PHPCMS V9 产品说明书

PHPCMS V9 内容管理系统产品白皮书上海盛大网络发展有限公司2010年10月关于本文档PHPCMS V9是 PHPCMS 出品的一款基于PHP技术和AJAX技术的企业级网站内容管理系统,旨在帮助用户解决日益复杂与重要的Web内容的创建、维护、发布和应用。
本文档概要地介绍了PHPCMS V9各项特性与功能,是用户熟悉和掌握PHPCMS V9的良好参考资料。
读者对象本文档的读者为PHPCMS V9的使用者。
使用者应具备以下基础知识:熟悉Microsoft Internet Explorer或Mozilla Firefox的使用;熟悉Windows或Linux/Unix操作系统;熟悉Mysql数据库,及数据库相关知识 .熟悉HTML基本知识和相关的HTML页面制作方法。
用户反馈感谢您使用PHPCMS 开源软件的产品。
联系地址上海盛大网络发展有限公司:北京市朝阳区西坝河西里18号正通时代创意中心6号楼邮编:100083电话:(010)52752688传真:(010)52752888商务QQ:1561683312,1115940351 Email:zhangqing.zack@目录1公司简介12产品概述产品简介5全新框架5门户级站群系统6多发布点 6 数据表分离6强大的内容模型6模版制作方便6银行级的安全保障措施7优秀的用户体验7千万级的数据承载能力7 3功能模块文章7专题10评论14投票15广告位17附件管理18全站搜索20会员系统21站群功能24多发布点27信息采集27数据备份29 SSO(单点登陆)30支付系统(在线充值)31 4技术架构4.1运行环境334.2架构介绍334.3安全机制34 5购买方式5.1购买流程345.2价格体系355.3购买说明361 公司介绍Phpcms网站管理系统是国内主流CMS系统之一,曾多次被新浪、网易、电脑报等IT媒体报道。

平台使用手册2020年7月目录1.文档概述 (1)1.1.编写目的 (1)1.2.浏览器推荐 (1)2.操作说明 (1)2.1.平台注册 (2)2.2.平台登录 (3)2.3.选课——课程中心 (4)2.4.选班——网络班级 (8)2.5.个人中心——学习 (11)2.5.1.我的课程 (11)2.5.2.我的网络班级 (13)2.5.3.课程在线学习 (15)2.5.4.我的证书 (26)2.5.5.调查问卷 (27)2.6.个人中心——动态 (28)2.7.个人中心——消息 (29)2.7.1.通知公告 (29)2.8.个人设置 (30)2.8.1.个人基本信息修改 (30)2.8.2.更换头像 (31)2.8.3.密码修改 (32)1.文档概述1.1.编写目的本手册旨在为国家卫生健康委干部培训中心远程教育培训平台学员提供关于系统的使用说明和注意事项,以使各位学员可以更高效、安全的在平台中进行操作及查询等。

三、运维中心: 分别显示合作商旗下各接入项目的详细情况,包括单用户信息、实时数据监 控、配电房视频监控、运维工单派发、重点设备档案等功能。 支持显示指定客户包括容量、变压器个数、监测点位等在内的基本信息;
支持包括负荷、电量、变压器负载率、功率因数、环境温湿度、峰谷用电、 重点负荷排名在内的重点用电信息的展示;
五、电能质量 支持对包括三相不平衡、谐波畸变率在内的电能质量数据的分析,找到改进空间, 为后期提升电能质量做数据支撑。
六、光伏监控 针对光伏发电系统中的发电、并网电量进行统计与分析,监测光伏阵列、逆 变器以及箱变的实时运行数据情况,充分了解新能源发电情况。
四、数据分析: 报表管理,支持日、月、年报表及峰谷电量表查询功能,可以 Excel 形式导
需量分析,实时监测需量情况,支持预先设置需量上限,当超过上限时系统 进行报警,帮助客户有效管理需量,为需量申报业务提供数据支撑。
定期生成企业月度分析报表,帮助客户了解当月各项目综合用电情况,支持 在线编辑及 PDF 导出功能;
4. 点击工单,进入可查看巡检详情,点击“查看”可查看巡检详细项目,点击 “打卡巡检”开始巡检;
5. 开始巡检,默认所有选项为“正常”,发现异常,点击“异常”按钮,在每 一大项后添加备注;
6. 如无法现场解决问题,向左滑动备注信息,点击“我要报修”,描述问题并 提交,该问题转入抢修班班长 APP 处;(进入抢修流程:跳转至“11”项)

企业信用评价平台用户手册(企业端)2019年1月目录1. 平台门户 (3)1.1. 访问地址 (3)1.2. 门户说明 (3)1.2.1. 系统登录 (4)1.2.2. 评价公示 (4)1.2.3. 管理规定 (5)1.2.4. 公告通知 (6)1.2.5. 证书查询 (7)2. 企业注册 (7)2.1. 注册企业账号 (7)2.2. 邮箱验证激活 (9)2.3. 完善企业信息 (11)2.4. 提交注册审核 (11)3. 企业信息 (12)4. 修改密码 (12)4.1. 自行重置密码 (12)4.2. 邮箱找回密码 (13)4.3. 管理员重置密码 (14)5. 通用操作 (14)6. 申报管理 (15)6.1. 评价申报 (15)6.2. 年审申报 (16)6.3. 提级年审 (17)6.4. 换证申报 (18)6.5. 变更申报 (18)1.平台门户1.1. 访问地址https:///1.浏览器建议:推荐使用谷歌浏览器、360浏览器极速模式。
1.2. 门户说明企业信用评价平台门户包括五部分内容:评价结果公示、管理规则、公告通知、证书查询、以及系统登录,如下图所示:1.2.1.系统登录使用企业统一信用代码登录系统。

1. 打开电脑,使用Chrome谷歌浏览器、Firefox火狐浏览器,登录线上展会的官方网站。
2. 进入企业后台登录界面后,点击【注册用户】,按照操作提示完成用户注册。
1. 完善企业资料:包括企业名称、行业、企业类型、地区、企业简介以及企业Logo(Logo宽度像素须为1000px大小的PNG或JPG格式)。
2. 上传企业或产品宣传片:支持上传5G内mp4格式视频。
3. 添加产品、项目、技术成果等:包括产品名称、封面图及产品图、产品简介、价格、产品详情等(最多上传9张图片,建议尺寸750460,每张不超过20MB)。
4. 上传文档资料,文件格式支持:docx、xlsx、pptx、pdf。
5. 完善联系人信息(如客户联系电话、客户联系邮箱、公司网站、公司地址及企业联络人的姓名和联系邮箱等)。
1. 在线绑定员工账号,方便后续线上展会的互动与管理。
2. 通过线上平台,与展会观众进行实时互动,提高展会效果。


