












































起点 李甲
每当分析李甲时,课堂上针尖对麦芒的热 烈,一半是理解一半是痛恨的严阵对垒, 固然令人热情奔涌,但之后,却无奈地陷 入了另一种尴尬,你不得不用“虽然…… 但是……”这样一种各打50大板的暧昧句 式来草草了结刚才那场“江湖纷争” 。
a.张三生活得很幸福 张三生活得很幸福 b.张三已经很老了 张三已经很老了
如果故事只有门第和礼法一个底线…… 如果故事只有门第和礼法一个底线 门第和礼法一个底线 目前的叙事结构(门第和礼法站在暗处, 目前的叙事结构(门第和礼法站在暗处, 叙事结构 金钱困惑挡在明处) 金钱困惑挡在明处) 比较一下,哪一种叙事 结构会让更广泛的读者 对李甲抱有不假思索 对李甲抱有不假思索的 不假思索的 鄙夷和愤恨呢?
我国明代, 我国明代,正是商品经济兴起和繁 荣的时期, 荣的时期,专门用于商品生产和交 换的手工工场已初具规模。 换的手工工场已初具规模。随着商 品经济的迅速发展,金钱和利益在 品经济的迅速发展, 社会生活中的地位日益提高, 社会生活中的地位日益提高,传统 的价值观念受到严重挑战, 的价值观念受到严重挑战,根深蒂 固的封建门第终于在金钱和利益面 前开始动摇, 前开始动摇,人与人之间的关系已 经由宗法伦理向利益驱动转变。这 经由宗法伦理向利益驱动转变。 篇小说写在那个时代, 篇小说写在那个时代,又是写人情 世态, 世态,自然角角落落都透着当时的 社会气息。 社会气息。
李甲放弃十娘, 李甲放弃十娘, 是因为怕过不了父亲这 一关, 这才是最根本的。 一关 , 这才是最根本的 。 虽然李布政在故事 中并没有明码标价, 中并没有明码标价 , 但他的影响力却不可小 如同《 大红灯笼高高挂》 觑 , 如同 《 大红灯笼高高挂 》 中没有拍正脸 儿的老爷, 这个影子似的人物不只是他自己, 儿的老爷 , 这个影子似的人物不只是他自己 , 更是代表了许多“ 老布政” 的心声, 更是代表了许多 “ 老布政 ” 的心声 , 他们站 在一起,铸成了一道礼法和门第的围墙。 在一起,铸成了一道礼法和门第的围墙。
































作用: 作用:
1,烘托她们美好高贵的品质; ,烘托她们美好高贵的品质; 2,营造强烈的悲剧氛围,激起懦弱的李甲的悔恨和读 ,营造强烈的悲剧氛围, 者的同情,对扼杀这些美好形象的封建制度的谴责。 者的同情,对扼杀这些美好形象的封建制度的谴责。

善良刚烈的个性美 智勇双备的智慧美 至真至纯的爱情美 震撼人心的悲剧美
鲁迅说过: 鲁迅说过:“悲 剧是将人生有价值 的东西毁灭给人看” 的东西毁灭给人看”
四 拓展: 在你所学过的课文和 阅读过的中外文学作品 中,哪些女性形象给了悲 剧美的震撼?
《 不 见 复 关 , 泣 涕 涟 涟 诗 经 氓 》 中 的 女 主 人 公
揽 裙 脱 丝 , 举 身 赴 清 池 。 履
冯梦龙,字犹龙、耳龙; 冯梦龙,字犹龙、耳龙; 墨憨斋主人” 号“墨憨斋主人”,别号 龙子犹” 江苏苏州人, “龙子犹”。江苏苏州人, 明代著名文学家、戏曲家。 明代著名文学家、戏曲家。 与兄冯梦桂、弟冯梦熊、 与兄冯梦桂、弟冯梦熊、 并称“吴下三冯” 并称“吴下三冯”。
“三言” 是指冯梦龙的《警世通言》、《醒 三言” 是指冯梦龙的《警世通言》 世恒言》 喻世明言》 是宋元明“话本” 世恒言》、《喻世明言》,是宋元明“话本”和 拟话本”的总集, “拟话本”的总集,称为拟话本小说 作者编辑“三言”的目的,在于警诫、唤醒、 作者编辑“三言”的目的,在于警诫、唤醒、 劝谕世人,有明确的社会功能。 劝谕世人,有明确的社会功能。 主要内容: 主要内容: 描写妇女追求幸福爱情 揭露统治集团内部的斗争 赞颂友谊, 赞颂友谊,谴责背信弃义的行为 “三言”与明凌蒙初的《初刻拍案惊奇》《二刻拍 》《二刻拍 三言”与明凌蒙初的《初刻拍案惊奇》《 案惊奇》合称“三言二拍” 案惊奇》合称“三言二拍”。



