I.J. Engineering and Manufacturing, 2012,4, 1-8Published Online August 2012 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijem.2012.04.01Available online at /ijemSVM Based P2P Traffic Identification Method With MultiplePropertiesYao Zhao a, Zhixin Wei b, Hua Zou cState Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts andTelecommunications Beijing, ChinaAbstractWith the rapid development of the Internet, P2P has become the main network application in the Internet, which consumes most of the network resources. Accurately identifying and making control of the P2P traffic is of great significance. As a mature classification theory, support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is suitable for P2P traffic identification. This paper proposes a SVM based P2P flow identification method, adopting multidimensional flow properties as the input vector, which can improve the P2P flow classification accuracy. Analysis shows this method has many advantages over the other methods.Index Terms: traffic identification; P2P; SVM.© 2012 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1.IntroductionInvestigations show that the P2P application enlarges the resource share across the whole network as well as consumes most of the network resources, which leads to congestion and other traffic problems. In order to identify the P2P traffic and to make control of it, the P2P identification has become a hot research subject.2.Related Work2.1.Traditional P2P Flow identification technologyThe traditional traffic identification mainly uses port-based and deep packet inspection method. The P2P traffic can be identified according to the specific traffic port and special application tags of packets of the P2P traffic data[1][2]. With the rapid development of P2P, more and more P2P applications tend to use dynamical or anonymous ports as well as encrypted P2P traffic data. Under such circumstances, the above method is no longer applicable.* Corresponding author.E-mail address: a zhaoyao@; b whithin@; c zouhua@2SVM Based P2P Traffic Identification Method With Multiple Properties Some traffic identification methods are property-based[3][4]. These methods use P2P traffic properties as a basis for judging, such as TCP and UDP traffic exist between the P2P nodes, connections P2P nodes accept and initiate at the same time, balanced upload and download traffic on P2P nodes. These methods can detect traffic with encrypted data packets and dynamic ports. However, It is only applicable to the known P2P traffic. For the unknown or new P2P traffic, it cannot work appropriately. To solve this problem, experts and scholars apply classification algorithms of the machine learning filed to the P2P traffic identification and achieve a better recognition effect.More and more statistical decision-making, clustering pattern classification methods of the machine learning and data mining field have been applied to P2P traffic identification. Such as Bayesian classification algorithm, support vector machine (SVM), BP neural network and so on, among which SVM classification becomes a research hotspot with its superiority and significant effect in the P2P traffic classification. This paper introducesa P2P traffic identification method based on SVM classification.2.2.Introduction to SVMSVM is a machine learning method based on statistic theories[5]. It uses a pre-selected nonlinear transform, mapping unclassified problem of the low dimensional space to high dimensional feature space, and creates the optimal classification hyper plane in the space, which will classify the problems into two types. Therefore, it is suitable for P2P and non-P2P scene.When using the SVM as the classification method, each sample consists of a vector and a mark. The vector is composed of one or several properties, while the mark indicates the category of the sample. In this paper, P2P flow is tagged with +1, others tagged with -1. As follows: = (,) , is the feature vector, is the mark.Suppose there are n d-dimension samples, the sample type mark is + 1 or - 1, can be expressed as: ()*+If there exists a hyper plane , which makes:() (1) () (2) At this point, to make the classification interval maximum, is equivalent to make or minimal.Thus, the hyper plane that meets the conditions above and make minimal is called optimal classification plane. The training sample points that are parallel to and nearest to the hyper plane are called a support vector.Hyper plane is able to correctly identify the two types of samples and expresses optimization problems with the maximum interval as:,()- (3) The minimum value can be obtained under the restriction of (3)()〈〉 (4) This problem can be transformed to its dual problem:∑ (5)SVM Based P2P Traffic Identification Method With Multiple Properties 3 The maximum value can be obtained under the constraint of (5):()∑∑( ) (6) After computing the optimal solution of , and , the optimal classification function is obtained as follows:()*()+*∑()+ (7) The above function is appropriate for the liner classification problems. By turning the problem into its dual problem, the optimization objective function or the classification function only involves the inner product of the high dimensional space of training samples. For the non-liner problems, it can be solved by choosing the appropriate kernel function ( ) which can map the low dimension space to high dimension space to accumulate the inner product result. In this way, the non-liner classification can be transformed into liner classification problem. Then, the optimal objective function turns to be:()∑∑ ( ) (8) And the related classification function turns to be:()*∑()+ (9) 2.3.SVM based network traffic identification reviewGenerally speaking, the traditional statistical classification method is based on mathematical induction which get common abstraction from known data, then predict the unknown ones. This method works well only when the sample amount reaches a certain