四川省隐患排查治理信息系统企业端用户使用手册(第二版)四川省安全生产监督管理局四川煤矿安全监察局二〇一五年十一月目录1. 登陆与注册 (1)1.1. 省局门户网站登陆 (1)1.2. 系统首页登陆 (1)1.3. 用户注册 (2)2. 使用说明 (3)2.1. 软件环境 (3)2.2. 硬件环境 (3)2.3. 注意事项 (3)3. 常规操作 (3)3.1. 导航菜单 (3)3.2. 风格设置 (4)3.3. 统计图形说明 (5)4. 首页 (5)4.1. 隐患统计 (5)4.2. 工作任务 (6)4.3. 隐患分布表 (6)4.4. 其他快速点击按钮 (7)5. 企业信息 (7)5.1. 企业基本信息 (7)5.2. 安全生产信息 (8)5.3. 绩效评估 (15)5.4. 部门管理 (15)5.5. 用户管理 (16)6. 隐患排查清单 (16)6.1. 危险源识别及评价 (16)6.2. 隐患检查清单 (16)6.2.1. 新增企业隐患排查清单 (17)7. 隐患排查治理 (18)7.1. 企业自查台账 (18)7.1.1. 清单检查 (19)7.1.2. 隐患登记 (20)7.2. 政府部门抽查台账 (20)7.3. 一般隐患台账 (21)7.3.1. 新增隐患自查 (22)7.4. 重大隐患台账 (22)8. 隐患统计上报 (22)8.1. 企业月报 (23)8.2. 追加线下隐患 (23)9. 工作互动 (24)9.1. 内部信息 (24)9.1.1. 写信 (24)9.1.2. 阅读 (25)9.2. 已发信息 (25)9.3. 通讯录 (25)9.3.1. 添加、管理用户组 (26)9.4. 已删除信息 (26)10. 系统管理 (27)10.1. 修改密码 (27)10.2. 操作手册(下载) (27)1.登陆与注册1.1.省局门户网站登陆可直接进入四川省安全生产监督管理局网站(可在任意搜索引擎上进行搜索),通过安监局门户网站进入系统登陆页面。

供应商门户使用说明书供应商使用端广东盘古信息科技股份有限公司2018-03-25更新记录:目录1引言 (5)1.1编写目的 (5)1.2背景 (7)1.3定义 (7)2软件概述 (8)2.1目标 (8)2.2功能 (8)3运行环境 (8)3.1界面要求 (8)3.2硬件设备要求 (8)3.3支持软件客户程序软件 (9)4使用说明 (9)4.1进入系统 (9)4.1.1 访问网址 (9)4.1.2 用户登陆 (10)4.1.3 系统操作流程 (10)5软件管理 (12)5.1供应商管理 (12)5.1.1企业信息维护 (13)5.1.2供应商物料信息维护 (17)5.2基础数据维护 (19)5.2.1定位器信息维护 (19)5.3采购订单 (20)5.3.1采购单维护 (21)5.4 ReelID打印 (24)5.4.1 ReelID打印 (24)5.5箱号打印 (30)5.5.1箱号打印 (30)5.6发货单维护 (37)5.6.1发货单维护 (37)5.7发货预约 (46)5.7.1发货预约 (47)5.8 报表管理 (48)5.8.1 RID统计报表 (49)5.8.2未装箱RID明细报表 (50)5.8.3箱号统计报表 (51)5.8.4未发货箱号明细报表 (51)5.8.5 已发货ReelID报表 (52)5.8.6 发货单物料明细报表 (53)5.8.7 采购单物料明细报表 (54)6供应商门户操作流程举例 (54)6.1企业与供应商物料信息维护 (55)6.1.1企业信息维护 (55)6.1.2供应商物料信息维护 (56)6.2基础信息的维护 (57)6.2.1 定位器信息维护 (57)6.3采购定单 (57)6.3.1 采购单维护 (57)6.4 Reel ID打印 (58)6.4.1 Reel ID打印 (58)6.5 箱号打印 (59)6.5.1 箱号打印 (59)6.6 发货单维护 (60)6.6.1 发货单维护 (60)6.7 发货预约 (61)6.7.1 发货预约 (61)6.8查看采购单发货完成状态 (62)6.8.1 采购单维护 (62)1引言1.1编写目的本文档是供应商门户Supplier Portal管理系统针对供应商的使用手册。
腾讯供应商门户系统 用户操作手册说明书


企业用户操作手册(V1.0)1目录一、手册前言 (4)二、使用流程 (6)1.1.注册 (6)1.2.登录 (7)1.3.忘记密码 (8)1.4.工作台 (10)1.5.我的企业 (10)1.5.1.企业实名认证 (10)1.6.我的融资 (13)1.6.1.发布融资需求 (13)1.6.2.产品选择 (14)1.6.3.融资订单列表 (15)1.6.4.融资详情 (16)1.7.个人信息 (19)1.7.1.基本信息 (19)1.7.2.修改密码 (20)1.8.消息中心 (21)1.9.退出登录 (21)三、平台门户网站 (22)3.1.首页 (22)3.2.分站点切换 (22)3.3.金融超市 (24)3.3.1.线上产品申请流程 (25)3.3.2.线下产品申请流程 (27)3.4.金融机构 (28)3.5.信用机构 (28)3.6.发布融资需求 (29)3.7.帮助中心 (29)3.8.联系我们 (30)5.8.1.意见反馈 (30)5.8.2.平台联系方式 (31)3一、手册前言全国中小企业融资综合信用服务平台(简称:全国信易贷平台)以全国信用信息共享平台为枢纽,广泛归集中小企业公共信用信息、自主填报信息、相关监管信息和市场信用信息等,推动“政银、企”信息互通和共享应用,结合大数据、智能风控等金融科技手段,创新开发以信用为核心的新型金融服务产品,打造覆盖全国、兼容地方、涵盖多种融资服务模式的一站式服务平台,推动“信易贷”全国推广。

商务部业务系统统一平台操作手册(企业用户)国富通信息技术发展有限公司二Ο一四年十二月目录1.综述 (2)1.1项目背景 (2)1.2编写目的 (2)2.使用说明 (3)2.1企业用户帐号申领 (3)2.2首页 (3)2.3业务大厅 (5)2.4业务管理 (5)2.5业务系统管理 (7)2.6企业信息管理 (9)2.7帮助信息 (11)1.综述1.1项目背景为落实商务部信息化领导小组会议关于切实加强电子政务资源整合和综合利用的精神,制定了商务部电子政务整合的总体规划,将在做好统筹规划和顶层设计基础上,按照“统一规划、统一标准、统一建设、统一防护”的原则,构建覆盖商务部“公共信息服务”、“业务系统”、“内网办公和决策支持系统”三大部分组成的电子政务统一平台。
OASIS Web门户用户手册说明书