搞笑英语话剧之西游记篇人物:唐僧八戒悟空白骨精原型女白骨精变形1 白骨精变形2 白骨精原型男女儿国国王hope you guys enjoy it!改编作者杜宛芸成医学子唐: Wow…boys! This place looks beautiful. Where we are now? Does any one of you know something about it?众徒弟们摇头,除了八戒在看书。

唐: 八戒, give me the map(不回头,懒洋洋的问)唐:八戒,Give the map to me!(严肃的问)唐:哼!(唐生气地叫)pig ,Give the map……..(转过身看到八戒在看书)唐:(很吃惊) wow!八戒,very good ! I hardly see you study! . What kind of book are you reading? Is it about Chinese or English?八戒依旧看书,不理睬。

唐:(凑过去)let me have a look !八戒才注意,赶忙藏书。


发现是封面女郎很惹火,眼神立刻变得温柔,接过书开始看唐:yo….xi…..(流口水,八戒看到,拿出卫生纸给唐僧擦,唐僧回过神来)唐:(转身训斥八戒)how many times have I told you?You are not supposed to read books about beautiful girls! I will keep it for you until we finish the journey …..(唐僧将画册掖到衣服里)八戒:But…..,why? boss, why can’t we think about girls? I just don’t understand…唐:(叹气)哎,how many times have I told you?,This is because…oh 悟空dance to my song !(开始唱歌,Jackson的dangeous,悟空伴舞)八戒:ok boss,I will listen to you!(无辜地表情)唐:悟空,I am hungry.Go and get me some food…(四处看看).where is 沙僧?, 悟空:he is feeding the horse . boss I‘ll find some food and be back soon,唐:ok….(悟空走了唐看见八戒还在这,正经地对八戒说) hey 八戒I need to take a good rest . get out of here !give me some private space!(八戒走后唐僧就偷袭着自言自语到眉毛上抬使坏样):嘿嘿its time to call my little honey king of the girl country唐:hi..sweetie how are you doing?(不解释….)女:I am fine ,but I miss you very much ,after you left, I just can not stop recalling the days when we were together. 哼!you seldom give me a call。





































































英语话剧剧本 美人计

英语话剧剧本 美人计

CHARACTERS OF THE PLAYDiao-chan貂婵Adopted daughter of Wang-yun, a very beautifullady.Wang-yun王允Prime Minister of Han Dynasty, a mercy official.Lyu-bu吕布Adopted son of Dong-zhou, one of the greatest fighters during the time.Dong-zhou董卓A cruel, brutal, and powerful courtier controllingSoldierservantStoryteller[五位演员一起登场,一位讲解员进行介绍.]Hello, everybody here. This is a story about Diao-chan.Now I want to introduce all the characters for you.The first role is Diao-chan, the female hero in this play.This is Wang-yun, Diao-chan’s father. And our lovely soldier.A brutish man, Dong-zhuo. The last is the greatest fighterin ourstory, Lyu-bu, General Lyu.Now let’s begin our story.Storyteller: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,now come along and enjoy their show. Today I’m going to tell you a story-- A story about Diao-chan, a marvelous beauty; a story about love; a story about hate, and a story about loyalty and betrayal. [说到这里,幕已全开。