quantity. However, SVM classification method is different, it does not need to summarize the universal truth from the known, but through studying the known types, directly predict the unknown ones. At present, the development of the SVM theory is mature. Its superiority has been proved by many experiments, which shows that the application of SVM applied on P2P flow identification is worth studying.Much research work has been done on SVM based traffic identification and made great progress. Gabriel Gómez Sena[6]use the size of the first packets on both directions of a flow as a statistical fingerprint, by comparing the centroid clustering method with the SVM clustering method prove that the SVM based method has much higher accuracy in traffic identification. Rui Wang[7]and his colleagues concern that the peer of the P2P application connect with more different address than normal nodes, based on which he proposed a sensitive feature extraction algorithm and transformed the flow data to 3-dimension feature data as the input vector of the SVM algorithm. And experiment shows this method can identify the known as well as unknown P2P traffic with an acceptable accuracy.Both of the referenced SVM based P2P traffic identification methods work excellently on the P2P traffic identification, but they take advantage of only one or two flow statistical properties. Comparing with the single flow property as the input vector, the multiple flow properties have much better performance [8]. This paper proposes a new SVM based P2P traffic identification method which uses multiple statistical properties as the input vector of the SVM predict model4SVM Based P2P Traffic Identification Method With Multiple Properties3.SVM based P2P traffic identification method with multiple propertiesSVM classification method has been brought into the P2P flow identification field. Different from the existing single property input vector method, this paper adopts the multiple flow properties as the input vector of the SVM classification model. The SVM classification model is generated by the precisely pre-classified flow sample. Each time choose different properties combination as the input vector of the SVM classification model, record the classification accuracy. The flow properties combination that has highest accuracy will be finally selected as the input vector.The key points of this method are obtaining the precisely pre-classified P2P flow samples and the selection of best combination of the flow properties. Therefore, this paper will describe both of the aspects in detail.3.1.procedure descriptionLike most of the machine learning methods, the SVM based P2P traffic identification method includes two main phases[9], the SVM training phase and the SVM testing phase. In the SVM training phrase, the pre-classified flow samples are used to produce a SVM predict model, while in the SVM testing phase, the SVM predict model will be fully tested to see its accuracy. Before the above two phase, the priory work is to get the flow samples as the input data of the classification model. The whole procedure of the method can be described in Fig 1:Figure 1 SVM based P2P identification procedureFirstly, network packets are captured by capture tools. Then, flow samples are generated by a C++ program developed for this experiment. After that, flow Samples are pre-classified by marking with non-P2P traffic or P2P traffic tag. Then, the pre-classified are used by the SVM tool, combinations of different flow properties are selected as the input vectors for SVM training to generate the classification model. Select the one with the best accuracy as the final classification model, output the results of flow identification. Detailed contents will be introduced in the following content.3.2.Packets CaptureWire Shark is used to capture the network packets. The P2P peers use UDP to find each other and use TCP to transport the application data. To ease the analysis, before any capture, the unrelated packets like ARP, broadcast and multicast layer2 packets were all filtered, only the TCP and UDP packets were saved.SVM Based P2P Traffic Identification Method With Multiple Properties 53.3.Flow GenerationA C++ program was developed to generate the flow samples. Unpack the packets, record the source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port and protocol, the packets with the same five parameters are thought to belong to the same flow, generate a flow record.When getting a packet, the flow records of the five parameters were checked, if there is a flow record of that packet, update the flow information, and otherwise generate a new flow record. The three handshakes was thought as the beginning of a TCP flow, and the FIN/RST as the end. Besides, if no further packets come during a period of T seconds, such as 90s, the flow is thought to be over. Similarly, if there are no packets come in 90s, a UDP flow is thought to be over. Record all the flow properties, includes the total time of a flow, total packets, total bytes, the arrival time interval, the packet size, payload size etc.3.4.Pre-classify flow sampleIn order to get the accurately pre-classified flow samples, a specific LAN was established. In different time period, one or several hosts were designated to run the specific P2P application or non-P2P application. Specific application type of the flow can be identified by its IP address.At the edge router of the LAN, mirror all the interface packets to a fixed interface of the router, capture the packets of the host directly connect to that interface for later use. Mark the type of the flow based on its IP information. The flow sample will be marked as P2P or non-P2P flow as SVM training samples.After getting the necessary pre-classified samples, the paper will focus on the introduction of the P2P flow identification method.3.5.SVM training process1) Preparation workThis paper uses the open sourced LibSVM [10] tool to train and test the flow