Part I General InformationPart I General InformationDisclaimer==================================================================================The information of this document serves for education, training and/or on-boarding purposes only. HKEx assumes no responsibility for any errors, omissions or conflicts with clearing house rules, procedures and other official notice/circulars. Also, all examples in this document are used for illustration purposes only, and should not be considered the results of actual market circumstances. All matters pertaining to specifications herein are made subject to further revision and are superseded by official HKEx rules.==================================================================================Part I General Information Amendment LogUpdated Date Document /SectionDescriptionMay 2014 Part I, section 2, 3 and4-Revise the Part I section 2 and 4 to reflect the changesdue to launch of client clearing-Revise the access profile type available for ClearingMembers-Remove Hutchison Global Communications Limited(HGC) as Accredited Vendors of SDNet/2Dec 2014 Part I, section 4 -Additional access level“selfservice_documentdownload”May 2016 Part I, section 3 -security best practices for usage in OASIS Web PortalOct 2016 Part I, section 4 -Two additional access level “selfservice_limitenq” and “selfservice_loginonly”Mar 2021 Part I, section 4 -One additional access level “whatif_ClearingMemberID”-Remove access level “selfservice_loginonly”Aug 2022 -Housekeeping changesOASIS Web Portal User ManualPart I General Information Table of Contents1.I NTRODUCTION (5)2.S YSTEM O VERVIEW (7)2.1. Framework Overview (7)2.2. OASIS Operating Hours (7)2.3. Functions and Key Features (8)3.T ECHNICAL R EQUIREMENTS (10)3.1. Connection Requirements (10)3.2. Software Requirements (11)3.3. Computer Virus / Worm Security Measures (11)3.4. Prohibited Actions on OASIS System (12)4.A CCESS C ONTROL AND U SER A CCOUNT M ANAGEMENT (13)4.1. Access Control (13)4.2. User Account Management (14)Part I General Information 1.IntroductionOASIS stands for "OTC Account Services Information System" which is a Web Portal provided by OTC Clear to its Clearing Members to manage the collateral holdings and obligations with OTC Clear.This OASIS Web Portal User Manual aims to enable the Clearing Members of OTC Clear to make full and efficient use of OASIS by providing instructions for using the system's functions (user account administration, collateral request submission, and historical collateral requests enquiry and report retrieval).All instructions and activities in OASIS are subject to the respective Rules and Procedures of OTC Clear. ContentsThe Web Portal User Manual covers all available functions on OASIS. It is divided into five sections:Part I:⏹General & System Related Information of OASISPart II to V⏹Using OASIS1. User Account Administration2. Collateral Management3. Margin SimulatorThis Web Portal User Manual will be subject to further amendments and changes to cover the continuous expansion of OASIS’ services.For any suggestions and comments about the content of the Web Portal User Manual, please contact: Operations DepartmentOTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited30/F, One Exchange Square,8 Connaught Place, CentralHong KongHotline : 2211-6506Fax : 2427 2211Part I General Information HotlinesThe following hotlines are available to answer Clearing Members' enquiries on matters related to OASIS and its operations:General Enquiries:Tel. No. : 2211 6506Email Address : ***********************.hkService Hours : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to FridayOASIS Collateral Management Hotline:Tel. No. : 2211 6501Service Hours : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to FridayOASIS Margin Simulator Hotline:Tel. No. : 2211 6062Service Hours : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to FridayTechnical Enquiries:Tel. no. : 2211 6526Service Hours : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to FridayPart I General Information2.System Overview2.1.Framework OverviewThe following diagram shows the connectivity between OTC Clear’s Clearing System (OCASS) and OASIS.Diagram1. Connection of OTC Clearing System and OASISAs shown in the diagram, Clearing Members need a PC (dedicated PC is recommended due to security concern) connecting OASIS via the Securities and Derivatives Network (SDNet).SDNet is a consolidated network infrastructure designed to support multiple market system networks. Currently, SDNet supports many of the existing market systems of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) including the Hong Kong Futures Automated Trading System (HKATS) and the Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (DCASS). Please refer to “Section 3 Technical R equirement” for application and the installation details.After completing the installation of SDNet and connection to OASIS, Clearing Members will be provided with two URLs, one for logging on to collateral management portal and another for margin simulator portal.2.2. OASIS Operating HoursThe operating hours of OASIS are:7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., every OTC Clear Clearing Day 1Please note not all functions of OASIS are available throughout the operating hours. A number of functions on OASIS have different operating hours and are detailed in the corresponding sections of PART II to IV.1means, at any time, each day appearing on the OTC Clear Clearing Days Calendar that is in effect at such timeClearing Members’ PCOTC Clearing System (OCASS)Margin SimulatorPortalCollateral ManagementPortalOASIS connection frameworkSDNet Network EnvironmentPart I General Information 2.3.Functions and Key FeaturesOASIS has the following main functions to facilitate Clearing M embers’ daily operations:User account administration portal⏹Maintenance Functionso Create new usero Lock/unlock usero Reset password of user⏹Enquiry Functionso Enquire status of usero Enquire general setting of the portalCollateral management portal⏹Maintenance Functionso Submit collateral deposit/withdrawal requestso Fulfill margin calls requirement⏹Enquiry Functionso Enquire collateral account movemento Enquire the status of collateral deposit/withdrawal requestso Enquire margin calls⏹Reporting Functionso Retrieval of various types of reports2, including:▪Trade reports▪Settlement reports▪Margin reports▪Market Data reportsMargin simulator portal⏹Simulation Functionso Simulating margin requirement for a single tradeo Simulating margin requirement for a portfolioKey features of the three portals:User account administration portal⏹An interactive web browser terminal providing online user account creation/modificationand enquiry of user account status via a secured network2 Please refer to the Report Usage Guide for more details on the specifications of each report published by OTC Clear, the guidance for interpreting the contents therein, and the frequency of publication of each such report.Part I General Information⏹"Maker-Checker" mechanism to ensure user account/modifications are initiated andapproved by different users.Collateral management portal⏹An interactive web browser terminal providing online input, enquiry and report downloadvia a secured network⏹"Maker-Checker" mechanism to ensure collateral deposit / withdrawal requests arecreated and approved by different users.Margin simulator portal⏹Clearing Member-friendly interface allowing users to manually input trade details or adopt“bulk upload” (for portfolio) approach for margin simulation⏹Display margin requirement before and after the simulation for easy analysis of the impactto the existing portfolioPart I General Information3.Technical Requirements3.1.Connection RequirementsClearing Members are connected to the OASIS through Securities and Derivatives Network 2 (SDNet/2) infrastructure. SDNet/2 is provided by different network vendors to the Clearing Members. HKEx has defined a set of commercial and technical requirements for the SDNet/2 infrastructure. Through a comprehensive accreditation process, initially, 2 vendors have been appointed to provide SDNet/2 network services. These Accredited Vendors are (in alphabetical order): Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (also known as PCCW) and Wharf T&T Limited (Wharf T&T). To apply for SDNet/2, Clearing Members should first approach the Accredited Vendors and get the SDNet/2 application form and information. The Accredited Vendors’ contact numbers and email addresses are set out in the SDNet/2 Information Pack. Clearing Members should compare offers from the Accredited Vendors, read carefully all the terms and conditions as specified on the application form and the relevant material before completion of the application form. For general enquiry on the application process, interested party can contact the technical hotline in Part I section 1.Clearing Members may apply either single link connection (without resilience) or dual links connection for their backup site. However from system resilience perspective, dual links connection should be installed for the production site. The bandwidth requirement for 1 to 2 concurrent OASIS user(s) is 1M and for 3 to 4 concurrentOASIS users is 2M. Also, OASIS users should access the portal via SDNet/2 using a dedicated PC. Clearing Members should ensure thesecurity of information transmission and LAN switch for dual links or multiple dedicated PC connections.The following two diagrams show the dual links and single link connection communication network setup.Option 1: Dual links connection (for production site) Remark: Hub is required for dual links connection.Options 2 : Single link connection SDNet/2SDNet/2 Access RouterCat6 UTP CablesClient TerminalsManaged by PCCWPart I General Information3.2.Software RequirementsOASIS Users’ PC specifications:Recommended configurations for an OASIS user PC are as follows:Items DescriptionsFor MS Windows 7 Professional:HardwareConfiguration-Processor: Intel Core i5 2400 /3.1GHz-Memory: 4GB-Local Hard Disk: 500GBSoftwareOperating System (OS):Configuration-MS Windows 7 Professional-Browser: best viewed by Internet Explorer 9.0 (IE 9.0)-Java Runtime Environment : JRE 6.0puter Virus / Worm Security Measures/security best practicesComputer virus or worms are one of the concerns in the security measures of computer system. Various security measures have been employed in OASIS to protect it from computer virus or worms attacks. Besides, there are other potential sources of computer virus or worms e.g. use of external storage device in Clearing Member's PC for downloading OASIS information or uploading files to conduct simulation. Clearing Members should take the following precautionary measures for the OASIS users' PCs:Part I General Information Virus protectionInstall anti-virus software on OASIS users’ PCs and regularly update the virus definitions from the vendor. If OASIS user is using a dedicated PC without Internet connection, in some case, the vendor may make available the definition files daily in the Internet for download. Clearing Members may download the updated virus definition file with a PC with Internet access, save the file in a disk or flash disk and install the update at the OASIS users’ PC.Microsoft OS patchRegularly review and install the latest Microsoft security patches in OASIS users’ PCs. Clearing Members may subscribe to Microsoft technical security notifications to keep up-to-dated about security vulnerability and patches available.If OASIS user is using a dedicated PC without Internet connection, Microsoft security patches can be downloaded from Microsoft Download Center (or Microsoft Update Catalogue) separately with a PC having Internet access. Clearing Members may then save the file in a disk or flash disk and install the patch.Security best practicesOASIS users are highly recommended to have their own personal workstation to access OASIS web portal. If OASIS users are sharing the workstation to access OASIS web portal, users should login the workstation using his/her own credentials. In addition, users are required to log out the OASIS web portal by clicking the “Log Out” link and then logout the workstation after use.3.4.Prohibited Actions on OASIS SystemClearing Members must not perform any unauthorised access or security scanning (no matter at network, system or application level) on OASIS and any related network device not owned by them. Any such attempt will be regarded as illegal access or malicious intrusion to OASIS.Part I General Information 4.Access Control and User Account Management4.1.Access ControlOASIS provides different access rights to ensure that only relevant information is accessible to the authorised users of Clearing Members. These include:•Clearing Member ID•User profile, which includes:▪user ID▪user access group assignmentClearing Member IDOTC Clear assigns a Clearing Member ID to each Clearing Member/Client upon the approval of its membership/setup request. For Clearing Member, it is a twelve-character code.Example: ABCDBANK001TFor Client, it is a code with 6 to 7 characters for the short name / short identifier of the client.Example: XXXXXXXUser ID:For each Clearing Member, OTC Clear will provide 4 user accounts with access to User account administration portal (“OASIS admin users”).A unique user ID is required for each user accounts for OASIS.User ID for OASIS admin users will be assigned by OTC Clear. It has the following syntax: admin[#]@[ClearingMemberID](e.g. admin1@ABCDBANK001T).User ID for OASIS users will be assigned by OASIS admin users. It has the following syntax: [UserName]@[ClearingMemberID] , where the maximum characters of UserName is 18(e.g.john_dow@ABCDBANK001T).User name is assigned by the OASIS admin user, please refer to Part II, Section 2.1 for creation of OASIS user accountsHKEx has the right to suspend or delete OASIS user as its discretionsPart I General InformationUser Access Group:All OASIS admin users share the same user access group while there are two types of access profile for OASIS user. Please refer to Table 4.2 for the functions available for the different access Account ManagementClearing Members can apply extra OASIS admin user accounts and/or increase the maximum number of OASIS user accounts by completing and submitting “OASIS User Account Maintenance Form” to OTC Clear. The form is available for download on the HKEx website.Upon the approval of the OASIS admin user account request, each OASIS Admin user will be assigned a unique User ID and a temporary password to logon to OASIS. Clearing Members are required to change the password at the first logon and every 90days.Clearing Member is responsible to manage its own list of OASIS users. Further details on the features available in OASIS User Account Administrative Portal to aid account management can be found in Part II of this user guide.Table 4.2 Functions available for different OASIS user access groups:User Access GroupsACCESSIBLE FUNCTIONS selfservice_clientadminselfservice_collateral_userselfservice_collateral_approverselfservice_documentdownloadselfservice_limitenqwhatif_ClearingMemberIDOASIS User Account Administration Portal View Status of OASISusersCreate new OASISusersAmend setting ofexisting OASIS user Lock/unlock existingOASIS userDownload Report on status of OASIS userAuthorise request on changes on OASIS userOASIS Collateral Management Portal MARGIN CALL Enquire Margin CallsIssuedSubmit change to settlemargin call in non-base currencies COLLATERAL DEPOSITView HistoricalCollateral DepositRequestCreate CollateralDeposit RequestPart I General Information Cancel CollateralDeposit RequestReject CollateralDeposit RequestAuthorise CollateralDeposit RequestCOLLATERALWITHDRAWALView HistoricalCollateral WithdrawalRequestCreate CollateralWithdrawal RequestCancel CollateralWithdrawal RequestReject CollateralWithdrawal RequestAuthorise CollateralWithdrawal RequestREPORT FUNCTIONSSearch HistoricalReportsDownload ReportsSettlement LimitEnquiry PortalSettlement LimitMonitoringOASIS MarginSimulator PortalWhat-if TradeCalculationWhat-if PortfolioCalculationClearing Members' ResponsibilitiesEach Clearing Member is responsible for informing OTC Clear of any subsequent changes to the list of authorised signatories in relation to any request to OTC Clear for OASIS access.It is the responsibility of each Clearing Member to control the access to OASIS by ensuring the security and confidentiality of the User IDs and passwords of its assigned users. Clearing Members shall be liable for all instructions inputted into OASIS via the OASIS Users ID assigned to them.。