Drama: Lady Du Angrily Sinks her Treasure-Chest主要人物介绍Du shiniang :I am Du shiniang,the most favorite courtesan in the cityLi Jia:I am Li Jia,a visiting student. My father sent me here in the hope that I would study hard to pass the national exam and be an official老鸨:I am the landlady of 万花楼,all the girls here call me Mom.孙富:My name is Sun Fu,I am a rich playboy.旁白(交代背景):During the Song Dynasty, the capital assumed an appearance of peace and prosperity. Business of brothels was brisk. 万花楼Brothel did the best because of its star courtesan Du Shiniang, who was a born beauty and talented in music and dancing,ACT ONE: LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT老鸨:Attention!Attention!everybody open your eyes and clap your hands,prepare yourself for an heart attack, here comes our beauty queen!she is the fairy from the heaven, she is the dream of every man!lets invite—— Lady Du!!!(众宾客齐声哟喊:十娘、十娘、十娘……音乐nobody起杜十娘起舞)旁白:amidst the music and applaud,杜十娘found a handsome young man staring at her,and when their eyesight clashes,they both felt an electricity running through their heart——they fell in love at the first sight.(音乐我心永恒李甲与杜十娘真情告白)李甲:sweetheart,I’ve never had this feeling before. Every time you look into my eyes, my heart is burning with joy.杜十娘:I have this feeling too!when you hold my hand(李甲连忙抓住十娘的手),I feel like the happiest woman in the world!Y ou make my life complete.李甲:without you, I’m nothing!(十娘连忙把食指竖在李甲的唇上说……)杜十娘:no,I won’t leave you!we belong together!nothing can separate us apart!(拥抱)ACT TWO EBRACING FREEDOM旁白:After living together in the brothel like husband and wife for more than one year,李甲had little money to carry on a comfortable life with his lover anymore. what’s worse,Li Jia’s father, who objected his son marrying a prostitute, had cut off his income. At the same time,the landlady began to look down on Li Jia and try to dismiss him away as he had affected her business.老鸨:(音乐起二泉映月)God! My life is so miserable!How can I bring up a daughter like you?Y ou are so ungrateful,you think of nothing but your own happiness!What spell had Li Jia put on you? Y ou foolish girl, he is a beggar! A loser!杜十娘:He is not a loser! He is a real man!老鸨:(哼!) If you really want a life with him,then,leave!杜十娘:are you sure? Y ou will let me go?老鸨:as long as that son of bitch can take out money.杜十娘:ok! How much do you want?老鸨:“I would have asked for 50 thousand dollars. Well for him, I guess I can only expect 10 thousand. However, he must pay in cash in three days. (转身对观众内心独白:哈哈哈…Li Jia has run out of money, let’s wait and see!)杜十娘:3 days is impossible,give me 10 days.老鸨:OK! But listen, if he can’t pay the money in 10 days, (叫喊)I will sweep him out of my door. And you, you must go back to work!杜十娘:won’t you regret?老鸨:I mean what I say!(击掌立约)旁白:As the landlady left, the couple hugged each other closely, happy at the thought that in 10 days they would be free. With great difficulty, Li Jia and Du Shiniang managed to get the money. With much reluctance and as much regret, the madam saw the two out of 万花楼. (李甲把钱递给老鸨与十娘说笑走出万花楼音乐起夫妻双双把家还)ACT THREE Lady Du Angrily Sinks her T reasure-Chest旁白+哑剧:The couples rent a boat and set out their journey back home. Du Shiniang could not help singing happily on the boat.(音乐起明月几时有十娘唱) On another boat nearby was a wealthy playboy named Sun Fu. Du Shiniang’s sweet voice caught his attention.(孙富色寻着歌声看到了十娘)He had never seen such a beauty in his life. He wanted her for himself.(孙富色咪咪地望着十娘花痴状)Sun Fu managed to invite Li Jia to a pub,(李甲与孙富饮酒攀谈)there,he successfully talked Li Jia into sell Du Shiniang to him for 50 thousand dollars. When Du Shiniang got the news, she tried remain silent though greatly shocked and heartbroken.(哑剧李甲对杜十娘说了些话杜十娘做沉默痛苦状音乐起囚鸟). The next morning, she carefullydid her hair and makeup, then went with Li Jia to Sun Fu who had been waiting for the transaction, carrying a box which was previously hidden.(李甲和十娘如约来到船上,孙富站在船头左右张望,来回踱步)孙富:you finally come!(上前拉住杜十娘就要走)杜十娘:Wait a minute, I have some words to Li Jia.(走向李甲) 李郎, do you still remember this box? Y ou liar, I will tell you the truth today…(打开宝箱金光璀璨一片哗然)look!Pearls!So many precious pearls!These can buy us a grand house!(把珍珠扔到水里李甲目瞪口呆试图阻拦) And what are these?Jade!such priceless jade even the emperor can’t find! What a pity!I don’t want them anymore, as my soul mate has betrayed me!(抓一把宝贝扔水里李甲大喊no)李甲:No!十娘!forgive me!Its my fault,I shouldn’t have done those to you!Why didn’t you tell me earlier you are so rich?(音乐起滚滚红尘)杜十娘:I hid my wealth in the suitcase just to see if you loved me truly. I meant to use it when we start our family. How you disappointed me! (十娘开始疯癫)wow! Look at this! It’s a pure gold brick! This can buy a dozen of shiniang!(走向船头) you jerk!liar!you heartless beast!Y ou cheated my feeling and ruin my life!you care about nothing except money!(扔…)李甲:I beg you!please!come here, baby!let’s get back together!we start all over again!杜十娘:(走向孙富)you son of bitch! Do you really think money so powerful that can buy my heart? Y ou’re dreaming! (开始哭泣) but I thank you…thank you for letting me see his real face (猛地指向李甲且步步逼近)yes,I know I am a prostitute,I know …I should have known I was asking too much…Only a few coaxing words and you sold me to someone you don’t even know! Do you still remember our pledges!(李甲大喊I am sorry!)I am sorry that you cannot tell from right and wrong. it is you who betrayed me!My grief has no end in this life, lets see each other in the next!(沉宝箱跳水自杀)谢幕。



