISO13256-1d. Fan-Coil Air-Conditioners, as defined in ARIStandard 440e. Central-Station Air-Handling Units, as defined inARI Standard 4302.2 Exclusions. This standard does not apply to:a. Air Control and Distribution Devices, which arecovered by ARI Standard 880b. Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioners, which arecovered by ANSI/ARI Standard 300c. Outdoor sound from outdoor portions of DuctedEquipment that would be covered under ARIStandards 270 and 370d. The sound radiated from ductwork attached tothe fan and/or equipment when such ductwork isnot offered by the manufacturer as a standardpart of the equipmentcomponent for rooftop or down draft productsSection 3. DefinitionsAll terms in this document shall follow the standard industry definitions established in the current edition of ASHRAE Terminology of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, unless otherwise defined in this section.3.1Acoustic Test Duct. The duct used to convey the sound of the unit configuration under test to the reverberation room during a ducted discharge or the ducted inlet sound component test. A Duct End Correction (E) must be added to the sound data measured in the reverberation room to account for the presence of an open-ended duct terminating in the reverberation room.3.2 Acoustic Test Duct Elbow. An elbow added to the Acoustic Test Duct during a reverberation room test to facilitate testing. An adjustment must be made (in addition to the Duct End Correction) to the sound data to account for the presence of the Acoustic Test Duct Elbow. Appendix D of this standard defines the Atkins sound attenuation adjustments.3.3 Base Unit. A factory-made encased assembly consisting of one or more fans meant to be connected to a duct and other necessary equipment to perform one or more of the functions of circulating, cleaning, heating, cooling, humidifying, and mixing of air, but which does not always include a source of heating or cooling.3.3.1 Appurtenance. An addition to a Base Unitfor purposes of control, isolation, safety, staticpressure regain, wear etc.Examples of Appurtenances include:a. Coil(s)1.Coolingcoil2. Cooling and dehumidifying coil3. Water spray (wetted coil)4. Heating coilb. Electric heater(s)c. Air filterd. Damperse. Moisture eliminatorf. Fan-motor driveg. Gas heat exchangersh. Inlet or discharge plenumsi. Modulating devices in the fanj. Application duct geometries (suchas duct elbow configurations)3.4 Comparison Method. A method of determining SoundPower Level of a source under test in a reverberation room bycomparing the average Sound Pressure Level of that source tothe average Sound Pressure Level of a Reference SoundSource of known Sound Power Level output. The differencein Sound Power Level is equal to the difference in SoundPressure Level when conditions in the room are the same forboth sets of measurements.3.5 Duct End Correction, E . Accounts for the acousticenergy in an Acoustic Test Duct that is reflected back towardsthe source. A method for computing E is defined in 5.2.1 ofthis standard.3.6 Ducted Equipment. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning equipment having one or more supply fans. Theequipment may be configured with either:a. Free inlet(s) with ducted discharge(s)b. Ducted inlet(s) with free discharge(s)c. Ducted inlet(s) and ducted discharge(s) This equipment may be ducted in various configurations horizontally and vertically, and may incorporate multiple inlets and outlets. 3.7 Effective Diameter, D. Diameter of an Acoustic TestDuct and is equal to either the diameter, ft [m], of a circularduct or the Effective Diameter, ft [m], of a rectangular duct.D is given by the following expression:÷øöçèæAREA x 4 = D 2/1 (1)where: AREA = Cross-sectional area of the duct, ft 2 [m 2] 3.8 Hertz (Hz). A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 3.9 Low Frequency Data . Data in the 63 Hz Octave Band (50, 63 and 80 Hz One-Third Octave Bands). 3.10 Mapped Sound Rating . A rating based upon tests performed across the range of operating conditions typically defined for the product supply fan map, in the Base Unit, and as defined by the product manufacturer. These products include: a. Belt-driven products with or without variable frequency drives b. Direct-drive products with variable frequency drives c. Direct-drive products with discrete speed taps Note: Special case –when a supply fan is used in conjunction with a return fan in the Base Unit (See Appendix E of this standard). 3.11 Octave Band . A band of sound covering a range of frequencies such that the highest is twice the lowest. The Octave Bands used in this standard are those defined in ANSI Standard S1.11. 3.12 One-Third Octave Band . A band of sound covering a range of frequencies such that the highest frequency is the cube root of two times the lowest. The One-Third Octave Bands used in this standard are those defined in ANSI Standard S1.11. 3.13 Reference Sound Source (RSS). A portable, aerodynamic sound source that produces a known stable broad band sound power output. 3.14 Reverberation Room Technique . A technique used to derive the Sound Power Level of Ducted Equipment Sound Components. The technique utilizes an Acoustic Test Duct coupled to a reverberation room to measure the ducted inlet or ducted discharge sound. Other setup configurations allow the testing of the casing radiated or free inlet (or freedischarge) combined with the casing radiated Sound Components. This technique is incorporated in AMCA Standard 300.3.15 "Shall" or "Should". "Shall" or "should" shall be interpreted as follows: 3.15.1 Shall. Where "shall" or "shall not" is usedfor a provision specified, that provision is mandatoryif compliance with the standard is claimed. 3.15.2 Should. "Should" is used to indicate provisions which are not mandatory but which are desirable as good practice. 3.16 Sound Components. The various Sound Sources emanating from the product that need to be independently defined to adequately describe a product’s acoustic effect on a typical application. Depending on the configuration of the equipment the Sound Components that need to be defined consist of several or all the following: a. Ducted dischargeb. Free inlet (or free discharge) combined with casing radiatedd. Ducted inlete. Free inlet (and/or free discharge)3.17 Sound Power Level, L w. This is ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of the sound power radiated by the source to a reference sound power, expressedin decibels (dB). The reference sound power used in this standard is 1 picowatt (pW).3.18 Sound Pressure Level,L p. This is twenty times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of a given sound pressure to a reference sound pressure of 20 :Pa, expressedin decibels (dB).3.19 Sound Sources.a. Base Unit. Sound generated by the supply fan(s)in the Base Unit.b. Appurtenance. Sound generated or attenuateddue