User ManualSEMS Portal WebV1.1-2022-11-21For Installers & Ender UsersCopyright StatementUser Manual V1.1-2022-11-21No part of this manual can be reproduced or transmitted to the public platform in any form or by any means without the prior written authorization of GoodWe.The information in this user manual is subject to change due to product updates or other reasons. This guide cannot replace the product labels or the safety precautions in the user manual unless otherwise specified. All descriptions in the manual are for guidance only.and other GOODWE trademarks are trademarks of GoodWe Technologies Co.,Ltd. All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in this manual are owned by GoodWe Technologies Co.,Ltd.Copyright©GoodWe Technologies Co.,Ltd. 2022. All rights reserved.TrademarksNOTICECONTENT User Manual V1.1-2022-11-21CONTENT1 About This Manual 1 1.1 Target Audience (1)1.2 Symbol Definition (1)1.3 Updates (1)2 Web Introduction 2 2.1 Applicable Products (2)2.2 Web Login (2)2.3 Account Registration (3)2.3.1 Register an End User Account (3)2.3.2 Register an Organization Account (3)2.4 Menu Introduction (4)3 Plant Monitoring 6 3.1 Checking Plant Overview (6)3.2 Checking Plant Details (7)3.3 Checking Alarms (8)3.4 Checking Operation Reports (9)3.5 Checking Warranty Info (10)3.6 Checking Account (10)3.7 Checking Plant Ownership (10)4 Plant Management 11 4.1 Creating Plant (11)4.2 Managing Plant (12)4.3 Managing Device (13)4.4 Managing Organization (13)4.4.1 Add New Organization (13)4.4.2 Modify the Organization (14)4.4.3 Delete the Organization (14)4.5 Setting Message (15)4.5.1 Set Message Notifying Type (15)4.5.2 Set Message Sending Object (16)4.5.3 Check Messages (16)User Manual V1.1-2022-11-21CONTENT 4.6 Setting Dashboard (17)4.6.1 Set Basic Info about Dashboard (17)4.6.2 Set Logo in the System and Dashboard (18)4.6.3 Check Dashboard Info (18)4.7 Setting Income and Carbon Emission (19)4.8 Setting Date Format (19)5 FAQs 20 5.1 How to check the Privacy Info? (20)5.2 How to Use Demo? (20)5.3 How to Reset a Forgotten Password? (21)5.4 How to Modify Account? (21)User Manual V1.1-2022-11-2101 About This Manual1 About This Manual1.1 Target Audience1.2 Symbol Definition1.3 UpdatesThis manual applies to trained and knowledgeable technical professionals. The technical personnel has to be familiar with the product, local standards, and electric systems.The latest document contains all the updates made in earlier issues.V1.1 2022-11-21• Update the whole structure and contents of the manual.Different levels of warning messages in this manual are defined as follows:• This manual mainly introduces common operations via SEMS Portal web.• This manual is subject to update without notice. For more product details and latest documents, visit https:// .V1.0 2022-01-17• First Issue.02 Web IntroductionUser Manual V1.1-2022-11-212 Web IntroductionSEMS Portal is one monitoring platform for Power Plant. You can manage the organizations and users, add power plants, check the operating data and alarming information of the power plant via SEMS Portal.2.1 Applicable ProductsYou can use SEMS Portal to monitor and manage GoodWe related products, such as inverters, smart meters, data loggers, and so on.• Already obtained the account and password; • Operating system: Windows 7 or above versions;• Browser: Chrome 57 or above versions;•Resolution: 1920*1080 pixels.Preconditions Steps2.2 Web LoginStep 1 Type https:// in the browser address bar.Step 2 Set the language according to the actual demanding. Type the account & password, and enter into SEMS Portal Web.User Manual V1.1-2022-11-2102 Web Introduction2.3 Account RegistrationStep 1 Click Register on the login interface,and follow the instructions.Contact your distributor selling the GoodWe product to create an Administrator account for you.Create new accounts if you already have Administrator account of SEMS Portal.2.3.1 Register an End User Account2.3.2 Register an Organization AccountMethod 2Method 1Step 1 Follow below steps and click OK to finish the registration.NOTICEIf neither Method 1 nor Method 2 could help, contact GoodWe After-sales Service to obtain one account.123An organization account includes Administrator, Technician and Browser accounts.02 Web IntroductionUser Manual V1.1-2022-11-212.4 Menu IntroductionUser Manual V1.1-2022-11-2102 Web Introduction03 Plant MonitoringUser Manual V1.1-2022-11-213 Plant Monitoring3.1 Checking Plant OverviewNo.Description1The displaying items are the overall operating information of all power plants under the specific account, such as Status Overview, New Plants This Month, Generation & Income Today, and Total Generation & Income.2The displaying items are the operating information of one single power plant. Click the power plant name, and you can check the detailed information of this power plant, i.e. the name, location, power, capacity, Specific Yield, daily, monthly and total generating volume of the power plant.213.2 Checking Plant DetailsStep 2 Click the plant name on the list to check its details.Step 1 (optional) Type the organization code, plant name, inverter SN or the E-mail address of the owner to search and identify the specific power plant quickly when there are plenty of powerStep 1 Click Alarms tag.Step 2 (optional) Filter by Alarm type.Step 3 Click Details on the plant list to see more information.Step 4 (Optional): Click History Curve , and jumps to reports exporting interface to obtain more details.Detailed alarming info:Steps3.3 Checking Alarms2134Type the Location, organization code, plant name, inverter SN, the E-mail address of the owner or the Status to check the alarming information of the plant via SEMS Portal Web.Check and export the plant reports, to analyze and optimize the plant’s power generating and income.ParametersDescriptionHistorical Data Data SelectionSupport to check the working data of the inverter (the longest period is 7 natural days). Details depends on the actual demanding.My TemplateThe items set in Data Selection can be saved as the template and kept within My Template for next usage.Generation ReportsDaily ReportSupport to check the electricity prices during different times on SEC1000 and Homekit1000. Monthly ReportSupport to check daily operating data of several power plants during one month.Annual ReportSupport to check monthly operating data of several power plants during a er-defined ReportSupport to check daily operating data of multiple power plants within 31 days, i.e. from 2021.11.9 to 2021.12.8.Simulation ReportCompare the actual generating and predicting generating situations of the power plant, to simulate and form its annual report.StatisticsMonthly Support to check daily generating volume of the power plants during NOTICEType the power plant name, inverter SN, plant location or the organization name to search and identify the specific power plant quickly when checking the plant reports.3.4 Checking Operation ReportsSteps2133.5 Checking Warranty InfoCheck the device's warranty information via SEMS Portal.13423.6 Checking AccountCheck the account list of an organization via SEMS Portal.1323.7 Checking Plant OwnershipCheck the dealer this plant belongs to under via SEMS Portal.Step 1 Select Management > Organizations > PV Plant Ownership, and enter into the checking page.Step 2 Find the ownership of the plant.4 Plant Management4.1 Creating PlantStep 1 Follow the steps in the Picture below.Step 2 Read the instructions, input the requested data, and finish the creation. (* refers to the mandatory items)1324.2 Managing PlantStep 1 Select Management >Plants, and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Select the plant name under Plant Name and click on it.Step 3 Manage the plant, such as delete or create a plant, edit the plant information, and so on.4.3 Managing DeviceOperations such as add, replace, delete devices, or modify the device name. The device types are: inverters, data loggers, communication box, smart meters and so on.Step 1 Select Management > Devices and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Select the plant name under Plant and click on it.Step 3 Manage the devices within the plant including: add, replace, delete devices, or modify the device name.4.4 Managing Organization4.4.1 Add New OrganizationStep 1 Select Management > Organizations > Organization Info, and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Click , fill in the sub-organization information. Then click Submit.4.4.2 Modify the OrganizationStep 1 Select Management > Organizations > Organization Info.Step 2 Check the organization code, modify its personnels and E-mail address.4.4.3 Delete the OrganizationStep 1 Select Management > Organizations > Organization Info, and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Choose the sub-organization name and click . Then click Submit.4.5 Setting MessageYou can change the settings for the messages such as: Notification Preference, Message Type, and Alarm Message Setting For Owner.4.5.1 Set Message Notifying TypeStep 1 Select Settings > Message > My Message, and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Choose your preferences. Then click Save Changes.Step 1 Select Settings > Message > For Owner, and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Select the plant name, and choose whether to send the alarming message. Then click Save Changes.4.5.2 Set Message Sending Object4.5.3 Check MessagesSelect whether to send the alarming messages to the owner.Click to check after finish message setting.User Manual V1.1-2022-11-2104 Plant Management4.6 Setting DashboardStep 1 Select Settings > System Setting > Dashboard , and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Set the displaying info of the Dashboard, and click Save Changes .4.6.1 Set Basic Info about Dashboard04 Plant ManagementUser Manual V1.1-2022-11-214.6.3 Check Dashboard Info4.6.2 Set Logo in the System and DashboardYou can click Lobby Dashboard to check after finishing the Dashboard Info Setting.Examples of Dashboard:Step 1 Select Settings > System Setting > Logo , and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Set the Logo displayed on the monitoring system or Dashboard, then click Save Changes .User Manual V1.1-2022-11-2104 Plant ManagementStep 1 Select Settings > System Setting > System , and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Enter the preferred settings, and click Save Changes .4.7 Setting Income and Carbon EmissionStep 1 Select Settings > My Settings > Personal Settings , and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Set the format of date, and click Save Changes .4.8 Setting Date Format05 FAQsUser Manual V1.1-2022-11-215.1 How to check the Privacy Info?Step 1 Click GDPR Contact to find the contact information of different regions for help.5 FAQsStep 1 Click Demo . The Demo interface displays contents with Browser account, which is for reference only.5.2 How to Use Demo?User Manual V1.1-2022-11-2105 FAQs5.3 How to Reset a Forgotten Password?Step 1 Click Forgot password and enter into the setting page.Step 2 There are two authentication ways to find the password: one is by Email and the other is by Device SN.Step 1 Select Settings > My Settings > My Account and enter into the setting page.Step 2 Modify the registering Email or password based on your demanding, or add a secondary account.5.4 How to Modify Account?GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.No. 90 Zijin Rd., New District, Suzhou, 215011, China ******************GoodWe WebsiteLocal Contacts。
企业管理系统-海关端 用户手册说明书