英语情景剧剧本范文初中传统文化The sun had just begun to set over the ancient village nestled in the rolling hills when the sound of laughter and chatter filled the air. It was the day of the annual Mid-Autumn Festival, and the entire community had gathered to celebrate this cherished tradition.Among the excited crowd were a group of middle school students, their eyes shining with anticipation. They were members of the school's drama club, and tonight they would be performing a special play to honor the rich cultural heritage of their hometown.The play's director, a passionate young teacher named Ms. Wang, had spent weeks carefully crafting the script, drawing inspiration from the legends and customs that had been passed down through generations. She wanted to create a piece that would not only entertain the audience but also instill a deeper appreciation for the traditions that had shaped their community.As the performers took their places on the makeshift stage, the villagers settled in, eager to witness the unfolding of the story. Theplay began with a young girl named Mei-Ling, who was struggling to understand the significance of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Her grandmother, a wise and gentle woman, decided to share the history and symbolism behind this beloved celebration.Mei-Ling listened intently as her grandmother spoke of the ancient tale of Chang'e, the beautiful moon goddess who was forced to live in solitude on the moon after consuming an immortality elixir. The grandmother explained how the moon had become a symbol of reunion and family, as the Mid-Autumn Festival was a time for loved ones to gather and enjoy the harvest moon together.As the story unfolded, the audience was transported to the mythical realm of the moon, where they witnessed the heartbreaking separation of Chang'e and her beloved husband, Hou Yi. The young actors skillfully portrayed the emotions of longing and sorrow, captivating the audience with their heartfelt performances.But the play did not end on a somber note. Instead, it celebrated the resilience and ingenuity of the Chinese people, who had found ways to honor Chang'e and keep her memory alive through the traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival.The students showcased the vibrant customs of the holiday, from the making of delicate mooncakes to the lighting of colorful lanterns.They even incorporated traditional Chinese music and dance, infusing the performance with a rich cultural tapestry.As the play reached its climax, the audience erupted in applause, their faces alight with joy and pride. The young actors beamed with accomplishment, knowing that they had not only entertained but also educated their community about the enduring value of their cultural heritage.In the aftermath of the performance, the villagers gathered to share a feast of mooncakes and tea, their laughter and conversation mingling with the soft glow of the harvest moon. It was a moment of unity and celebration, a testament to the power of storytelling to bridge the past and the present, and to inspire a deeper appreciation for the traditions that define a community.For the students of the drama club, this experience had been transformative. They had not only honed their acting skills but had also gained a newfound respect for the rich tapestry of their cultural legacy. They knew that their performance had not only entertained but had also played a role in preserving and passing on the traditions that had shaped their community for generations.As the night drew to a close and the villagers began to disperse, the students lingered, their hearts filled with a sense of accomplishmentand purpose. They knew that their work was not done, that there were countless other stories waiting to be told, countless other traditions waiting to be celebrated. And they were ready to take on the challenge, to continue to be the guardians of their cultural heritage, and to inspire others to do the same.。

