to the Appurtenance having supply fanairflow through it.c. Other. Sound generated by an element that is notdependent on the supply fan airflow of theproduct. The refrigerant circuit, airborne noisefrom a variable frequency drive (VFD) ventilationfan, motor noise due to a VFD, gas burnercombustion noise, and exhaust fans are examplesof Other Sound Sources.Section 4. Requirements for AcquiringMapped Sound Data4.1 General Overview. This standard incorporates a Reverberation Room Technique utilizing AMCA Standard 300 to obtain the Sound Power Levels of the various Sound Components for ducted air-moving and air-conditioning equipment. It goes beyond AMCA Standard 300 which is for rating fans, by adding the effects of Appurtenances and Other Sound Sources to the Base Unit to obtain the Mapped Sound Rating of a given product configuration. Sound Power Levels shall be obtained utilizing the Comparison Method and a Reference Sound Source calibrated per ARI Standard 250. The One-Third Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels of Sound Components can be measured to obtain the Sound Power Levels required to rate each sound component of the equipment. Products having multiple ducted inlets or multiple ducted discharges on a common face that are meant by the manufacturer to join into a common duct shall be ducted into the reverberation room and tested at the same time. A Duct End Correction of only one of the ducts shall be made. However, if products have multiple ducted inlets or discharges on a common face or different faces, and are not joined into a common duct, each shall be ducted into the reverberation room and tested separately. Duct End Corrections shall be made for each of the ducts. The three Ducted Equipment configurations addressed by this standard are equipment with:a. Free inlet(s) with ducted discharge(s)b. Ducted inlet(s) with free discharge(s)c. Ducted inlet(s) and ducted discharge(s)The three equipment configurations have the following Sound Components:4.1.1Equipment with Free Inlet(s) and DuctedDischarge(s). The following Sound Power Levelsshall be determined for this configuration:a. Free inlet combined with casing radiatedb. Ducted dischargec. Free inletNote: The free inlet combined with casing radiatedsound power component shall not be derived fromseparate free inlet and casing radiated sound tests.4.1.2 Equipment with Ducted Inlet(s) and FreeDischarge(s). The following Sound Power Levels canbe determined for this configuration:a. Ducted inletb. Casing radiated combined with freedischargec. Free dischargeNote: The free discharge combined with casingradiated sound power component shall not be derivedfrom separate free discharge and casing radiated soundtests.4.1.3 Equipment with Ducted Inlet(s) and DuctedDischarge(s). The following Sound Power Levels canbe determined for this configuration:a. Ducted inletb. Casing radiatedc. Ducted discharge4.2 Testing Considerations.All Ducted Equipment is acoustically described by conducting Mapped Sound Rating tests. Mapped Sound Ratings for each Sound Component ofa product are obtained by first mapping the supply fan in the Base Unit. The Appurtenance and Other Sound Sources are added as necessary to a supply fan sound map of the Base Unit.4.2.1Base Unit. A sufficient number of speedcurves and test points along each speed curve shall beevaluated to ensure that the difference betweenadjacent test points does not exceed 5 dB for anyUnits shall be tested along the highest and lowestspeed curves across the full operational map asspecified by the manufacturer.4.2.2Appurtenances. A sufficient number of testdata points shall be evaluated to ensure that theacoustical effect of the Appurtenance on the Base Unitis understood. The objective of the test is to determineif the Appurtenance can be represented by an averagedacoustical effect or if it must be described as afunction of airflow velocity. Mechanical Airflow ControlDevice. The effects of a mechanical airflowcontrol device (excluding variable frequencydrives) shall be defined as outlined in AMCAStandard 300 (Appendix G).4.2.3Other Sources. A sufficient number ofoperating conditions shall be evaluated to ensure thatthe acoustical effects of the Other Sound Sources onthe Base Units are understood. Refrigerant Circuit Sources.Refrigerant circuit related sources areidentified and defined only in reference to theARI thermal rating standard operation pointfor a given product (see Appendix E). Exhaust and Return Fans. Theeffects of the exhaust and return fan SoundSource shall be evaluated at a nominal staticpressure and airflow specified by themanufacturer (see Appendix E). Burners. The effects of theburner Sound Source shall be evaluated atthe input rate and gas type specified on thenameplate.4.3 Method of Test. All sound tests shall be conducted utilizing a Reverberation Room Technique modeled after AMCA Standard 300. However, the specific test setup will depend on the product Sound Components being tested.4.3.1Ducted Sound Components. For ducted inletand ducted discharge components tested in accordancewith AMCA Standard 300 (Section 5), the Duct EndCorrection (E) must be added to each One-ThirdOctave Band for all products. The addition of theDuct End Correction (E) provides the user with thesound power that would be transmitted into a non-reflecting duct system.Although a straight Acoustic Test Duct is preferred forducted component tests, an Acoustic Test Duct ElbowAcoustic Test Duct Elbow is employed, adjustmentsshall be added to the sound data to account forattenuation of the Acoustic Test Duct Elbow using theAtkins adjustments as given in Appendix D. Orifice End Plate. The orificeend plate, as described in AMCA Standard300 (Appendix C, Section C2), shall not beused to control the Acoustic Test Ductairflow in this standard.4.3.2Casing Radiated Combined with a Free Inletor Free Discharge. All casing radiated with free inletor free discharge Sound Components shall be testedper AMCA Standard 300 (Section 5).4.3.3Casing Radiated Sound. For the casingradiated Sound Component, AMCA Standard 300(Appendix G) shall be used to determine the SoundPower Level.4.4Test Equipment and Facilities.4.4.1Reverberation Room Instrumentation. Thereverberation room instrumentation shall meet orexceed ANSI Standard S12.31, Section Room Qualification.Thereverberation room used in testing shall be qualified inaccordance with ANSI Standards S12.31 and S12.32using frequency rather than noise source position asthe independent variable (and ARI Standard 280 if lowfrequency Sound Power Levels are to be determined).4.4.3 Reference Sound Source (RSS). TheReference Sound Source shall be calibrated inaccordance with ARI Standard Equipment Size. For reverberation roomtesting, the total equipment volume, includingductwork, shall not exceed 5 % of the volume of thereverberation room.4.4.5 Use of Windscreen. During testing, a foamball