目录第一篇前言 (5)第二篇使用须知 (5)2.1门户网站 (5)2.2系统环境 (5)2.2.1操作系统 (5)2.2.2浏览器 (5)2.3重要提醒 (6)2.3.1关于录入要求 (6)2.3.2关于界面 (6)2.3.3关于键盘操作 (6)2.4通用功能 (7)2.4.1移动页签 (7)2.4.2折叠/展开菜单 (7)2.4.3关闭选项卡 (7)第三篇企业管理介绍 (8)3.1功能简介 (8)3.2进入或退出系统 (8)第四篇功能模块介绍 (10)4.1数据审批 (10)4.1.1企业备案 (10)4.1.2企业授权 (11)4.1.3IC卡备案 (13)4.1.4IC卡权限 (14)4.2现场授权 (15)4.2.1企业授权 (15)4.2.2IC卡授权 (18)4.3组号授权 (20)4.3.1新增授权 (21)4.3.2删除授权 (22)4.4报关行授权 (23)4.4.1IC卡授权 (23)4.4.2批量授权 (25)4.5注销管理 (28)4.5.1企业注销 (28)4.5.2IC卡注销 (30)4.6备案统计 (30)4.7综合查询 (31)4.7.1企业备案 (31)4.7.2企业权限 (32)4.7.3IC卡备案 (33)4.7.4IC卡权限 (35)4.7.5共享信息 (36)4.8自动审批设置 (37)4.8.1自动审批设置 (37)第一篇前言企业备案自助服务的目的在于简化流程、提高工作效率。
SIPM LGLM 平台使用手册说明书