sample. LibSVM is developed by professor hih–Jen of national Taiwan University. It is an effective recognition and regression software package, including three basic tools: SVM-train, SVM-predict, SVM-scale. SVM-train is most important tool, which is used to train the sample and generate the predict model. SVM-predict is used to predict the data, output the accuracy of the test sample and predict model. SVM-scale is used to transform the vector values into [-1, 1]. The LibSVM source code is downloaded from the website and compiled under Linux to generate the executive file. The experiment adopted the proposed SVM classification steps:Firstly, the flow samples are transformed into the required form, each flow sample is described as <label> : <index1> : <value1> : <index2> : <value2> : <index3> : <value3> … , ended by …\n‟. <label> is an integer marking the type. <index>:<value> gives a property value. <index> starts from 1 and <value> is a real number of the property value.Secondly, conduct the SVM-scale on the flow samples, the value of each property is restricted to range [-1,1] to simplify calculation complexity.2) Kernel function and parameters selectionAppropriate kernel function and parameters can make the mapped distribution region of the sample more focused, thus strengthening the "linear divisible" degree of samples in the property space, to increase the classification precision and generalization capability.For the same experiment data, using different kernel functions and parameters, the classification accuracy can vary widely, even for the same kernel function; classification precision also can have bigger difference with different parameters. The commonly used kernel functions [5] are:Linear kernel:6SVM Based P2P Traffic Identification Method With Multiple Properties( )( ) (10) ●Polynomial kernel:( )[( ) ] (11) ●Radical Basis function(RBF):( ){ } (12) ●Sigmoid tanh:( ) ( ( ) ) (13) According to the functional theory, as long as there is one kind of kernel function satisfying the Mercer condition, it corresponds to the inner product of the high dimensional space.Polynomial kernel function can always satisfy mercer condition, but the parameters of the function is more, and the parameter selection influences classification accuracy influence; Sigmoid kernel function can satisfy Mercer condition only under specific circumstance; RBF kernel function parameter has only two parameters, at the same time, it can satisfy the Mercer conditions, so select RBF as the kernel function of the experiment.After choosing RBF as the kernel function, the next step is to find the best parameter C and r. To simplify the experiment, use the recommended cross-validation tool “grid-search” tool provided by the LibSVM. In cross-validation, the training set is first divided into N subsets of equal size. Sequentially one subset is tested using the classifier trained on the remaining N-1 subsets. Thus, each instance of the whole training set is predicted once, the cross-validation accuracy is the percentage of data which are correctly classified. After the best(C, r) is found, the whole training set is trained again to generate the predict model.The pre-classified training samples must be evenly distributed, so as to ensure the reliability of classification results. By testing the known classification samples, compare the results obtained to the pre-define result to see whether the predict model meets the demand.3) Flow properties selectionIn the process of the flow sample generation, all the information of the flow sample are recoded, such as the application port, the source and destination IP, the number of packets, the duration of the flow, the total bytes. Not all of the flow properties will affect the classification accuracy, only a few of the key properties affect flow classification accuracy.A flow sample is described as:()*+is the ith flow sample, indicates the P2P flow type ,+1 is P2P flow,-1 is not P2P flow;is the ith property of the flow, the value is in range of[-1,+1], after conducting the SVM-scale.This paper adopts discriminators selection method [8] to choose the properties combination as the input vector. Firstly, choose one property as the basic property, record the classification accuracy of the SVM model, then sequentially add one property each time, record the corresponding classification accuracy, see whether the added flow property affect the classification accuracy. In this way, find out the flow properties exclusively that influence the classification result least to gain the properties combination that have the maximum classification accuracy.The experiment proved that some of flow properties have more influence on the classification accuracy than the others, which can be selected as the input vector of the flow classification model: the flow duration, totalSVM Based P2P Traffic Identification Method With Multiple Properties 7 packets, total bytes, average maximum and minimum packet size, protocol type, average maximum and minimum payload size, average maximum and minimum interval of packet arrival time.4.Method AnalysisSVM is a very mature theory; scientific research has proved its superiority in classification field. It also has made certain progress in its application in the flow identification. SVM method studies the known flow samples to produce a classification model to predict the unknown flow. It doesn‟t need to do statistical computation on the known samples which reduce the required sample number.This paper adopts the multidimensional flow properties as the input vector of the P2P flow classification model, which has better accuracy than the single property. Comparison between the multidimensional flow properties and single property is showed in TABLE I, which prove that the multidimensional flow properties as the input vector of the P2P flow classification has better effect.Table 1. Comparison between single property and multiple properties method1 Method name Based on