windscreen may be used on the microphone. Theeffect of the windscreen on the microphone responseshall not be more than + 1 dB for frequencies of 100 to4,000 Hz or + 1.5 dB for frequencies from 4,000 to10,000 Hz. Sound measurements shall not be madewith air velocities over the microphone exceeding1,056 ft/min [5.4 m/s].4.4.6 Airflow Limitation. For sound testmeasurements made within a test room in accordancewith AMCA Standard 300, it is recommended that theairflow of the test unit, in cfm [m3/min], shall not4.4.7 Test Unit Airflow Measurements. All testairflow measurements shall be made in accordancewith ANSI/AMCA Standard 210.4.5 General Test Setup4.5.1 Ducted Discharge Tests. For this test the unitdischarge is ducted into the reverberation room usingan Acoustic Test Duct. The sound power of theducted discharge shall be determined using AMCAStandard 300 (Section 5, Figure 3). The testconfiguration will typically be as shown in Figure 1.For ducted discharge tests, it is recommended that theAcoustic Test Duct be three effective duct diameters inlength, but not less than 3.0 ft [0.91 m]. However,duct lengths up to five effective duct diameters arepermissible if needed for setup or airflow performancemeasurements.Figure 1. Typical Ducted Discharge TestSetup4.5.2 Ducted Inlet Tests. For this test the unit inletis ducted into the reverberation room using anAcoustic Test Duct. The sound power of the ductedinlet shall be determined using AMCA Standard 300(Section 5, Figure 2). The test configuration willtypically be as shown in Figure 2. For ducted inlettests, it is recommended that the Acoustic Test Duct beone effective duct diameter in length, but not less than3.0 ft [0.91 m]. However, duct lengths up to fiveeffective duct diameters are permissible if needed forsetup or airflow performance measurements.Figure 2. Typical Ducted Inlet Test Setup 4.5.3Free Inlet (or Free Discharge) Combined with Casing Radiated Test. For this test, the unit discharge (the inlet) is ducted outside of the reverberation room. The discharge is ducted through a hole in the reverberation room wall, with the duct effectively lagged to prevent sound breakout into the reverberation room. The sound power of the free inlet (or discharge) combined with casing radiated sound shall be determined using AMCA Standard 300 (Section 5, Figure 2 for inlet and Figure 3 for discharge). The test configuration will typically be as shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Typical Free Inlet Combined withCasing Radiated Test Setup4.5.4 Casing Radiated Test. The casing of the unit must be in the reverberation room with both the inlet and the discharge ducted out of the test space. The attached ductwork must be effectively lagged to prevent significant duct sound radiation. The sound power shall be determined using AMCA Standard 300 (Appendix G). The test configuration will typically be as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. Typical Casing Radiated TestSetup4.5.5 Free Inlet or Free Discharge. For this test, the free inlet or free discharge of the unit must be connected through a hole in the reverberation room wall with the minimum amount of duct required to provide a proper seal. The Sound Power Level shall then be determined using AMCA Standard 300 (Section 5). The test configuration for free inlet will typically be as shown in Figure 5.Figure 5. Typical Free Inlet Test Setup 4.5.6 Ductwork Required for Testing. Ductwork attached to the unit under test may influence the sound measured. Thus, care should be taken in the attachment and treatment of all ductwork. Ductwork Size. Ductwork shallbe sized to match the manufacturer'srecommended supply or return opening andshall maintain a constant cross section.If the manufacturer does not define thesupply or return opening, it is recommendedthat the Acoustic Test Duct be sized for amaximum of 2000 ft/min [10.2 m/s]. Theratio of the longer to the shorter sides of therectangular duct cross section shall notexceed four unless this is not possible due tothe manufacturer’s specifications. Ductwork Connection. Ductworkshall be connected to the unit under test usinga flexible connector. All flexible ductconnectors shall be appropriately treated toretain flexibility and to contain the soundwithin the duct. Construction of Test Ductwork.Ductwork used in the determination ofducted inlet and ducted discharge soundpower shall be of a high transmission lossconstruction. The ductwork shall beconstructed, at a minimum, of either:a. 18-gauge sheet metalstiffened by a ¾ in thicknessgypsum board attached by sheetmetal screws (on 6 in centers)and adhesive to the exterior ofthe duct, orb. Round sheet metal or PVCduct with a 1 lb/ft2 limp exterioracoustical barrier, orc. ¾ in plywood. For highaspect ratio ducts it may also benecessary to stiffen the ¾ inplywood.4.5.7 Duct Static Pressure Taps. Shall be per ASHRAE Standard 37 (Section 6).4.5.8 Acoustic Test Ducts and Acoustic Test Duct Elbow. For testing of ducted inlet or discharge, straight Acoustic Test Ducts are recommended. However, the standard allows for the use of an Acoustic Test Duct Elbow due to facility issues. The use of an Acoustic Test Duct Elbow, its description, and the adjustments applied must be stated. If elbows are needed, the adjustments given by Atkins must be used (see Appendix D).4.5.9 Acoustic Duct Flow Considerations. It is recommended that the Acoustic Test Duct be sized fora maximum of 2000 ft/min [10.2 m/s], unless this is not possible due to the manufacturer’s specifications.4.6Data Acquisition. For each of the mapped operating points defined by measurements made in accordance with ANSI/AMCA Standard 210, measure the corresponding One-Third Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels. These Sound Pressure Levels shall be measured for the desired Sound Components for the Base Unit, Appurtenances, and Other Sound Sources over the mapped operating range in accordance with the appropriate sections of AMCA Standard 300 and this standard.4.6.1Information to be Recorded. The following shall be compiled and recorded for measurements thatare made according to the requirements of thisStandard. The following is a list of data required todocument the noise ratings supplied per this standard:a. Description of unit under testb. One-Third Octave Band Sound PowerLevels with Duct End Corrections (ifapplicable) included, dBc. One-Third Octave Band Duct EndCorrections, dB, and description of howduct was terminated in the reverberationroomd. Duct internal height, width, and lengthdimensions, ft [m]e. Acoustic Test Duct Elbow Octave Bandcorrection (if used)f. Acoustic Test Duct Elbow internalheight, width and length dimensions (ifused), ft [m]g. Description of thermal conditions duringtesth. Airflow, cfm [m3/s], duct staticpressure, in H2O [kPa], fan speed, rpm[rev/s], fan motor BHP for each testpointi. Sound component