一、前沿为了给思普内部员工、思普客户及思普合作伙伴提供一个终身学习研发管理和PLM系统的基于互联网平台,平台命名为“思普学习与成长生命周期管理SIPM/LGLM”(Learning and Growth Lifecycle Management)(简称SIPM/LGLM),确保思普员工、思普客户、思普合作伙伴不断学习,在工作中学习,在学习中工作,实现个人与公司共同成长。
SIPM/LGLM平台目前支持的浏览器:火狐浏览器Firefox、谷歌Google Chrome、360极速浏览器、windows操作系统自带的浏览器Microsoft Edge。
Oracle FLEXCUBE 银行业企业级应用程序设置门户说明书

Gateway Application Setup Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal BankingRelease[April] [2014]Table of Contents1.SETTING UP GATEWAY FOR ORACLE FLEXCUBE ......................................................................................... 1-1 1.1I NTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2S ETTING UP G ATEWAY EJB A PPLICATION................................................................................................................ 1-11.2.1Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................... 1-11.2.2Building EAR File ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.3S ETTING UP G ATEWAY MDB A PPLICATION ............................................................................................................. 1-91.3.1Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................... 1-91.3.2Building EAR File ............................................................................................................................................ 1-9 1.4S ETTING UP G ATEWAY HTTP A PPLICATION .......................................................................................................... 1-171.4.1Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................. 1-171.4.2Building EAR file ........................................................................................................................................... 1-17 1.5S ETTING UP G ATEWAY W EB S ERVICE A PPLICATION .............................................................................................. 1-241.5.1Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................. 1-241.5.2Building EAR File .......................................................................................................................................... 1-242.POST BUILDING ACTIVITY ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1I NTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.1Gateway Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.2Deployment Using Oracle WebLogic Application Server ................................................................................ 2-12.1.3Deployment Using IBM Websphere Application Server .................................................................................. 2-11. Setting up Gateway for Oracle FLEXCUBE 1.1 IntroductionThis chapter explains the steps for setting up the Gateway Application for Oracle FLEXCUBE.1.2 Setting up Gateway EJB ApplicationThis section explains the methods of setting up Gateway EJB Application.1.2.1 PrerequisitesYou need to create the following gateway EJB property files before building the application: ∙∙GW_EJB_Prop.properties1.2.2 Building EAR FileIn order to build EAR file for Gateway EJB Application, you need to follow the steps given below:1. Launch Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer. The welcome screen is displayed.2. Click ‘Next’.The following screen will be displayed.3. Select the application ‘Gateway’. Click ‘Next’.4. Specify the following details:File separator StyleSpecify the style of file separator (e.g Linux or Windows). Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.Application ServerSpecify the application server in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.ReleaseSpecify the release in which you are creating the property file.Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. The options are:∙KERNEL∙VN Cluster5. Select ‘Build Application’. Click ‘Next’.6. Select ‘Gateway EJB’. Click ‘Next’.7. C lick ‘Next’ the following screen will be displayed.8. Specify the following details:Source DirectorySpecify the location of the source directory.Eg: Source_Dir\GatewayThe location of the source directory can be remote or local.Destination DirectorySpecify the location of the destination directory. The source files from the software gets copied to this location.Eg: D:\Testing\source\destApplication NameSpecify the EAR name of the application.The application name should not contain special characters and space. However, you may use ‘_’ (usnderscore).Eg: GWEJBMultiple SourcesIn case of Cluster/Patch releases, you can get the files from multiple source directories. If you check this box, the installer does not allow you to specify the source directory in this screen. On clicking ‘Next’, the following screen is displayed.You can select all the source directories in this screen. The Installer will copy the sources from the multiple locations into the destination directory. You can have consolidated sources in the destination directory.9. Once you have specified the details, click ‘Next’ to continue.The EJB reference name will be ‘{APPLICATIONAME}_GW_EJB_Bean’ and the JNDI name will be‘{APPLICATIONAME}/ejb/GW_EJB_Bean’.For example, consider that the application name is GWEJB. In that case EJB and JNDI names will be as follows:∙EJB reference name: GWEJB_GW_EJB_Bean∙JNDI name: GWEJB/ejb/GW_EJB_Bean10. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is di splayed.11. Specify the following details:Centralized Property FileTo modify an existing property file, you need to select the exact property file by clicking on the folder icon.Do not load the file. The installer will load that file automatically based on the property file.12. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.13. Specify the following details:Distributed SchemaSpecify whether this is a distributed schema or not. This is a read only component . the Distributed schema will be YES only if the property file has distributed schema.Data SourceSpecify the data source of the schema.14. Click ‘Next’. In case you have selected ‘Yes’ against Distributed Schema, the following screen isdisplayed.15. Specify the datasource names.16. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.17. Click ‘Copy’ button. The installer copies the files.18. Click ‘Next. The following screen is displayed.19. Click ‘Build’ button to start the build process. The installer builds the source files.This completes the EAR file generation process. The EAR file will be saved to the destination directory.1.3 Setting up Gateway MDB ApplicationThis section explains the methods of setting up Gateway EJB Application.1.3.1 PrerequisitesYou need to create the following gateway MDB property files before building the application: ∙∙GW_MDB_Prop.propertiesFor details, refer to the section ‘Gateway MDB Application’ in chapter ‘Setting up Property Files’ (04-PropertyFile_Setup).1.3.2 Building EAR FileIn order to build EAR file for Gateway MDB Application, you need to follow the steps given below:1. Launch Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer. The welcome screen is displayed.2. Select the a pplication ‘Gateway’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:3. Specify the following details:File Separator Style:Specify the type of file separator (e.g: Linux or Windows). Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. You also need to specify the version of the selected operating system.Application ServerSpecify the application server in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.ReleaseSpecify the release in which you are creating the property file.Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. The options are:∙KERNEL∙VN Cluster4. Select ‘Build Application’. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed:5. Select ‘Gateway MDB’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:6. C lick ‘Next’ the following screen will be displayed.7. Specify the following details:Source DirectorySpecify the location of the source directory.Eg: Source_Dir\GatewayThe location of the source directory can be remote or local.Destination DirectorySpecify the location of the destination directory. The source files from the software will be copied to this location.Eg: D:\Testing\source\destApplication NameSpecify the EAR name of the application.The application name should not contain special characters and space. However, you may use ‘_’ (Underscore).Eg: GWMDBMultiple SourcesIn case of Cluster/Patch releases, you can get the files from multiple source directories. If you check this box, the installer will not allow you to specify the source directory in this screen. On clicking ‘Next’, the following screen is displayed.You can select all the source directories in this screen. The Installer will copy the sources from the multiple locations into the destination directory. You can have consolidated sources in the destination directory.8. Once you have specified the details, click ‘Next’ to continue.The EJB reference name will be ‘{APPLICATIONAME}_GW_MDB_Bean’ and the JNDI name will be‘{APPLICATIONAME}/ejb/GW_MDB_Bean’.For example, consider that the application name is GWMDB. In that case EJB and JNDI names will be as follows:∙EJB reference name: GWMDB_GW_MDB_Bean∙JNDI name: GWMDB/ejb/GW_MDB_Bean9. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.10. Specify the following details:Centralized Property FileTo modify an existing property file, you need to select the exact property file by clicking on the folder icon.Do not load the file. The installer will load that file automatically based on the property file.11. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.12. Specify the following details:Distributed SchemaSpecify whether this is a distributed schema or not. Select ‘Yes’ to indicate that this is a distributed schema. Otherwise, select ‘No’.Data SourceSpecify the data source of the schema.13. Click ‘Next’. In case you have selected ‘Yes’ against Distributed Schema, the following screen isdisplayed.14. Specify the datasource names.15. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.16. Click ‘Copy’ button. The installer copies the files.17. Click ‘N ext. The following screen is displayed.18. Click ‘Build’ button to start the build process. The installer builds the source files. This completes the EAR file generation process.The EAR file will be saved to the destination directory.1.4 Setting up Gateway HTTP ApplicationThis section explains the methods of setting up Gateway EJB Application. This is not applicable in EXEC mode of installation.1.4.1 PrerequisitesYou need to create the following gateway HTTP property files before building the application: ∙∙GW_HTTP_Prop.propertiesFor details, refer to the section ‘Gateway HTTP Application’ in chapter ‘Setting up Property Files’ (04-PropertyFile_Setup).1.4.2 Building EAR fileIn order to build EAR file for Gateway HTTP Application, you need to follow the steps given below:1. Launch Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer. The welcome screen is displayed.2. Select the Application ‘Gateway’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:3. Specify the following details:File Separator StyleSpecify the operating system in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.Application ServerSpecify the application server in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.ReleaseSpecify the release in which you are creating the property file.Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. The options are:∙KERNEL∙VN Cluster.4. Select ‘Build Application’. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is di splayed:5. Select ‘Gateway Http Servlet’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:6. C lick ‘Next’ the following screen will be displayed.7. Specify the following details:Source DirectorySpecify the location of the source directory.Eg: Source_Dir\GatewayThe location of the source directory can be remote or local.Destination DirectorySpecify the location of the destination directory. The source files from the software will be copied to this location.Eg: D:\Testing\source\destApplication NameSpecify the EAR name of the application.The application name should not contain special characters and space. However, you may use ‘_’ (underscore).Eg: GWHTTPApplication ContextBased on the Application type selected, the Installer displays the application context. However, you may modify the default value.Multiple SourcesIn case of Cluster/Patch releases, you can get the files from multiple source directories. If you check this box, the installer will not allow you to specify the source directo ry in this screen. On clicking ‘Next’, the following screen is displayed.You can select all the source directories in this screen. The Installer will copy the sources from the multiple locations into the destination directory. You can have consolidated sources in the destination directory.∙Once you have specified the details, click ‘Next’ to continue.∙The following screen is displayed.8. Specify the following details:Centralized Property FileTo modify an existing property file, you need to select the exact property file by clicking on the folder icon.Do not load the file. The installer will load that file automatically based on the property file.9. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.10. Click ‘Copy’ button. The installer copies the files.11. Click ‘Next. The following screen is displayed.12. Click ‘Build’ button to start the build process. The installer builds the source files. This completes the EAR file generation process.The EAR file will be saved to the destination directory.1.5 Setting up Gateway Web Service Application1.5.1 PrerequisitesYou need to create the following gateway HTTP property files before building the application: ∙∙GW_WS_Prop.propertiesFor details, refer to the section ‘Gateway Web Services Application’ in chapter ‘Setting up Property Files’ 04-PropertyFile_Setup.You must create the environment variables for the corresponding application. For details, refer to thesection ‘For Gateway Web Service Application Building’ in chapter ‘Setting up Oracle FLEXCUBEInstaller’ (02-Installer_Installation).1.5.2 Building EAR FileIn order to build EAR file for Gateway Web Service Application, you need to follow the steps given below:1. Launch Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer. The welcome screen is displayed.2. Select the Application ‘Gateway’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:3. Specify the following details:Operating SystemSpecify the operating system in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. YouApplication ServerSpecify the application server in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.ReleaseSpecify the release in which you are creating the property file.Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.The options are:∙KERNEL∙VN Cluster4. Select ‘Build Application’. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed:5. Select ‘Gateway WebServices’. Click ‘Next’.6. The following screen is displayed:click ‘Next’ the following screen will be displayed.This screen is not displayed in EXEC mode of installation.7. Specify the following details:Source DirectorySpecify the location of the source directory.Eg: Source_Dir\GatewayThe location of the source directory can be remote or local.Destination DirectorySpecify the location of the destination directory. The source files from the software will be copied to this location.Eg: D:\Testing\source\destApplication NameSpecify the EAR name of the application.The application name should not contain special characters and space. However, you may use ‘_’ (usnderscore).Eg: GWWebServiesApplication ContextBased on the Application type selected, the Installer displays the application context. However, you may modify the default value.Multiple SourcesIn case of Cluster/Patch releases, you can get the files from multiple source directories. If you check this box, the installer will not allow you to specify the source directory i n this screen. On clicking ‘Next’, the following screen is displayed.In EXEC mode of installation, on clicking ‘Next’ after verifying the JAR requirement, you will be navigated to the following screen.Here you can specify details regarding source directory, destination directory and application name.XSD ModifiedYou can check this box if the installer needs to recompile web services with new XSDs. This is required when an XSD is modified.WSDL ModifiedYou can check this box if the installer needs to recompile web services with new WSDLs. This is required when WSDL is modified.In case of XSD or WSDL web services should be recompiled,Copy the modified service sources into the service source path (<services_source_path>). Remove the unmodified services and proceed.In case of FCUBS the services sourcepath is ‘Source_Dir\MAIN\<Module>\Gateway\Services’.8. Once you have specified the details, click ‘Next’ to continue.9. The following screen is displayed.10. Specify the following details:Centralized Property FileTo modify an existing property file, you need to select the exact property file by clicking on the folder icon.Do not load the file. The installer will load that file automatically based on the property file.11. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.12. Select the modules to be included for Web Services.13. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.14. Click ‘Copy’ button. The installer copies the files.15. Click ‘Next. The follow ing screen is displayed.16. Click ‘Build’ button to start the build process. The installer builds the source files. This completes the EAR file generation process.The EAR file will be saved to the destination directory.2. Post Building Activity 2.1 IntroductionThis section introduces you to the activities to be carried out after setting up the gateway applications. 2.1.1 Gateway ConfigurationGateway application looks for the required files inside the ‘XSD Path’ and ‘Logger File’ provided at thetime of Gateway Property creation.Refer to the step 7 in the chapter ‘Creating Property File for Gateway Applications’ in the manual ‘Setting up Property File’ for details.You need to maintain the following files in XSD Path and Logger Path:Path FilesLogger Path Logger path should contain the gateway property files generated by the Installer.For example, for Gateway EJB application, the installer generates the files‘’ and ‘’. While creating the property file if you specify t he ‘Logger Path’ as ‘D:/Kernel11.1/GW_EJB/config/’, then you need to place both the files‘’ and ‘’ inside the folder‘D:/Kernel11.1/GW_EJB/config/’.XSD Path XSD Path should contain the common XSD files as well as the gateway module specific XSD files which are related to gateway operation.Copy the common XSD files from ‘MAIN\Core\Gateway\COMMON’ to the XSD Path. Copy the module specific XSD files from ‘MAIN/<module>/ Gateway/XSD’ to the XSD Path.ServerState.xml should be copied in the XSD Directory fromGateway\Utilities\POSS\ServerState.xml2.1.2 Deployment Using Oracle WebLogic Application ServerFor details on the manual deployment using Oracle WebLogic Application Server, refer to the chapter ‘Gateway Application with WebLogic’ (GATEWAY_Applications_WL).2.1.3 Deployment Using IBM Websphere Application ServerFor details on the manual deployment using IBM Websphere Application Server, refer to the chapter ‘Gateway Application with Websphere’ (GATEWAY_Applications_WAS.doc).Gateway Application Setup[April] [2014]Version Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax:+91 22 6718 3001/financialservices/Copyright © [2007], [2014], Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. 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Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.。