the early packets size Based on multiple properties2 Flow generate Save packets length < 200kbytes Save packets with all length3 Pre-classify sample deep packet inspection Specific network4 Pre-classification accuracy Can‟t classify new and unknownP2P flowCan classify all the flow5 Property number Single property Multiple property6 Identification accuracy About 80% Above 90%SVM based single flow property P2P traffic identification has its restriction. The flow type cannot be decided by one flow property. The combinations of the flow properties define the right type of the P2P flow. Although the affection of different property on the classification accuracy varies, the experiment proved that the combination of them as the study input of the SVM model has better classification effect. Besides, the pre-classify method of deep packet inspection can works well only with the existing P2P flows, for the new or unknown P2P flow, it can‟t correctly mark the flow type. Hence, this paper builds an experimental environment. The designated IP run the specific network applications, so the flow type can be marked accurately according to its IP, which provide completely accurate pre-classified flow samples5.SummarizeFirstly, this paper gives a summary of P2P traffic identification, and then describes principles as well as advantages and disadvantages of each traffic classification method. After that a multi-dimensional vector-based SVM classification method is presented, which make use of the discriminatory selection to find the flow properties with the greatest impact on the classification accuracy as the input vector of the classification model, which has better classification accuracy than SVM classification based one-dimensional input vectors.Further work will focus on the improvement of the method, enabling it to be applied to wide area networks and implementation of real-time P2P traffic identification.8SVM Based P2P Traffic Identification Method With Multiple PropertiesAcknowledgmentThis work was supported by National Key Basic Research Program of China ("973" Program) (2009CB320406), National High Technology Research and Development Program of China ("863" Program) (2008AA01A317), the Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.60821001), and Beijing Municipal Commission of Education to build the project special. 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降低 这些 负 面影 响的 危害 程度 。 中 , 其 如何 准确 识别
P P 量成 为P P 量管 理 中重要 的问题 。 2流 2流
按 照发 展 历程 。传统 的P P 量 识 别方 法 可 以 2流
归 结 为 如 下 几 类 : 口识 别 法 、 P ( 层 数 据 包 检 端 D I深 测 ) 法 、 于行为 特 征 的识 别 方法 和机 器 学 习的方 方 基 法 。端 口识 别 技 术 和D I 别技 术 都 具 有 一定 的局 P识
该 系统 有2 种运 行模 式 :训 练模 式和 识 别模式 。
在 训 练模 式下 。 入 已知 的训练 样 本流量 , 过预 处 输 经 理 、 征 选取 、 征 向 量 表示 模 块 进 入 S M 训 练模 特 特 V 块, 进行 训 练 , 将训 练 结果 入库 ; 并 在识 别 模式 下 , 输 入 待 测 网络 流 量样 本 , 过 预 处理 、 征选 取 、 经 特 特征 向量表 示 模块 进入 S VM分类 器 模 块 , 行 未知 流量 进 的识 别 , 可判 断 出是 否 为P P 2 流量 。
数据 采集 层 为该 系统 的最 底层 ,主要 功能 是对
S M 的输入 向量 进 行获 取 和可学 习化 处理 。识 别功 V 能层是 该 系统 的 中间 一层 ,也是 本 文重 点讨 论 的部
压力 等 。 目前 迫 切需 要 有 效 的P P 量 管 理 技术 以 2流
分 。 制管 理层 是该 系 统 的最 高层 , 控 该层 提供 相关 的 管 理决 策 和更 新支 持 向量库 等功 能 .作 为管 理者 的
目前几 种 经 常研 究 的核 函数 有 : 性 核 、 线 多项 式 核 、
摘要:针对传统的P2P 流量识别技术存在识别率低和误判率高的缺点,将机器学习中AdaBoost 算法的良好分类能力和SVM 的泛化能力结合起来,提出一种基于AdaBoost-SVM 组合算法的P2P 网络流量识别模型,将SVM 作为AdaBoost 的基分类器,运用最小近邻法计算支持向量与训练集的样本间的距离实现分类进行P2P 流量识别。
最后,以4种P2P 流量数据为研究对象在MATLAB 上进行仿真,仿真结果表明,提出的AdaBoost-SVM 的组合算法在P2P 网络流量的分类性能和分类准确率上都优于单纯的AdaBoost 和SVM ,组合算法的P2P 流量平均识别率高达98.7%,远高于AdaBoost 和SVM 的识别率。
关键词:对等网络流量,支持向量机,分类器,分类能力,泛化能力中图分类号:TP393.08文献标识码:A基于AdaBoost-SVM 的P2P 流量识别方法*刘悦,李雪(开封大学信息工程学院,河南开封475004)P2P Traffic Identification Method Based on AdaBoost and SVMLIU Yue ,LI Xue(School of Information Engineering ,Kaifeng University ,Kaifeng 475004,China )Abstract :The traditional P2P traffic identification technology has shortcomings of low recognitionrate and high rate of false positives ,this paper combines AdaBoost algorithm with good generalizationability of SVM classification together ,Proposed P2P network traffic identification model based on a combination of AdaBoost -SVM algorithm.The minimum distance is calculated using the nearestneighbor method and support vector samples of the training set to achieve the classification between P2P traffic identification.Finally ,taking four kinds of P2P traffic data for example ,simulation results show that ,AdaBoost and combinations of the SVM algorithm is proposed in the classification performance and classification accuracy is better than pure AdaBoost and SVM ,the average recognition rate of Combination Algorithm was up to 98.7%,much higher than the recognition rate of AdaBoost and SVM.Key words :P2P traffic ,support vector machine ,classifier ,classification capabilities ,generalization ability0引言随着对等网络技术的快速发展,P2P 技术被广泛应用于流媒体传输、文件共享以及即时通信等领域。
丁要 军 ,蔡 皖东
(. 1西北工业大学计算机学院 , 1 1 9 西安 ; . 702 , 2 成阳师范学院信息工程学院 , 10 0 陕西咸 阳) 720 ,
摘 要 :针 对 识别加 密 P P 网络 流 量 比较 困难 的 问题 , 出一种 基 于 K 均 值 和 直推 式 支持 向 量机 2 提 (S T VM) 半监督 学 习模 型— — 两 阶段 策 略模 型 ( S 的 KT VM ,kmen ae rnd ciesp ot - asbsdta sut u p r v vco cie , etr mahn ) 以提 高 P P流 量的识别 精度. 模 型 首先使 用 K 均 值 半监督 聚 类算 法计 算 训练 2 该
a d a c r c fTS n c u a yo VM r mp o e . An i p ra ta v n a eo h d l st a h d l a a ei r v d m o tn d a tg ft emo e h tt emo e n i c b r ie y b t b ld s mp e n n a ee a pe 。a d t emo e Ss i b efrt ei e — etan db o h l ee a lsa d u lb lds m ls n h d li u t l o h d n a a t ia ino 2 r fi t a Sdfiutt elb ld i c t fP P taf h ti if l ob a ee .Ex e i n a e u t h w h tt ep o o e f o c c p rme tl s lss o t a h r p sd r m o e Sb te h n TS d 1i et rt a VM n VM o esi c u a y a d sa it a dS m d l n a c r c n tbl y,a d t a sa fe t e i n h ti i n efci t v wa o i r v h c u a yo 2 r fi d n iiain y t mp o et ea c r c fP P ta f ie t c t . c f o
一、 SVM分类算法SVM是一种二分类模型,主要用来解决分类问题。
中图分 类号 : P 9 T 33 文献标 识码 : A 文章 编号 : 0 8—3 3 2 1 ) 3— 0 9— 6 10 4 X(0 0 0 0 7 0
0 引言
当前 , 2 P P网络技 术迅 速发 展 , 网络规 模急 剧扩 张. 统计 ,2 据 P P网络 流量 已经 占据 了互联 网流 量总 数 的
收稿 日期 :00—0 2 1 6—1 2 作者简介 : 李鹏( 93一 ) 男 , 18 , 河南 开封人 , 助教.