measuredj. Test datek. Facility used4.6.1.1 Unit Under Test.a. Description of Base Unitshall include information toclearly identify the unitunder test such as fan typeand size, cabinet wallconstruction and size, motormanufacturer and sizeb. Operating conditions (fanspeed, rpm [rev/s], airflowcfm [m3/s], fan staticpressure, in H2O [kPa], andair density, lb/ft3 [kg/m3])c. Installation/mounting detailsd. Description ofAppurtenancese. Description of Other Sourcesf. Acoustic Test Ductdimensions, ft [m]g. Acoustic Test Duct Elbowdimensions, ft [m]4.6.2 Thermal Conditions During Test.a. Air temperature, o F [o C]b. Relative humidity, %c. Barometric pressure, in Hg [kPa]4.6.3 Instrumentation.a. The equipment used for themeasurements, including name, type,serial number and manufacturerb. Description of Reference Sound SourceusedSection 5. Sound Power Level Calculationsand Ratings5.1 General. This standard utilizes an Octave Band Sound Power Level rating system based on One-Third Octave Band Sound Pressure Level test data. The procedure for obtaining the Octave Band power level rating depends on the Sound Component being considered. Non-ducted Sound Components (casing radiated, free inlet combined with casing radiated, and free components) are obtained directly from the Sound Pressure Level data by utilizing Equation 2 in 5.2. Ducted Sound Components (ducted discharge or ducted inlet) must include Duct End Corrections and effects of the Acoustic Test Duct Elbow, if used during the sound test. A flow chart of how the data is processed for these two categories of Sound Components is presented in Appendix G. 5.2Method of Processing Acquired Data. All of the measured One-Third Octave Band Sound Pressure Level data acquired in Section 4 shall be converted to One-Third Octave Band Sound Power Levels using Equation 2. Adjustments for Duct End Correction (E), as outlined in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, shall be added to the calculated One-Third Octave Band Sound Power Levels when required for ducted Sound Components.L w(n) = L p(n) + [L wr(n) – L pr(n)] + E(n)(2) where:L w(n)=Test unit Sound Power Level, dB, in the n thOne-Third Octave BandL p(n) = Test unit measured Sound Pressure Level, dB,in the n th One-Third Octave Band。
Complete version of junior high school English pre
Temporary action or situation
It is used to describe a temporary action or situation that is happening now but will not continue for a long time For example, "We are staying in a hotel while we look for a permanent place to live."
Conversion to simple present tense
To convert from the present continuous to the simple present tense, replace the "be" verb+"- ing" form with the base form of the main verb For instance, "I am studying" benefits "I study" in the simple presentation tense
Example: "I am studying English." "They are playing football."
Verb variation rules
Regular verbs
Most verbs form the present particle by adding - ing to the base form of the verb For example, "walk" benefits "walking"
cochrane evidence synthesis and methods 影响因子
cochrane evidence synthesis and methods 影响因子题目:Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods 的影响因子引言:Cochrane Collaboration是全球最具影响力的独立非营利组织之一,致力于根据高质量的证据为临床决策提供支持。
Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods是其旗下的一本重要期刊,该期刊致力于发表高质量的系统评价和方法学研究。
本文旨在回答Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods 期刊的影响因子及其影响因子的意义。
第一部分:Cochrane Collaboration和其期刊1. Cochrane Collaboration的简介和目标;2. Cochrane Collaboration的期刊家族;3. Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods的特点和重要性。
第二部分:影响因子的定义和计算方法1. 影响因子的定义;2. ISI Journal Citation Reports数据库和影响因子的数据来源;3. 影响因子的计算方法。
第三部分:Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods期刊的影响因子1. Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods期刊的影响因子历史;2. 最新一年的影响因子数据;3. 影响因子的意义和局限性。
第四部分:影响因子的意义和局限性1. 影响因子的意义和用途;2. 影响因子的局限性和误导性。
结论:Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods期刊的影响因子是衡量该期刊影响力的重要指标。
继续关注Cochrane Collaboration和Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods期刊的发展,有助于进一步推动临床决策的证据化,并改善医疗卫生实践。
FRONTIER DISCUSSION | 前沿探讨基于APQP思想的项目阶段阀门审核方法探究马嘉康 罗颖洹 蓝俊上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 广西柳州市 545007摘 要: 当前汽车行业已进入新车型快速迭代、开发周期大幅缩短的时期,但产品质量要求越来越高、成本压力越来越大。
关键词:质量策划 阶段阀门审核 评审有效性Research on V alve Audit Method in Project Stage based on APQP IdeaMa Jiakang Luo Yinghuan Lan JunAbstract: T he current automotive industry has entered a period of rapid iteration of new models and a drastically shortened development cycle. However, product quality requirements are getting higher and higher and cost pressures are increasing. Therefore, it is very urgent and necessary for automobile companies to establish a set of eff ective new project APQP advanced quality planning stage review methods suitable for their own development needs to ensure the quality of new project development. Therefore, this article is based on the author’s own work experience and combined with IA TF16949 And AIAG related system requirements puts forward a set of valve audit methods at the project stage.Key words:quality planning, stage valve audit, review eff ectiveness1 引言当前,我国汽车行业正处于车型项目快速开发、快速迭代的时期,相较以往整车项目的开发周期,从36个月缩减到了10个月。
精选国庆节英语作文6篇National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.Its a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.Were visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think well have a good time there.国庆节来了,我有七天的`假期。
I went to my cousin's house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she's worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he'll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father's matureness.I'm happy for them.Yesterday,our research school's soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game.Half of the National Day holidays have passed by……lifestill goes with good and bad times.Chinese people will welcome the 55th National Day two days later,October 1th.In Beijing,the Tian'anmen square is decorated by more than 300,000 pots of flowers,the Chairman Mao's old icon is changed by a new one hanging on the Tian'anmen Building.InNanjing,sweet-scented osmanthus festival,misty rain culture festival in Mochou Lake,barbecue festival in Gulin Park will be held during the Na[]tional Day.In Chongqing,more than 2,000 of lights on bridge are renewed to welcome the National Day.During the National Day period,Raising the national falg ceremony,a concert of national music and an exhibition of patriotic films will be held in Hangzhou,Zhejing Province.Happy National Day!今天是国庆节,我和爸爸去留仙湖游玩。