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2.1 填订货卡菜单:我的订单>>期货订货,点“新增”按钮,进入订货卡页面录入订货卡有3种方式供选择,:(标记星号的为必填项) 1复制原来的订货卡 2导入excel 模版 3 手工录入订货卡填写完成后,点“提交”按钮,上传到地区公司,等待地区公司确认并生成草约。
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UNDP supplier portal guide - December 2022
Step 5 – Fill out the questionnaire
1st question – state the year you began working in the relevant field.
2nd question – state total years of experience.
Note: You will see above notification after clicking “Register”.
tep 8 – Activate account
Note: Check your email for the verification message. If you don’t find it in your inbox check “Spam” or “Junk”. Follow the instructions in the email to ensure successful registration.
Step 2 – Enter contact information
Note: Use the pencil icon to edit if necessary. To add alternative contacts, click on “+Create” icon.
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(1)将TM\08\Database文件夹中db_database25.sql放入mysql目录下的bin 文件中,选择“开始”/“所有程序”/“MySQL”/“MySQL Command Line Client”命令,
(2)将打开MySQL数据库的Command Line Client窗口,在该窗口中,输入密码并按下〈Enter〉键时,进入数据库在命令行输入source db_database25.sql。
图1 “导入”窗口
图2 “导入”窗口
图3 MyEclipse项目发布对话框
(10)在弹出如图4所示的对话框中,选择“Server”下拉选择框中的“Tomcat 5”服务器,单击“完成”按钮程序将自动发布到服务器中。
图4 New Deployment
(11)单击工具栏中按钮右侧的小箭头,在弹出的菜单中选择“Tomcat 5”/“Start”菜单项,如图5所示。
图5 服务器运行菜单
图6 系统登录页面
图7 高级查询页面
图8 类别统计
图9 所有药品页面。