7 9
分类超平 面 . 1 明 了它 的基本 思想 . 图 表
图 1 支持向量机最优分类超平面示意图
图 1中 , 两类样 本分 别用 实心点 和空心 点来 表示 ;Y 3 类超 平面用 H来 表 示 ; 两类 样本 中各 自距 离超 平 面
P P流量特征, 2 构建 B P网络 , 通过该网络的足够训练, 得到相关 的测试结果. 但是神经 网络的层数和神经元 个数 难 以确定 , 容易 陷入局 部极 小 , 出现过 学 习现象 . 文献 [ ] 6 提 出使用支 持 向量机 的方法 进行 P P流 量 5 [] 2 识别 . V 在避免 局部 最优 解 , 服 “ 数灾难 ” 解 决小 样 本 、 SM 克 维 , 高维 输 入 空 间 的 P P流 量识 别 问 题 上体 现 出 2
开展 P P网络 的 Q S控 制研究 就显 得非 常必 要. 2 o 而实现 Q S控制 也成 为 P P网络管理 的重要特 征 . o 2
要实 现 P P网络 的 Q S控 制管 理 , 必须 清楚 地 了解 P P网络 当前 的工作 情 况 , 2 o 就 2 以便及 时 对 网络采 取 相 应 的管 理措施 . 就需要 对 P P流 量进行 识别 ,2 这 2 P P流量识 别是 实施 有效 的 Q S控制 的基础 . o 因此 , 深入 研
21 0 1年 7月
计 算 机 应 用 研 究
Ap lc to s a c fCo u e s p ia i n Re e r h o mp t r
V0 _ 8 No 7 l2 .
J 1 2 1 u. 0 1
基 于优 化 S VM 的 P 2 P协议 识 别 水
随着计算 机通信 网络的不 断发 展 , 通过 网络 共享 资源 的 P P应用越来越广泛 。虽然 P P应用从很大程度 上缓解 了 C 2 2 /
用以及 非 P P应 用的分类 , 2 进而 实现对 P P应 用 的监管 。不 2
同的协议具有不 同的特征 , 本文通过获取数 据包会话 流的各种 属性 , 对其进行统计分析 , 通过特征提取 , 择出最能识别 出各 选 种应 用 的 多种 属性 , 利用 粒 子 群算 法 优 化 的支 持 向量 并 机 进 行分类 。
毛 灵, 陈兴蜀 , 吴仲光 , 谭 骏, 杜 敏
( 四川大学 计算机学院, 成都 606 ) 105 摘 要:针对 P P应用提 出了一种采用 D I 2 F 深度流分析的方法, 通过还原会话流, 提取 P P 2 数据流的各种属性
特征 , 用 Gi Sa h 遗传 算 法、 子群算 法三种 不 同算法优 化的 支持 向量机对 网络数 据 流进 行 分类 。通过 实 采 r er 、 d c 粒 验 测试 , P P与非 PP的 多种应 用 中 , 用 支持 向量机进 行设 计 的分类 器分类 准确 率较 高 , 在 9 % 以上 , 在 2 2 使 均 0 最
s架构模型 中服务器 的压力 , 但是 P P应用也存 在很大 的安 全 2 隐患 : 首先 P P应用 占用 了大量 的网络带宽 , 响其他应用 的 2 影
增量学 习就是如何优化 确定一个缩 减样本集 合 D 降
低增量学习时间复杂度。 文献[ 1 0 ] 论证 了 D 眦 中违 背 H . 。 的K K T条 件 的样 本 集 合 D 对 D 影 响 满 足 以 下 定 理 : 定理 1 : 若 D 不 为 空 集 , 则D 中 必 存 在 部 分 或 全
性 能好 、 解 的全局最优性等优势 . 已在 P 2 P网络 流 量 识 别 中 得 到 初 步应 用 。 文献f 7 ~ 8 1 提 出使 用 S V M 机 器 学 习
方法对 P 2 P网络流量进 行识别 ; 文献『 9 1 将小波 理论 与 S V M结合实现对 P 2 P网络流量进行识别
文章编号 : 1 0 0 7 — 1 4 2 3 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 5 — 0 0 0 3 — 0 4 D OI : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 6 . i s s n . 1 0 0 7 — 1 4 2 3 . 2 0 1 4 . 1 5 . 0 0 1
适于 P 2 P 网络 流 量 识 别 的 S VM 快 速 增 量 学 习方 法
应用层签名[  ̄ 3 3 p 2 P流量识别的准确率大为降低
近 年 来 .较 多研 究 人 员 尝试 将 基 于 流 量 统 计 特 征
的机器学习方法引入到 P 2 P流量识别 中 。 其中. 支持
向量机 ( S u p p o  ̄Ve c t o r Ma c h i n e . S VM) 由于 其 具 有 泛 化
增量学习方法。在对违背 K a mS h — K u h n — T u c k e r 条件 的新增正 负样本集分别进行聚类分析基础上 , 运用 聚类簇 中心对
2 共享单车行业的预测目前共享单车行业是一个需要不断投资的行业,资本逐渐汇集到了摩拜单车和ofo共享单车这两家,一线城市基本被这两家企业占据。
2017年中旬,ofo、摩拜两家接连宣布获得巨额E轮融资,使得ofo单车以及摩拜单车这两家企业得到支持继续发展下去,从ofo共享单车和摩拜单车活跃用户规模、新用户、使用频次和时长的稳定增长可以看出ofo 和摩拜两家单车的品牌效应日益凸显,逐渐拉大了与其竞争者的差距,行业领先地位正在进一步扩大,后入者生存空间越来越小。
第36卷 第12期2009年12月计算机科学Computer Science V ol .36No .12Dec 2009到稿日期:2009-03-16 返修日期:2009-06-14 本文受江苏省自然科学基金(BK2008451),国家高科技863项目(2007AA01Z404,2007AA01Z478),南京市高科技项目(2007软资127),江苏省博士创新项目(C X08B -086Z )和南京邮电大学青蓝工程项目(NY206034,NY208011)资助。