Academic writing is a formal style of expression that is used in various fields such as science,humanities,and social sciences.It is characterized by its precision,clarity,and objectivity,and is typically employed in scholarly articles,research papers,theses,and dissertations.Here are some key aspects of academic writing:1.Purpose:The primary goal of academic writing is to convey complex ideas,theories, and research findings in a clear and concise manner.It is meant to inform,persuade,or contribute to the existing body of knowledge in a particular field.2.Audience:Academic writing is typically directed at a specialized audience,including peers,professors,researchers,and scholars who are familiar with the subject matter.The language and concepts used are often technical and require a certain level of expertise to understand.3.Structure:Academic papers follow a structured format that includes an introduction, literature review,methodology,results,discussion,and conclusion.Each section has a specific purpose and contributes to the overall argument or analysis presented in the paper.nguage:The language used in academic writing is formal and precise.It avoids colloquialisms,contractions,and subjective expressions.Technical terms and jargon specific to the field are often used to convey concepts accurately.5.Citations and References:Academic writing relies heavily on citing sources to support claims and arguments.Proper citation is crucial to avoid plagiarism and to give credit to the original authors.References are listed at the end of the paper,following a specific citation style e.g.,APA,MLA,Chicago.6.Objectivity:The tone of academic writing is objective and impersonal.It aims to present information without personal bias or emotion.The writer uses evidence and logical reasoning to support their arguments.7.Critical Thinking:Academic writing often involves critical analysis and evaluation of existing research or theories.It requires the writer to think critically about the subject matter and to present a balanced view of different perspectives.8.Originality:Originality is highly valued in academic writing.While building upon the work of others is common,the writer is expected to contribute new insights,perspectives, or findings to the field.9.Peer Review:Before being published,academic papers often undergo a peer review process,where other experts in the field evaluate the quality,validity,and originality of the research.10.Ethics:Academic writing is governed by a set of ethical guidelines that ensure the integrity of the research process.This includes honest reporting of data,avoiding fabrication or falsification,and respecting the rights of participants in research studies. In summary,academic writing is a rigorous and disciplined form of communication that serves to advance knowledge and understanding within a specific academic community. It demands a high level of expertise,precision,and adherence to ethical standards.。
(共10小题,每小题1分)Shanbei storytelling is an important __1__ of storytelling and folk art in the northwest of China. It is mainly popular in areas like Yanan and Yulin in northern Shanxi Province. It originated as a way for blind artists to __2__ by singing traditional stories. Over time, it absorbed(吸收) the tunes of Qingqiang Opera and Xintianyou, and __3__ became a form of storytelling that could be performed with long stories and singing. The performance is done by one person who sings and plays an instrument at the same time. The instrument can be sanxian (a three-stringed Chinese instrument) or pipa. Besides, there is also a clapper(快板) made of two wooden boards tied to the performer's legs __4__the rhythm(节奏).One person who has made Shanbei Storytelling __5__ is Xiong Zhuying. He has cleverly __6__ this traditional art with modern technology and games. In the video game "Black Myth: Wukong," game developers invited Xiong to introduce elements(元素) of Shanbei Storytelling, making it interesting and enjoyable to younger audiences who might not experience this traditional art form before.In the second chapter of the game, players will meet a headless monk(僧侣) who performs a heartfelt piece of Shanbei music. This brief but __7__performance, lasting less than two minutes, has gained over 10 million views on social media. Its lyrics(歌词),“Success and failure, life and death, all are beyond reason,"__8__deep emotions and make listeners think a lot. Xiong and the game developers' __9__brings Shanbei Storytelling back to life, making its future __10__than ever before.1. A. research B. form C. page D. mark2. A. make progress B. make a living C. get rich D. become famous3. A. luckily B. suddenly C. gradually D. immediately4. A. to break B. to keep C. for checking D. for dancing5.A. more different B. more popular C. more useful D. more exciting6. A. served B. mixed C. combined D. prepared7.A. lively B. alive C. living D. live8.A. bring back B. bring out C. bring up D. bring away9. A. secret B. creativity C. imagination D. expectation10. A. brighter B. further C. louder D. fasterII.阅读理解(40分)第一节阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
处方点评方法(Prescription review method)How to comment on prescription[topic background]I learned to work as a clinical pharmacist in neurology department for a year, usually in the morning, ward rounds with doctors, medical advice and medical records, and the relationship between doctors in the Department is not bad. The director will now when I was in the morning shift of the ward, comment on prescription.[Topic Discussion]Although the Department has been studying for a year, but the director gave me this work still makes me feel very embarrassed. How do I carry out the prescription review work?.Topic: Internet users "learning to be clinical pharmacists" -- Forum of clinical pharmacists in ChinaAnalysis and evaluation of rationality of drug use by DRPIn the public (such as ward morning shift). Commenting on the doctor's prescription, must be careful to pay attention to three aspects. First, the prescription review to be reasonable, accurate and sufficient evidence to. Second, we should pay attention to the sense of speech, do not destroy the newly established harmonious relationship with doctors and nurses. Third, grasp the main problems, say the key points. At the same time, we must recognize our shortcomings and lack of clinicalknowledge, we are holding to learning, service for clinical purposes to the clinical, must deal with their position.In addition, you should also note that in the "basic drug list" and "standard treatment guidelines" system is not well developed and implemented before, only drug instructions can not solve the practical problems. In addition, the authoritative reference materials available for clinical pharmacists are still limited, and the status of clinical pharmacists has not yet been clear, which has brought difficulties for our clinical pharmacists to comment on prescriptions. The following is the clinical pharmacists in our hospital comments on clinical medication, for your discussion. We found in the actual work, the use of "Drug-Related Problems (DRP)" analysis, evaluation of the rationality of the use of drugs, strong operability (specific content table).Let doctors