《新窦娥冤》第一幕Aside: it was one night on April in 2010. the palace hall of the Hell was brightly-lit, the king of terrors,Yan,was playing his mobile phone in front of the desk .it has been hundreds of years since edou died, the poor woman whowas treated unjustly to death penalty. Now it’s in the 21st , greatdevelopment has taken place, even the hell changed a lot, decoratedwith electric equipment. Equiped with PC,TV etc. don’t look that scary Yan:though it’s 21st, the medical treatment has improved a lot, the people died from illness are getting less and less, but I still control the death of the humans , only because I’m the king of the Hell(嚣张狂笑),howgreat I am! Right?Aside: after finishing his words, no ghosts replied him. Look around ,there is nobody at all, Yan is kind of angry, shouted for magistrateYan: any ghost? No ghost !? where have they gone? PanAside: Pan is just the magistratePan: (hurried to Yan) Ooo, your majesty, I’m coming! My dearest greatest KAWAYIest majesty, what can I do for you?Yan: (angry) Pan, you must have been playing on QQ ,en?Pan: Oh! no no no, I was wronged, I was even more wronged than Doue! O, by the way, did you remember doue? You must have forgot, afterall you have been thousands of years old, mmemories are not reliable, let metell you(语速变快,还想继续说,岔开话题)Yan:(打断)how can I forget Doue? The poor woman who was treated unjustly even died.Pan: (接话)oh, you still remember that!Yan: don’t attempt to change the topic. You didn’t surf the Internet? Where are others?Pan: o, my majesty, for it’s 17th April.Yan: (不耐烦)So what? 17th April is not April Fool’s Day.Pan: it’s the sports meeting in BHSF! In addition, it’s weekend today, so all the ghosts has gone to BHSF to watch the matches. I just came back from there, let me tell you, at the first glance I just saw a wave of red,really beautiful.Yan:red?Pan: yes, let me think…right, that’s class 4 grade 1 cheering for the players…Aside: ”before pan finish his words, they hear someone pounding the door, crying, ”I’””Yan: who’Pan: theyYan: (怒)so you instead!Aside:the ghost still crying outside, which sounds really scary Pan has to open the door and let him inPan: (不耐烦Tao: oh, sir, it’s me, I’m wronged! I’m wronged!Pan: enough! Shut up and follow me.Aside: tao followed pan to the palace hall, Pan stands beside Yan, tao kneel down in front of them.Yan: you were just the ghost crying outside? Who are you?Tao: My majesty, I’am Tao. I have injusticeYan: Tao? (turn to Pan)do you know him?Pan: (拱手)my majesty, he is just the officer who have treated Doue unjustly. Yan: I see, stand up,TaoTao: thank you,my majesty,I’Yan:’s your injustice? Tao: I’递给阎王,阎王诵读)Pan:how poor I am! Both of Wuchang are not in , I’m nearly a assistant Tao:my majesty, after several 轮回,doue has become a public prosecutor.She still can’t forgive me, and use her power to beat back, to make me Lost all my reputation, finally send me a bullet which went though myhead. Look at my handsome beautiful lovely face was all destroyed Pan: my majesty, doue is wronged, during her several lives, she’s always a kind honest person,you can’t believe him easilyYan: fetch me the 功德簿,let my check it myself(判官递上功德簿,阎王边看边点头)en,doue is really a kind person.Tao: my majesty, Pan and doue get along with each other well, he’ll sure stand by her!Pan: wanton! You have treated doue unjustly hundreds years ago, now you want to frame her!?Yan: enough, pan, I ask you to go to the man’s world right now, bring doue’s soul herePan: yes, my majesty(转身,无奈) Ai, still my work, it’s my holiday today! But I have to run for Yan, what’s more, without salary!