吴 敏(1976-),女,博士生,讲师,主要研究方向为P2P 技术、流量检测、分布式计算、计算机密码学、人工智能,E -mail :w umin @nju pt .edu .cn ;王汝传(1943-),男,教授,博士生导师,CCF 会员,主要研究方向为计算机软件理论、移动代理技术、分布式计算和网格计算。
一种基于损失函数的SVM 算法在P 2P 流量检测中的应用吴 敏 王汝传(南京邮电大学计算机科学学院 南京210003)摘 要 P2P 流量逐渐成为互联网流量的重要组成部分,但在对Inte rne t 起巨大推动作用的同时,也带来了因资源过度占用而引起的网络拥塞以及安全隐患等问题,妨碍了网络业务的正常开展。
首先介绍了各种P2P 流量识别方法及其优缺点,然后提出一种基于损失函数机制的支持向量机算法,用于实时P2P 流量检测,并构建了一个基于本算法的检测控制模型。
实验结果显示,该算法更符合P2P 流量的实际检测要求,具有更好的检测精度。
关键词 对等网络,流量检测,损失函数,支持向量机中图法分类号 T P393.08 文献标识码 A Risk Function -based SVM Algorithm and its Application in P 2P -traffic DetectionW U M in W AN G Ru -chuan(Departmen t of Compu ter ,Nanjing University of Pos ts and Telecommunications ,Nanjin g 210003,China )A bstract P2P tr affic has taken g reat po rtio ns in the netwo rk traffic .While having a significant impact o n the Inte rne t ,it bring s se rious problem s such as ne tw o rk congestio n and traffic hindrance caused by the excessive o ccupatio n in the bandw idth .T he pape r fir stly int roduced me tho ds in ide ntify ing P2P traffic and their cha racters ,then put for war ds a Suppo r t Vecto r M achine (SV M )algo rithm based on risk f unction w hich can be used to identify P2P traffic .Finally ,amode l w as set up to fulfill the identifica tion of P2P traffic .Experimental results sho w that the metho d is mo re suitable for pr actical r equirements of tr affic identificatio n and has a mo re accura te precision .Keywords P2P ,T r affic identificatio n ,Risk functio n ,Suppor t vector machine 1 引言随着P2P 网络技术在20世纪90年代后期的兴起,P2P 流量逐渐成为互联网流量的重要组成部分。
关键词:P2P;贝叶斯;网络流量;流量控制;识别器0 引言随着网络技术的迅速发展,P2P技术得到了广泛的应用,其传输优势必将是民航未来网络传输的发展方向。
1 P2P流量综合识别法P2P流量综合识别法是运用端口识别、流量特征和深层数据包检测共同对P2P流量进行分类识别的方法。
在进行识别时,结合数据挖掘技术对P2P 网络流量进行分析,获取P2P流量产生的特征属性集,用这些流量特征集来识别新的P2P流量。
第三,对于仍没有识别出来的网络流量,采用贝叶斯(Naïve Bayes,简记为NB)分类技术来进行识别,识别出具有P2P流量特征的网络流量,并对这些网络流量进行分类标识,未能识别出具体类型的P2P流量放到下一步去识别。
1.基于流记录偏好度的多分类器融合流量识别模型 [J], 董仕;丁伟
2.一种基于多维支持向量机的P2P网络流量识别模型 [J], 杨光;马英瑞
3.基于流量与行为特征的P2P流量识别模型 [J], 邬书跃;余杰;樊晓平
4.基于签名的P2P流量识别模型的设计与实现 [J], 杜江;易鹤声
5.基于支持向量机的P2P流量管理模型设计 [J], 杜经纬
基于支持向量机的P2P流量管理模型设计杜经纬【期刊名称】《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【摘要】Network traffic recognition of P2P is one of the significant problems in P2P research .A classifi‐cation management model based on SVM for P2P is thus proposed for its management .Firstly ,the data is obtained from P2P network traffic;then the obtained sample data is input to the SVM for training ;fi‐nally ,the test sample is input to the SVM to realize its classification .The simulation experiment shows the method in this paper has the high detection rate and low false negative rate .%对P2 P 的网络流量进行识别是P2 P研究领域中的一个重大难题,为了实现对其管理,提出了一种基于支持向量机(SVM )的P2P流量分类管理模型。