face up to unqualified prescriptionsSimilar work, I have encountered in the clinic, the difference is that I am in the Department of Cardiology to talk about the prescription review. According to my understanding, ward doctor because of bed, less dealing with patients and hospitals are clearly defined, giving publicity and punishment measures for the unqualified prescriptions, so ward doctors will require pharmacists according to the hospital problems to explain. Therefore, I combined the "prescription management method" of the new requirements and new content, through the qualified prescription and unqualified prescriptions were compared on the slide, the result is really good, here to introduce my methods.First of all, the outpatient common prescription classification: qualified, standard prescription for a class, as a model contrast; unqualified prescription classified according to different categories of comments. For example, the unqualified prescription is divided into: 1. write the prescription without the standard Chinese name of the drug, including alias, code, abbreviation, Latin and so on. 2. there are incompatibility, improper use and dosage, over 5 kinds of drug prescriptions, etc.. 3. and not remember the end, prescribing slash, alter or timeout (over 3 days) without signature.Secondly, all these prescriptions were photographed with digital camera and numbered. Meanwhile, the full text of "prescription management method" was copied together, and the contents were highlighted with red bold lines. When using the slide show, graphic interpretation, doctors can clearly see these unqualified prescription "true face", compared to the abstract "prescription management method" is much more impressive. I remember that when the slide was put on the "randomly altered" prescription, many doctors made a surprising statement about the altered prescriptions, which meant that the prescription was "incredible."".Through the combination of the chart, the article and the pharmacist's explanation, the doctors learned the prescription management method easily, and had an intuitive understanding of how to write the qualified prescription. Three,Since then, no mistakes have been made in writingprescriptions.Zhang Huan, clinical pharmacist of Hezhou Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, GuangxiRational use of drugs as the main lineThe purpose of clinical pharmacists participating in ward rounds is to make recommendations for rational use of drugs from the perspective of pharmacists in view of doctors' diagnosis, inspection and medication. Therefore, it is the time for clinical pharmacists to show their own advantages when commenting on doctors' prescriptions. It is also a critical time for clinicians to understand the importance of clinical pharmacists in combination with treatment.Clinical pharmacists should be through their own rich knowledge of pharmacy, and in the middle school to the science department rounds of professional medical knowledge and necessary check, individual differences and the actual condition of the pharmacokinetics, drug incompatibility etc., analyze each doctor medication and correct deficiencies, and put forward the correction comments on the flawed and that the correct prescription, reason. A high level of quality prescription review will allow doctors to sit up and take notice of clinical pharmacists, and enhance the status of clinical pharmacists.Dongtai Institute of Dermatology, Jiangsu, Yang YumingHow many skills do you offer?I'm also a clinical pharmacist who knows how difficult it is to integrate into clinical departments and let doctors see you as one of them.This netizen proposed topic is mentioned, the director wants you comments on prescription in the morning shift of the unit, if the "director" refers to the director in the Department of Neurology, then you in their department has established a solid position, to win the trust, can to enjoy the play, not to mention the name of the doctor only the prescription comments, questions, draw attention to comment on prescription. Be sure to pay attention to praise and criticism, and focus on the prescription.If the "director" refers to the director of pharmacy department, you should pay special attention to the way. The morning was very nervous, the doctors have to shift, rounds, will remember the course, advice, your prescription comment on time to grasp, do not arouse people's dissatisfaction. It is better to communicate with the person in charge of Neurology in advance, and choose the more relaxed days to comment on the prescription. In addition, the tone must pay attention to, give you a sense of intimacy, do not condescending, undermine the harmonious relationship is easy to build up. You can start with the following passage: "it's a pleasure to work with you, and I've learned a lot of valuable experience.". As far as prescribing is concerned, a rigorous and serious attitude affects me deeply. If we pay attention to these problems when we write a prescription, the work will be done more carefully......" Don't mention the name of an individual. If a doctor has not changed his prescription, he can communicate with her in private.Wang Hua, General Hospital of Yangquan coal industry group, ShanxiPharmacists should pay attention to language artPrescription review, for clinical pharmacists should be no problem in technology, the key is how to do just right, so that the prescription doctor can accept from the psychological and then correct non-standard. I think this work is more about the communication skills and language arts of clinical pharmacists. Specific prescription comment, first pointed out the existing problems and needs the prescribed corrections, and points out their own departments also exist such problems, it is best not to specific individuals; such as the need to review the Department where a specific doctor's prescription, it must be pointed out that the problem objectively, not serious to exaggerate the problems, but also shows that the problem also exists in other departments. Such comments will make problems prescribing a person to accept the psychological and sensibilities, the correct way is to solve the problem.Of course, after several comments (especially good relationship with clinicians), pharmacists will be easier to work, less scruples, clinicians will receive more and more high.Sun Fusheng, Department of pharmacy, Qingdao Municipal HospitalPreview before comment"It is appropriate to grasp the propriety of prescription review, not too much for a doctor, but not too general. The main comment principle is in the common problem prescription on more efforts, for individual doctor medication problems, you can first privately communicate individually. The purpose of prescription review is to solve the problem of irrational drug use, do not let the doctor feel that you are in the face of