第二幕Aside:pan come to the man’s world and find douePan: (高兴)douedoue!my dear doue? Do you remembered me?Dou:you? Oh, you are the Panguan!Pan: yes, that’s who I am, long time no seeDou: yes, for hundreds of years, you are still so short, haha, BTW(突然严肃)why you for me? Which means, I have diedOMG, I died? Asecond time? Oh no~ just live for several years, I even don’t have anyBF,no, I don’t wanna diePan: cool down! You haven’t died. Yanwang want to have a talk with you, Taowant to slander youDou: oh, the hateful tao, what does he regard me as? Let’s go, right now! Aside: pan and Dou take the directexpress hurried to the palace hall of the hell第三幕Aside:as dou and pan are on their way, there were only yan and tao in the hall, yan looks like thinking of sthYan: tao, answer me honestly, what did you do in man’s world?Tao: I’m a section chiefYao: how is your impression of othersTao: oh, they all said I was a good chief, I’m hardworking kind clever. They also said I’m handsome fair helpful…Yan: enough! I can’t stand…Tao: oh my majesty, please don’t be angry, I have sth private to tell you…(上前一步,塞了一个红包)Yan: what’s this?Tao: it’s dollor.Yan: I;m not going abroad, it’s no use to meTao: it doesn’t matter, I also has RMB…Yan: wanton! You are bribing me!Aside: tao want to say sth, at the moment pan comes back with DoueYan: are you doue?Dou: yes, my majesty. It was also my name hundreds years ago.Yan: what do you do ?Dou: public prosecutorYan: I heard about that in nowadays ,the public prosecutor just stand by the one who gives him more money, is that true?Dou: that’s impossible!Yan: and why tao sue you?Dou: he has problems himselfYan: what are his problems?Dou: he has problems in his mindYan: say it .Dou: as long as he meets a beauty his eye will become green and his mouth will begin slaveringPan: 色狼!Dou: he said, the only destination of being a officer is to earn moneyPan: miserDou: he sail, if he has power, no matter big or small, should be make use of getting moneyPan: corruptionTao: (急了,瞪窦娥)how could you say that? You have no evidence!Dou:(瞪回去)of course I have. Both videos and records, do you want to havea look(tao立刻闭嘴)Yan: what else have he done?Dou: my majesty, he lied about disaster to the government ,and came into possession of the money used for helping poor people . What’s more ,not long ago ,he built a building which actually is a “豆腐渣” ,and it broke down as soon as it was finished ,with a lot of people died .Tao : Oh ,you !You are the last person I want to see in the world !I will remember you by heart whenever I died .Dou : Hengheng ,Tao , you deserve itYan : Oh ,Tao ,what a bad person you are !You should die ! Doue is right ! asidei :After listening to Doue’s words ,Yanwang got very angry ,at that moment ,Doue stood by Panguan ,Tao was too afraid to move at thecenter of the palace .The whole palace suddenly becamequiet ,because everybody knew ,it was the time for the finaljudgement .Tao listens : Through investigation ,there is convincing evidence for your guilt ,according to the law of Hades(地府) ,you will be sent to theeighteen underworld ,never manage to escape . The final judgementwill be carried out at once ,if you defy it ---if you defy it ,it’s ineffective ! Pan,Dou To Yan) : How wise you are !Yan : Are you pleased to the result ?Dou : Daren ,a few hundred years ago ,Tao is a bad office-holder ,who made the people in poor living .This time ,he finally got what he deserved .Iam very pleased to the result !Yan: (nod and smile) : Doue ,considering that you are always thinking for the people .and your goodness shines through ,I decide to give youanother 500 life .Pan(clap) : Oh ,that’s so great .Doue ,you can sta y longer in the world ,give the people better service .It’s long time for you to come into Ha des , you should go back ,hurryup ,follow me !Yan : My dear Doue ,good-bye~~~Doue : Bye-bye.Yan (suddenly remember something) : Wait for a moment !Panguang !Panguan !Ask “黑白无常” to come back ,it’stheir time on duty today ! (run after them)asidei : The bad office-holder Tao got what he deserved ,and Doue returned to world to judge cases fair and square as usual .The story whichbegan a few hundred years ago now had a happy ending !。