首先获取P2P网络流量数据,然后将获取的样本数据输入SVM 并对SVM 进行训练,最后将测试样本数据输入SVM进行P2P流量分类管理。
【总页数】4页(P26-29)【作者】杜经纬【作者单位】运城学院计算机科学与技术系,山西运城044000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393【相关文献】1.基于多分类支持向量机的P2P流量识别模型的设计 [J], 张莉2.一种基于多维支持向量机的P2P网络流量识别模型 [J], 杨光;马英瑞3.基于方差分析和支持向量机技术的P2P流量检测 [J], 吴敏;王汝传4.基于K均值和双支持向量机的P2P流量识别方法 [J], 郭伟;王西闯;肖振久5.基于小波支持向量机的P2P网络流量识别算法 [J], 刘悦;郭拯危因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
%This paper proposes a real time traffic identification algorithm based on based on support vector machine (SVM) and Adaboost algorithm, to solve the accuracy problem in this ifeld. This algorithm could improve the learning ability of SVM by using Adaboost algorithm, thereby improving the performance of the SVM recognizer in real-time trafifc recognition. Simulation results showed that the accuracy of real-timetrafifc identiifcation could be more than 85%by using this algorithm.【期刊名称】《软件》【年(卷),期】2013(000)009【总页数】4页(P61-64)【关键词】计算机应用技术;实时流量识别;SVM;Adaboost;准确率【作者】全良添【作者单位】北京邮电大学网络技术研究院北京市 100876【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP399上个世纪中期以来,信息网络技术给人类社会带来了极大的变化。
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收稿日期:2008-07-07基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(07JJ3120);湖南省科技计划项目(2008GK3085)作者简介:万 力(1963—),女,湖南常德人,副教授,研究方向:计算几何及制图技术(E -mail :panshanrong @ );盘善荣(1978—),男,湖南永州人,馆员,研究方向:网络安全、人工智能。
文章编号:1003-6199(2009)01-0112-04基于SVM 的P 2P 流量识别万 力1,盘善荣2,傅 明3(1.长沙理工大学交通运输工程学院,湖南长沙 410076;2.长沙理工大学设计艺术学院,湖南长沙 410076;3.长沙理工大学计算机与通信工程学院,湖南长沙 410076)摘 要:根据P2P 应用从最初的采用固定的端口号,发展到动态端口,再发展到伪装端口,甚至发展到现在的一些采用加密技术的具有反侦察意识的新型的P2P 应用这样一个变化快的特点,再利用支持向量机分类的本质,提出一种基于SVM 的P2P 流量识别方法。
通过实验证明,该方法具有较高的识别率,对未知协议的P2P 识别精度也很高,说明采用支持向量机技术进行P2P 流量识别的有效性。
关键词:SVM ;P2P ;流量识别中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:AP 2P T raff ic Identif ication B ased on Support V ector MachineWAN Li 1,PAN Shan 2rong 2,FU Ming 3(1.C ommunication and T rans portation Engineering ,Changsha University of S cience and T echnology ,Changsha 410076,China ;2.S chool of Art &Design ,Changsha University of S cience and T echnology ,Changsha 410076,China ;3.C ollege of C om puter and C ommunication Engineering ,Changsha University of S cience and T echnology ,Changsha 410076,China ) Abstract :The paper according to the characteristic of P2P application from fixed port to dynamic ports ,further to counterfeitport ,even some of the encryption technology used with anti -reconnaissance awareness of the new type of peer -to -peer applica 