individuals, so easy to cause conflicts, is not conducive to the unity of the Department and future work.Before each prescription review, should first communicate with the Department Director, let the director of the Department of your comments content and wording to check. This is not only respect for the director of the Department, but also some drug problems are clinical pharmacists can not find, so that each other can make your work with half the effort. You can also find some of the usual close contact the doctor for some comments "Preview", let them give you advice. When reviewing prescriptions, clinicians may have more say for specialist medication, but other non specialist drugs, such as cold medication, gastrointestinal medication, can play the role of clinical pharmacists.Tianjin Fifth Central Hospital Zhao XingPrescription comments should be targetedThe prescription review, the key is to be targeted to the actual.This common problem ReviewsEvery department has some common problems in the prescription writing, that is, all the doctors in the Department are prone to problems, such as the problem of overtime prescription, the non-standard use and dosage problems. For the review of these common problems, should be based on summative comments, to write out the existing problems in the prescription, do not call the name, you can achieve the purpose.* personality issues commentsPersonality problems, the individual doctors in the Department is prone to problems, is not representative, need to separate the individual doctor's comments. Comment on the best examples of practical examples, so easy to receive the effect of comments. For example, someone with no sign correction problems, problems, problems such as super dose taboo, these questions need to be specific to each kind of drugs per prescription, this review have significance, but also easy to correct violations.I repeated questions commentsIn some prescriptions, some doctors are not careful, do not pay attention to, the same problem often appear, for such a prescription, in the comment, we must increase the intensity, comment on people, otherwise it is difficult to play the effect of comments.Wang Qiudong, General Hospital of Pingdingshan coal industry medical group, Henan, PingdingshanDoctor's statementNowadays, pharmacists and physicians are faced with patients, who think and solve problems from their own professional point of view. The goal is to complement each other. Looking positively at the prescription of prescription can be considered as a good communication process between doctors and pharmacists. Pharmacists are familiar with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, which can be combined with the patient's condition, and doctors to discuss the problem of medication. And doctors know more, often the patient's condition and clinical characteristics of the disease, and the mechanism of drug problems, may only be understood in less detail. So pharmacists and doctors can learn from each other in this respect.Although the prescription is very short, but can also play in two words or three, good effect. Pharmacists can usually recommend some books or related specialist medication guidelines to doctors, remind doctors to further understand how to make rational use of drugs. In this way, you can make up for in a short time in the morning shift of some specific problems can be said thorough defects.。
Cramming for Exams
Cramming for ExamsAs a student, the pressure of final exams can be overwhelming. The thought of having to retain and recall an entire semester's worth of information in a short period of time is enough to induce anxiety in even the most diligent of students. The phenomenon of cramming for exams has become a common practice among students, especially in high-pressure academic environments. Cramming is defined as the practice of studying intensively over a short period of time, usually the night before an exam or assessment. While some students may argue that cramming is an effective way to absorb information quickly, others believe that it is an unsustainable and detrimental study habit. In this discussion, we will explore the various perspectives on cramming for exams, the potential consequences, and alternative study methods that can lead to long-term academic success. From the perspective of students who engage in cramming, the allure of this study method lies in its convenience and immediate results. In the midst of a busy academic schedule, it can be challenging to find time to consistently review and reinforce the material covered in class. As deadlines for exams approach, students may feel compelled to resort to cramming as a last-minute effort to memorize key concepts and information. In some cases, students may have underestimated the amount of time needed to adequately prepare for an exam, leading them to rely on cramming as a quick fix. Additionally, the pressure to excel academically can drive students to prioritize short-term success over long-term retention of knowledge. The fear of failure or underperformance may push students towards cramming as a means of securing a passing grade. On the other hand, critics of cramming argue that the practice is inherently flawed and counterproductive. Research in the field of cognitive psychology has shown that spacing out study sessions over time, also known as distributed practice, leads to better retention and understanding of material compared to massed practice, or cramming. When students cram, they are more likely to forget the information shortly after the exam, as it has not been committed to long-term memory through repeated exposure. Furthermore, the stress and anxiety that accompany last-minute cramming can have a negative impact on students' mental and emotional well-being. The lack of adequate sleep and the pressure to perform well can contribute to increased stress levels and a declinein overall academic performance. Critics also argue that cramming promotessurface-level learning, where students memorize information for the purpose of regurgitating it on exams, rather than truly understanding and internalizing the material. In addition to the academic concerns surrounding cramming, there are also ethical considerations to take into account. Some students may resort to cheating or academic dishonesty in a desperate attempt to succeed when they feel unprepared as a result of cramming. The pressure to perform well on exams, combined with the limited time available for studying, can push students to engage in dishonest practices such as plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, or even using prohibited materials during exams. This not only undermines the academic integrity of the educational institution but also hinders the development of essential skills and knowledge that students are meant to acquire through their studies. It is important