Je m'appelle Lijia.Je suis en train de préparer l'examen national.Mais ,au vrai dire,c'est une période très dure. Je m'ennuie de réciter. Il n'y a que de réciter! Je me suis fermé dans la cabane pendant un mois. Je suis si fatigué que je veux prendre un repos . V oilà la maison de tolérance.Mon type m'a dit que c'est le paradis pour s'amuser.老鸨:哎呦,这位公子,许久不来,可把姑娘们想死了,快快进来。

Ha!Mon seigneur,il y a longtemps que vous ne vennez pas.V ous nous manquez beaucoup, surtout aux filles!Soyez bienvenu!李甲:我。


Mais,mama, je viens ici pour la première fois. Comment vous me connaissez?老鸨:Ô! C'est ça.Il n'est pas étonnant que je n'ai jamais vu tel beau garçon comme me on dit que la première fois étrangère ,c'est pour se connaître la deuxième fois.Je vous assure de vous présenter la mailleure fille .Alors, quelle sorte de fille vous plaira?李甲:Je···je···je ne sais pas .老鸨:Ha ,vous avez encore l'air timide. Quel mignon!Les filles,venez accuiller le seignuer Lijia!李甲:别,别。















) 不,我不能回去。










杜十娘怒沉百宝箱 罗密欧与朱丽叶

杜十娘怒沉百宝箱  罗密欧与朱丽叶

Unrestrained youth and overflowing feelings, is the usual performance of the Shakespeare's early works of comedies. But this pure love is opposed to the traditional social values. ​ Their deaths, showing the great power of love.
The resistance of love in the traditional Chinese concept is often due to the feudal system. But in the Western countries, it is more often due to more emphasis on a single concrete fact. Western notions of love tend to open, free. But the traditional Chinese concept of love is subtle, restrained, deep.
In a few years of authoritarian society, the men control the absolute sovereignty. Their above the women everywhere in thought, action, physiological, value and status. This unhealthy view let the men look the woman as a plaything, a private matert first sight is very common in the Western countries. But in the traditional Chinese concept of love, it is more common that their love develop little by little until sexual gratification.



武林外传29集英语剧本第一篇:武林外传29集英语剧本This is a part from ,in Chinese ,called 《武林外传》。

In this part ,姬,who is a Offenders ,escape from the Prison ,and return to The Tongfu hotel to revenge!However, he can’t remember who he is ,in other words he forgets everything that once happened in the hotel.Being frightened, the people in the hotel decide to run away, and our story begins!秀才:大家好,欢迎收看同福客栈知识竞答,准备好了么Hello, everyone, welcome to T ongfu Hotle’s know ledge Q and AR u ready? 小贝: yes 秀才:好,请选择格物致知的始作俑者,一朱熹、二、王阳明、三、王重阳、四、王沪生Ok, please choose the fonder of “gewuzhizhi”.No.1 zhuxi no.2 wangyangming no.3 wangchongyang no.4wanghusheng 白:王沪生谁呀?Who is wanghusheng? 秀才:答案不够现凑的。

Just as a stopgap请选择Please choose小贝:额、我想向场外求助Eh , I need help 秀才:好的,向谁呢?Ok, to who? 小贝:我的亲友团 My realationships.众人:yeah 小贝:就你好了You, please.白:啊呀。

Ah ? ya 秀才:好的,时间三十秒。

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而李甲则正打算将十娘带回家去拜见双亲,两人约好傍晚在渡头相见…Nanjing governor's son lijia married a courtesan in beijing called dushiniang.Dushiniang lost herself deeply in the reveries of happiness and excitement,imagining that she could finally get away from the miserable life of prostitution, and could no longer be treated only as a moneyma ker by the acrid bustard.Though some passtionate nobles are willing to be reduced to poverty and ruin, to earn the love of Dushiniang,no one could get it.However,DUshiniang and Lijia fell in love at their first sight,making an appointment that they will be toghter till the end of their life.At that moment,they were inseparable just like a person and his shadow.So Lijia decided to take Dushiniang home to pay a formal visit to his parents,for that reason,they promised to meet at the dock in the evening.李:娘子!(分别在渡口的两旁,相互跑去)Shiniang!(on both sides of the ferry,running mutually)杜:李郎!Li!(音乐响起:千年等一回,跳舞)船夫:开船了!The ship is sailing!李:时间不早了,我们上船吧!It is getting late,let's go on board!(走上船去)孙:等等我!(背着行囊急忙跑上,看到十娘后,露出..眼神)Wait for me !wait for me!旁白:这人便是京城的大盐商,富甲天下,因垂涎十娘的美色而来。