2tion ,then use the essence of SVM classification ,put forward a method of SVM -based P2P Traffic Identification.The experi 2ment showed that the method has a high Identification rate to the protocol of know and unknown p2p ,which showed that a effec 2tiveness in using SVM technology on the identification of P2Ptraffic.K ey w ords :svm ;p2p ;traffic identification1 引 言随着网络的发展,近几年来P2P 的应用已占ISP 业务总量的60%~80%,严重影响了正常的网络业务,甚至引起网络拥塞。
另外由于P2P 应用变化非常快,从最初的采用固定的端口号[1],发展到动态端口,再发展到伪装端口,甚至发展到现在的一些采用加密技术的具有反侦察意识的新型的P2P 应用。
支持向量机(SupportVectorMachine ,SVM )是目前较为流行的适用于小样本训练的大边缘分类器。
P2P 流量识别实质上是一个二分类[4]和多分类的结合问题(模式识别问题),所以利用SVM 来进行P2P 流量识别是现实可行的。
利用支持向量机对二类问题进行分类的本质,通过SVM 分类器将所有网络数据包分为P2P 流和非P2P 流。
在支持向量机二值分类的基础上,再进行多值分类[8],将P2P 流划归为具体属于哪一类协议的P2P 。
第28卷第1期2009年3月计 算 技 术 与 自 动 化Computing Technology and AutomationVol 128,No 11 Mar.20092 支持向量机SVM 是从线性可分的情况下的最优分类面发展而来的。
它主要是针对两类分类问题[9]:a )在高维空间中寻找一个超平面作为两类的分割准则,以保证最小的错误分类率;b )它既可以用于线性可分问题,也可以用于非线性可分问题。
对于非线性问题,SVM 首先通过核函数定义的非线性变换将输入空间变换到一个高维空间,然后再在这个空间内求广义最优分类面。
设有n 个维数为d 的样本,样本类标号为+1或-1,则可表示为(x i ,y i ),x i ∈R d ,y i ∈{+1,-1},i =1,2,…,n(1)如果存在超平面w ・x +b =0使得(w ・x i )+b ≥+1,y i =+1(w ・x i )+b ≤-1,y i =-1(2)]y i [(w ・x i )+b ]≥1,i =1,2,…,n 此时分类间隔为2/‖w ‖,要使间隔最大,等价于使‖w ‖最小或‖w ‖2/2最小。
这样,满足式(2)且使‖w ‖2/2最小的分类面就叫做最优分类面,将过两类样本中离分类面最近的且平行于最优分类面的超平面上的训练样本点称作支持向量。
超平面w ・x +b =0能将两类样本正确区分,并将分类间隔最大的优化问题表示为y i [(w ・x i )+b ]-1≥0,i =1,2,…,n(3)在上式的约束下可求出下式的最小值:φ(w )=12‖w ‖2=12(w ,w )(4)该问题可以转化为其对偶问题:∑n i =1αi y i=0,α≥0,i =1,2,…,n (5)在式(5)的约束下可求出下式的最大值:Q (α)=∑ni =1αi -12∑ni ,j =1αi αj y i y j (x i ・x j )(6)求解出上述各系数对应的最优解α3,w3和b 3后,可得到如下的最优分类函数:f (x )=sgn {(w 3・x )+b 3}= sgn {∑ni =1α3y i(x i・x )+b 3}(7)以上是对线性问题的解决方法。
在上面的对偶问题中,不论是寻优目标函数,还是分类函数,都只涉及训练样本之间的内积运算(x i ・y i )。
根据泛函数的相关理论[7],只要一种核函数K (x i ,y i )满足Mercer 条件,它就对应某一变换空间中的内积。
此时的寻优目标函数可变为Q (α)=∑ni =1αi -12∑ni ,j =1αi αj y i y j K (x i ・x j )(8)而相应的分类函数也变为f (x )=sgn {∑ni =1α3y iK (x i・x )+b 3}(9)选择不同的内积核函数形成不同的算法。
3 基于SVM 的识别模型基于SVM 的P2P 识别模型,如图1所示。
该模型由网络连接信息提取模块构成了事件产生器;由数据预处理模块、SVM 训练模块、SVM 支持向量库模块、SVM 多值分类模块四个模块共同构成了事件分析器。
从网络连接信息提取模块中得到的网络数据流中分析出网络连接记录,并提取出每条网络连接的特征信息;将网络连接的特征信息[3]由数据预处理模块进行数据预处理,得到SVM 的输入向量形式;如果处于SVM 训练状态,则训练SVM ,并将训练后的结果,即若干个支持向量存入SVM 支持向量库。
由网络连接信息提取模块得到的网络连接记录包括了网络连接记录的特征信息,这些信息格式复杂,既有文字描述信息,如协议名称等,也有数值信息,且这些数值有的变化范围较大,如连接时间信息理311第28卷第1期万 力等:基于SVM 的P2P 流量识别论上可能的取值范围为一切非负整数,而另一些仅有0和1两个值。
该模块必须将所有的特征信息预处理成0~1之间的实数,然后进行加权处理或直接作为SVM 的输入向量。
(3)SVM 训练模块。
经训练之后将得到一组支持向量并存入SVM 支持向量库,这组支持向量也就是训练后得到的模型。
(4)SVM 支持向量库(数据库)。
该模块用于存放SVM 训练模块训练后得到的支持向量组。
(5)SVM 多值分类模块。
以上模块利用的是SVM 的二值分类功能,本模块是处理多类问题,在这构造SVM 多值分类器采用的是间接法中的一对一法(one -versus -one ,简称1-v -1,SVMs )。