to recognize that the educational system and the broader societal expectations placed on students play a significant role in perpetuating the culture of cramming. Students are often judged based on their exam performance, leading to a competitive environment where success is equated with high grades. As a result, students may feel compelled to resort to cramming as a survival strategy, particularly in highly competitive academic settings. This emphasis on grades and rankings overlooks the holistic development of students, neglecting crucialaspects such as critical thinking, creativity, and practical application of knowledge. Taking into account the various perspectives on cramming for exams, it is clear that this study habit has far-reaching implications for students and the educational system as a whole. While the immediate pressure of upcoming exams may tempt students to cram, it is essential to consider the long-term effects of this practice on academic performance and overall well-being. Instead of relying onlast-minute cramming, students can benefit from adopting effective study habitsthat promote deep learning and sustainable academic success. This includes engaging in active learning techniques such as regular review of material, self-assessment, and seeking help from teachers or tutors when needed. By embracing a mindset of continuous learning and understanding, students can cultivate a strong foundation of knowledge that extends beyond the confines of exam periods. Educational institutions also have a role to play in mitigating the prevalence ofcramming. By prioritizing a comprehensive approach to assessment, which includes projects, presentations, and other forms of evaluation beyond traditional exams, schools and universities can reduce the emphasis on high-stakes testing. Moreover, educators can promote a learning environment that values understanding andcritical thinking over rote memorization. By emphasizing the application of knowledge in real-world contexts, students are more likely to internalize and appreciate the relevance of their studies, reducing the perceived need for last-minute cramming. In conclusion, the practice of cramming for exams is a complex issue that encompasses psychological, ethical, and systemic dimensions. While it may offer short-term relief and results, it ultimately undermines the long-term goals of education and the well-being of students. By reevaluating the values and expectations ingrained in the academic culture, and by fostering effective study habits and a deeper understanding of the material, students can move away from the cycle of cramming and towards a more enriching and sustainable approach to learning.。
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Hillary Clinton 希拉里· 克林顿
• Current US Secretary of State, wife of Bill Clinton
Writing assignment
• Write for a few minutes about one person we have talked about today. Tell me something that you find interesting about this person, what you like/dislike about this person, or what I may not know about this person. You can also tell me why you would like to meet this person.
Beyonce 碧昂丝
All the single ladies!
Batman 蝙蝠侠
• Crime fighting superhero who has a cool costume and a cool car.
Barack Obama 贝拉克·奥巴马
• A member of the US Democratic Party (民主党) and current president of the USA
Practice round for this game
• I need one person to help me demonstrate!
Jackie Chan 成龙
• Write down 10 or more “yes or no” questions that will help you with this game. For example: • Am I a woman? • Am I Chinese? • Am I American? • Am I alive today? • Am I an athlete? • Do I have blonde hair? • Am I fictional (虚构的)?
• Black civil rights leader
Mickey Mouse 米老鼠
• Fictional Mouse
Michelle Obama 米歇尔· 奥巴马
• Barack Obama’s unattractive wife :-P
Li Bai 李白
举头望明月 低头思故乡
Harla Gaga
• P…p…p… poker face, p…p… poker face
Mao Zedong
• Revolutionary and Chairman of the Communist Party of China
Jet Li 李连杰
• Star of one of Eric’s favorite movies: “Hero”
• What is the topic ? • What are the characteristics of organization in this paragraph? • How many writing methods are involved ? • Which method is the dominate one?
Kobe Bryant 科比· 布莱恩特
• Arrogant basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers
Bill Clinton 比尔· 克林顿
• American President famous for his relationship with Monica Lewinsky
• We will share these with the class when you are done writing!
Development by
• • • • • • • • • Time Space Process Exemplification Generalization Comparison & Contrast Cause and Effect Classification Definition
(8)Like all brothers, they are a good support for each other. (9)Each is in a position to know just how the other feels—about being in the spotlight, about the blessing and burdens of growing up royal, about losing a parent who was both the most famous woman in the world and, more simply, their mother. (10)“They need each other in terms of moral support," says a friend of William’s . (11)“Since the death of their mother, even more so.”
• Wednesday June 8th, 8am
• Does this time work for you?
• Thursday, June 9th, 4:30pm
• Does this time work for you?
• Monday, June 13th, 4:30pm • Does this time work for you?
Sample 1
Born in London in 1889, Chaplin spent his childhood in shabby furnished rooms and an orphanage. Though he pursued learning passionately in later years, young Charlie left school at 10 to work on a circuit. The poverty of his early years hence inscribed the Tramp’s trademark costume, a creative imitation of formal dinner dress suggesting the authoritative adult reimagined by a cleareyed child. His “little fellow” was the expression of a widely sentimental, deeply felt allegiance to rags over riches. In the late 1910s, however, an advertisement for a Charlie Chaplin film was a promise of happiness. The enduring figure of his Little Tramp was instantly recognizable around the globe and brought laughter to millions. Eighty years later, Chaplin is still here. In a 1995 worldwide survey of film critics, Chaplin was voted the greatest actor in movie history. He was the first and last person to control every aspect of the filmmaking process, from founding his own studio to producing, casting, directing, writing, scoring and editing the movies he starred in. Chaplin is said to have turned an industry into an art.
Michael Jordan 迈克尔· 乔丹
• Famous Basketball Athlete
Hu Jintao
• Current leader of China, 中国的主席
Brad Pitt 布拉德-皮特
• Handsome actor in many American Movies
Lei Feng 雷锋
• Thursday, June 16th, 4:30pm • Does this time work for you?
Guessing Game!
Two teams!
• One person from each team will come to the front. Those two people will not look at the screen (屏幕). The person in the front of the class gets to guess who he/she is, but he/she only get two guesses. That person can guess at anytime. Whichever person guesses correctly first earns a point for his team. The two people in the front will take turns asking yes/no questions.