见到李甲在船头便等待机会与其结交…This person is the salt businessman who has lots of money,he came here for the beauty of dushiniang.and this time,he want to own dushiniang personally.so he's waiting the chance to meet lijia and get acquainted with him.第二幕李:(吟诗)天生我才必有用,有钱难买爷高兴!哈哈!(饮酒)I am born to be useful,even the money could not make me happy孙:(向前搭讪)兄台,何时如此高兴?Hey ,my friend,what makes you so happy?李:随意消遣而已。


(二人对坐于船头)Just some entertainment,it is our fate to meet here, sit down,please.不知兄台贵姓?Do you mind telling me your name?孙:我姓孙名富,孙富的孙,孙富的富。


My name is Sunmingfu,I am a businessman who sells salt and have some family possessions ,but that has nothing to speak of.李:失敬。


从此,他耕田来她织布,她挑水来她浇园…Nice to meet you,Mr Sun.I am Lijia,I am going to take my wife home to see my parents,thus,we can live a happy life .孙:刚才那个莎莎就是尊夫人阿!So the prettty lady next to you is your wife?李:哪里哪里,也就仅次于芙蓉姐姐巴!yeah.孙:如果我没看错,那应该是轰动武林惊动万教的花魁杜十娘巴。

I am sorry,but I suppose that she is the most popular courtesan Dushiniang,isn't she?(李甲不语,提杯饮酒)孙:阿,老弟,别害羞么,这又不丢人。

不过,你的父母肯接受她么?Hey,buddy,don't be so depressed,It is not a shame.but are your parents willing to accept her?李:这…Err`````i am not sure.旁白:李甲不禁心头一振。

原来,在数日之前,李甲的父母知道儿子要带十娘回家,就派李甲的书童来带话给李甲,“倘若带回此女,莫要再进家门!”这让李甲不知如何是好,于是闭目不愿再想...(孙富步步紧逼)It struck lijia that his parent seemed not willing to accept dushiniang. Several days ago, his parents knew that he was going to take shiniang home,so they sent his priv ate school boy in advance,claiming that if he would do so,he should get away from the family forever.lijia did not know what to do to deal with it,so he closed his ey es,avoided thinking these things.孙:哎!虽说爱情可贵,可要因此忤逆父母,甚至有家归不得,真的值得么!!Love is precious,but is it really worthy to do so in the sacrifice of losing your family?(李无法在压抑心中的苦闷,吼道)李:我该怎么办?Oh!what should I do?孙:见兄弟如此惆怅,我也于心不忍。

我这倒有一计,不知当讲不当讲…I am really sorry that you are so frustrated, I have a good idea,but````i don not know whether i could say it out.李:但说无妨,快快清讲.Just tell me,please.(孙故作矫情,欲言又止)孙:这个…Err```李:说吧,帮兄弟一把。

Please , help me!孙:那个就是(贴近耳边,小声说)把她转给我。

The idea is that gave her to me(李听后拍桌而起,表情诧异)李:什么?转给你?(苦笑)兄台莫要开我的玩笑…What?to you?are you kidding?孙:我是生意人,不会书生那一套,爽快点,我向你买了她!I am only a businessman,not like e on,I will pay enough money to you.李:小弟不胜酒力,不能再喝了,就此告辞。

i think i am a little drunk and can't drink any more,by e.(急忙向船舱走去)孙:李兄,如果你要在被赶出家门,成为一支丧家之犬后,才后悔就来不及了。

Mr. Li,it is late for you to regret when you are drove away from your family ,just like a begging dog.(李顿然止步,孙见状又上前劝说)孙:只要曾经拥有,又何必在乎天长地久呢?十娘若跟我再在一起,我不会亏待她的.As long as you have ever owned her,why must you care about whether you can be with her forever?i will treated her well if she is with me.李:(发出撕心裂肺的吼声)阿!(蹲下挠头)Aaaaaaaa孙:好了,一千两(一百千克)黄金买了你的妻子,如何?Well,one hundred kilograms of gold,is it enough?李:钱钱钱,钱钱…你眼里除了钱还有什么,一千两黄…(回过神来)黄金!一千两!Oh,my god !我的耳朵,你还在正常工作么?(掰指头)Money ,money,what else do you have in your eyes except money? Wait```one hundred kilograms ofgold```gold!one hundred kilograms!oh,my god!are there some problems with my ears?(李心中不禁憧憬着未来,露出喜色,“我赚钱了”彩铃响起)李:有了这一千两,我该怎么花呢,这是个问题,值得思考一下。
